Feel Special [JeongMin]

By jeongmin-

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Jeongyeon, a multi-millionaire heir meets Jimin, a stripper. Jimin, her sperm donor 5 years ago. Jimin, the f... More

Character/OST Bank
Prologue: Young & Wild
Chapter 1: Precious Love
Chapter 2: Strawberry
Chapter 3: BDZ
Chapter 4: Jaljayo Good Night
Chapter 5: Sweet Talker
Chapter 6: Chillax
Chapter 7: Ho
Chapter 8: Wow
Chapter 9: Stuck
Chapter 10: You in My Heart
Chapter 11: One in a Million
Chapter 12: Fake & True
Chapter 13: Look At Me
Thank You
Chapter 15: The Best Thing I Ever Did
Chapter 16: Swing
Epilogue: One More Time
The Better Ones

Chapter 14: Stay By My Side

654 34 10
By jeongmin-

The Doctor

Months prior to meeting Jimin...

Jeonghan: Destiny?

Jeongyeon: Oh.

If this was back in the middle school, Jeongyeon would probably become giddy hearing this from Jeonghan. But no. She was nearly in her 30s and very successful in life, nothing could make her heart jump happily aside from her kid.

Jeonghan: What do you think?

She studied him intently. The charm was there and the aura definitely changed. She could see the sincerity and excitement from his eyes that was never there when they dated.

Jeongyeon: *gently pulled her hand from Jeonghan* Hmm, I don't really know. Have you ever guessed why I left your house back then and never talked to you again?

Jeonghan: Not really... but it was all in the past anyway. We were only what... 13-year old students. I moved on from the hurt. I have forgiven you.

Wow. Maybe I was wrong.

Jeongyeon: *snorts* But do you really believe that? The destiny?

Jeonghan: Yes. I waited for this day, for us to meet again. And look, here we are.

Jeongyeon: Jeonghan... *sighs* I guess I should tell you this first. I already have a child.

Jeonghan: M— mwo?

Jeongyeon couldn't read Jeonghan's exact emotions at this moment. It was like he was stuck in between not believing her and wanting to escape ASAP— he was clearly dumbfounded.

Jeongyeon: Ne, is that something that you are open to? Knowing that this child is from another man?

Jeonghan: I— wow. Should I believe you? You're kidding, right? I mean, if you have a child I should've known.

She stared at him again, trying to see the light that she was seeing a while ago and the spark she felt when she heard from Irene that he adored her. It was so sudden but she couldn't feel them any longer. She nodded. She knew he was not the one. He was not her America, she was not his Maxon.

Does he even exist? My America?

Jeongyeon: I don't think that this is destiny. I've learned that Irene is currently into businesses and fashion and the chances that we'd come across each other are really high. Aside from that, we are basically neighbors. How come that you haven't even thought about visiting me or what? I mean, if you like me that much.

Jeonghan: I like you, I swear. *desperate tone obvious* And can't you see? I didn't take the chance to visit you because I know that destiny will make its way if I am really for you.

Jeongyeon: I'm sorry but I think destiny is stupid. There's no such thing as that.

Jeonghan: As if you were not destined as the heir of Yoo?

Jeongyeon: My parents worked hard for it.

Jeonghan: And you did noth— *shocked at his own words* I'm... I'm sorry Jeongyeon. It sounded so wrong. Look... if you have a child, okay... I will learn to love him even if he isn't mine. I will try my best.

Jeongyeon: But it is not a guarantee, right? You must realize that he's my life.

Jeonghan: It's normal that I'd feel this way! Ask anyone... tell them you got a child, even if this person is head-over-heels for you I'm certain they'd be taken aback. But look... look at me... I even considered trying!

That was it for Jeongyeon. She lost her patience and finally decided that it was a bad idea looking back. Actually, dating itself was the bad idea.

When she told Jihyo and Nayeon about this, they were excited as it was her who took the first step to see Jeonghan. She texted him to meet her at this coffee shop the day before. Her bestfriends asked if they texted and relived their past flame— of course they didn't. She couldn't see herself texting someone for casual talks unless they were her bestfriends or her close relative. Maybe she did with Irene, but that was it.

Jeongyeon had another sip from her coffee but it was already cold.

This is what destiny is. Coffee getting cold. Must've been my cue to leave.

Jeongyeon: I hate cold coffee. *sighs*

Jeonghan: Is— is that a metaphor?

Jeongyeon: Mwo?

