
By TheArinek

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Apotheosis, the highest point in the development of something or if you prefer, the elevation of someone to d... More

Chapter 44: NEW LIVES


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By TheArinek

It was all out war between heroes and villains. With Allmight's weakness exposed, villains became bolder and bolder every day. Heroes and villains were working overtime to keep up. Not only that, but someone was providing them with information on heroes, particular the ins and outs of their quirks, fighting techniques, how to beat them, weaknesses and detailed strategies.

The police had an idea as to who it was that was providing them with these plans. Izuku Midoriya, known for his intelligence, must have been the one. Though they still had no idea what he had to gain by helping villains fight heroes. The main issue was that they had no way of tracking the boy. With the warping ability that his gauntlet gave him, he could be anywhere at any time. It was the same problem with tracking the League of Villains who had Kurogiri in their employ.

Speaking of the League. Their movements had also become bolder with an ally like Midoriya backing them. Just recently in the past week they had conducted an attack on a pro hero rally that was started in response to all the anti-hero and Allmight protestors. The purpose of the rally was to show support and faith in the hero. It had backfired horribly when the villain Dabi showed up along with a handful of Nomus to attack the crowd. Sadly the only heroes that showed up to the rally were low ranking heroes looking to improve their public images and were no match for the enhanced artificial monsters. By the time Endeavor leading a few other high ranking heroes finally arrived to the scene many innocent people were badly injured and Dabi had fled as soon as he spotted the number two hero, leaving them to take out the Nomus. The result was another severe dive in public opinion towards heroes and the amount of protestors had more than doubled.

The quirkless minority who were joined with the inferior quirk class, had now merged with the ever increasing group of citizens who had lost faith in heroes. That was a lot of people calling for answers from not just the heroes but the government as well. They were also demanding a change in hero organization while the quirkless demanded equal rights.

The quirkless citizens have always been crying out for equal rights, however they never had a voice since no one cared about them and neither did they have a figure to inspire them. That's where Izuku Midoriya came in. His debut with his quirkless state and seemingly limitless power gave these people hope and the idea planted in their head they were not as helpless and weak that the majority of the world mocked them for. Then Allmight's quirkless status was revealed by that very teen, further cementing the fact that quirkless people can be strong too if given the chance. With the number one hero's silence on the matter only making the situation worse.

Allmight did not want to keep quite. If anything he would love to explain the situation to the public. Unfortunately that would mean publicly divulging the secret to his overwhelming power, that secret being the one for all quirk. Not only that but he would be forced to tell everyone that power is now in the wrong hands of Izuku Midoriya. The panic that would cause, is not something anyone wanted to be responsible for.

The prime minister's administration was pressured every day, including the Hero Public Safety Commission. Normally Allmight the symbol of piece was also the symbol of the government's strength, and kept the population in a blissful calm that everything was alright. However that all depended on the hero maintaining his unfaltering image. Now that the truth about the state of the symbol of peace was out, the image was slowly crumbling and with it the government's hold over a population that possessed super powers.

It was at this time when faith in heroes was bleeding out that Izuku Midoriya pressed down on that bloated chest with his mighty hand.


"What are we doing here?" Ochako asked.

"You are enjoying a coffee and bagel", Izuku said as he placed said beverage and food on the table in front of her, before sitting down across from her. "I am waiting for something", he glanced down at his watch.

"Aren't you hungry?" Uraraka wondered as she helped herself. It seemed odd that he brought her here this morning. Apparently the green haired gauntlet wielder wanted to demonstrate the next part of his plan that he was implementing.

"I ate before I arrived", Izuku looked to his watch again. Here they were in broad daylight, sitting in the outside eating area of the café. He was completely unconcerned that people would see him. First of all, what could anybody do to him? They could call for heroes, but he would be long gone before they arrived. Second, that notice me not quirk the soul stone gave him rendered him inconspicuously unnoticeable to the average bystander. Out of the corners of their eyes it would seem like a young brown haired teenage girl was sitting alone.

"What are you waiting for?" Ochako asked as she took a sip of her coffee. It's been awhile since she had agreed with his plan to reform the hero society. They had spent that whole night talking about the next part of his plan and what he would do when he took control. Over the next few months they met up to discuss what would happen. Izuku refrained from keeping her out of the loop. That included telling her about his contact with the League of Villains and various other villains.

