Proving You Wrong

By Laklynn_Hanlon

162K 4.9K 459

[Completed] "Sometimes we question the choices that take us to the places we end up. How did we get to where... More

Chapter One: A New Start
Chapter Two: One Terrific Night
Chapter Three: The Following Days
Chapter Four: Propositions
Chapter Five: Requests
Chapter Six: Outside Perspectives
Chapter Seven: A New Façade
Chapter Eight: First Kiss
Chapter Nine: Secrets In the Open
Needed to Say
Chapter Eleven: Another Opportunity
Chapter Twelve: A Night For The Books
Chapter Thirteen: Let Me Explain
Chapter Fourteen: Unexpected Happiness
Chapter Fifteen: The Night After
Chapter Sixteen: Last Day of Freedom
Chapter Seventeen: Its Complicated
Chapter Eighteen: Complete Preparation
Chapter Nineteen: May I?
Chapter Twenty: Tell me
Chapter Twenty One: Good To Know
Chapter Twenty Two: Sweet Treats
Chapter Twenty Three: Wanting More
Chapter Twenty Four: Into the Darkness
Chapter Twenty Five: An Even Darker Disposition
Chapter Twenty Six: A New Point of View
Chapter Twenty Seven: The End of One, the Start of Another
Book #2 is out!

Chapter Ten: Getting Closer

6K 178 9
By Laklynn_Hanlon

~Faith's POV~


Screaming, I attempted to roll off of the bed. Attempt, as in that wasn't going to happen because two steady arms were wrapped around my torso keeping me in place. Heavy metal rock music was bursting through the speakers of a phone and was blaring straight into my ear. I lift my chin from the hard chest below me and tear my eyes open to see Kaden smirking at me. "What the heck! Are you trying to deafen me with that god awful music."

"Oh don't hate on the music. I was just trying to wake you up," He defended innocently.

"Well it worked," I said coldly, struggling to get free of his grasp. "Would you let me go?"

"I don't want to."

"But you're going to."

"Is that so? You're so comfortable, I think we just might stay like this all day."

"No we have P.E. and why are you still here?"

"I told you the guys and I were staying the night."

"But you're still HERE. In my room. In my bed. Why?"

"I wanted to sleep with my girlfriend." He grinned.

"Well you slept next to her. And now she has to shower."

"Can I come with?"

"Ew. Not in your life time. Now let me go. We have to get ready."

"Fine." He groaned, while releasing me. Jumping off of him, I hop over to my dresser and closet pick out today's clothes. After choosing my out fit I drag myself into the bathroom. Regretting leaving the hot water that had been dripping down my back, I hop out of the shower and dry my hair.

Once done with that, I walk out the steamy bathroom and into my room to get changed. Towel around my chest, I grab my clothes and get them ready, but before I strip of my towel I notice Kaden lounging on my bed watching the 'show'.

"Would you like to get out perv?"

"No I'm good."

"Out. Now." I pointed to the door.

"Oh don't be shy babe."

"Get out before I knock that annoying grin off your face." With a wink he left me to get changed.

***Skip to P.E.***

Geez! For the rest of this week all we are doing is laps and I just might die. I'm not that in shape. I mean other than Olympic runners, who else can run for two hours straight. Kaden Amante and his pack of wolves. That's who.

Speaking of Kaden, he's been staring at me all of P.E. It's kind of weird. I never did that with Alec or... Well it's still weird. We have about twenty minutes left of class and I can't wait to go home and sleep.

Noticing Kaden's absence from his friends brought me out of my thoughts and back into the real world. Maybe he went to the bathroom, or had to stay behind to tie his shoe, but either way I don't see him at all. Why do I care? That's right I don't, just my mind wondering to get though this cardio torture. Gee, my thoughts are so jumbled. I swear I'm such a scatter brain.

A firm hand gripping either side of my bum pulls me out of my thoughts once again.

Turning around with a fist ready to blow at the person's jaw, I recognize the man's eyes before he plunges his lips to mine. Why is Kaden holding on to my butt and kissing me. Why either of those! After holding his biceps I slowly pull away from the kiss.

"Why did you just do that?"

"I missed you. Plus we have an audience." Motioning to the group of people I could see passing us out of the corner of my eye, but I couldn't tell who it was. While Kaden was holding me in place, I craned my neck only to see Danielle scoff and jog away at the sight of us together. Though it kind of made me happy to see her like this, I turned back two Kaden with a serious look.

"Was it really necessary to rub our FAKE relationship in her face." I emphasized the fake.

"No, but it was fun to grab your ass."

"Remind me why I'm fake dating you again."