She was wondering what Jeonghan was talking about as she really only meant that she hated cold coffee. But then, something clicked on her.

Jeongyeon: *pouted and nodded* Ne, you're the cold coffee.

Jeonghan: *surprised*

Jeongyeon: How come that 15 years had passed and you're still that same arrogant shit? I'm done here. *stood up* I was only kidding about having a child. You were right, how come that it never came out? Have you ever thought of that?

Jeonghan: Then that's even better!

Jeongyeon: Stop and don't follow me. It was still nice meeting you, Jeonghan. At least we got to have a closure. Let's not meet again and please don't go around telling people that we dated.

Jeongyeon left the café and decided to update her phone number so that Irene wouldn't be able to contact her too. Before doing so, she left a text message saying that it was fun talking to her and to never change. She felt sorry but it was for her peace of mind.


Present time...

Jeongyeon: I don't know who the father of Eun Hwan is.

Jimin was waiting for her to continue but she didn't. Instead, she gasped and started to act like she was looking for something.

Jimin: Jeongyeon? What were you saying?

Jeongyeon: Wait, oppa. Have you seen my phone?

Jimin: *shut his eyes and sighed* What? I don't know. C'mon baby, let's continue what we were talking about.

Jeongyeon: I'm sorry baby, I have to find my phone 'cause my investigator told me that he'd call or text if there'd be important updates. Our conversation can wait, arasseo?

Jimin just sighed and scratched his head in annoyance although he understood his girlfriend's feelings. He just couldn't believe that she'd leave him with a cliffhanger statement.

Jimin: Arasseo. Let's go downstairs and look for your phone, but... if there are no updates, we'll go back in here and continue.

Jeongyeon: Baby, let's see... I'm honestly already tired. *pouts*

Jimin: Aish... how can I say no to my cutie? Okay, if that's your wish.

They went downstairs and searched for Jeongyeon's phone which was on Jungkook's bed. She opened it and found out that she got 7 missed calls and 11 messages from her investigator.

Jeongyeon: Shit. This was 24 minutes ago, Jimin.

Jimin: Mwo? Call him now.

Jeongyeon: Ne.

She called Mr. Jung, her investigator, and was informed that two suspects were at a police station. He texted the address and the couple went there immediately.


Jeongyeon was greeted by two familiar faces when they arrived at the station.

Jeongyeon: You?

Jimin: Who are they?

Jeongyeon: They did the pest control in my house, do you remember? A few weeks ago. She... she spilled the water on my laptop. *gasps* So it wasn't an accident at all? Are you two even really related?

Mr. Jung: Apparently, they are not. They are just accomplices.

Jeongyeon's teeth were gritted as she glared in their direction. The girl was fidgeting while the man didn't even budge.

Jeongyeon: I feel like they are not the only people who we should check, I think there are more of them.

Man: More of us? Miss, we are still suspects and we are not yet proven guilty...

Jeongyeon: That's bullshit. And you... *glaring at the girl* I was sincerely worried about you when you said you might be pregnant. How dare you!

The girl was evidently surprised but had managed to speak.

Girl: Ma'am I am not proven guilty, so if you could please stop shouting at us! *rolled her eyes*

Jeongyeon: Wow! The audacity! How old are you again?

Jimin: Baby, calm down... *trying to hug Jeongyeon to calm her down but she was pulling herself from him*

Jeongyeon: Ani! You should've said sorry and told me the reason why you did this and maybe we could've settled this. But no! You chose to be all bitchy and roll your eyes at me!

Jimin: Baby, you are tired... c'mon... *put his arms around her and was trying to pull her*

Jeongyeon: I will file charges against you two and anyone who is involved. I know that there are other people behind this. Mr. Jung, come to my house tomorrow to investigate this further. Check the person who fixed my laptop as well. I will give you the details. I will not let this pass, we almost broke up because of you *directed at the suspects*.

Without another word, Jeongyeon walked out of the station and Jimin followed her. Mr. Jung also left after bowing to the police officers.

Jeongyeon was already at the driver's seat when Jimin caught up to her so he opened its door and carried her, bridal style.

Jeongyeon: What are you doing?

Jimin: I will be driving, I don't want us to die yet, remember I will still marry you. *settled Jeongyeon at the passenger seat and then seated beside her*

Jeongyeon: Mianhae...

Jimin: Shhh... calm down.

Jeongyeon: Arasseo. I'm so angry, Jimin.

Jimin: I know... but... were you really breaking up with me?

Jeongyeon: What? No!

Jimin: But you just said back there that we almost broke up... so... you really—

Jeongyeon: Ani. I spat that out of anger. Jimin, I can't break up with you. I love you and you make my heart jump happily.

Jimin: *smiled* I'm glad. Please, don't scare the hell out of me again, baby. I really thought you were gonna break up with me when you heard me and Jungkook talking, I thought I'd lose my mind.

Jeongyeon: Ani. And I know that even if it happens, you'd find a way for us to get back together.

Jimin: Of course...

Jeongyeon: Promise me, Jimin... that you will always find a way.

Jimin: I promise. *kissed Jeongyeon's hand*


Not even a week had passed and they already found the details of Mr. Jung's team's investigation. It turned out that the people behind the fraud had been planning this since months ago, almost the same time when Jimin was hired.

Jeongyeon was right about the person who fixed her laptop. It made sense because the day after the spilling incident, she found a note in her mailbox written:

"Ms. Yoo, I'm sorry about yesterday. I hope I can make it up to you with this. I searched for someone who can fix your laptop. I heard you prefer home service, call him on this phone number."

She only got to have her laptop fixed less than a month ago and the person almost wasn't able to do so. During that time, Jeongyeon noticed the desperate tone and irritation coming from the man as he kept on asking her why she waited for a very long time to have it checked— and she now understood why.

Aside from them, the man who cleaned her backyard and the plumber were also accomplices. They'd been monitoring Jeongyeon's household for a long time.

However, this was not the worst of all. What sent chills to Jeongyeon was when they watched the previous CCTV footage. They looked like they were attempting to break into her house but it was also showing that they were looking right into the CCTV camera, their faces were covered. Mr. Jung suspected that they were planning to hack Jeongyeon's CCTV footage or the monitoring itself.

Jeongyeon told her parents about this and she got scolded by her appa and she thought she deserved it.

He was right. What's the purpose of a CCTV if I am not checking it regularly.

Mr. Yoo didn't want this to go public at first as it might affect the shareholder's view about Jeongyeon. However, this was not possible since there was court involvement.

This made Jeongyeon question herself.

Am I really fit to be a CEO?


They won the case. They also figured out that it was them who took some of Jimin's money from his account. He remembered that he saved his details on her laptop as well so they must have seen that too.

They won the case but Jeongyeon still couldn't sleep peacefully.

She developed anxiety because of the pressure in the office knowing that everyone was keeping an eye on her. Although her father was able to fix the concerns that were raised by the board of directors and investors, she still blamed herself that her father had to go through all the troubles.

Being the strong and smart lady that she was, she still managed to deliver on her job— attending interviews, talks, meetings, etc. but when it would be time for her to be alone, she'd always cry.

Chaeyoung once caught her sobbing in her office.

Jeongyeon: I feel so weak. Like, I know it's been weeks but I can't move on. I'm so afraid. Like, I know that people judge me... how will I be able to guard my own company if I couldn't with my own house?

Chaeyoung: Shh, it was one mistake so don't let it define you. Remember, this company was not as big as it is now and it is all because of you. *sighs* Unnie, please take care of yourself. Rest for a month. I think you can do that.

Jeongyeon: I will think about that.

Aside from the anxiety built because of her job as a CEO, she'd also wake up from her nightmares. She was haunted by those eyes who were looking directly at her CCTV camera. Jimin would hug her while shushing in her ears to calm her down.

He hadn't officially moved into her house but he was with her every night. They arranged to have Mina sleep with Eun Hwan instead of her as she might disturb the boy's sleep.

One night, it was Jimin who forcefully woke Jeongyeon up. She was already crying in her sleep but she didn't seem to be awake. When she opened her eyes, she turned around to face Jimin who was hugging her from behind.

Jeongyeon: Jimin... I— I can no longer live in this house. I can't sleep. I am so afraid that they'd be here.

Jimin: Shh, I am here baby. No one can harm you.

Jeongyeon: But Eun Hwan...

Jimin: He's with Mina and again, I am here. Arasseo?

Jeongyeon: I don't know Jimin...

Jimin: Would you like Hoseok and Namjoon to come here every night too?

Jeongyeon: Ani, I think I need to move out.

Jimin: Okay, we'll talk about this tomorrow. Drink water first then go to sleep again, okay?

Jeongyeon nodded and got up to drink her water on the bedside table. She settled back down facing Jimin. They stared at each other until she could fall asleep.