"You'll see", Izuku sat back and relaxed as the next part of his plan was about to begin. Ochako had surprisingly kept in contact with her friends at U.A. and interestingly enough Izuku never pressured her for information on the school. Further proof that he wasn't using her. He did ask about Shoto and Tenya once.

Shoto was spending a lot of time visiting his mother at the hospital she was committed to. It seems his battle with Midoriya had lit a fire within him, in more ways than one. Unlike before where he silently apposed his father, he now did it quite vocally and sometimes physically. Midoriya convinced him that he was superior to Endeavor in every way, and that his destiny was not to surpass Allmight or his father, but to be a great hero unlike either of them. Endeavor couldn't do anything to his rebellious son without causing a media scandal. He was able to sweep the incidents like his wife and missing first born son under the rug, but Shoto was quite a popular student at U.A, having made a striking debut at the sports festival. Plus the icy hot boy lived at the dorms now, so at the moment he couldn't touch him.

Tenya kept himself busy with training and his work study program. He was working with the same agency his brother once worked in. The grief over having a friend expelled from the school was being used to try and better himself so that such a thing wouldn't happen again to anyone else. It seemed he was following Izuku's advice after all.

Uraraka's other friends Tsuyu, Momo, and Kirishima would sometimes visit her apartment to see how she was holding up and to talk about what was happening. Izuku always made himself scarce when they came by. Warping away as soon as they knocked on the door. No one suspected that the former U.A student was secretly working with the infamous Apotheosis.

"And here he comes", Izuku smirked looking across the street at a tall man wearing a yellow suit and a green mask hidden in the shadow of his fedora. "The Big Head Killer. I heard a rather interesting tip in the underground that he would be committing one of his random acts of violence, right here at this time at this street corner", he explained. The big head killer was a psychopath in a bright green mask that made his head look abnormally large, hence the name. A madman that liked to murder in public in really elaborate ways like the villains in the old cartoon show. Dropping pianos, or anvils on innocent people, blowing up buildings with ridiculous looking bombs, and Rube Goldberg machines that ended in some one's death. The villain was never caught because of his random pattern and his quirk that allowed him to melt his body into liquid and slither down drains. However he did have friends in the underground. Friends that Izuku "persuaded" to tell him where the killer would hit next. "Remember Uraraka, don't do anything. Just sit there and act like a normal concerned citizen and leave when you're finished eating" Izuku said before flash warping away.

"Hold on to you hats ladies and gentlemen!" The big head killer laughed from the center of the crowd making the people panic. He pulled out an enlarged spiked boxing glove on the end of what looked like a rocket launcher. "I love the smell of burning coffee and people in the morning!" He pointed his weapon at the café while the people scrambled away from the lunatic. Suddenly his gun was ripped out of his hands by some invisible force and the crumpled into a ball like it was paper. "Okay! That wasn't supposed to happen!" The villain was then thrown up into the air, then down, then up over and over again until finally he was slammed rather painfully on the concrete.

"OW!" The citizen's eyes glanced around wondering where the hero that was doing this was, but to their surprise there wasn't one.

"Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!" The big head killer was rapidly spinning on the ground against his will. The friction of being grinded against concrete tearing his mask and suit. He was then thrown painfully against the wall of a building rendering him unconscious, while the bricks and metal moved around him to pin his body in place until the authorities arrived. The people were in awe over what transpired, some even recorded it on their phones. They unfortunately didn't know who to thank for stopping the maniac. To them it seemed like it must have done by an unknown citizen.

"So that's how it starts?" Ochako mumbled to herself as she watched. She of course was the only one who knew what happened. Izuku used his powers to stop the villain anonymously. This was all part of his plan. Step one was give the villains of society an edge. Izuku did this by selling his knowledge of the hero's quirks and abilities to various criminal groups and circles in the underground. With this information the villains were now posing more of threat. That was the part of the plan she didn't like, but also understood that it was necessary. Now the next step had begun. Giving the people the idea that they didn't need heroes and could defend themselves.


"The government in response to the uprising of villain activity and vigilante behavior has started funding the Geonosis Titan robots", Aizawa read aloud the article given to him by the principal.

"So they are going ahead with those anti-villain robots?" Midnight said.

"Geonosis is trying to make up for the interning a villain and accidentally giving him resources to complete his weapon", Nezu explained.

"So we should start expecting a bunch of walking bucket heads roaming the streets on patrol?" Snipe commented.

"Yes, but you have to admit it's a smart move and with these robot reinforcements it should help restore faith in heroes and help the government regain control", Nezu applauded Geonosis and the government for this strategic move.

