The convenient marriage


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The dark gloomy day she died, regretting all she never managed to do, she thought would be her last. She neve... More

Chapter 1. The day she died
Chapter 2. The woman he married
Chapter 3. The life she gained
Chapter 4. The house they lived in
Chapter 5. The man she married
Chapter 6. The interrupted routine
Chapter 7. The new routine
Chapter 8. The enthusiastic student
Chapter 9. A melancholic piano piece
Chapter 10. A slight touch
Chapter 11. A first time father
Chapter 12. A date?
Chapter 13. A status upgrade
Chapter 14. A matter of the heart
Chapter 15. His absence, her absence
Chapter 16. A frail patient
Chapter 18. An innocent Aria
Chapter 19. Elevated heart rates
Chapter 20. A new home
Chapter 21. A sleepless night
Chapter 22. An unexpected guest
Chapter 23. Birds of a feather
Chapter 24. How to woo a woman
Extra. Crossover
Chapter 25. The wife of the CEO
Chapter 26. The president's closest people
Chapter 27. The only exception to the rules
Chapter 28. The right way to stop a hiccup
Chapter 29. Misunderstandings
Chapter 30. The daughter in law of the Blacks
Chapter 31. A bubbly witch's friendly spell
Chapter 32. Another status upgrade?
Chapter 33. A dotting husband's care
Chapter 34. How to become a real person?
Chapter 35. How far is near
Chapter 36. A body as fake as the heart
Chapter 37. The perfect candidate for Aria Langdon
Chapter 38. A poorly chosen lawyer
Chapter 39. The rightful owner of the promise
Chapter 40. A true heart
Chapter 41. No retractions allowed
Chapter 42. An interrupted family time
Chapter 43. A family time
Chapter 44. A stolen life
Chapter 45. The rumored Madame president
Chapter 46. For my one and only
Chapter 47. Time is short and fickle
Chapter 48. Life changing choices
Chapter 49. Lesser of two evils
Chapter 50. Killing a newfound heart
Chapter 51. A mother's resentment
Chapter 52. Third-person's omniscient point of view
Chapter 53. Longing
Chapter 54. Cadenza

Chapter 17. The real Aria

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'Zane, how are you feeling?' Asked Malcom, hurriedly entering through the door.

His face appeared truly worried for his friend, but the latter was not thankful for his appearance at all. And why was he not? Well, the said stupid friend was alone, no shadow of Aria could be seen entering through the door after him.

'Where is Aria?' Zane asked as he sat upward with his back rested on the elevated part of the bed, not bothering to reply to Malcom's question. He was in such a bad mood, that he was moments away from lashing out at Malcom.

'Ehh... I was going to go after her, but just after you called your butler passed by. He said he would go find her, so I came to you first, to bring the food he bought.' Malcom replied obediently, Zane's eyes that were colder than usual terrified him at this moment. Seriously how could his friend only have two expressions, one cold and another one colder.

He was staring at him like he was his biggest enemy. It was true that he did not like Aria in the slightest, but he really did intend to find her for Zane. It just so happened that he ran into the butler, and  stopped him to inquire about Zane because he wanted to find out about his friend's health first. And during his conversation with the butler, the request to find Aria popped up, and the butler offered himself to find her. The latter had said that he probably could not recognize her, if Malcom went.

How could he not recognize that vile woman? Her arrogance and cold appearance could be seen from far away, but he did not refuse the butler's offer because he did not wish to find her. Although the butler's face did seem quite certain that Malcom would not recognize Aria... that was a bit strange. Had Aria turned fiercer and eviler since she had lost her memories? If she did indeed lose them.

'Fine. It is indeed better if the butler went. What if you scared the petite woman?' Zane nodded, checking his phone again, searching for the butler's phone number.

 This was a bit troublesome, he should make a note and buy a phone for Aria, so he did not have a problem like not knowing where she was in the future. The phone Aria had in the past was ruined in the accident, and he had not bothered buying another one for her, but he really should acquire one in the end.

'Petite woman... Are you having a fever?' Malcom asked baffled, and approached Zane to take his temperature with his hand.

But he did not touch his forehead in the slightest, when Zane slapped his hand away.

