Can I have both? Bakugo x Kir...

By Anxiety_on_Crack

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I HAVE STOPPED POSTING HERE I haven't abandoned this story, I am just exclusively posting on AO3 now. Same n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 17

187 0 2
By Anxiety_on_Crack

Warning: Graphic descriptions later in chapter. 

Y/n was jittery the rest if the night. 

1. She fought along with real pro heroes in a real villain incident.

2. She fought against another Nomu.

3. She saw Midoriya get snatched up by one of the Nomus and then saw 'Stain the hero killer' save him.

4. Midoriya, Iida and Shoto fought 'Stain the hero killer'.

5. Midoriya, Iida and Shoto were in big trouble.

She wanted to go to the hospital with the boys but was ordered by Endeavor to go back to the agency and wait until the afternoon.

So, she walked alone through the streets back to the agency. When she got off the elevator and arrived to her room, she saw an envelope taped to the door. She grabbed it and closed the door behind her. Her mind felt too foggy to read after fighting all night and she was hungry, sweaty and tired.

So, she took a nice long shower, changed into clean clothes and went down to the cafeteria to eat her weight in food. Okay, not her actual weight but she had like 5 servings.

When she got back to her room, a satisfied smile on her face, she remembered the envelope. She grabbed it off the nightstand where she had tossed it before heading to the showers and flopped onto the bed.

After ripping it open she read over it. It was her schedule for tomorrow. She had paperwork to help with from 8-11am, lunch at noon, hour break and then back to paperwork for another 3 hours, free time at 4pm and after.

She sighed, she would be doing it without Shoto this time. Even though they didn't talk while working it would feel empty. She tossed the paper back to the nightstand and pulled her phone out of her bag.

Her phone was blown up with texts  from her classmates.

She looked through all of them and they all basically said the same thing: Are you ok? I saw the news. You were there right?

She shot them all a text saying, yes she was there and was fine. She was a little surprised to see Bakugo had texted her.

Bakugo: Saw the news. You fight at all?

Y/n: Yeah, got back around an hour ago.

Bakugo: Cool. Bet I could've done better than you tho.

Y/n rolled her eyes while smiling at that text.

Y/n: Whatever you say Bakugo.

She moved onto the next text: Kiri.

Kirishima: I saw the news, are you alright??

Y/ns heart warmed at how worried he sounded for her.

Y/n: I'm fine. Got back an hour ago. 

Kirishima: That's good.

Kirishima: What was it like fighting with pros?

Y/n: It was pretty awesome not gonna lie lol.

Y/n: Got to see how different heroes work together and their fighting styles.

Kirishima: Man! Wish I coulda interned with you 😭

Kirishima: Lights out is in 15 so I gotta go.

Kirishima: SWEET DREAMS 😴💪😁

Y/ns cheeks were getting sore from smiles at the sweet, and in Kirishimas own words, 'manly' texts.

Y/n: You too!

Even though Shoto wasn't here, Y/n still snuggled into her futon and drifted to sleep.

Y/ns dream that night started out great.

She was in a kitchen she didn't recognize making cupcakes with Kiri and Bakugo. Who would've thought? 

"Shitty hair that's too much!" Bakugo flew across the kitchen to where Kiri was dumping the sugar into the bowl.

"But we need them to be sweet, right?" Countered the red head. Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, but we don't wanna get diabetes ya idiot! You have to measure it!" He slapped him on the arm, snatched the bag of sugar and gave it to Y/n.

"Hide this from him." Not bothering to keep his voice low. Y/n only laughed as Kirishima crossed his arms making him look like an angry toddler.

A few minutes later and the kitchen a mess, the cupcake batter was sorted into pans and put into the oven.

"Next part..." Bakugo murmured to himself.

"Frosting!!" Kiri shouted with the joy of a five year old.

"Oh, can we do chocolate?" Asked Y/n, grabbing onto Bakugos arm. Bakugo 'Tch'ed' and said "Duhh."

Y/n got the ingredients, Bakugo added them and Kiri got to stir. It took them so long that by the time the frosting was mixed, the cupcakes were done and were cool enough to frost.

"Here," Bakugo shoved piping bags to Y/n and Kiri. "I'm frosting my own so some of them don't look like they were run over by a train." 

"Oh blasty you are on." Kiri said, readying his piping bag,

"Oh, it's a competition now?" Asked Y/n. "Best froster wins!" 

"Oh, you're on." Bakugo smiled. And the trio started frosting.

Bakugo did indeed win.

"If only I was more consistent." She mused. While one cupcake would look like a pro baker did it, the next would look like a 7 year old did it while having a tantrum.

"Well, you did better than me." Kiri looked at his own cupcakes while rubbing his neck. Some had way too much frosting that it was dripping down the sides and some had little to none.

"And that is why I won." He looked proudly at his batch, all them perfect little roses. Kiri pouted but then dawned a smirk only a trouble maker wears. Y/n gave him a look when he dipped two fingers into one of his cupcakes that had too much frosting. He then did the unthinkable. He wiped the frosting onto Bakugos face.

"Oh, you're dead." His hands crackled and popped as he turned on Kiri. The red head took that as a sign to run. They ran around the kitchen island a few times until Kiri ran to what Y/n assumed was the living room, Bakugo close behind him. Y/n was laughing the whole time.

Y/n went to go save Kiri. But when she walked through the door, it wasn't the living room, nor the dinning room.

She was back to the endless back void she usually was when her father used his quirk. She turned to go back to the kitchen, but the door was no longer there. Instead, she saw her mother and father both holding guns to Bakugo and Kirishimas heads who were on their knees.

