The Princes Shadow

By jackalyn369

62.7K 1.3K 161

Emerin always followed her kings command. Watching over the Prince of The Woodland Realm, making sure that no... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
New Story!!!!!!
The Wedding Night
OK, NEW STORY!!!! (Again)
In the Dark of the Night

Chapter 26

1.1K 21 8
By jackalyn369

Play Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift when told.

also, during the battle, to get in the mood I suggest listening to the song Glory by Friday Pilots Club.

Legolas POV~

After we discussed our plan to help Frodo, I walked Emerin to her quarters. She was given a different one once the healers decided that she no longer required supervision. They said they she had healed surprisingly fast. She was able to walk without wincing, and even run. Although it was unusual for someone to heal so quickly, I thanked whatever force had gifted this manner of luck to Emerin. Although I was opposed to the idea of her going to battle with us, Emerin proved that she could fight, and threatened that if we did not allow her to come, she tear her wound back open to give us a real reason to leave her behind. And with that, she was permitted to come. We would be leaving in the morning, at the first light of day. We walked side by side in silence, until we reached the door to her room, 

"Good night." I said to Emerin as I held the door open for her. She looked at me with a soft smile. "Could you stay with me, for a few moments," She asked, batting her eyelashes. I chuckled lightly, and walked in with her, closing the door behind us. She sat on the large bed that sat in the middle of the room. A large balcony stood before us, and the washroom door was to the left. I watched as Emerin walked to her dresser, and lifted out a silk robe, "Turn around, and close your eyes." She looked at me expectantly. I turned away from her, and pressed my eyes shut. I heard the ruffle of clothes, and then her voice, "Legolas," The way my name left her lips caused my heart to pound in my chest, and sent a shiver through my body. (Play Song)I felt a slight breeze, and felt her presence behind me. Her lips brushed the back of my ear, and her breath as she spoke made me shudder, "Would you like to continue, now that we have the time which we once didn't?" My breath hitched. I felt one of her long, graceful fingers  brush my hair behind my ear. Her hand drifted to my shoulder, and gripped it. She turned me around. My eyes remained closed, my breathing scarce, "Open your eyes," she whispered in my ear. I slowly opened my eyes. Her hair hung loose, spilling over her shoulders like a waterfall. Her white robe was loosely tied closed, exposing the pale skin on her upper chest. Her finger traced my jawline, her eyes looking into mine, "I don't know how much time we have left, so choose. You can stay, or if your not ready..." Her voice trailed. I knew what she meant. We didn't have much time. The next battle would likely be our last,

"I'm ready." My voice was low, nearly a growl. She played with the buttons of my tunic, and hooked her finger around it. She back up towards a wall, pulling me along. She leaned her back to the wall, and dropped her hand. She looked at me, and smirked. The look awoke something inside me. I pressed an arm on the wall beside her head, and leaned in. I pressed my lips to hers. We crashed together. Her lips moving with mine. Her tongue battling mine. The kiss was rough and passionate. My chest rose and fell quickly, as I gasped for air in between each embrace. Emerin dragged her lips down and lightly bit on my lower lip. She tugged gently before resuming our kiss. I used my other hand to grip the back of her neck. Her hands were in my hair, keeping my face close to hers. Her hands moved to my tunic, and she began to unbutton it. When her fingers began to fumble, I broke our kiss to quickly pull off my tunic. Emerin raised a hand and pressed it on my bare chest. She traced each aspect of me and gripped my arm, and pulled me closer to her. I kissed her roughly, not able to get enough of her. She began to slow her movements, and parted from me, leaning her head against the wall. Her chest rose and fell. I took the chance to kiss her bare neck. With each kiss, my lips went lower and lower, until I reached the place where the silk robe crossed over her skin. I lifted my head, and looked at her for approval. She merely nodded her head. I grabbed the end of the bow that kept the robe closed, and pulled. The robe parted, revealing her moon-white skin. I took a step back, and Emerin took a step forward. Her hands were hanging at her sides. She shrugged off the robe, and I watched as it fell to her feet. She looked at me, and whispered seductively, "Your turn." She backed away, towards a chair, and sat down like a queen on her throne. She crossed her legs, and closed her eyes. I tore off my pants, and looked at her. She opened her eyes, and stood up. She took ginger steps towards me. In one movement, she put a hand on my chest and pushed us onto the bed. She swept her hair away from her face and smiled, looking at me from under her lashes. I grabbed her arms, and turned us around, so that I was above her. She let out a lovely, soft laugh. I began to kiss her all over. I didn't notice her hand go to my ear before she gently stroked the pointed tip of it. The touch sent chills through me. I looked up to see her smirking at me, knowing what she had done. I  pressed my lips to hers to get rid of her smirk. As we kissed, I whispered into her ear, "I love you," and in response, she whispered back,

"Show me," and that was my undoing.


