Chapter 2

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Legolas POV ~

For a few weeks now, I always felt like I was being watched. It was an unnerving feeling to have. I was going to scout the forests with the Guard, and noticed someone who I usually never saw. Emerin. The only time I ever see her is when I am with the Guard. That night when I fell asleep, I wanted to put my theory to the test. I rolled over to face my balcony, and kept my eyes open just enough to see but to still make it look like my eyes were closed. 

That's when I saw her. Sitting down on my balcony behind one of the columns. Her eyes kept darting around my room and just outside it. I remembered a conversation that I had had with my father a few years ago. He was discussing about how he wished he knew that I was safe at all times, and that he could have someone keep an eye on me. 

He probably thought that I would try to stop him, so he went ahead and chose someone to watch over me. Of course he would choose her. She was one of the most skilled Elves in all of Mirkwood. My father had always liked her. She was talented at almost everything. Especially keeping out of sight.

I wanted to ask her about it. I opened my eyes and immediately she darted out of my sight, so quickly that if I hadn't already known she was there, I would not have seen her. I stepped out of bed and walked onto my balcony. It was beautiful out here. I looked around. I wonder where she was hiding,

"Emerin, I know you're there, come out." I said. I waited a long moment and then I saw her climb down from one of the columns,

"I was not spying, my Lord I-" She started to say before I cut her off,

"I know my father asked you to watch over me a few weeks ago." I looked into her brown eyes that seemed to shine in the moonlight. I smiled, "It doesn't bother me. I suppose he didn't want me to know because he thought it might bother me, but it doesn't."

She looked at me with her piercing gaze, "I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable, my Lord,"

"Please, call me Legolas. I have a question for you Emerin." I felt bad, she must feel nervous that I'm going to tell my father, and that she'll be dismissed from her job,

"And I will answer," her stoic expression gave away nothing,

"How long have you been assigned to watch over me?" Her silky hair seemed to dance in the light breeze,

"A-a few years it has been since I was first assigned to keep an eye on you. The king realized that if anything were to happen to you, not only would he be shattered, but the only heir to the throne would be gone..." She looked away from me. I didn't think I looked intimidating, and she is known to be quite fearless. I had seen her look straight into my fathers eyes and give light criticism about our defense system. Of course my father never got mad at her, but still-

"Well now you don't have to keep worrying about finding a hiding spot every time I turn around," I chuckled. It must have been hard to always be scurrying around, trying to keep out of everyones sight.

She smiled at me. I suddenly forgot to breathe, "I guess that does make my job far easier," She seemed to be relieved about that.

I wanted to get to know her, "Tell me about yourself, you probably know a lot about me," I suddenly thought about how she had probably seen all the things I had done when I thought I was alone,

"Well there's not much to say, I enjoy working for King Thranduil, and keeping an eye on you. It has proved to be quite entertaining." She seemed to regret saying that last part. I can understand why.

I suddenly felt a wave of embarrassment, and blushed. I turned my head away hoping she wouldn't notice. She did, "I think we should be friends, you and I. I wouldn't have to hide anything from you. Actually, I wouldn't be able to hide anything from you. What do you say?" I hope she agrees with me. It would be great to have a friend that understands me.

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