'You know I don't like people touching me. If you really had to take my temperature then just use a thermometer, but now it's not necessary. I don't have one.' Zane said coldly, still not looking towards Malcom.

'Alright, alright. I was only joking. But seriously, are you alright? Why did your ulcer act up again?' Malcom asked resigned. He was not upset at his friend's lack of cordiality or his unfriendliness, Zane had a slight OCD since he was a child, and did not like people touching him if possible.

'I am fine, I was just a bit busy this week and neglected my meals.' Zane replied dishonestly, he did not want Malcom to find out the true reason for his lack of appetite.

'You know you shouldn't do that. Well it's not like you listen anyway. Do you want to eat now? The butler said the food is warmed up. It might not taste so good, if you leave it for too long.' Malcom asked, showing the bag he had in his hand, before placing it on a table in the corner of the room. There was no point in telling Zane about the importance of having a fixed meal schedule, Zane was not one to listen to anyone.

'Not yet. Leave it on the table. I don't know if Aria ate yet. I will eat with her.' Zane replied with his phone near his ear, as he waited for the call to be picked up.

'Seriously, who are you and what have you done with Zane? That woman is a witch, has she cast a spell on you? I have a gut feeling, this situation is just like in the villainess reincarnation novels.' Malcom asked perplexed. He had unfortunately read one too many romance novels with supernatural elements, in which the villainess would wake up with her previous life's memories after a traumatic event and carry out her evil plans, having gained special abilities. 

'You idiot. How could Aria be a witch? If you are not able to differentiate reality from fiction, then don't read those novels of yours anymore.' Zane said coldly, looking indignantly at Malcom. He really could not tell how Malcom had managed to become a heart doctor, or even less how he guessed correctly that he had fallen in love with Aria, when he was such a scatter brain.

His insight was surprisingly keen on many occasions, but as if to balance it, it was also a hundred percent off, or even unrealistic, on just as many other occasions.

'Firstly, those novels are innocent, don't say anything about them. And secondly, you said yourself last time that you did not have feelings of love for Aria,  even when I told you to verify it you brushed me off. But here you are, mentioning her once every two three phrases. So naturally, if she is not a witch than there are no other valid explanations. She is a witch, even if it's not in the literal way... that damn viper woman, she crawled under your skin.' Malcom stated, already guessing that Zane fell for her façade, not viewing her real face under her pretenses.

Malcom had thought that if he made Zane realize he was starting to fall for Aria last time, then Zane would put his guard up and would see the real colors of that woman. But unfortunately, not only did his friend not become wary of the woman, he was even more affectionate towards her. It seemed his plan had backfired.

So this was the reason that Zane no longer replied to any of his phone calls during the past week, and also did not come to the barbeque he had planned with the other guys last Sunday. He now firmly believed that Aria was only playing with Zane, she had not lost her memories in the slightest.

'Aria is not a manipulative woman, she has not tried to get under my skin. Stop talking about her in that way.' Zane angrily declared. His heart had hurt when he had called her heartless some hours ago, hearing Malcom cursing her, even more so he could not take it.

'Zane, just to confirm it... how about checking with another neurologist, to see if her memories are really lost.' Malcom still tried to reason. He was afraid that Zane would fall deeper and deeper for Aria, and would be played by her.

'Malcom, Aria has indeed lost her memories, there is no question about it. She is truly like an innocent little girl right now, she is not in any way how you picture her to be.' 

By this time, Zane had already hung up the phone. Perhaps, the butler had forgotten his phone at home, he was not answering the call.

'Then why are you acting that way towards her, why are you so hung up about her? If it were not for her actions, then why would you even care about her in the slightest? She is the one who obviously made you fall for her. Moreover,  and innocent little girl, a child, can't cause you to fall in love. ' Malcom said with a still calm voice, but an exasperated undertone laid behind his words.

'A child can't, but Aria can make me fall in love, and not like you imagine. She did not try to get near me, just by being herself. I am the one who kept getting closer to her, I am the one who approached first. If anything, because of her lost memories she is always nervous around me, and tries to keep her distance.' Zane explained. An explanation, an admittance that was also for himself. By openly telling Malcom he fell in love, somehow the burden that had pressed his heart this week seemed to get lighter.