Emerin POV~

That morning, I woke up beside Legolas. Our limbs were entangled with one and other. The sun had not yet risen. I sat up, and observed the scar on my lower abdomen from the arrow. Legolas had not looked at it last night, or if her had, he did not say anything. I stepped out of bed, and collected my robe from off the ground. I went into the bathing room, and drew myself a bath. I washed myself thoroughly, and then exited. I dried myself and wore my clothes. As I dressed myself, I heard Legolas stir awake. He opened his eyes and sat up to look at me,

"Good morning," He grumbled sleepily, and smiled,

"Good morning." I replied. I was in the middle of braiding my hair when Legolas rose out of the bed. I looked at him and averted my eyes from his body, "Get dressed."I ordered. Legolas chuckled,

"Yes, my lady." he laughed. He pulled his pants on quickly, and that's when I heard a knock on the door,

"Emerin!" I heard Gimli's voice. He sounded worried. I motioned for Legolas to hide. He ran into the bathing room and closed the door. I opened the door for Gimli,

"Yes, Gimli? Is something the matter?" I said sweetly,

"It's..." he panted. He must have been running, "It's Legolas. I can't find him!" I tried to stifle a laugh, but a small snort came out. Gimli raised a brow and then looked at me seriously, "May I come in?" He asked. I hesitated, but allowed him to walk in. As Gimli looked around my room, he continued to speak, "You wouldn't happen to know where he is, would ya?" He asked mischievously,

"No, I don't believe I do," I lied. Gimli turned to me and smiled widely before he said loudly,

"Emerin! Your wound! It's bleeding!" There was a shuffling noise before the door to the bathing room flew open,

"Emerin!" Legolas ran out. I raised a hand to my head and laughed. Gimli's loud laugh joined mine,

"I think I've found him, Aragorn." He yelled, and Aragorn walked into the room, laughing,

"Well, well, well. There he is. Quickly now, Legolas! get dressed, we leave at first light, which is nearly here. Come Gimli!" and with that, the two of them left.


We were on the edge of battle. I sat behind Legolas on a horse. We all sat in silence in front of the gate. Nothing.

"Where are they?" Pippins quiet voice startled me. At that, we began to ride towards the gate, Aragorn leading us. We rode through the barren field until we reached the towering, black gate. Once we had all reached the gate, Aragorn voice rang out,

"Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth! Let justice be done upon him!" We all waited in silence. A long moment passed. The gate began to open, letting out a rumbling noise. A single horse rode out to meet us. Atop it, a vile creature who's eyes were obscured, with a large mouth with long, sharp teeth, wearing a large, horrific grin. When he began to speak, I felt an awful shiver pass through me,

"My master, Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome." He finished the sentence with a large, awful smile, "Is there any in this rout with authority to treat with me?" He asked after no one said a word,

"We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed. Tell your master this: The armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return." Gandalf's voice was low. The creature let out an atrocious laugh,

"Old Greybeard... I have a token I was bidden to show thee!" He smiled wider and pulled something out of his saddlebag, and held it up like a trophy to us, and I realized what it was. My breath was stuck in my throat, and tears burned at my eyes, pooling there, threatening to fall,

"Frodo..." Pippin whispered in despair. The creature threw the mithril shirt at us, and Gandalf struggled to grasp it, "Frodo!" Pippin said again, with more urgency,

"Silence." Gandalf commanded,

"No!" Merry cried out,

"Silence!" Gandalf repeated. The creature smiled even wider,

"The handling was dear to thee I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host." The creature snarled. I gritted my teeth in an effort to not say something that I would regret. But the had hurt him. Frodo was merely a child, and yet he had suffered through so much turmoil. The tears were getting harder to hold in, "who would have thought one so small could endure so much pain?" My breathing became labored and hard, in an effort not to scream. I clenched my hands into fists. The tears began to fall like twin rivers down my cheeks, "And he did, Gandalf." That thing continued, "He did." Aragorn began to ride closer to the monster, "And who is this? Isildur's heir? It takes more to make a king than a broken Elvish blade." Aragorn was now a swords length away. Which was his intention because not a moment after the creature spoke, Aragorn sliced off it's head with a loud cry,

"I guess that concludes negotiations." Gimli grumbled,

"I do not believe it. I will not." Aragorn said in a steady voice. The gates began to open wider. An army marched towards us, filled with hundreds of thousands of orcs, "pull back!" Aragorn ordered. We rode back to where our armies awaited us, "pull back" He cried again. Once we reached the army, Aragorn spoke to the soldiers, "Hold your ground! Hold your ground! Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of Men comes crashing down. But it is not this day! This day we fight." I looked at Legolas for a moment, before turning back to Aragorn, "By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!" We all pulled out our swords in unison, and Legolas turned to look at me with a sad smile. (Play Glory)We all dismounted our horses, and stood in wait while the orc armies closed in around us. I clasped Legolas' hand with my free one, and gave it a reassuring squeeze. We all stood in silence, until Gimli spoke to Legolas and I,

"Never thought I'd die fighting in between two Elves." I chuckled as Legolas added,

"What about in between two friends?" I smiled at Gimli. Gimli looked up at us,

"Aye. I could do that." His voice choked, and I nearly heard a faint sob on the rise. My own heart was weeping,

"I am honored to be fighting alongside you, Gimli, my friend." I said quietly, and earned a small smile from the Dwarf.  Aragorn began to step forward, then looked at us with a grave face as he whispered softly,

"For Frodo." And charged. I broke into a run behind Aragorn, Legolas at my side. We all ran as fast as our feet would carry us. My face was determined. My sword was light in my hand as I held it high, preparing to kill. As we merged with the legions of orcs, I swung my sword left and right, killing my opponents as fast as I could so that I could and turn my attention to the next threat. I switched to my daggers and stabbed a large orc in front of me. I turned to kill another behind me. As I was fighting, I heard a screeching sound come from the sky. When I looked up, I saw a group of Nazgul. My blood ran cold. I pulled out my bow, and began to shoot at the nearest one, hitting my mark, and bringing it down. I noticed a large eagle begin to fight another one of the foul beings. I noticed more approach, attacking the Nazgul and bringing them down, one by one, their black blood spraying down on us like rain. I turned to fight when I heard Aragorn cry for help. I turned to see him knocked over, and lying on the ground. I tried to break through the orcs to reach my friend, who was about to be crushed by a huge troll. I noticed Legolas doing the same. I fought, tooth and claw, trying to get to Aragorn, to save him from the death that approached him. As I was able to get closer, I heard a sound that made my blood turn to ice in my veins. I turned to where I heard Legolas' cry of pain came from just in time to see him smashed into a large stone that was in the middle of the battlefield. I heard a crack, and begged the Valar that it was not his skull as I pushed my way towards him. The world seemed to disappear in my haze of rage, and all that was there was the orc that had thrown him. I pulled my bow and Brough down the orc filth with one shot. I continued to push with all of my strength, battling my way towards his unconscious body. I saw an orc advance on him, seeing the opening. It had its sword raised above his head ready to make the killing blow. Before I knew what was happening, a burning feeling surged through my body. I did not know what I was doing, and yet I did. A large burst of flame burned it's way through the orcs which had just been blocking my path. It turned everything in my path to dust. But more orcs were closing in. I pushed out another inferno of fire out of me, this one larger than the last, igniting any orc within 200 yards of me. I began to feel lightheaded, but continued to push more and more red fire from my fingertips. Fire blazed around me, consuming me. Everything around me was a bright red with licks of orange. I was blind. At last, when I could no longer hold it, a rumble shuddered through the earth itself. I dropped my arms to my sides to see the dark tower upon which Sauron's eye stood fall. As the ground beneath the orcs armies crumbled, I crawled to where Legolas lay. When I reached him, I felt his wrist for a pulse, and let out a breath when I felt one. My relief was short lived. The ground shook, and rock caved in on itself. I kneeled beside Legolas, cradling his head on my lap as I watched Sauron's forces shrivel into nothing. I sighed with happiness when I heard a sharp inhale from Legolas as his eyes opened, revealing his beautiful blue eyes. He groaned as I helped him sit up. Once he was up, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into my embrace. I took in a long inhale, and closed my eyes. At last I released him, and pulled away to inspect his face. As I searched him for any injuries, I noticed how his eyes were looking into mine, unmoving. Without saying a word, he pulled me towards him and smashed his lips onto mine. I relaxed in his embrace. Everything was right now,

"You're alright! You're alright!" I said the words over an over to assure myself,

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm alright. Emerin, look at me and stop worrying." He commanded softly,

"Legolas!" Gimli's voice rang out in fury. I chuckled before I heard him say something else, "Emerin!" My laugh stopped abruptly, "What... was... that?" Gimli ran towards us, out of breath, "Did you decide to become Morgoth without telling us? Where did all of that literal fire come from?" He cried out. Legolas looked at me, raising an eyebrow,

"What does he mean?" Legolas asked. Before I could explain, Gimli did me the favor of saving me the trouble,

"When you got your head knocked into that rock over there, this young lassie erupted with fire! I swear on my beard! I saw it with my very own eyes!" My face turned red from embarrassment,

"I would like to know the same thing, mellon." Aragorn approached us with a tired smile, "Gandalf has gone to retrieve Frodo and Sam," He said, a twinge of despair in his voice,

"They will be alright. They are strong." I tried to make my voice as strong as I could. Everyone nodded their heads solemnly.