"I thought this meeting was to discuss what's to be done about the growing protestors outside the school", Aizawa complained. "The students are having trouble leaving the grounds and I'm starting to get fed up"

"Well we sent Cementoss out there to peacefully ask them to disperse", Nezu said hopping his colleague could placate them.


"Please disperse! We understand that you have a right to protest, but you are obstructing the students from entering and exiting the academy!" Cementoss said standing between the protestors and the schools main entrance. While many shouted and argued, in the back of the crowd a figure dressed in a baggy hooded coat with his hands in his pockets watched with amusement.

'They sent Cementoss out?' He smirked as he removed his left hand from the pocket revealing the golden gauntlet that he was hiding. 'You're making this two easy U.A', the red reality stone glowed brightly, unnoticed by anyone. As they protestors continued to yell at the teacher suddenly pillars of concrete shot out of the ground between them. The people panicked and scattered at the display of force coming from the U.A staff. Everyone was surprised by the threat of violence and the media would be sure to eat it up. Cementoss was shocked, he didn't know what just happened, but he definitely did not activate his quirk. He would never use it towards innocent civilians, protestors or not.

Izuku just smirked before walking away nonchalantly. His imitation of the teacher's quirk would only incite more outrage, not just at U.A, but heroes in general. Which is just what he wanted. He pushed all the right buttons and now was the time to reap the rewards.


Akira Toriyama, the current prime minister of Japan, was heading back to his office. He had just finished a meeting with his defense committee and a representative of Geonosis Tech. The Titan robots were reviewed, approved and orders were given to begin mass production of them. Within a week the country would have its first legion of mechanical law enforcers. Hopefully that will help decrease the rising villain attacks.

It wasn't just villain attacks that were on the rise. Due to several instances where random unknown civilians were starting to fight back against villains when the heroes were not around to save them and in some cases while heroes were around. Just when things couldn't get worse now the population was beginning to think that the laws on quirk usage didn't apply to them anymore and were starting to act on it. If this continued, if faith and assurance in heroes wasn't restored, then the government could have a revolution on their hands.

When he walked into his main office he noticed the lights were turned off which was odd. Akira also noticed that his aides were not around. Ignoring the bad feeling in his gut he walked inside.

"Good evening Prime Minister Toriyama", a voice said in the darkness as the door locked behind him. The lights quickly switched on revealing someone sitting in his chair. As it spun around he finally got a good look at who it was. Izuku Midoriya, the current most wanted person in the country. "Don't bother calling for help", the boy said as fear surged through the minister. "Or I'll bring this entire building down before you can even finish your sentence"

"What do you want?" Toriyama sweated as he stayed rooted to the middle of his office.

"I'd like you to join me for a little meeting", he opened portal right next to the minister. "I promise no harm will come to you. I just want you to hear me out"

"Where are you taking me?" The Prime Minister questioned while staring at the open portal nervously.

"It would be better for you not to know", Izuku gestured towards the warp gate. "After you." The minister swallowed his anxiety. The teen knew that he would go along. Toriyama was known for buckling under pressure. The only reason he kept office was because how compliant the citizens once were. Everyone cared more about heroes then they did politics anymore. Hesitantly the man stepped through the portal entering what looked like some sort of warehouse.

"Prime Minister Toriyama?" A middle aged woman greeted. "So he got you too"

"President Takahashi?" There sat at a long metal table the president of the Hero Public Safety Commission, Kaeko Takahashi.

"The little brat broke into my office and told me to come with him or he'd demolish my entire department building with everyone in it with snap of his fingers", she grimaced. "Naturally I had to go along"

"That's right", Izuku gestured to the only other chair at the table and the prime minister slowly and cautiously made his way to the seat. "Now I'm sure your both wondering why you're here", seeing that they remained silent he explained. "You're both here because you two, the Prime Minister of Japan and the President of the Hero Public Safety Commission are the highest authorities in our wonderful nation. You two are the only ones who can give heroes direct orders that they have to follow as long as it doesn't endanger civilian lives. Isn't that right?"

"What do you want?" Miss Takahashi, being the bolder of the two politicians asked. Izuku merely grinned and waved his hand. From another table several files were lifted into the air and dropped in front of the prime minister and president.

