The Iron Maiden

By Huwake_43

43.5K 2.2K 201

21-year old Kawataba Junko was a workaholic that unfortunately died due to a supposed truck accident Was what... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20

Part 3

3.4K 154 5
By Huwake_43

Two years later...

A horse carriage was quickly moving throughout the streets of the city of Delphi, One of the places that is under the rule of the Cyprus Empire, Which is one of the leading Superpowers in the Continent of Azis

The streets of the flourishing city emitted a positive atmosphere as it always does. The smiles of the People and the playing children could be seen all around, The prosperous state of the businesses of families and  merchants could be noticed, and the overall feeling of being in a healthy environment could be felt

"Woah...Miss Hava, this is such a peaceful city..."

The voice of amazement by the young little girl who is riding inside the carriage could be heard

"Indeed it is, It's under the rule of the Rosenblades after all. They're the most renowned out of all of the great families so I would expect nothing less...To be honest Lia, You're quite lucky to be working In a lovely environment" 

A more mature and adult-like voice calmly replied to her

Besides the coachman who is handling the navigations, Two people were inside the carriage 

One was an adult woman named Hava that looked around to be in her mid-twenties who was wearing a maid uniform. Her purple hair was long and elegant which stretched over her shoulders, and she had a dazzling and robust figure that would make all the men who see her think that she's some sort of succubus. 

And yet the woman's beautiful face was tenderly smiling, and she was looking at the sight of the excited little girl in front of her with her clear blue eyes like an innocent maiden. 

The other person, on the other hand, was a young little girl who looked around to be at the age of ten or eleven, Her hair is short and ashen colored and her green eyes were locked at the peaceful scenery of the city, She was also wearing the same uniform as Hava

But compared to Hava, the little girl's charm was lacking but it was by no means bad. Even though she is still young, the little girl's atmosphere and mannerisms seemed to be that of an adult's, which is beautiful in its own way

The name of the little girl is Lia but in truth, she had another identity, She was a hardworking adult from another world that goes by the name of Kawataba Junko.

"Yes, that may be the case"

Lia replied as she looked at the window of the carriage once more to inspect the city

This place looks really nice...Compared to the rowdy streets of Tokyo, it's is a nice change of pace...though come to think of it, I've been in this world for a while now but this is the first time that I've seen a city since the educators didn't allow us to leave and all...

"Lia, I'm sure that I don't need to remind you but watch what you say. The person whom you'll be serving is quite the troublesome person after all. Try to be patient and don't do anything to embarrass the name of the Victorian maids"

Urk...damn, you just had to remind me...

"I know that it's the rules but is it really too late to switch masters?"

Lia asked and used one of her signature moves named the "puppy eyes"

"Both of you agreed to the contract that was set so of course not "

Hava flatly denied

"Urk...understood ma'am..."

This is the worst...if I had only stopped to think a moment back then, I wouldn't have to deal with this...


Lia then removed all of the pessimistic thoughts in her head and gave her cheeks a good slapping in order to regain her focus

It's my job so I have no other choice but to do it! For the sake of everyone back home, I must not sully my reputation as a Victorian Maid!

Hava could only smile at the fire that she could see Lia's eyes, though she would be lying if she said that she isn't worried for her. The job of a victorian maid is a rough road after all.

To put it into context, A victorian maid refers to the graduates who came from the prestigious learning institution to train abandoned female orphans into servants. The name of the institution is  Victoria and it has been around since the early periods of history and has cultivated many first-class servants, specifically maids 

Though the training and the education they employ may be difficult and rigorous, the graduates from that institution would usually go on to serve the elites and the high-ranking members of society throughout Azis.

That is what it means to be a Victorian maid, and Hava was worried to have a child carry such a responsibility. Though it has only been two years since she had took Lia under her wing, she had already seen her as the daughter that she never had and so she fears the problems that Lia might face on

If it's Lia then I guess she could handle it...but...



Hava opened her mouth and was about to say something but figured that It would be unnecessary, 

"It's nothing...Anyway, prepare yourself, we're getting close to the manor"

"Yes ma'am"

Lia already noticed that they were getting close to their destination, the scenery around them changed from a bustling and peaceful city to a tranquil and bountiful flat land that is surrounded by trees. The place that they were on right now is the estate of the Rosenblade family, the one's  that manages this peaceful city 

"Lia, do you have your luggage on the ready?"

