Chapter 1

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"You wanted to see me, my Lord?" I walked into the kings chambers,

"Yes, I wanted to discuss about how you have been watching over my son,"Thranduil started.

I immediately got nervous. Had I done something wrong? I barely ever left the prince alone, only occasionally and only ever to wash up and change my clothes, "Forgive my asking, but have I done something wrong?"

Thranduil turned around to face me, "No. You have not done anything out of order Emerin. On the contrary, you have rarely ever left my son unattended. Only ever when he is with another guard." 

I tried to stand straighter so that I wouldn't look small compared to the king who towered over me, "Yes, I try to make sure that he is never left unguarded."

"And I am grateful for that. Today, Legolas will be spending the entire day with the guard scouting the forests. He will be doing this every other day this week, for we have spotted more creatures lurking in our woods. If you wish, you can take some time to attend to yourself while he is with the guard. But only for this week." He smiled.

This surprised me. I was glad the king was giving me the chance to take some time off. I hadn't really attended to myself since a year ago, when I was given the day off when Thranduil and his son were spending the day together, "Thank you, my Lord, for your kindness." I replied to him and bowed. I quickly walked out of the room and headed towards my own chambers.

I decided to draw myself a bath. As I sank into the warm water, I became less tense. I washed my hair thoroughly, not knowing how much longer I would have to wait until I could really clean myself up again. It's not that I didn't bathe while I was working, I would always wash up at least twice a week, it's just that I couldn't really take my time.

I stood up and stepped out of the bath. I dried myself off and braided my hair, taking extra care to make it look nice. I threw on a robe and laid on my bed. it had been so long since I had really peacefully slept. I closed my eyes and drifted off into sleep.

As I slept, dreaming of the woods, and running freely throughout Middle-Earth, the thought of leaving Legolas with a bunch of unruly guards (they weren't really unruly, but I highly doubted they would be able to protect the prince as well as I could,) in the middle of the dark forest filled with vile creatures lurking around, kept nagging at my brain.

Eventually, I woke up. A few hours had passed and I felt well rested. I stood up and walked to my dresser. I pulled out my uniform which consisted of brown leather pants, my boots, A green tunic  similar to the ones that my friend, Tauriel where's, but with golden embroidery around the edges, and my hood. I tied by belt around my waist and put my sword in its sheath. I attached two twin daggers to my belt, and swung my quiver over my shoulder along with my bow.

I went into the kitchens and grabbed some Lembas, Elvish waybread, and put it into my satchel for later. As I walked outside toward the gates to go and find Legolas, I passed by the king,

"Already done with your day off?" he asked,

"I just wanted to keep an eye on the prince, I could not fully rest knowing that if something happened to the prince because I was laying around all day, I would not be able to forgive myself." I admitted.

The king smiled at me and chuckled, "You really are one of my best guards. Well, then go on," The king gracefully walked past me with a nod.

I continued to walk/run throughout the woods, searching for Legolas. I heard far away voices. I quickly hid, and stealthily made my way to where the voices were coming from. There he is. My mind thought, safe and unharmed. I felt a small wave of relief come over me.

I followed as the group scouted the forest. Nothing happened. Hours passed, and the Guard decided it was time to return.

When we reached the palace, I made sure to keep my distance. It was difficult to go unnoticed when following the prince around the palace. Too much open space with very few hiding spots.

That night I watched the prince drift off into sleep. He always look so calm and tranquil while he's sleeping. whenever I looked at him, I always got a weird fluttering feeling in my stomach. He really was quite handsome. No one could deny that. But to me, he was so much more than his looks. I felt like I knew him better than anyone. I had watched him cry after he would have dreams of his mother, silently whispering, "I miss you nana," into the night. I will admit that I would always shed a tear or two, having to watch him be sad was heartbreaking. I heard him reciting what he was going to tell Tauriel when he would see her, and watched as he scolded himself for not being able to find the right words. Although recently I had been starting to feel small twinges of jealousy.

I realized I was dozing off and opened my eyes. All of a sudden, Legolas got up. He walked towards the balcony, where I was hiding. I quickly climbed around one of the columns and hid there, watching.

Legolas stepped outside and let out a long sigh. He looked around then sat down on the floor, "Emerin, I know your there, come out."

I was startled. I slowly climbed down and sat beside him, "I was not spying, my Lord I-"

"I know my father asked you to watch over me a few weeks ago." He looked at me and smiled, "It doesn't bother me. I suppose he didn't want me to know because he thought it might bother me, but it doesn't."

I looked at him, "I'm sorry if I've made you feel uncomfortable, my Lord,"

"Please, call me Legolas. I have a question for you Emerin." He started,

"And I will answer," I said,

"How long have you been assigned to watch over me?" He gazed into my eyes, I felt like I couldn't breathe, not while his eyes seemed to be looking deep into my soul,

"A-a few years it has been since I was first assigned to keep an eye on you. The king realized that if anything were to happen to you, not only would he be shattered, but the only heir to the throne would be gone..." I looked away from his captivating gaze,

"Well now you don't have to keep worrying about finding a hiding spot every time I turn around," He chuckled. His laugh was breathtaking.

I smiled, "I guess that does make my job far easier,"

"Tell me about yourself, you probably already know a lot about me," all of a sudden he seemed to look embarrassed, realizing that I had seen all the things he had done when he thought that no one was around,

"Well there's not much to say, I enjoy working for King Thranduil, and keeping an eye on you. It has proved to be quite entertaining." Was that the wrong thing to say? I don't know,

Legolas blushed a little and turned his face away from me so that I wouldn't see, "I think we should be friends, you and I. I wouldn't have to hide anything from you. Actually, I wouldn't be able to hide anything from you. What do say?" He looked at me hopefully.

I had never really had that many friends. Tauriel and I talked sometimes, that was the closest thing that I had to friendship. I looked up at him, "Sure, let's be friends,"

He looked relieved, "Well I am going to bed, if you want I could give you a blanket or something..." He seemed a little unsure,

"I'll be fine, I'll stay out here, don't worry," I smiled at him.

I watched as he fell asleep again. I actually have a friend, a friend, I can't believe it.


I hope you guys liked the first chapter. The only thing that I own is Emerin, and some parts of the plot, the rest of it belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien. Tell me some of your suggestions for the story and don't forget to vote and follow.



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