"I just want you two to listen to my proposition", he moved to stand on the other side of the table from them. "Then you're both free to go. I promise to put your back where I took you two from, unharmed and in one piece", after a long anxious silent Toriyama finally spoke after wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Alright...Let's hear it then"


"Again mom, I'm fine", Ochako told her mother through the phone. "I got a part time job at a hero agency. They're going to sponsor when I apply to another hero school", she frowned having to lie to her parents like this, but it was necessary. Izuku told her that it was easier to lie than have to explain what was really going on and make them understand. "Love you too, bye"

They would understand eventually. Izuku assured her that everyone even her friends at U.A would come to understand that everything happening was necessary. This hero society was horribly flawed, if psychopaths like Bakugou were allowed to get away with everything, just because they had stronger quirks while people like Izuku and herself who only wanted to do the right thing were discarded.

It wasn't right that people like that got everything they wanted. The world shouldn't be that way and with Izuku's plan coming together, it wouldn't be like that for long.


"Your insane", the president of the hero public safety commission said.

"Am I?" Izuku questioned. "Because I want to run the hero system better than you two possibly could, so I must be crazy?"

"What makes you think the hero system is flawed and broken?" The prime minister asked.

"Oh, so you haven't told him?" Izuku smirked looking to Miss Takahashi.

"Told me what?" Toriyama looked to her as well.

"That's enough", she argued in a poor attempt to change the subject. "We're not here to discuss me"

"That's where you're wrong President Takahashi", the green haired boy chuckled. "This has everything to do with you and your cover ups", he grabbed another series of files from the table and tossed it in front of the prime minister. "What she's attempting to hide Minister Toriyama is the multiple failures by heroes as well as the kind of people some of these heroes really are. This is the stuff that the media doesn't report on", he grabbed another file this one containing secret information on Endeavor and handed it to him. "Read the part about his wife and first born son"

"My god", Akira gasped as he read through what that man did to his own family. "And he's the number two hero. Why was this kept from me and out of the public?"

"You have to understand", the president of the H.P.S.C began. "Public faith in heroes is vital to our system. If we lose that..."

"Then you lose complete control", Izuku finished for her. "Which is what is happening right now"

"Because of you!" She argued pointing her finger at him. "You're the one making everything we built fall apart!"

"I like how you just blatantly admitted to fostering this flawed system", Izuku fired back. "All I did was show the world where the cracks in your pathetic foundation are, you're the one who allowed those cracks to stay and grow", he stood up from his seat making the two of them tense for a moment. "Let me ask you something. What was your plan for when Allmight eventually retired?" They both just stared at him blankly. "He's but a mere mortal man, he can't be a hero forever. What were you going to do when your symbol of peace's time ends? Better yet what would have happened if he died fighting All for One?" The prime minister didn't even have an answer to that. They had gotten so used to Allmight always being this unbeatable deterrent against villains that they had never considered a future without him. "No matter how you look at it the time of Allmight reigning supreme is over. This country is going to need something new to keep the balance and peace. I'm offering an easy solution to it"

"What makes you think we need or want your help?" President Takahashi continued to reject him. "I'll have you know we have a plan to bring about order and are on the verge of implementing it"

"You mean the Titan robots", Izuku suddenly said surprising them. "Did Geonosis not tell you? Makes sense, they are probably trying to distance themselves from me as much as possible after what I did", seeing the confusion he showed them another file. This one being the online article from the expo some time ago. "I was the one who designed those robots, I even had a large hand in their programming", the two gasped when they realized the implications of what he could do. "That's right, your new ace in the hole, I know all the ins and outs of. I could simply tell the villains how to beat them, or I could even tell the villains how to reprogram them", Izuku smirked at the two politicians. "Imagine it. The robots come to help the heroes save the day, only for the Titans to suddenly turn on their superiors. You and Geonosis would have a lot of egg on your face wouldn't you?" He kept talking while they were sweating bullets now. "It might even be the spark that triggers a full scale rebellion. Now the heroes are fighting vigilantes, civilians, robots and villains in five way war. Then boom end of society as we know it"

"And it would be your doing", Miss Takahashi said accusingly. "Is that what you want? Total collapse of our society?"

"Please. I keep telling you I want to fix society not destroy it", Izuku explained. "Yes I shook the walls a bit, but that was just to prove my point about how flawed it really is and it worked. People are starting to see heroes in a different light. They're no longer these infallible gods that enforce laws and peace. We need to do something about it soon"

"By giving you what you want?" Takahashi spat.

"Listen here President Takahashi", Izuku leaned towards her over the table. "I'll get what I want one way or another. The only reason this offer is even on the table is because I want to try a peaceful solution first with the least amount of violence and blood shed", he leaned back and held his arms out. "By all means, say no, refuse my offer. It won't matter in the end. I'll just side with the villains and together we'll win this war, I'll rebuild society from scratch and you two will go down in history as minor nuisances that tried to hinder me and failed", after a scary moment of silence the prime minister finally spoke.

"What would you do?" He asked. "If we give you what you're asking for, what would you do next?"

"Prime Minister!" Takahashi exclaimed. "You're not seriously considering giving in to this monster!"

"That's enough. We agreed to hear him out didn't we?" The prime minister reminded her.

"Indeed you did", Izuku spoke. "Now then, let me share with you...my vision"


"I'm leaving now Fuyumi!" Endeavor's loud voice boomed.

"Where are you going?" The only girl of the siblings asked.

"The prime minister and the Public Safety Commission asked me to attend an announcement", the hero grumbled. "Some big new change in hero policy", at least they thought of him and not Allmight. That's one small victory over that man. "Where's Shoto?"

"He left", Fuyumi glanced away from her father. Endeavor frowned disapprovingly. His masterpiece was acting even worse lately. It was one thing to silently hate him, at least the boy was improving his abilities, but now Shoto was actively defying. He even went so far as to threaten his own father. A few weeks ago he told his son to go back to training and to cut back on visiting his mother in the hospital. Shoto's response was a promise to give his father a scar that matched his own, if he ever tried to keep his mother away from him again. The boy even refused training.

"Why do I need training from someone so pathetic that he settled for second place and pushed his ambitions on to others?" Those were Shoto's exact words on the matter. Then he strolled away from his father without a second glance. Endeavor had never wanted to strike his son more than ever after that sentence left his mouth.

'That unruly boy should count himself lucky that he lives at U.A', Endeavor quietly fumed as he headed outside where his escort was waiting. Getting into the long black car he headed to the senate building where the announcement from the prime minister is to take place in two hours.

During the drive he allowed himself to think back on the big reveal concerning Allmight awhile back. When had first seen the hero's true form on television as well as Apotheosis's words about how he was actually quirkless, at first he didn't believe it. Then he got angry. All these years he was competing against a quirkless man and lost to him over and over again. After his rage simmered down he started thinking about it rationalized and then delighted in the revelation. It meant that Allmight's power was finite. It meant that he was beatable. For once the future looked clear. Allmight can and will be surpassed and his own son will be the one to do it.


Alarms were blaring. The staff was in a panic. Out of nowhere the hundreds of new Titan models that were ready for transportation suddenly activated. The programmers tried to regain control, but the nexus field, an invisible Wi-Fi network that connected them to the robots through various satellites wasn't responding to them. It was like the Titans were ignoring their orders no matter what coded commands they typed into the computers that ran their A.I.

"What do we do!?" One of them shouted from the control room. "We can't let them leave, but the armored shutters won't hold for long!"

"The emergency fail safe protocol!" Another Geonosis programmer suddenly remembered. It was supposed to be used in situations like this. An unstoppable command protocol that would shut down all robots in case of a hack. It was suggested by some intern surprisingly enough, back when the Titan was still in the prototype phases.

"That's right!" They quickly began typing into the keyboard, accessing and using that very protocol.

"Wait", one of the engineers quickly remembered something very important. "WAIT!" All of the sudden all their computers screens went black. A loud slam noise was heard outside signaling the armored shutters being automatically opened. "I was trying to tell you...the one who designed the emergency fail safe protocol...was Izuku Midoriya", they all paled. The villain that the company brought in as in intern without knowing. The very villain that used their resources to create a device that gave him supreme power. Right on cue an image appeared on their monitors. A skull and cross bones that had green fluffy hair and freckles. The image laughed an emotionless robotic laugh that unnerved the men in the control room.

"Oh dear god", the anti-villain robots were loose and under his control now. They couldn't even call to warn anyone as their phones had been cut off by the encrypted virus that they accidentally ran through the systems. No one would know about the Titans until it was too late.


"Good after noon everyone", Prime Minister Toriyama stood at the podium with the president of the H.P.S.C standing next to him looking nervous and apprehensive. "I thank you all for coming here" he said into the microphone. Even he looked a bit anxious. "As you know our country is in the midst of a crisis. Villains are running wild, civilians are losing faith in heroes, and vigilante activity is on the rise", he didn't have to look at the crowd to see the look of silent agreement on their faces.

"Myself and my administration have identified the source of these problems", the man briefly scowled at the number two hero in the crowd remembering all the information that was kept from him on the hot head. "The problem is we've become too compliant on the behaviors and faults of our heroes. We've become so dependent on Allmight that we've let our standards for heroes slowly decline over the years." Endeavor looked around the outdoor conference. That fact that they were having this outside was odd. They usually have these inside the senate building not outside in front of it. Another thing he noticed was that he was the only hero invited to this announcement. He stood off to the side of the large crowd of officials, reporters and journalists.

"That ends today. With the help of the senate we've decided to establish a new department that will review, manage and in some cases suspend hero activity in our country", the prime minister paused to let that sink in. Murmurs spread throughout the crowd. "This department of hero regulation will have power and authority equal to and to a certain extent greater than the Hero Public Safety Commission", the president of the commission flinched a bit when he said that. "It is our hope that we can bring about a new golden age, with heroes truly worthy of that title", the crowd sounded pleased to hear this. It seems they were all in support of this idea. It was then that Prime Minister Toriyama swallowed nervously.

"Now as for who will be the director of this new program. It is someone that may come as a bit of shock to you, but I assure everyone that he is fully qualified and ready to take this position", Endeavor allowed himself a small smirk, believing that they were referring to him. Why else would they invite him to this time wasting announcement?

"May I present to you all...", the prime minister waited for them all to become completely silent. "The first director of the new Hero Regulation Department", Endeavor stood up. "Izuku Midoriya!" A portal suddenly opened behind the man and out walked the green haired teen dressed in an immaculate gray suit, tie to match his hair, and a specifically tailored left sleeve that revealed his infinity gauntlet for everyone to see. The publically known villain walked up to the podium while the prime minister stepped aside.

"Thank you for that introduction Prime Minister Toriyama", Izuku smiled as he lowered the podium a few inches with his powers. The crowd erupted into roars and shouts. They knew who Midoriya was after. Everyone knew Midoriya, after all he was the one to expose Allmight's weakness to the world. The infamous villain with the golden gauntlet as they called him. Also known as Apotheosis by the police and heroes.

"That's enough!" The prime minister grabbed one of the mics from the podium. "Everyone calm down and let me explain!" The crowd slowly regained control of their volume and calmed themselves. "Now I know this is shocking but Midoriya here has proven himself and his intentions to me. He truly wishes to dedicate himself to improving the hero system", he argued to the public. "For those reasons along with his immense intellect and great power I've granted him a full pardon for his crimes along with political immunity"

"And I thank you for giving me amnesty", Izuku smirked again. "I promise you won't regret this", he was cut off from speaking any further when a ball of fire was hurled at him. Luckily he reacted in time and opened a portal to send it somewhere else. "How rude"

"What the kind of farce is this!?" Endeavor yelled as he stomped through the crowd.

"We had no choice", Toriyama defended. "This was the best option to end the chaos"

"By letting a villain run your new department!" Endeavor argued back. "Does the senate know you did this?"

"It doesn't matter if they know or not", the prime minister glared at the hero. "While I needed their approval to create this department I can hire whoever I want to run it"

"You know attacking your new manager is grounds for disciplinary actions", Izuku said with condescension. "If you don't back down then I'll will have to exercise my full...authority"

"You're a villain, the worst kind!" Endeavor spat. "You don't have any authority", the boy just smirked wider. The entire crowd quickly started backing away leaving a large open space between the hero and the stage. Even the prime minister and the other government officials backed away to stand behind their security detail. Toriyama frowned seeing where this was going.


"So we have an agreement then?" Izuku smiled as he shook the prime minister's hand.

"I can't believe you're going along with this", President Takahashi glared at him, but she no longer had a say in the matter. She hated to admit it, but Midoriya had them boxed in to the point where they had no other option then to give in to his demands. At the very least they would be able to closely watch his actions from here on out.

"We have no choice. It's either this or all-out war that will end with our side losing everything and his gaining it all", Toriyama sighed in displeasure. He didn't like this either, but maybe this boy would do some good. His ideas seemed like they could work. They'll just have to wait and see how he implemented them and hope nothing terrible came from this alliance.

"So when do you plan on making the announcement?" Izuku asked.

"Give me a week to run it by the senate first", the prime minister promised him. "If it comes down to it I can make it an executive order if they don't comply, but I have a feeling they will"

"Excellent", He walked around the table. "Oh and one more thing. Just to make sure I can trust you I want you to invite a specific hero to the announcement, and make sure its outdoors"

"Who?" Miss Takahashi wondered why he would want a hero to attend such a thing.