Malcom stared stunned towards Zane, he never expected  the cold mechanical man to utter such words in his life, and so easily say them... he really valued Aria.

'Fine, let's say she is really innocent now, let's say she has indeed lost her memories. But deep down... she is still the Aria you could not bear come near, she is still the Aria who only married you because she was forced by her grandfather's will. She is still the Aria who did not give a damn about your relationship these past few years. In the future, she... if she regains her lost memories...' Malcom reasoned. 

No matter how much Zane was attached towards the Aria of the present, this Aria was only a personality obtained because of her lost memories, she was an Aria who would disappear without a trace, if the real one remembered her past...

'It will not happen. I will not permit it.' Zane interrupted, not letting his friend finish the words that could become his worst nightmare.

'Zane, you and I both know this does not depend on whether you like it or not. She could be the one you fell in love with today, but tomorrow she could wake up to be the one from the past.' Malcom sighed. Why did this block of stone have to awaken his love for someone like Aria, and not even the real her... no, for someone who could be just like a fire. Someone who would appear out of nowhere, burn everything in her way, then disappear without a trace.

Now he was really beginning to feel curious to see the Aria of the present, just what kind of a woman had she transformed into?

'My Aria will not disappear, she is mine. That woman... she will never come back.' Zane raised his voice, a threatening tone dominating the words he had just spoken, as if carving their meaning into stone. His heart refused to even acknowledge such a thing happening.

'Zane?' A small humming bird like voice called from the direction of the door. The delicate woman who had just slightly opened the door, was staring frightened at Zane's face. No matter how cold he was, Zane had never raised his voice in her presence, so hearing his angry tone just as she entered... she was scared a bit, not understanding why the him who was no different from a frail patient when she left some moments ago, became so angry as she returned.

'You came back.' Zane softly spoke, one could feel his relief at her appearance. Just seeing her innocent face, the anger in his heart had disappeared without a trace. And luckily, she did not seem to have heard his words, if she had... she would have showed a flustered appearance, but Aria seemed only surprised at his tone.

Gazing at the expression she was accustomed to, Aria pushed open completely the previous ajar door, and entered his room. What could have upset Zane that he had yelled? She had only managed to catch his last words "will never come back", who was he talking about? Perhaps, he was having some work issues, did he fire someone?

'You have a guest. Should I wait outside a bit?' Aria said almost whispering. She had only regained her composure, but she was flustered again seeing the man who was standing a bit further away from Zane's bed. She had not seen the other person, when she was in the doorway, and had assumed Zane was speaking with an employee from the hospital. 

Malcom had given his doctor's coat along with the charts to the nurse, intending to leave for his house after visiting Zane. As the operation he had rescheduled was to be performed early in the morning, he wanted to get some rest until then. So now, dressed in normal clothes, it was no wonder Aria did not recognize him as a doctor.

'No, of course not. Come in, and rest comfortably on the couch, you shouldn't walk too much. Aren't you tired?' Zane dotingly asked, disregarding the foreign interference in the room.

'No, I am alright. This is? Ahhh... The doctor from before!' Aria exclaimed surprised, recognizing Malcom as the person she had bumped into before.

Hearing her exclamation, and seeing the hand that was pointing at him, Malcom could still not recollect himself. Seeing the beautiful woman from before entering Zane's room, he still could not recognize her identity and had only stood frozen. The innocent, frail beauty that was akin to a small spring flower that he had knocked into just moment earlier couldn't possibly be...

'Aria, do you know him?' Zane asked, frowning a bit, as his heart kept thumbing inside his chest. Did Aria recognize Malcom, did she remember him?

'Just now, I bumped into a doctor on the hallway on my way to the nurse's station. I am sorry again for bumping into you.' Aria explained smiling a bit awkward, then once more apologized to the frosted man, who was still not sketching any moves or words, you could not be certain if he was even breathing.

'Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?' Zane immediately asked, he had exchanged his worry that she was regaining her memories, with the concern she was hurt.