They met Ms. Bae, a property consultant, to help them with their house hunting. Jeongyeon was driving while she followed the consultant's car in front going to the next house that they'd be checking.

Jeongyeon: Jimin, move in with us once this is settled.

Jimin: Uhm, I will think about it.

Jeongyeon: Wae? Why are you hesitating? You are basically living with me now.

Jimin: That's why I will think about it, baby. *gives Jeongyeon a kiss on her cheek that made her giggle*

It was almost 2 in the afternoon when they finished their tripping. Jeongyeon decided that she wanted the 4th house they checked. They started talking about the terms and conditions as well as the turnover.

Ms. Bae: You will be able to move-in in 2-4 weeks' time.

Jimin: 2-4 weeks? Can't we rush it?

Ms. Bae: Mmm, sir... the security measures that you'd like to put are very specific and will really take a lot of time.

Jimin: Even a week earlier?

Ms. Bae: I can't guarantee anything, sir, that's why I gave you a time frame.

Jimin: *exhaled sharply*

Jeongyeon: Jimin, it's fine. I can wait.

Jimin: Baby, that's another thirty sleepless nights for you. I hate seeing you cry every night while I can't do anything.

Jeongyeon: Just... stay by my side and I will always be fine. Thirty nights will be bearable as long as you're with me.

But that was not as easy as she said it. Three days after their meeting with Ms. Bae, Jeongyeon woke up with a loud scream that was followed by a cry. Mina rushed to their bedroom as she was also alarmed.

Mina: *behind the door* Unnie? Oppa? Are you guys alright?

Jimin: *opens the door* Yeah, where's Eun Hwan? Is he still asleep?

Mina: Yes, he is.

Jimin: Come in.

Mina tried to calm her cousin down stroking her back. When she did, Jimin kneeled in front of Jeongyeon while holding her hands to talk to her about a suggestion.

Jimin: Baby... what about we stay in your office's bedroom for thirty days? You think that'd be good?

Jeongyeon: I don't wanna be questioned. If people find out that I am going insane and can barely think straight, it's gonna cause trouble in the company.

Jimin: Yeah, I got it.

Jeongyeon: Mianhae Minari, Jimin.

Mina: You don't have to worry unnie. I'm here for you. Okay?

After Jimin locked the door when Mina left, he rushed to Jeongyeon who was sitting on the edge of the bed, made her straddle on his lap, and hugged her tightly like his life depended on it.

▶️ PLAY: Me After You - Paul Kim

Jeongyeon: Careful, I can't breathe. *chuckled*

Jimin: I wanna take it all away. If I could just transfer everything in me, I would.

Jeongyeon: But Eun Hwan and I depend on you. You are the reason why I can still manage to wake up every day because I know you are there... taking care of me and Eun Hwan since I can't at the moment. We can't lose you too, you know.

Jimin: I know, I just feel so helpless whenever I see you cry. I feel useless.

Jeongyeon: That's not true. You make me a hundred times better when I wake up with you beside me. I swear. Thank you for that, Jimin-oppa.

Jimin could only smile and stare at the angel in front of him. On the other hand, Jeongyeon was like looking at his soul directly as she caressed his left cheek trying to understand how a person like him could ever exist in her life.

He must have been sent to me by gods.

Jeongyeon: Park Jimin, you are so beautiful, you know that?

Jimin: Yeah?

Jeongyeon didn't speak, she didn't answer. Instead, she placed kisses on his face— from his forehead to his eyes, down to his nose, cheeks, to his chin, then to his lips. They were planted slowly and beautifully.

She stayed on his lips longer than it should've been. He resisted at first as he didn't want to take advantage of her vulnerability but his feelings towards Jeongyeon were stronger and he knew that tonight, this was the best way to make her feel how much he wanted to protect her and do anything for her.

They both panted when they parted and Jimin noticed that tears escaped from Jeongyeon's eyes.

Jimin: You are crying...

Jeongyeon: I... I didn't know I cried. But don't worry, this is nothing and probably the result of my strong feelings for y—

Before Jeongyeon could finish what she was saying, Jimin attacked her lips quite more aggressively than just a moment ago. His kisses traveled to her jaw then down to her neck. He was marking his territory on that sweet spot while his left hand was going crazy on her hair and his other unbuttoning her blouse.

She didn't know how it happened, but Jimin was able to strip her bra off of her too. He moved her a little so that he could have a look at her upper body first. He'd seen her naked a lot of times now but he was still in awe every time. Also, he just knew that this was going to be very special.