"Yes ma'am!"

Lia says as she touches the large suitcase that is beside her

"Good, if that's prepared then I don't need to say anymore. We're scheduled to meet the contractor the moment we arrive so make sure to check your appearance, first impressions are important after all"

Hava says this as she hands a small mirror to her, Lia happily accepted it and she began her final checks to her appearance, she made sure that there wasn't anything stuck on her face and made sure that her uniform didn't look wrinkled or messy, after which, she handed back the mirror to Hava with a smile

"Thank you, ma'am"

"Come on enough with the ma'am,  I told you to call me mom when we're alone..."

"O-Oh right sorry mom...We're usually working  when we see each other so I'm not really used to it..."

"Hmmm, you're right...and since you're gonna be assigned here starting now, then the number of times that we'll meet would be less...if that's the case"

Hava quickly moved towards Lia and gave her a tight loving hug


Hava then gave a light peck at the cheeks and looked at Lia directly at her eyes

"Good luck out there Lia..."


I'm really lucky to have been blessed by a kind and loving foster parent in this world...

The carriage then shook for a bit before coming to a halt, Both of them noticed this and quickly prepared to formally present themselves

"Excuse me, ladies the mistress is now ready to see you"

They then heard the voice of the coachman from outside and both of them then looked at each other and nodded before opening the door of the carriage 


The two of them are now being guided throughout the mansion by an old butler, Lia determined that the house they were in right now is indeed for the nobility because of how wide and luxurious the place is. The hallway that they were walking on is more gorgeous than any of the places that she had been on in her past life

 The entire floor of the hallway was carpeted red, and it felt so comfortable that a person could probably sleep on the floor and wake up in the morning with a refreshed feeling, there were huge white pillars at the side that looked similar to the ones of the greek architecture, and there were also multiple portraits and ornaments that made the place look grand, and this was only at a hallway...

"Wow....I've read this from the book before but I've never thought that it would be this lavish..."

Lia unconsciously blurted out her thoughts

"Oh? so you've already done your research on the people you would serve? Well done, Though I guess that's to be expected of you" 

Hava said as she looks at her like a proud mother


I can't tell her...

Lia felt a bit guilty when she looked at the eyes of her proud foster parent because in the first place

The reason why I knew these things because the world we're in right now is from a novel!

Fate of Lovers

That was the title of the book that swept through Japan and became extremely popular, It's a romance novel that was aimed at the young female demographics of the country, and oh boy did they fired a good shot

The reason why it became so popular is because of its extremely cliche plot. The story is about a girl who is a commoner that was able to study at a school that was for the rich and the Elites, Obviously, as most stories like these go, Most of the  students didn't really like the thought so they bullied her relentlessly 

But of course, with the power of kindness, friendship, bad writing, and being the main character, she was able to not only stop the bullying but also made a harem of five hot guys, and became the student council president of the school

The novel didn't really have anything new or unique that made it different, but that's the thing that made it good. The girls found it be so mediocre that they started seeing it as a beautiful thing, and Junko was one of those girls

When she came to this world two years ago it took her a few months to realize that she was in the same world, and once she did, she made a vow to herself to NOT involve herself in the main cast as much as possible, and that's because she determined that they would bring her more trouble than what they're worth

Junko liked working but the predicament that they had was a pain even for Junko, so she decided to steer clear from them, and she was doing well...Up until a few months ago

"Excuse me, Miss Aithne I have bought the guest"

The voice of the Butler snapped Junko out of her thoughts, she realized that they stopped in front of a huge door that somehow seemed to be more luxurious than others, the door had the mark of some sort of rose engraved into it, and guarding it at the side were two huge golden statues with a sword and a shield, they seemed to be some type of statue

Well, I guess that they're supposed to look like one

"Come in"

Said the feminine voice that came from the other side of the door, it was a familiar one that sent shivers on Lia's spine

The butler held the doorknob and was in the middle of opening it, but at that short moment, Junko and Hava sensed that something was coming at them at high speeds. 

