Make A Wish (Bruno Mars Fanfi...

By ijustlove_brunomars

41.9K 1.9K 576

We all have dreams, fantasies, and wishes... What would you do if those wishes came true? For Selina, Bruno M... More

Make A Wish
Make A Wish: Part 2
Make A Wish: Part 3
Make A Wish: Part 4
Make A Wish: Part 5
Make A Wish: Part 6
Make A Wish: Part 7
Make A Wish: Part 8
Make A Wish: Part 9
Make A Wish: Part 10
Make A Wish: Part 11
Make A Wish: Part 12
Make A Wish: Part 13
Make A Wish: Part 14
Make A Wish: Part 15
Make A Wish: Part 16
Make A Wish: Part 17
Make A Wish: Part 18
Make A Wish: Part 19
Make A Wish: Part 20
Make A Wish: Part 21
Make A Wish: Part 22
Make A Wish: Part 23
Make A Wish: Part 24
Make A Wish: Part 25
Make A Wish: Part 26
Second Extension (lol)

Make A Wish: Part 27

1.2K 81 45
By ijustlove_brunomars

I was in utter disbelief, looking down at what was in my hands. It seemed unreal, like it wasn't really happening and I was watching a scene from a movie.

The green plus sign was so clear, and everything else was blurry, unimportant at the moment.

And the most unnerving part was.....this was my third time doing this.

I am pregnant.

"Sel? You ok? You've been in there for over an hour!" Bruno calls.

My heartbeat speeds up in my chest and I feel on the verge of tears. How do I tell him? What will he think? Does he want to have a baby? Certainly not right now.....

Before the stone, when he was 29 and living a different life, he had no kids. He wasn't married. He was too busy being Bruno Mars.

"Selina, If you don't tell me you're ok then I will come in there myself." He warns, his voice revealing his worry.

"I....I'm fine." I manage to choke out. "I'll be there in a minute, ok?"

"Alright. But don't forget we need to be at the airport in an hour." Bruno reminds me.

I take a deep breath, thinking back to prom night. That night happened twice for me, and to think it never crossed my mind once to use protection.

Slowly I gather myself and prepare to face the music. I walk out of the bathroom and find Bruno to tell him the news.

"Bruno?" I ask in a small, quiet voice. He turns and faces me.

"There you are." He picks up my chin and kisses me briefly. "You ready for this?" He asks, eyes gleaming with anticipation.

I try my best to look excited and nod. Instantly I decide I'm not ready to tell him yet. I'll tell him at the airport, before we board the plane.

"Then lets go." He says.

We load everything into my moms car and she takes us to the airport.

"Be safe, baby." My mom engulfs me in a tight hug, an I was very grateful for her affection.

"I will mom." I ensure her. She turns to Bruno.

"Take good care of my daughter, Bruno. She deserves the best." She tells him.

"Yes she does." He says honestly, looking at me.

Next my mom gives him a hug as well. "Good luck." She says.

"Thanks, Mrs. G." He smiles. We take our luggage and he grabs my hand, walking away from my mom. Who knows the next time I'll see her again.

Bruno and I endure the agonizing and painful task of maneuvering through the airport. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about what I needed to tell him. Instinctively I keep touching my stomach. It's weird to think there's another life growing inside of me. Just the thought of it makes me queasy.

We walk into the terminal to wait for our flight to be called, and I knew this was my chance to tell Bruno.

Over the intercom they call out our flight number and Bruno stands. "You ready?" He asks me.

I bite my lip and look away. "We need to talk first." I tell him.

"What about?" He asks.

"You might want to sit down for this."

"I prefer to stand."

I sigh. "Fine."

I reach in my pocket and pull out the positive test that was wrapped in toilet paper. I take his hand and push the pregnancy test into his palm. He gives me a weird look before glancing down at what I gave him. As soon as his mind registers what this means his eyes go wide.

"I'm pregnant."

"Holy shit." Is all he can say.

"I know."

Bruno takes me completely off guard and pulls me to him, kissing me long and hard. His hands clamp around my belly.

"We're gonna be parents." He says in shock, but I can also detect a strand of happiness in his voice. But why? Doesn't he see the bigger picture here? This could affect everything.

"What if we aren't ready for this, Bruno? I mean, we're so young." I say.

"We can figure it out together."

Over the intercom our flight is once again called out, but Bruno made no attempt to board the plane.

"Bruno that's our plane." I tell him.

"I know." He starts gathering our bags but he doesn't head towards the gate. Instead, he goes the opposite way.

"What are you doing? They'll leave without us!" I protest.

"I know." He repeats.

At this point I reach out and take hold of his arm, pulling him to a stop.