Jimin: Yepeudda...

She adjusted herself on his lap feeling him underneath as his mouth and hand took over her breasts.

That night, Jeongyeon was able to sleep peacefully after Jimin made love to her.


When she woke up, Jimin was still beside her— playing with her hair.

Jimin: Did you sleep well?

Jeongyeon: *nods* Yeah, I slept peacefully.

Jimin: Just a reminder, we can't do that for 27 straight nights, arasseo? So I will be looking for other ways for you to feel better. Okay?

Jeongyeon: *chuckles* I know, babo.

Jimin was looking at her earnestly, wanting to ask about Eun Hwan's father. He remembered what she told him— she didn't know the father. He obviously didn't get her exactly but he had two conclusions— three if he'd include rape but that was something that he didn't want to think because he didn't know what he'd do to that man if ever and it didn't seem to be the reason as well. So, the two conclusions were she did it with a baby-maker aka one-night-stand or she had a sperm donor.

Not that he really wanted to believe the second conclusion but the first time he penetrated her with his fingers, he felt like he was doing it with a virgin and it seemed like he was able to confirm it last night.

Should I ask?

Jeongyeon: Oppa, wae? Why are you looking at me like that? What are you thinking?

He sighed deeply and cursed himself with the thoughts he just had. He hated himself for thinking about it even if he didn't mean to.

I didn't do it to validate my assumption. For goodness' sake.

He brushed it off, smiled, and snuggled on her chest.

Jimin: Nothing, I just can't believe you are mine.


Jimin went back to Jungkook's apartment. He promised to spend his day with him and he couldn't refuse him knowing that the younger guy let him and his stuff stay in his apartment. The place was messier than when Jeongyeon stayed there because everything from his old apartment was given back to him, thanks to his girlfriend. He didn't like that she paid his debt but he was still grateful.

They were having a few drinks at the roof deck when Jungkook asked about Jeongyeon.

Jungkook: How is noona? Is she getting better?

Jimin: Ani, she's still having nightmares. Last night was—


Jimin: It was... it was worst of all. She screamed and...

Jungkook: And?

Jimin: And cried.

Why does it feel wrong to say? She really screamed and cried. For fuck's sake.

Jungkook: Yeah? Okay, what are your plans?

Jimin: I don't know. I really want it to stop, it hurts me seeing her like that but we still have to wait for 26 more days. She's taking medicines to calm her nerves and stop her paranoia but they are not helpful. It's too much for her.

Jungkook: How about you? How are you? I'm talking about your search for your kid.

Jimin: Yeah. Kookie, I have something to tell you... she said she doesn't know who Eun Hwan's father is.

Jungkook: Okay? And?

Jimin: I have two conclusions... either he's a baby maker or a semen donor.

Jungkook: *drank his beer straight up* I really hope she wasn't but... raped?

Jimin: Definitely not. She told me before that she hadn't had a difficult time like this before.

Jungkook: I see. Good, because I'd hunt the man down.

Jimin: I'd join you with that.

Jungkook: So you're saying your plan is...

Jimin: Ask her... and tell her the truth about me too.

Jungkook: Don't.

Jimin: What??

Jungkook: I think you should forget about it. Forget about your child, you have Eun Hwan now.

Jimin: I can't and don't you understand? Eun Hwan might be my son!

Jungkook: What are the odds? God! Hyung! I told you this before, if what you are thinking is true, then you are such a lucky bastard. It's even giving me goosebumps now.

Jimin: I think that's just destiny.

Jungkook: That! Destiny's a bitch. I just don't want to keep your hopes up and then in the end break your heart if ever Eun Hwan isn't yours. And then what's next? You'll lose your interest in the kid.

Jimin: That's never gonna happen!

Jungkook: Yes, it can happen. You just can't admit it but part of you loves the kid because you are still hoping that he's yours since noona can't tell you who his father is. I know that you are not just thinking about it too much but deep within your heart... the truth is there.

Jimin: That's not true! *clenching his fists*

Jungkook: And then what are you gonna tell noona? That you might be the father? Do you know how she'd feel? You don't know, right? You had girlfriends and yet you still can't read girls. This is what she's gonna say... *imitates Jeongyeon* so you only love my Eun Hwan because you think he's your son? And what if he's not your son? You're gonna leave us?

Jimin: She's not gonna think like that! Jungkook! What do you know about MY girlfriend??

Jungkook: Aside from... she's like you who overthinks a lot, nothing else.

Jimin exhaled sharply and also drank beer straight-up.