'No. It was only a little bump. Nothing happened.' She assured him. It was a bit more than just a slight bump, but he was a patient she did not want to worry him about other matters. The doctor had said the ulcer was stress induced, and also in the end she wasn't hurt.

'I told you to wait for the butler. Next time you are not allowed to go yourself.' He gently scolded. He was anxious for her wellbeing, but even then he could not harden his words.

Aria only nodded, and did not contradict him. She had bravely gone herself, but did not find anyone at the nurse's station and was lost on what to do. Fortunately, the butler came and went himself to find the doctor after bringing her back. She felt a bit useless because of this. Instead of helping, she had only added to the old man's work.

'Malcom!' Zane called, as Aria was still standing in the room, after their small talk. She was a bit uncomfortable as the frozen man had not acknowledged her presence or words at all, and was only staring at her, increasing her nervousness.

'Malcom!' Zane called again, finally getting a reaction out of Malcom.

'Y-yeah!' He replied dazedly, moving his gaze from Aria towards the man on the bed.

'Meet Aria. Aria meet Malcom, my friend. He is a heart doctor.' Zane introduced them like they were meeting for the first time. He did not want to jolt at all her memories, so naturally he did not ask her if she remembered him, or inform her she had known him in the past.

'Hello! Nice to meet you!' She clumsily said, and extended her small hand in greeting. It was the first time she had been introduced to any of Zane's acquaintances.

'Y-yeah nice to meet you too!' He finally replied half a second later, as he also extended his hand.

Slighting holding her small warm hand, it seemed that her touch had the ability to transmit its heat and  softness through his hand, travelling steadily towards his heart. And her clear gaze and sparkling eyes, coupled with the friendly small smile hastened the trip. 

A bit unsettled he quickly let go, then lightly coughed.  He realized at the last second his hastiness was inappropriate, and wanted to cover up the action with his cough, as if this was the reason he needed to retract his arm.

'Malcom heard I was here and came to visit for a bit. He was just on his way out. Then Malcom, I will call you later.' Zane stated after the brief introduction, then glared in Malcom's direction.

Feeling the intent stare in his direction, he understood clearly Zane's intention and did not deny his affirmation. Looking at Aria for a bit longer, would make him feel he would also fall under her spell.

'Then I will leave the two of you. Bye!' He said, and then turned around to take his leave.

'Goodbye!' Aria replied, as she moved towards Zane's bed.

'Your voice is still a bit hoarse, do you want to drink a bit more water?' She softly spoke. Zane's voice was naturally hoarse, but now it was even more so, so she offered to help him drink.

'No. It's not necessary. Let's eat now. Malcom brought the food over, it's on the table.' He denied, and looked in the direction of the table. He knew just how much Aria liked to eat, and looking at the time on his phone it had already been five hours since he was unconscious. If Ryan informed them just as he fainted, then most likely they had come since then and she surely had not eaten yet.

During this small talk, Malcom had already exited the room, but still doubtful looked through the small window of the door, to watch the interaction of the two people.

With a bit of clumsy movements due to her protruding belly, Aria had put a small table in front of Zane and carefully opened the small boxes.

He could not hear what the two were speaking, but after opening the boxes, Aria looked a bit surprised towards Zane, then for some reason put her hand lightly on his forehead.

Zane did not brush her off in the slightest, and obediently let the small woman do as she pleased.

Malcom gasped at the sight, his OCD sick friend, who moments earlier shoved him away when he tried to jokingly take his temperature, was now letting Aria put all her palm on his forehead without even the smallest of intentions of pushing her away.

This double standard man... He sighed and did not linger in front of his door anymore.

Frankly speaking, for some reason, although he still did not believe with a hundred percent certainty that Aria was how she was appearing to be, her true self... but her acting was a bit too believable to be fake. He could not even see the smallest of resemblance with the old Aria, even her appearance was distinct, which normally should be impossible.

Walking down the corridor, his mind started turning as he was thinking of why she had undergone such a big transformation.

If she did not reincarnate... could another soul have transmigrated in her body?

He laughed at himself, Zane would call him an idiot again if he dared say this. Sighing he brushed off his thoughts, then went home for a well-deserved rest. 

Only time would tell.

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