"I want Endeavor to be there alone, with other hero present", the gauntlet user wanted that man to be present for multiple reasons.

"What are you going to do to him?" The prime minister asked with trepidation.

"Absolutely nothing", Izuku vowed. "If he does nothing that is. Though if he does try something, then I want to publicly make an example out of him. I won't kill him don't worry. Just think of this as a test for Endeavor", he smiled a bit deviously. "A test to see if a great hero can accept change for the better of society", he knew he wouldn't, but Izuku didn't tell them that.


"Since Allmight is too soft I'll do what he failed to do and bring you down!" Endeavor declared loudly.

"Very well", Izuku closed his eyes and sighed with disappointment while secretly elated on the inside. "You brought this on yourself", Endeavor was about to charge forward and burn the arrogant little bastard when he felt a large metallic hand grab his shoulder. He barely had time to turn his head when he was socked hard in the face by a metal fist. The flaming hero was sent flying for a moment, blood dripping from his face.

"What the hell!?" Endeavor didn't have to wonder what hit him for long as there stood a big red slim built robot. Not just one but three identical ones stood there facing him making low metallic growling noise.

"Ladies and gentlemen my I present to you!" Izuku began with a gleeful smile on his face. "The new and improved, mass produced and ready for battle Titans!" He successfully broke into Geonosis's computers several hours ago and completely reprogrammed their A.I. to follow his orders and his orders only. It was easy since he placed a bunch of back doors, hidden in the files, back when he worked as an intern for them. Izuku also knew that the robots were too good to not continue making, hence why he designed them for the company. He waited until the factory had a finished fully working legion ready to go, ran his 'usurpation program' and now he had a robotic army at his command.

"I think a demonstration is in order", Izuku glared down at Endeavor from his position on the stage. "Boys...take him down", the robots responded with another growl as confirmation and began to stalk towards the hero.

"Do you really believe a few tin cans can match up to me!?" The flame user taunted arrogantly. He then blasted the three Titans with a torrent of fire. Luckily all those who attended this event had retreated to a safe distance. Thinking that would be enough he turned to face Midoriya again only to freeze when the machines walked out of the fire undamaged.

"I probably should have mentioned", Izuku chuckled. "Geonosis was never able to produce a Titan that possessed every feature that I designed, so to make up for this they created various models for various different scenarios and enemies", he gently leaned forward over his podium. "These are the fire proof models, designed specifically to defeat fire quirk users", the robots were making their way closer to their target. "You could say these Titans were made to beat you Endeavor"

"That's not possible!" The hero was silenced when he was forced to dodge the first Titan that tried to make a swipe at him. These things were pretty fast. He was so distracted by one that he forgot about the other two. The second Titan flanked him from the left and attempted to punch him in the face again. This time Endeavor blocked with both arms to minimize the damage. That proved to be a mistake as the third Titan delivered a devastating punch to his stomach that had him hacking up his lunch. Using his flames he launched himself, trying to get some distance and figure out his next move, but the robots just kept coming.

"Wonderful aren't they?" Izuku gloated. "They don't hesitate, they don't second guess their next move. They simply move to follow orders and won't stop until I tell them to", he was really enjoying this. It couldn't have worked out any better for him. The best part was that this was all legal. With his new position, Endeavor was the one breaking the law by publicly attacking and threatening a government superior. "You might want to get a close up on this", he said to the only camera man left on the corner of the stage who was filming this all live.


'The secrets of my quirk are too dangerous to be revealed to the world...', Allmight was busy going over his speech cards. He had planned to make a public announcement soon, to help settle some of tension towards him caused by the secrets Midoriya revealed some time ago. Nezu suggested it, telling him that his silence was only making the situation between civilian and hero relations more problematic. He planned to rectify some of things that boy said and explain the situation and his need for secrecy for the good of society.

"Hey!" Aizawa barged into the room with the principal latched on to his shoulder. "Answer your damn phone!" The normally stoic hero was frantic, which was highly out of character for him.

"I turned it off. I'm a bit busy at the moment", the skeletal man frowned at his fellow teacher's aura of urgency.

"Turn on the T.V!" Nezu shouted while hopping from the dark haired man to grab the remote to the large screen television set up on the wall across from them. "There's something big happening that you need to see", the screen flipped on, as the small white creature turned to a random news channel. It didn't matter which as this announcement was going out live on all news channels.