Jimin: Since you seem like you're too smart, what do you think can I do for Jeongyeon? I can't let her cry for another 26 nights.


He was already decided but Jimin couldn't send his message. He inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly until he finally just let his thumb do its thing.


Text Message:

Jimin: Dr. Kim.

Seon Ho: Yes kid?

Jimin: You told me to be rash, right?

Seon Ho: Yes.

Jimin: What if I do
and I'd be sent to jail?
Would you bail me out?

Seon Ho: Hahahaha.
I thought you have money?

Jimin: Yes, not enough so bail me out.
But, if the mother would ask for money,
you also have to pay for me.

Seon Ho: Why me??

Jimin: It's your responsibility
for telling me to go rash
and for not telling me the truth.
You know who she is
but you are doing this to me.
You have a choice to just tell me.

Seon Ho: C'mon,
where's the fun with that?
And you know I can't.
That's breaching of contract.

Jimin: But you want me to breach the contract too!
You know what, you're too obvious.
The mother is Yoo Jeongyeon,
am I right?

Jimin: Why are you not responding?
It's been 5 minutes.
I knew it.

Seon Ho: Babo,
I was googling who she is.
How come that I don't know her,
she's famous, guess I'm that old.

Jimin: Stop pretending.

Seon Ho: I am not.
Okay... if this is gonna calm you
and get you to your reality... fine,
I'll lend you money
if you'd be put in jail
or you'd need to pay.
Just want you to be rash
coz your kid ain't getting younger...
I have a kid too right?
It's fun and I'd like you to
experience that too.
That's it.
Don't put much meaning into it,
it may break you.

Jimin: Okay but.
We need to sign a contract for that.

Seon Ho: What? Hahaha.
Do you think I'll run from you?

Jimin: C'mon!

Seon Ho: Arasseo,
I'll let you know when. Aish.

End of text message


Jimin drove the car and Jeongyeon's eyes were blindfolded as they go to their destination that only Jimin knew.

Jeongyeon's outfit.

Jeongyeon: Why do I feel nervous about this?

Jimin: Why can't you trust me for real?

Jeongyeon: Just make sure you won't bring me to a red room, Jimin. I don't like that!

Jimin: Oh. Really?

Jeongyeon: Yet. At least not yet. *chuckles*

Jimin: Then we have to go back then...

Jeongyeon: WHAT?? So you really— Jimin!!

Jimin: I'm just kidding! Relax!

Jimin parked the car and assisted Jeongyeon in going out. He was very excited that he wanted to run but he couldn't because he didn't want to have Jeongyeon get tripped.

Jimin: Okay, so for this one, you have be extra careful... we will be going upstairs.

Jeongyeon: No escalator? Or elevator? Where are we?

Jimin: C'mon it's only at the 4th floor.

Jeongyeon: The fuck Jimin?! You're gonna make me climb four floors in a blindfold?!

Jimin: I said relax!

Jimin finally halted making her walk. Jeongyeon was only imagining where they were or what Jimin was doing until she heard a click like a doorknob being opened by a key.

Jeongyeon: Fuck you Jimin, if this is a red room. I'm not ready for that.

Jimin: *laughs*

Jeongyeon: FUCK YOUUU!

Jimin: Shh!! Stop cussing!

He led her in the room and closed the door behind them. After a while, he removed her blindfold. She opened her eyes in an unfamiliar place— a sink and mini kitchen on her left, bathroom on her right, in front of her was a bedroom divided by a glass wall and then there was a small dining table at the center of the room. (kindly refer to the chapter header)

Jeongyeon: Jimin, what is this?

Jimin: My new apartment. I haven't taken my stuff from Kookie though, that's why it's still empty.

Jeongyeon: It has a bed and a dining set already, it's not empty. *roamed around* This looks so cozy.

Jimin: You like it?

Jeongyeon: Yes, but... why do you ask me?

Jimin: Coz I wanna make sure that you'd feel comfortable here... *kneeled and spread his arms* Jeongyeon, will you move in with me here for 20 something days?

Jeongyeon: *chuckled* You look like an idiot, but yes.

Jimin: *got up and hugged Jeongyeon* I love you, and I hope you won't get any nightmares here anymore. This place is secured too, I made sure of that. And I already talked to Mina to be with you everytime I won't be beside you.

Jeongyeon: WHAT??? Mina's my precious cousin, you bastard! Aish... but I don't think I will have nightmares here. I only get them because I overthink about the house itself. I've been living in that house for so long and it's sad to leave but... some things really have to end.