On our journey back to Gondor, Legolas asked me, "From what Gimli has explained, you could control fire. How?" I took in a long inhale before answering,

"I remember Galadriel telling me something that referred to me having a power that I did not know of. But I truly do not understand how I came to have these abilities." I answered honestly,

"You know I love you with or without it. Although, remind me to never cross you, melleth nin." Legolas chuckled. I leaned my head on his back, and closed my eyes,

"I'll try," Was all I said before I drifted off into sleep.


Once we returned to Gondor, I hurried into my room. I tore off my grimy clothes and threw them into the side of my room. I stood bare in the middle of my room for a moment, before walking towards the bathing room. I began to draw myself a warm bath. Once the large bath was filled with water, I sat in the tub. I gazed out of the open window that was in front of me, and felt the breeze come into my room from the dark night. I sighed as I dipped my head under the water, feeling the warmth cover me. When my head emerged, I heard a light knock on my bedroom door, "Emerin?" I heard Legolas' voice come from outside my room. I must have taken a while to find words, because I heard my bedroom door open, "Emerin?" His voice was more alarmed,

"Um... yes?" I finally said. Before I could say another word, the door to the bathing room swung open, and Legolas strode in. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me and the state I was in. His face turned pink, and he stood there, in the middle of the room, frozen in his stare. Heat began to creep up and into my cheeks, "do you intend on staying?" I joked, and chuckled.  Legolas' voice was soft yet rough as he spoke,

"I think I do," He seemed a little surprised at his own words, but the surprise quickly melted away, "If you'd like me to," Always the gentlemen. My own voice startled me as I said in a similar tone to his,

"You need not ask me when you know my answer," I dropped a hand into the water, causing it to ripple, and beckoned for him to come. As he took a step forward, my voice came out of my mouth like silk, "You'll have to dispose of your attire before you join me." Legolas stopped, and ripped his shirt off, tossing it to the side like a rag, and repeated the same with his shoes and pants. I took in his muscled torso, and the alabaster skin beneath it. He continued to walk towards me, like a predator stalking its prey. Once he reached the edge of the bath, he took a step in. His eyes at last looked me over, observing my body as I observed his. He fully submerged himself into the water. When his head broke out of the water, his eyes met mine, and I fell utterly at his mercy. He swam towards me, and put a hand on my cheek,

"Where should we start?" He dragged his hand down my neck, and over my shoulder. It moved to my back, and then dragged across my waist until his hand was back in front of me,

"Wherever you would like." I struggled to speak. I was able to lean in until our noses were a hairs width apart, and whispered, "For tonight, I am utterly at your mercy." A growl came from the depths of his throat that sent a jolt through my body, like I had been shocked. His hand gripped my waist and pulled me closer to him, his lips on mine. His tongue explored my mouth as mine ventured through his. He dragged his mouth to the tip of my ear, where he gently nibbled. I shivered and felt a calm feeling spread throughout my body. He began to kiss down my neck, and past my collar bone. Once he reached the area where the water reached my chest, he breathed into my chest,

 "Hold your breath." And as I took in a large inhale, he pulled us both under the water. I floated in the warm bathwater as he wrapped both of his arms around me and began to kiss my body. He kissed me until we ran out of breath, and pulled us out of the water. We both were gasping for air, when he kissed me again. I ran my hands through his hair, grasping his head keeping him close to me. Our lips rarely parted as we embraced each other passionately. Our bodies were pressed together, and I could feel every muscle of his body moving and straining as we moved together throughout the water. At last, we had to separate, his chest heaving as he gasped for air, "I never thought that I would see the day where you would kiss me like you do know. I never thought that I would see the hour where I was pressed up against you so closely, that I could feel your heart beating as I feel it now. I never thought that I would see the moment when you would make my life a waking dream." as he spoke, his arms pulled me close to him, holding me captive... body and soul. 


Okay, I know that I don't go into too much detail, but I hope that you guys enjoyed reading this. Please don't forget to comment, vote, and follow.

I love you guys.


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