"What's this about?" Toshinori asked.

"Look!" Aizawa pointed at the screen. There was Midoriya dressed in a nice suit on a stage in front of the senate building.

"WHAT THE!?" Toshinori's sunken eyes widened to a nearly impossible size.

"The prime minister has established a new department of heroics", Nezu explained. "Guess who he put in charge of it"

"This doesn't make any sense!" Toshinori shouted. How could this happen? Why would the prime minister just hand something like this to him on a silver platter?

"It makes perfect sense", the principal said. "Based off what Midoriya has said, this is exactly what he wants. A position of power and authority in the hero system"

"This is bad", Aizawa commented. They watched as Endeavor stood up to Midoriya and even attempted to attack him only to be punched in the face by a big familiar robot. Seeing this Allmight buffed himself up with great difficulty as he had already used up most of his time training students today.

"What do you think you're doing?" Nezu asked.

"At top speed I can get there in fifteen minutes", he was about to leap through the window when Erasure Head stopped him by erasing his quirk.

"And what good will that do?" Aizawa questioned. "You know what he's capable of and you see the position he's in. Going there will only play into Midoriya's hand"

"Do you expect me to just sit here while this happens!?" Toshinori pointed to the screen where Endeavor was fighting a group of machines.

"Yes", Aizawa didn't like it either. "Attacking a government authority figure is a serious offense"

"Exactly", Nezu looked concerned as well. "It seems Midoriya has positioned himself perfectly. No hero can make a move against him now"


"Dammit!" Endeavour still tried to use his flames even though it was useless against these Titans. They soon surrounded the hero. Launching himself in the air he thought that would give him the advantage, until one of the robots fired a tether that wrapped around his leg and yanked him back down to the ground. He tried to use momentum and gravity to his advantage, by crashing his fist into one of machine's head, but its reaction timing was too good. It grabbed his arm with both hands and twisted, snapping the hero's bones.

"GAH!" Endeavor roared in pain as his arm was broken. He was then thrown to the feet of the other two Titans who proceeded to rain blows down on the man.

"People of Japan", Izuku began as the hero was repeatedly beaten by his robots. "Do you see this? This is the second greatest hero, directly under Allmight", he spoke into the microphone. "A hero who only cares about himself. A hero who torments his own family for his own ambitions. A hero who thinks of his job as nothing more than a competition that he needs to be the best at", the green haired teen continued as said hero was pummeled before him. "Your great Allmight is just a frail man who lies to the world and Endeavor is a man who callously tore apart his own family just to be the best", he then held his hands out. "Are these your heroes?" He looked towards the camera, asking everyone in the world what they thought of these two once great men.

"Alright boys that enough", he commanded the robots to stop and they did. Endeavor was barely conscious laying in a bloody heap on the ground. Not a single security officer, journalist, or official stepped in to help him. Everyone, even the prime minister just stood there and watched. "Bring him to me", Izuku watched the Titans grab Endeavor and drag his beaten bruised body up to the stage. When he reprogrammed the robots and sent this particular set of models to this location he made sure to upload them with all the data he collected on the flame user. His quirk, moves, techniques and fighting style. The man didn't stand a chance against Midoriya's intellect. "Kneeling please", he ordered and without hesitation the Titans forced Endeavor to his knees while keeping his arms locked behind him.

"You...little bastard", Endeavor hissed as his vision stopped blurring.

"For attacking a government official, as well as your atrocious behavior and deplorable treatment of your family I'm removing you from the hero system", Izuku smirked down at him.

"You won't get away with this", the flame wielder growled. The boy leaned in close and whispered so no one but the two of them would hear this.

"I already have", Izuku stepped back and held out his gauntlet covered hand. "Consider yourself...fired!" He chuckled at his pun as the soul stone glowed in the palm of his hand. Izuku then grabbed Endeavor by the face with a satisfied smile as neon purple veins spread across the hero's head ad then the rest of his body. Endeavor screamed and thrashed in pain as the stone did its job. A few moments later it was over and the veins retreated. Izuku removed his gauntlet watching the flames that masked the heroes face and shrouded his body permantly fizzled out. He waved the robots off to take the unconscious former hero away.

"Civilians, officers, heroes and villains", Izuku looked towards the camera again. "This is the beginning of a new era" He gave a smile to the camera, a warm welcoming one this time. This one was directed towards Allmight, who he knew had to be watching this. His smile conveyed a message to the number one hero. A simple message. Only two simple words.

'I win'

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