Jimin: Right, for the better ones.

Jeongyeon: *nods* Yeah, for the better ones. *sighs*

Jimin: Jeongie baby... I have a question.

Jeongyeon: Hmm?

Jimin: What do you mean by not knowing Eun Hwan's father?

Jeongyeon was stunned by his question. Not that she was hiding something from him but she didn't expect that he'd bring it up again. Her mind was battling between telling him or not. She knew that she promised to trust him but what she couldn't trust was herself and her paranoia.

She feared that if Jimin would find out that Eun Hwan was a result of getting impregnated by a semen of an unknown man and not by a bastard who broke her heart as he had always believed, he'd think about searching for that person so that Eun Hwan and he could meet. She knew how soft Jimin was. If that would happen, Jimin would probably avoid being too close to her son as if he was his own out of respect.

Overthinking sucks.

Although she'd thought about the possibilities of the future, she still gave it a chance.

Jeongyeon: Why is this important to you?

If Jimin would say something that could convince her to tell him, she'd tell him. However, Jimin remembered what Jungkook told him a few days ago.

Jimin: I just felt like it is important to you, but we were cut off. I thought you just wanna share.

Jeongyeon: But you are not curious?

Jimin: I am... but— if you are not comfortable... I mean... I don't wanna pressure you.

Jeongyeon: I had a sperm donor.

Jimin's heart beat fast... fast and so loud that he thought Jeongyeon must've heard it. His world stopped for a while.

She had a sperm donor.

It could be him.

It should be him.


It could be him... only.

What if it wasn't him?

How would he feel?

Jungkook was right. He didn't know how he'd feel.

So he let it go.

Jimin: Oh. I see... *sighs* you're rich. It makes sense.

Jeongyeon: That's it?

Jimin: Ne, wae?

Jimin led her to sit on the edge of the bed. His knees were shaking, he felt so weak. He wanted to tell her but Jungkook's words lingered on him. But then he thought again...

Do I really love Eun Hwan just because I am hoping that he's mine?

Aside from that, he had Jeongyeon's feelings to think about too. Jungkook was right, she could get hurt.

Jeongyeon: So it's okay? We're okay?

Jeongyeon was trying to read his mind but she felt like he was thinking a lot.

Jeongyeon: Jimin, are you okay? What is going on in your mind?

Jimin: *sighs* Yes, I am okay. I just can't believe that a woman who went through that very expensive process will be living in this small apartment for days... I'm embarrassed.

Jeongyeon: Aish. I actually like this. Isn't this for sale?

Jimin: Wae? You're gonna purchase this?

Jeongyeon: I'd love to.

Jimin: *went closer to Jeongyeon* Ani, this only has 1 bedroom. We won't be able to do this if Eun Hwan is here. *kisses her neck down to her shoulders*

Jeongyeon: Fuck, I wanna feel that 24/7.

Jimin: You are so demanding. *smirks* Hmm, what about we test if this apartment is sound proof?

Jeongyeon: *hits Jimin's arm* You didn't ask if this is?? Wae??

Jimin: Ouch! Of course I did! That's why it's called a test! If this is not sound proof, I'll get the money I deposited here.

Jeongyeon: Hmm, by the way... where did you get the money deposited here?

Jimin: My savings!

Jeongyeon: Mwo?? I thought you'd need that for something??

Jimin: Don't worry about that... I have my ways.

Jeongyeon: I'm hoping those are not fraudulent ways huh.

Jimin: Of course! Anyway, where were we? Oh... *gently grabbed her chin to kiss her but she backed out again* what now??

Jeongyeon: How could you even test if this is sound proof if we are inside?

Jimin: People will knock if they'd hear us, specially you... do you know how loud you are?

Jeongyeon: Stop! You are embarrassing me.

Jimin: Can we continue now??

Jeongyeon: But there are no curtains yet.

Jimin: Oh. Okay, sorry... you don't want to. *giggles* Mianhae.

Jeongyeon: What are you talking about?? I'm just stating facts! Lock the door and we'll do it on the floor.

Jimin: Alright, I'll be right back! *quickly strides to lock the door*


Jeongyeon, Eun Hwan, and Mina just got home from shopping and the cousins continued putting some decorations in the apartment. Jimin was not present because he promised Taehyung that he'd spend the day with him after finding out that he did with Jungkook.

Jeongyeon: Hwanie... do you like it here?