"Liaaaaa darling!!~"

When the door was finally fully opened, a woman quickly jumped and launched herself forward, seeking a hug, but the both of them adjusted their position and quickly moved out of the way so she only fell flatly on the floor


"It's good to see that you're still in good health ma'am"

Lia said in the most monotone way possible

"Ahhh Lia, you tease~"

The young woman says as she hastily stands up from the fall. She quickly closed the distance between her and Lia and stared at her face with her dazzling golden-colored eyes that were filled with excitement 

With this, Lia could now see the woman's features more clearly. She has long and curly hair that stretched down over her shoulders and was crimson-colored, It looked gorgeous but it seemed to be a bit messy due to the fall that she just took

The beautiful  face of the woman was also nothing to scoff at, one glance at her is enough to make people assume that she is some sort of nobility, the aura, and the presence that she exceeds also tell the same thing

But contrary to her noble appearance, the clothes that she is wearing right now is unfitting and downright improper, she's wearing a simple long black nightgown that had no sleeves whatsoever and was quite revealing at that, which amplified her already erotic figure

The butler understandably looked a bit shaken up by the situation, but Hava and Lia were already quite used to it

"Madam! couldn't you have chosen a more appropriate attire?!"

The old butler screamed, he was clearly in a panic as he somehow looked older than he was a few seconds ago

"Oh don't be such a spoilsport Gunther, I've grown tired of wearing fancy dresses like those, I know these people anyway so I don't really need to be so formal, Right?~"

Hava nodded in response but Lia on the other hand

"No, I don't know you, I don't think I have ever met such a sly and manipulative woman throughout the years of my life"

"Wah?- Come on Lia are you still mad about that? I know I played you dirty but you're not really one to talk! Hey- Don't ignore meeeeee~"

Hava, Lia, and even the old butler  ignored the woman and proceeded inside the room

"Would you two ladies care for some tea?"

The old butler, Gunther, asked as Hava and Lia sat down on a nearby couch

"That would be lovely sir, thank you"

Lia replied in a formal manner 

"What's with this attitude?! I'm supposed to be the master of this house you know?!~"

"Oh my, this tea has quite the flavor. May I ask what kind of leaves do you use?"

Hava inquired to the butler

"Hmmm...I can't really say since it's my specialty but let's just say I use leaves that came from the east"

Lia savored the tea for a few moments before replying

"Hrm...Judging from the aftertaste...Do you use Gravia leaves?"

"Hoh? the little lady sure knows her stuff"

Lia then puffed her chest  out with pride while Hava looked at her as a proud mother would look at her daughter 

"I said...Don't ignoreeeee meeee!~"

The woman then started rolling around the ground, walling like a little child

Ugh...I can't believe that I chose someone like her...

The woman at the ground was Aithne El Rosenblade, Lia's current contractor and the acting head of the house of Rosenblade, which basically means that the one who is responsible for the peaceful and prosperous state of the city that they passed on was this person

Yes, the very same person who's wailing at the ground

It took about five minutes before Gunther calmed Aithen down, after which, though she was still  moping for a bit  she finally sat down on a nearby couch as well


"Well, we were just teasing you ma'am so please don't take it to heart"

Lia consoled her master who was in tears

"Liar...I could tell that you mean some parts of it"

Well, I'd  be lying if I say that I didn't

"Anyways, ma'am let's get down to business"

As Hava says this she looked at Lia and communicated with her through her gaze alone, Lia understood what she was trying to tell so she went on her knees and said

"You may already know me but for the sake of formalities please allow me to introduce myself once again, My name is Lia, A fresh graduate from the Institution of Victoria, Though I may have mixed feelings about this, a contract is still a contract so I would serve you with my all, Master Aithen"

Aithen's vibe and atmosphere suddenly changed, she knew that the situation right now was a serious one.

"I'm expecting great things from you Lia, Oh and just to be clear, you remember the specifics of our contract right?~"

Lia felt a bit irritated as Aithen asked this but immediately calmed herself down

"Indeed I do, come to think of it, where is he?"

"I told already told him to come down but I guess It'll take a while- Oh nevermind he's already here"

As if on queue, the door was suddenly busted open and the person in question was standing there, Upon seeing him Lia silently let out a huge sigh

He's finally here...the troublesome kid that I'll be taking care of!

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