"Bruno you have to be on that plane."

"There'll be more planes to LA, Selina."

But not the right one, I think to myself.

"But- but what about your dream?" I ask, panic starting to settle in my chest.

"Sel, listen to me." Bruno says. He puts his hands on my shoulder so that I'm facing him. He stares down at me. "This changes everything. Being a parent means responsibility. I can't pursue my dream when I have a child to take care of. I can sacrifice what I want in order to ensure my kid has a stable life."

I shake my head. "But you're gonna be famous. You'll have so much money to support him. To support us." I say.

Bruno looks down and laughs dryly. "It was never a realistic plan anyways." He says.

"How could you say that?" I ask in disbelief. This is what he's always wanted. What he's destined for.

"How can I not? It's true. Besides you and my family no one else has believed in me." He says.

"You don't understand. I believed in you because Ive seen what you'll become." The words slip out before I can stop them.

"What are you talking about?" He asks, obviously confused.

I take a deep breath. "Bruno Mars is going to be one of the biggest celebrities. In 2010 is when you first make it big while featuring in songs with other artists. Around the same time you release your own songs, that takes you further than you'd ever imagine. Your first album is called Doo Wops and Hooligans, and you go on a world tour performing those songs with your band, your brother Eric, and your best friend Phillip Lawrence. People all over the world love and idolize you. They call themselves Hooligans. In 2012 you put out another album called Unorthodox Jukebox, which also goes big. You start a brand new tour that lasts two years. You've won awards like Grammys, performed at all kinds of big events worldwide, and was in a magazine for being in the top 100 most influential people. In 2014 you do the biggest performance of your life, by performing at the Superbowl halftime show. It was the most watched halftime show in Superbowl history. You become an inspiration to so many people. You save lives, literally. There's a girl named Zumyah who nearly died, but recovered by listening to your music. You dedicated a concert to her, which made thousands of people tear up. Not only does your music change the world, Bruno. You as a person change the world."

I stop and search his face for something, anything that will tell me he understands. That he believes me.

"You have to get on that plane." I insist.

" you know this?" He asks. I could tell he was very freaked out at the moment.

But...I can't blame him. I was too, when this all started.

"Because, I am a Hooligan."

The truth is pretty much out. There's no stopping now.

I reach in my shirt and pull out the blue stone gem that's secured around my neck. The object that brought us into this whole situation.

"I wished to be with you. With this. There were three wishes, and the first one didn't work out. So I wished we were 17, and it took us back in time.

I've loved you long before this, Bruno. I know all about your life. How at only four years old you performed as the youngest Elvis Impersonator ever. Ever since I heard your first song.... I couldn't help but fall in love with you."

Bruno opens his mouth as if to speak, but then closes it right away. He repeats this action a few more times.

"Please Bruno......say something." I plead. All this silence from him was uncomfortable. He also looks like he might pass out any second.

"This has to be a dream." He finally says.

"It's not, Bruno. You have to believe me."

Over the intercom a voice interrupts us. "Last call for flight 221704 to Los Angeles. Doors close in approximately 3 minutes."

Bruno looks back at the gate, longingly. I can see the internal battle in his head by the expression on his face.

"Go." I insist.

He takes a few steps towards it slowly, then stops.

"I can't."

He turns to face me.

"Even if I believed every word you just told me, it wouldn't matter. Now that I know what's supposed to happen, don't you think that'll effect the outcome? This whole wish in general, did you really think it would all be the same with you here?

But it's did this because you love me. And truth be told.....I've fallen in love with you, too. Whatever the new future holds, I want it to be with you."

Bruno steps close to me and strokes my cheek with his hand. I sigh and rest my head against his palm.

He's giving up everything for me.

All the fame. The fans. The music. Every opportunity to have exactly what he's always wanted.

For me.

He leans in and kisses me. Hard. Our arms wrap around each other. My hands get lost in his curls. I kiss back with just as much force.

And when we break away, and I finally look up. I see the gate to Bruno's flight has closed. Sealing his new fate.

Except I can't let that happen. I'm not worth it.

"I love you, Selina."

And those were the only words I needed.

"I love you too, Bruno."

I reach and grab the dream stone, clenching it in my hand tightly. I remember a spell that was given to me by Astrid along with the necklace. It's the only way out.

I have to reverse the spell.

"Retour a la Manuela"

And with those four words, it all ended.


I sit straight up, gasping, eyes wide open, looking around. I awoke in a bed that I haven't slept in for what seems like forever. I recognize the room. This is my apartment.

Only then do I let the tears fall. Everything I've done, everything I've lost, that I never really had in the first place.

But he told me he loved me.

