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Hey guys,

I know its been a while and I've seen that waaaaay more people have started to read this story then when I first started writing it and let me tell you I'm so happy. I really hope you guys liked it but also, I did promise more snippets of Legolas and Emerin's married life, so I wanted you guys to tell me what you would like to see (ex. Kids, Visits with the fellowship, flashbacks, etc.).

Also, I just want to give a shout out to Phoenix_310

I hadn't really been on Wattpad for a while and I saw all of the comments that you left and they were so much fun to read.

Anyways I hope you guys have some good ideas for some new additions to this story, and also, don't forget to check out my new story The Fate Given By the Valar, a new Legolas X OC story.

Love you guys so much,

-Jackie <3

The Princes ShadowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora