The Club

Por Spirit_5758

382 32 2

New school. New town. What could go wrong? Well, apparently a lot could go wrong when you're the new girl st... Más

Twenty- Nine
Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six
Thirty- Seven
Thirty- Eight
Thirty- Nine
Forty- One
Forty- Two
Forty- Three
Forty- Four


14 1 0
Por Spirit_5758

"Who is your son?" I ask annoyed by this question that he keeps asking me.

"Is that your last question for me, Lonnie?" He asks knowingly.

"No-I-I just-" I stammered before he interrupted me with, "Don't worry Lonnie, you will meet him soon if you haven't already. Oh, and another thing Lonnie I've decided to make a grand entrance. So expect me on opening night of your play."

My eyes widen as he mentioned my play as I've told no one of that, not even my friends. The only one who knows about it is the drama club, and-and Grimshaw. I glance over at him as he could be Mr. Dubuik's son? I open my mouth to ask but shut it as I realized that he's not supposed to be in here for the phone conversation. This is so confusing, and I don't understand how he knew about my play. Someone told him about it and the only one I can think of is Grimshaw because he's the only other person who isn't in the drama club who found out.

"I'll take your stun silence as excitement." He spoke up snapping me out of my obvious shock.

"Who told you?" I ask quickly.

"My son of course." He answers with a laugh.

"Who is your son," I ask again more urgently.

"You will meet him sooner or later unless you already have and just don't know it." He tells me a matter of fact.

"I-" I try to argue back but he interrupted me by saying, "Well, Lonnie I'll love to continue our chat but I have some things I have to take care of. I'll see you at opening night."

"Wait! You didn't-" I start but he already hung up which made me annoyed and angry.

I moved my phone away from my ear staring at it as I feel like that phone call was pointless. Well, I guess now I know when he will be coming to kill me. Of course, he would come on opening night. It's just going to make me more nervous about that night, and he's going to make it worse. I hate this school so much. Nothing good has happened since I started at this school, it was only bad things right after the other. I need to get out of here, but how can I now that my mother is gone?

"What did he say? When is he coming?" Hector spoke up first.

"Opening night of my play," I answered softly.

"There's a play happening this year?" Moxie asks confused.

"I thought Pilcher will forever have writer's block," Hector says sounding confused as well.

"Well, he doesn't and there's going to be a play. He found out by his son, and the only one I know who knows about my play besides my drama club is Grimshaw." I told them as I look over at him who's been quiet this whole time.

"Grimshaw? You think he told Dubuik?" Hector asks pointing at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Who else could've it been?" I ask snapping towards him.

"Dubuik's son?" Moxie asks in a duh tone.

"Wouldn't that be Grimshaw?" I ask looking around the room which went silent.

I accused him because it's the only thing that makes sense. He found out about my play, and now Mr. Dubuik knows about it? I mean ever since I came to school, which was because of Mr. Dubuik I've been bothered by Grimshaw. He wouldn't leave me alone, so it has to be him! It's just too much of a consequence there for him to not be his son. They are both cold and suspicious and I get bad vibes from both of them! I mean, I've never met Mr. Dubuik but I already got bad vibes from him just by everything he's done and even more from what he's still doing. They have to be related. I can't be wrong on this. It's just way too suspicious that they have too much in common, and if they aren't related then it's just plain weird.

I open my mouth to continue my accusations when Grimshaw stood up suddenly. I felt the room get chiller and I felt a sudden chill slither up my spine. I felt afraid as his aura felt stronger than what it did just moments ago. I swallowed nervously as I feel like maybe I shouldn't have just blurted stuff out like that. I should remember where I am in the first place. In the heart of the dark magic club, and the strongest dark magic club in this school. I'm in  danger if I piss these guys off. Especially Grimshaw, as he's the leader and the strongest wielder here in this entire school.

"This is why I don't like you." Grimshaw says lowly sending another chill up my spine.

"I-uh-I'm sorry." I stammered.

"Apology not accepted. I don't like you, but yet you still amuse me." He says a bit calmer but his aura says otherwise.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered confused.

"Dubuik isn't my father, and I'm highly insulted that you assume that I was his son." Grimshaw nearly spats as he turns and looks down at me with a scowl.

"I-well it's just-" I try to explain myself but his aura is making me very afraid and uncomfortable, "Don't just assume things." Grimshaw growls as he storms out of the club room.

I watch with widened eyes as he just marched out of here, and even though the temperature is going back to normal I still feel afraid. He left me in his club room with his members, and I know for a fact that at least one of them hates me and wants to kill me. I glance over at Moxie who's been glaring at me this whole time. I swallowed nervously as I glance over at the other guy who I still don't know his name. He's just leaning against the wall casually like the whole thing was normal. Lastly, I glance over at Hector who is sitting in his chair shaking his head. He seems to be a bit more mellow, but he's still dangerous and I have to watch my back around him.

"Did you have to accuse him like that?" Hector asks with a sigh.

"I-I didn't mean to." I stuttered awkwardly.

"Sure you didn't. Your miss perfect aren't you?" Moxie growls.

"Perfect? What?" I ask confused.

"Yes perfect! You have the perfect blood but we can't have it because we have to protect you, and you have the top black magic wilder on his way for you. So you must be perfect." Moxie tells me angrily.

"I didn't ask for your guy's protection! I didn't ask for Mr. Dubuik to come after me either, and I certainly never wanted to come here. I was happy back in Alabama." I nearly yelled at her.

"Meant to or happy doesn't matter. This is happening now and you can't go and piss off Grim." Hector warns me seriously.

"Wouldn't this be better for you guys though? If he gets mad enough at me, then he would stop protecting me and that's what you guys want. Isn't it?" I ask matter of fact.

"There she goes assuming things again." The guy who's been quiet this whole time spoke up.

"What?" I ask confused.

"We don't want to protect your skinny-" Moxie starts but Hector cuts in, "But, we don't want Dubuik to have you either. If he gets his hands on you then hell will break loose in this school and this town."

"What do you mean? I figured he was just going to kill me like he's done to my mother." I said furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"No, that was only the first step. He needs you and your blood to finish what he's started before the next full moon." Hector explains to me seriously.

"How do you know what he wants from me?" I ask trying to figure out if I should believe them or not.

"We wield black magic, new girl. We know how to figure stuff out." Hector tells me like it's obvious.

"So, you?" I ask still not getting it.

"We do rituals to talk with our masters from hell."

We look towards the door to see that Grimshaw came back. I then realized what he said which made me widen my eyes in both shock and fear. I open my mouth to say something but he beat me to the punch, "I think it's time you meet mine."


I shivered from the cold and fear as they dragged me down into the basement after school hours. I swallowed my nerves trying to show that I'm not afraid, but once Grimshaw opens a metal door my blood freezes. There, drawn on the cement ground is a pentagram and it looks like it's been drawn in blood. I stepped away from it but was pushed inside forcibly by Moxie. Grimshaw closes the door before locking it which made my skin crawl. I don't want to be in here. I don't want to be a part of this. I thought afraid of being around this pentagram. Hector walks over to another door, but it's a wooden door. I watch him as he opens the door before grabbing out a few things with the help of the other guy, who I have no idea who's his name is. They turned around and my eyes furrowed when I saw that Hector is holding five big chunks of coal in his hands. The other guy is holding a knife and a jar of something that looks like there's something disgusting inside of the jar.

Hector and Moxie help each other set the coals around the pentagram, putting one at each point. While the guy gave Grimshaw the knife and the jar with whatever is inside of it. I look away when I saw Grimshaw opening the jar and dumping whatever was inside into a brown bowl. I shivered when I heard a small squelching thud hitting the bowl. I had to look away, but looked back up but wished I hadn't when I saw Grimshaw slicing his palm with the knife. I nearly yelled out but slam my mouth shut as they do this all the time. This is their hobby or whatever. Doing this creepy-ass ritual and cutting themselves must give them a thrill.

The guy walks away from Grimshaw before standing in front of the door. He's probably making sure I'm not gonna run. I thought stupidly as I realized I should've run when they all were distracted. I'm such an idiot. Hector and Moxie came over as well but Moxie stood next to the guy as Hector stood next to me. Grimshaw turned around with a spoon in his hand, and I realized he's mixing something. My curiosity is getting the best of me but I wish it wasn't right now.

"What is he mixing?" I whispered to Hector.

"Do you actually want to know?" He asks not bothering to whisper.

"I-I no not particularly." I stuttered awkwardly.

"Everyone stand back." Grimshaw says as he steps inside the pentagram before dumping the bowl in the middle.

I instantly felt sick as I saw what came out of the bowl. I knew it had some of Grimshaw's blood but what the other thing was I have no clue. I knew it was someone else's blood though. The red gooey blood spilled all over the middle of the pentagram, and it even splattered some on Grimshaw's pants. He didn't seem to mind though. I noticed some small chunks that were spilled out and my stomach turned as I feel like I'm gonna throw up. Grimshaw steps out of the pentagram before setting the bowl down on the old wooden table. I watch him as he suddenly sticks his hand in the bowl before stretching it outward towards the middle. I realized it was the same hand he cut himself with the knife.

Te invoco a profundus inferni daemon, Barbatus." Grimshaw says what sounded like Latin.