He decided to reply with a smart butt comment, "Because we both wanted to show our exes that-"

"It was a rhetorical question dip wad." I interrupted. After groaning in frustration multiple times I start running again on the track.

"Slow down Cambina, we wouldn't want anyone to think you're trying to get away from me." He chuckled, now completely caught up beside me.

After another grueling ten minutes the whistle blows and I skid to a stop. Thank heavens! Everyone heads back inside and to the gym and is soon released to get changed in the locker rooms.

By the time I'm almost ready, I hear a voice call me from behind. Turning on my heel, I become face to face with all my problems. Danielle.

"What are you doing with Kaden." She demands. Astonished, I just look at her before responding.

"You see we're in something called a relationship. It's where you date someone, and only them, but I guess you wouldn't know what that-"

"Don't be smart with me." She snapped, interrupting my rant. "Why are you dating him?"

"Sometime after you guys broke up, he asked me out and I said yes."

She narrowed her eyes at me before speaking, "Well back off, he's mine." That witch!

"I don't think so. Because you see, he's dating me, and until we break up, he's mine so I suggest you back off. Why don't you go to Alec and have fun being the sloppy seconds. Again."

Although I was fuming, I kept my face expressionless. Danielle on the other hand, was livid. Jaw dropping to the floor, I kid you not. There was no way to hide it either. Her frown soon turned into a toothy grin, meaning she had either figured something out or thought of a semi decent comeback. This should be good.

"That's okay, he'll just end up breaking your heart and come back to me."

"So you can get sloppy seconds one more time?"

"Whatever you want, but just know that your taking MY sloppy seconds. He will break your heart and he will end up with me."

She's right, although I'm only fake dating him, he did date her first, but one thing I know for sure; he won't break my heart. I won't let him in.

"And if he doesn't?" Her grin faded and I raised a brow. Stomping in her stilettos, Danielle leaves in a huff. Along with her little dogs. On my way out of the school I notice a group of girls talking with Kaden and the boys across the courtyard.

Danielle and her overly dressed rats! She tries to take everything I have, like she owns it. Like she owns me. Not anymore, even though I'm not dating Kaden, it still pisses me off that she would try to take him from me. I think it's time to start playing this game the right way. If this is a fake relationship, I might as well play the part. Make a show out of it.

Calmly, I walk over to them and before anyone else, Kaden notices and glances at me with a smirk. Putting on a fake smile I walk over to them, specifically Kaden. As soon as I was next to him, I placed my hand on his neck, rubbing my thumb across his jaw. Pulling him to me, I gently press my lips to his in a kiss. My fake smile returns as I pull away and look at him. Ignoring the others, Kaden pulls me by the waist, into him kissing me once more. Surprised, I go along with it anyways. Gosh, if only I could get a Grammy for this performance. Though I try to subtly push away, but his grip only brings me closer.

The faint sounds of heels clicking across the concrete descends. Danielle must've not been very good at this game, even though it is her own. Crap, I'm still kissing Kaden.

His teeth grasp my bottom lip, trying to get me to open up. No. This dummy. I now push him away with more force and take a step back. "You really needed to add another?"

"I felt like it added to the drama," he clarified while chuckling.


"Hey you kissed me first."

"Only because Danielle pissed me off," I huffed.

"Oh I thought it was because you were madly in love with me."

"You wish."

"So you don't love your boyfriend?" A voice from the side spoke out. I looked over from Kaden's face to his group that had been over at my house last night.

"Oh, uh, I- Uh, mean that, I-" my muttering was cut off by the laughter coming from Kaden. "What's so funny?"

"They know about our game Faith."

"I thought we weren't telling anyone?"

"Close friends only."

"Well that would've been good to know," I mumbled under my breath.

"Sorry babe." Again with that dang smirk. I'll smack it off his stupid face. For now I'll settle with hitting him square in the chest And rolling my eyes.
"I like this one, she's feisty." Commented one of the boys. Honestly, I can't remember which is which at this point.

"And she's off limits. Faith this is Chase." He gestured to the boy who was talking about me. "And this is Logan, Shane, Jamie, and Chris," he motioned to each one as he said their names.

"Nice to meet y'all."

"So we were just going to grab some food, wanna come?" Chris asked.

"No thanks, I'm just waiting for Christian to come pick me up." I don't want to go in public with Kaden. I'll have to act like we're dating again.

"Actually Christian asked me to take you home. Every day. Since we're neighbors, and dating. So you're coming with us."


"Come on Cambina." He leads me to the parking lot along with the others.

Perfect, just perfect. I was hoping I wouldn't have to spend anymore time with him than I had to, but looks like that is not going to happen. Now I'm going out to lunch with school six biggest bad boys.

Let's see how this goes.

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