"W-what are you doing?" Y/n said trembling. It looked like the two boys had their hands bound behind their backs and had duck tape over their mouths.

"Giving you your punishment. What else does it look like?" Her mother replied with a sadistic grin. Y/n slowly started to walk towards them.

"And getting rid of your distractions." Her father added. Bakugo lunged at him but got a shot to both of his legs. 

"NOO!" Y/n ran at them.

"Ah ah ah." Her father shoved the gun to Bakugos head making Y/n stop in her tracks. Kirishima was fighting against his restraints but didn't move, tears flowing down his face now. Y/n felt a few of her own tears roll down her face.

"Please, you don't have to do this." 

"Ooh, I think we do." Her mother said. "These boys are distracting you, therefore, we need to get rid of them." Y/n then felt hands on her, forcing her onto her knees. She turned her head to see the black gooey skeletons from past nightmare holding her down. She looked back to her parents when she heard a hissing sound.

To her horror, her parents bodies were contorting and getting bigger and darker until, standing in their place, two black Nomus. (Gets a little gory FYI)

Bakugo was still bleeding out on the floor. Kiri got up the try and protect him but the Nomu that used to be her mother grabbed him and smashed his body down hard.

Y/n was full on crying now, screaming and begging her parents to stop. She wanted so badly to go and protect her friends but the skeletons were too strong. 

Bakugo was trying to crawl away but was also grabbed. He struggled as much as he could but then with a sickening riip, his left leg was bitten off at the knee. Y/n heard his muffled screams. She was hyperventilating now.

"NOOOOO!!! PLEASE STOP!!!" That made both of the Nomus look at her, but they didn't stop. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!!" The shaking and tears didn't stop. The skeletons hands dug into her arms making them bleed but she didn't care. She was watching her friends get torn apart.

Kiri was lifted up and was thrown to the ground again, but harder. The tape seamed to have ripped off and Y/n could hear him gasping out, "Please, help." Before his own leg was ripped off, making him release a blood curdling scream. The gruesome scene continued. Y/n tried to look away or close her eyes but the skeletons made she she saw every part.

The boys were now down to one arm and leg both. The whole time screaming for mercy and to make the pain go away. And it was given to them when Y/ns parents, turned Nomus, bit off their head. Their bodies were dropped in front of Y/n.

Y/n was shaking all over, tears streaming down her face and screaming no over and over and over. 

(Gore over)

Y/n woke up in a cold sweat screaming, shaking and hyperventilating. She just laid on her futon crying and hugging herself for an hour until the tears stopped and was breathing semi normally. She then got up and crawled into Shotos bed. 

Another 30 minutes later she looked up to look at the clock. She was surprised to see was 6:57am. She wasn't even needed for another hour. She got up and went to go take a shower to wash away the sweat and dried tears and took her time going down to the cafeteria.

She had just been told by a staff member it was 4 o'clock and that she had free time the rest of the day. Y/n thanked them and went back to her room to get into some workout clothes and then headed for the gym. She needed to hit something, anything. Needed to get rid of some steam that had been pent up the whole day.

After two hours in the gym, she had calmed down a bit and destroyed 2 1/2 punching bags. She took a quick shower and informed a staff member she was going to the hospital to visit Shoto. Midoriya and Iida too of course, but right now she needed Shoto, her brother.

She took a cab and 20 minute later walked through the sliding automatic doors, asking the receptionist what room Shoto was in. After being told where he was, she wasted no time finding his room.

When she opened the door with Shotos room number she found all three boys in the same room.

"Oh, hello Y/n." Iida noticed her first and the other turned their heads at her name.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Shoto asked, plain faced. She walked over to ruffle his hair a bit.

"To visit you guys of course. Wanted to see how you guys are doing."

"We're okay." Midoriya answered. Y/n nodded.

"That's good." She then lightly flicked all three of them in the head "Then why in the hell were you guys fighting Stain?!" She pinched her nose. "Actually no, don't tell me." She sighed and looked up to see the boys slightly looking down. She sighed again.

"Even though it was very stupid to fight him," She paused. "It was kinda cool how you guys took him down when some pro heroes couldn't." She gave them all a smile and sat down next to Shoto.

She stayed the whole time visiting hours were open. But an hour before she had to go, while iida and Midoriya were both talking to doctors individually in other rooms, Shoto took her hand.

"Are you okay?" Y/n was about to say 'Yeah, of course.' but she knew she could trust him.

"Sort of, but..." She paused for a second. Shoto waited for her to talk, still holding her hand.

"Had a nightmare." She said. Shoto gave her hand a squeeze before saying, "Do you want to talk about it?" She immediately shook her head no. She didn't want to talk about cause she was scared about reliving it. Shoto thought for a minute.

"Um, would you like a hug?" Y/n looked up at him.

"Yeah." Her voice cracked a little and her eyes started to water as Shoto embraced her. They stayed like that for 10 minutes straight. Shoto just stayed there and hesitantly rubbed her back. Not really knowing how to comfort someone but he was doing his best.

After all her tears were dried she pulled away and thanked him. He gave her a small smile.

"What are brothers for?" Y/n gave him a thankful smile. She sniffed and wiped her eyes once more.

"I should probably go. You're probably sick of e by now" She chuckled and moved to get up off the bed but Shoto grabbed her arm.

"You can stay until visiting hours are over, I don't mind." She looked at him. "Besides, I like your company." That made Y/n smile and sit back down as Midoriya and Iida came back through the door.

"We found Uno if you guys wanna play." Midoriya said. Y/n looked at Shoto and he nodded.

"That sounds like a great idea."

Man, this is over 2,000 words. Coolio.

Thanks for reading!

Stay weird✌

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