The moment he said the name, the ground started to shake, and inside the pentagram started to glow an eerie red. My heart was pounding against my chest as I can actually hear the groundbreaking, and I felt afraid that I was going to fall through. When the shaking finally subsided, and the light dimmed I saw that there's a giant crack in the center of the pentagram. The ground then started to tremble making the crack get wider and wider, and the lights started to flicker. I felt like I was in a horror movie and I'm about to die. My eyes widen from fright when a giant black arm with claws came flying out of the center. I stumbled back as the crack is now a huge hole that is the size of the pentagram itself, and there are two arms and a head coming out of it. I watch in horror as it climbs fully out of the hole before standing above it, but staying inside of the pentagram.

Everything stopped as that thing looked over at Grimshaw, and it's towering over him as he's like a damn giant! That thing is almost touching the ceiling and it's freaking me out! It started talking to Grimshaw in a weird language, but I couldn't understand them. I didn't care as I kept glancing over at this monstrosity. It has long arms with claws at the end and looks like it's been hitting the monster gym. It has freaking horns and a freaking tail! It has two long tails! I mean hello people that's not normal! I mean none of this is normal! Its hands could cover my whole head, no scratch that I could be in a ball position and it could use me like a ball. Its upper torso is wider while its lower half isn't as wide but it still looks very abnormal. I couldn't see its face very well, as it's looking at Grimshaw but I'm okay with not seeing its eyes. It didn't look like the monster had ears and its monstrous body is like a giant naked creature. It had some black fur here and there, but it was mostly just skin. The monster had huge feet with sharp nails that could probably climb up a building. This thing could kill us but everyone is so damn calm! Why are they so calm!

"Dubuik is after her like you said." Grimshaw said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Indeed." The thing says in a thick accent, but I can't tell what kind of accent, it sounds like multiple accents.

"Finn is after her blood as well, just as you predicted." Grimshaw tells the monster like this is all normal.

"Indeed he is." The thing simply says in its strange accents.

"The war is going to come. How should we prepare?" Grimshaw asks casually.

"There are two things you can do for this upcoming war. You either give her to Dubuik and avoid this upcoming war, or you can take the blood yourself." The thing simply tells him in his strange accents.

"Is that the only two options that we can do?" Grimshaw asks sounding a bit angry.

"No, but if you refuse to do those two options then you will simply go to war." The thing tells him sounding dismissive about the whole thing.

I didn't know how I should feel about this whole conversation. I mean they are obviously talking about me, and another thing how are they okay with talking with this monster so calmly? I don't want to be here. That creature can snap and kill all of us so why are they calm and friendly with it. I knew I should've stayed in bed today. I thought feeling different emotions build up, but it was mostly fear. I'm terrified of what's going to happen to me because they can and probably would sacrifice me to this beast. I wouldn't pass them to do such a thing and I'm afraid that it's the reason why they brought me down here in this creepy room.

Why did my mom have to get ourselves into this mess? If we were in trouble financially then why didn't she tell me? I could've found a part-time job to help us. I wouldn't mind, and I could've sold some of my books I've already read. I'll miss them but if it would help I would've done it to help out my mom. I could've sold some of my stuff that isn't important. Why did she have to turn to Mr. Dubuik and make a deal or whatever? Now look at what's happening, she's dead and I'm stuck in a dangerous school with a powerful dark wielder and his club who just summoned a very scary monster. We are also just under the school may I add, this is just the basement and it looks like nobody comes down here. If I die down here, then nobody will ever find my body.

"A warning for you, Grimshaw. Whatever you choose, it won't stop him from coming. He will still come." The monster warns Grimshaw nonchalantly.

"Dubuik you mean?" He asks sounding angrier.

"Yes, but someone else as well." The monster says sounding bored before adding, "Times up."

Grimshaw didn't bother arguing as the eerie red light came back, and the ground started to shake again. I stumbled from the trembling ground, but just as quick as it came it stopped. I found my balance before looking up at the pentagram, but that monster was gone. There were no traces of it ever being there either as the crack and hole was gone. The splattered blood that Grimshaw dumped in the middle, in the beginning, was even gone. It was just the faded pentagram that sits in the middle of the room now. How is that possible? I thought dumbfounded. I shake my head as this is just so confusing and I still don't understand the point of me being here.

"So? What's gonna happen now?" Hector asks stepping towards Grimshaw who looks conflicted and angry.

"I'll explain everything once we get back to our club room." Grimshaw tells him looking tired all of a sudden.

"Whoa whoa wait a minute! Explain? How about you explain what the hell that was! What was that thing, and why is there a war coming all of a sudden, and who else is coming besides Mr. Dubuik?" I ask freaking out.

Grimshaw and Hector both look over at me with wide eyes as the other two members walk around me to stand next to them. They all stared at me with wide shocked eyes, even Moxie looked shocked which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. What did I do or say now? I'm just scared of my life and want answers! That freaky creature could've killed us but was talking about war, somebody besides Mr. Dubuik coming here, and about my blood. I honestly don't feel safe at this school anymore, and truthfully I never had felt safe here.

"Why are you guys staring at me?" I ask when none of them answered my questions.

"You understood Barbatus?"

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