Bruno Mars said he loved me.

When my eyes finally dry enough I gaze around my room, taking in every detail. Every poster I have of Bruno, every picture. My computer is constantly playing his music. Right now Locked Out Of Heaven was blasting. Everything seemed....normal. For once.

A beeping sound goes off and I look to the bedside to see my phone getting a text. I open my phone to read it.

There's a state fair in town 2day. U in?

It was from my best friend, Kaitlin. Someone I've neglected to think about for so long. But now just by receiving this text, I've realized how much I missed her and everyone else in my life.

I also realize that I've been brought to the very same day when all of this started happening to me. It's all a rewind.

Or maybe..... None of it ever happened at all. What if it was all just a dream? A very long, vivid, and painful dream.

There's only one way to find out.

I text Kaitlin back.


I have time to kill, so I turn on the television. What I see in front of me is shocking.

"In today's news, celebrity and pop singer Bruno Mars has supposedly broken up with his long time relationship, Jessica Caban. Rumors claim Mars found Jess had been cheating on him for months, and kicked her out of his life. So it looks like Bruno is back on the market, for all those single ladies out there."

I nearly choke when I hear the words. That's unbelievable. And then I knew that it was not all a dream. It was true. And I'm so happy to know he saw Jessica's true colors after all.

I hear pounding on my front door, soon followed by yelling. "SELINA! Come on girl open up! It's time to PARRTAYYY!!"

I go to open my front door, and there's Kaitlin. She grins at me and pulls me out of the apartment. We're both giggling hysterically as we pile into her car.

"Damn what's gotten into you? I haven't seen you this happy since The day Bruno Mars released Uptown Funk!" She says.

I shake my head and smile like an idiot. "He broke up with Jessica."

"Shit no wonder you're so giddy. But don't get your hopes up, Selina. You know there's like a 1 in a billion chance he'll even notice you, let alone date you."

I shrug. "Yeah, you're right."

If only you knew....

We arrive at the fair, and the events played out just like before. I was once again alone, holding Kaitlin's cotton candy while she rode the rides. Don't think just because I've tampered with magic and shit means I'll get on those things. That would be insane.

And as I look up, just like before, I'm once again faced with an odd looking building. The sign says "Miracles: Where dreams come true".

My thoughts travel back to Astrid, and my heart clenches. She sacrificed herself for me. But then again I reversed the spell. Does that mean it reversed her death as well? Could it possibly work like that?

I walk up to the shop, that seemed old and abandoned. Trying the door I realize it's locked.

But it wasn't locked the last time.

With a sigh, and a heaviness in my heart, I turn to head back to the bench I was sitting at.

But when I walk, I crash into something, colliding with it and almost falling. Except the thing turned out to be a person, who caught me at the last second before I could hit the ground.

I'm pulled up into a pair of strong arms, and only then I look up to see who caught me.

"Sorry about that. I'm Bruno. Bruno Mars." He flashes a charming smile, and all I could do was stare at him as if he were a god.

And to think I thought this crazy adventure was over.

"Oh, it's ok. I-I'm Selina." He lets go of me, but makes no attempt to put distance between us. I was so bemused by this entire thing.

My phone beeps and I take a second to look at the screen. Probably a text from Kaitlin, I suppose.

See? I told you. You are destined for your dreams. ~A

I look behind me once more, to the shop of miracles. I barely make out the shadow of her. I'm positive it's her.


With a wink of her eye, she's vanished into thin air just like that.

I turn back to Bruno, who surprisingly is still here, gazing at me.

"I know this is quick to ask but what would you say if I offered to take you out sometime?" He asks curiously.

I was at a complete loss for words. THE Bruno Mars practically just asked me out.

Wow....this starstruck feeling seems to never get old.....

"I would say.....Yes." I smile at him, and he smiles back.

So, I was wrong about thinking my journey with Bruno Mars had ended.

In reality, the journey had just begun.

The End.

Authors Note:


Can you believe it?

Is this even real?

Of course it isn't real, it's a fanfiction. Duh. 😂

Lol but really, just, wow.

It's finally over.


This was my first story on Wattpad and overall a great experience. It means so much to know my writing has the power to do everything it has for me. And to know "Make A Wish" has gained over 15.3k reads, 741 stars, and 311 comments.... I can't even comprehend life right now. LOL.

I'm not sure if I'm going to write another on here or not. If I do, it'll be a while. Mainly because as you've seen with the end of this story, recently I've had next to no time to write. And I hate leaving you guys waiting.


And with that spectacular end to this fanfic, there's only one thing left for me to say.

Be careful what you wish for, Hooligans. 😉

Aka: Leah 💕

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