Eun Hwan: I can no longer hear you cry at night eomma, I like this house better.

Jeongyeon's tears automatically fell and she hugged her son. She was so thankful that he was growing up to be thoughtful and kind.

Eun Hwan: Eomma, don't cry.

Mina: Hwanie is so sweet, he doesn't like his mom getting hurt.

Eun Hwan: Yes, and she looks ugly. *laughs*

Jeongyeon: MWO??? Aish. I'm sure Jihyo's little brother taught you that. *giggles*

Mina: Unnie, where should we put this?


Jeongyeon: Hmmm, here *put the frame on the dining table and laughed with Mina*. He'd be annoyed.

Eun Hwan: Hwanie! *points at the photo frame*

Jeongyeon: What? You mean appa?

Eun Hwanie: Ani! Hwanie! *still pointing at the photo frame*

Jeongyeon: *took the photo frame and showed it to Eun Hwan* Look, it's your appa.

Eun Hwanie: Ah, right. I thought it's Hwanie.

Jeongyeon: Jinjja yo?

Mina: They have resemblance. Guess it's because they are always together.

Jeongyeon: *nods while looking at the photo* I see. You're right.


A day after...

Jimin was playing Mobile Legends with Taehyung when his phone rang.

Jimin: The fuck!! I hate these people who wouldn't even text before calling!!

Taehyung: But it's noona...

Jimin: *panicked* M— mwo??

Jimin checked his phone but it wasn't Jeongyeon's name that was displayed. He pulled Taehyung's ear for freaking him out before answering the phone.

Jimin: Hello, Dr. Kim?

Seon Ho: Heyyy, Jimin! Where are you?

Jimin: I'm at my son's school.

Seon Ho: Your son??

Jimin: Aish. Long story, why are you calling?

Seon Ho: I'm free right now, let's sign the contract.

Jimin: Mwo??? You really made a contract?

Seon Ho: What do you think am I?

Jimin: It's not necessary, I believe you now... that you won't run from me.

Seon Ho: Really?? You're gonna leave me hanging after I took the time to write this 5-page shit?

Jimin: What the hell did you put in there Dr. Kim???

Seon Ho: It's fine. I understand... I'll just have this thrown away and forget about it but I'd still bail you out just in case... for you to realize just how awesome I am. I'm hanging up now. By—

Jimin: Wait!! Okay! Gosh, you really played the guilt card. Where are you? I just have to tell my girlfriend, okay?

Seon Ho: Wow. Okay. Lover boy. I'll text you the address. Tell me if your girlfriend wouldn't let you so that we could resched, arasseo?

Jimin: Yeah.

After that call, he immediately texted Jeongyeon.

Text Message:

Jimin: Baby,
I have to go to someone.
Is that okay?

Jeongyeon: Who?

Jimin: A friend of mine.
He seems lonely.

Are you going to stay long?

Jimin: I'm not sure,
I'm suggesting to call
Yoongi for Eun Hwan
just in case.

Arasseo, don't be late.
I'll cook your favorite food later.

Jimin: You know what
my favorite food is 👅😉.

Jeongyeon: Pervert.
Take care. I love you so much.

Jimin: I love you too so much.

End of text message.

Taehyung: God, what did I read? That was too much info. *acting like gagging*

Jimin: The fuck, why were you reading our conversation at all???


Jimin could no longer count how many times he saw Jeongyeon cried. It was always too painful to watch.

However, this was a particular day when he felt the opposite.

He parked the car in front of the restaurant that Dr. Kim texted. It was sunny just a few minutes ago but rain started to fall bit by bit.

He always hated the rain. It was raining when his eomma died, raining when Sana found him starving and when she left, he also remembered that it rained during his first day as a stripper. And of course, how would he ever forget that because of the rain, Jeongyeon almost fired him.

But this day changed it all. It was raining as he entered the restaurant, searching for the doctor that he was about to meet again. But he found someone else.

Jeongyeon— and she was crying.

After a few seconds of being puzzled, he found the man that he was looking for... sitting opposite hers, his back facing him.

He turned around and smiled.

Seon Ho: Hi, Jimin.

He never felt this happy on a rainy day before.


A/N: 6500+ words, I didn't expect it to be this long.

I'm curious, if you were Jimin, would you listen to what Jungkook said? I was imagining myself as Jimin while writing their part and I was so torn.

As I've been always saying, I hope you enjoyed this! 1 chapter left!! 😭

If you've read this until here, thank you so much!! ❤️

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