Truth Or Fiction

By Ginnyrules27

151K 4.1K 10.2K

The Fates have had it. They're tired of cutting all the life threads of the denizens of the Isle while Aurado... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter Ninety Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
Chapter One Hundred and Six
Chapter One Hundred and Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Ten
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

1.7K 56 88
By Ginnyrules27

Jay chuckled as he grabbed the scroll. "Alright, let's see what madness this one has to offer."

Four weeks had gone by since Lord Hades had used Mal's middle name and the incident had been living in Mal's head ever since.

"You thought about it for a month?" Hades asked.

Mal nodded. "I's not like I could talk to Maleficent about it," she said with a shrug.

She replayed it over and over again, even when she didn't want to; as if looking at all possible angles for something she was missing.

Audrey didn't want to think about the fact that she had something in common with a VK, let alone the daughter of Maleficent. But she would do the same thing if the cheer squad was having trouble with a routine. She'd look at it from every possible angle to see what the issue was.

Why had Lord Hades even cared? He wasn't the type of villain to worry about what others did, or about the welfare of a child. After all, if the stories Gaston Jr had spread around the kids of the Isle were true, Lord Hades was one of the few villains to target a baby. Probably the first one really, considering he was a God.

"You actually listened to his dribble?" Harry scoffed. "He's got less brains than Gil."

"Hey sometimes he can be right about something," Mal said. "Besides he wasn't talking to me. He was chatting up some of the older VK girls and trying to impress them with what he knew about the adult villains."

"That makes more sense."

Hmm, maybe that's why Maleficent doesn't like him, Mal thought as she dropped off the order at the restaurant. After all, she prides herself on being an original. Another villain going after a baby, especially a God, would make it seem like she couldn't come up with her own ideas.

"Trust me kiddo, there are numerous reasons why that loon doesn't like me," Hades chuckled.

"What kind of loon is she Lord Hades?" Emir asked with a grin.

"Why an evil loon I believe," Hades said with another chuckle.

Ben sighed and shook his head in amusement.

Mal quickly made her way out of the restaurant without saying a word despite being a little hungry, not wanting Lord Hades the chance to lie to her again. Even if his food was good and the bruise on her arm had healed to the point that it was unnoticeable if her sleeve slid up again, Mal didn't want to take that chance.

"Hey! Uma! Stop that!" Mal said as Uma whacked her on the shoulder.

"Nope! You walked away from food! Gods, why are you so freaking stubborn?"

"I'm not stubborn!"

"Agree to disagree Mali!"

Instead Mal started making her way back to Maleficent's.

"That's an interesting way to say the clubhouse," Harry stated with a frown.

It was horrible but Maleficent was always horrible. She was always cruel. She was always consistent.

Consistency wasn't something often found on the Isle so when you found it, you tried to make the best of it.

"Hey that's not true! The food is consistently awful!" Jay spoke up.

"Freddy is consistently a nuisance," Uma nodded.

"The sky is consistently covered with clouds," Harry added.

"Okay, okay, I get it," Mal chuckled.

Lord Hades had been consistent. He was honest...until he wasn't with the deal involving Mal's middle name.

"Technically, I didn't lie," Hades smirked.

"Yeah, I know that now," Mal chuckled.

Something though caught Mal's eye as she walked past the window of the restaurant and she paused, though she couldn't tell you why. Lord Hades was getting the front of house ready for the lunch rush, though Mal didn't understand why. Hardly anyone ate in the restaurant, preferring to eat on their own turf.

"Some of the younger VKs like to eat in the restaurant though," Uma pointed out. "It's a safer place to do so, considering it's neutral grounds."

"Yeah, but those are the ones not in a gang," Mal added. "The ones too young for a certain practice that I won't say because of the younger ears."

"I'm not a baby Mal!" Hadie exclaimed.

Mal looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "I was talking about Celia and Dizzy but thank you for reminding me that you applied to that too."

Why hasn't he tried to escape yet? Mal thought as she watched through the front window. After all, he's a God. Wouldn't that be enough to counter the barrier that's mainly Fairy magic? I mean, the only other fairy powerful enough to trap a God would be the Blue Fairy but Maleficent always said she was more of a neutral party; preferring to not get involved on either side.

"See I would have but someone reinforced the barrier," Hades said, giving Zeus a look.

That was probably the nicest thing Maleficent had ever said about another fairy and she hadn't actually said it to Mal. Mal just happened to be in the room while Maleficent had been plotting. One of the goblins had made the foolish suggestion of Maleficent reaching out to the other fairy folk in Auradon or the Moors for help.

"He actually suggested Maleficent reach out for help?" Jay asked.

"That goblin's no longer with us I take it," Harry nodded.

That goblin hadn't been seen from since.

"I feel that I should feel sympathy for the goblin," Phillip Sr. stated. "However, as probably the only one here who had been tied up by said creatures, I can't really find it in me to do so."

"Fair enough," Mal and Hades said with a nod.

"Yeah we don't really care for them much ourselves," Harry nodded.

Jay snorted. "I steal their helmets from them and they buy them back from dad, not realizing that they're the same helmets."

'How thick can you get?" Evan asked.

"You're talking about the same creatures that searched baby cradles for sixteen years?" Rachel asked him.

Mal tilted her head as she studied the God of the Dead, who was still seemingly unaware that she was watching him. She wasn't going to lie, there was something familiar about him. Obviously, she knew him since they had a partnership but that wasn't what she meant.

Hades couldn't help but smile as he heard that, glad to know that his daughter had remembered him if only slightly.

She couldn't help but feel safe when she was around Lord Hades, like no matter what happened he'd be there. It was stupid since she'd only really known him for a few weeks but the feeling was there.

"Well, the few weeks of the partnership but the few months you stayed in the Underworld as a baby," Ariel added.

And maybe it was just a trick of the light but did Lord Hades' chin look like Mal's?

Emir and Akiho tilted their heads, looking from Hades to Mal as if they were spectators at a tennis match.

"Do I want to know?" Hades asked as he noticed this.

"They're probably trying to see if your chins truly are similar," Ashaki said with a sigh at her older brother's antics.

Shaking her head, Mal started making her way back to Maleficent's; the incident from a couple of weeks ago playing in the back of her mind. Why had Lord Hades known her middle name? It wasn't like it was a guess either—'Bertha' wasn't that common of a middle name. Mal knew Lord Hades had said Maleficent had told him but that just didn't make sense.

"Because Maleficent would never reveal something like that," Persephone nodded.

Maleficent hated Lord Hades with all her power; honestly Mal thought that Maleficent might have hated Hades more than she hated Leah, Stefan and Phillip.

"Hmm, nope. No 'might' about it, I'm positive she hates me more than she hates Queen Bat over there," Hades nodded. "Good thing I happen to hate her more than I hate Zeusey so it evens out."

"More than Zeus? Really?" Persephone asked.

"It's a close one but she just eeks out a win," Hades nodded.

Oh sure, she acted like she hated Aurora but Mal knew Maleficent still had a soft spot in her heart for her 'Beastie'.

Aurora couldn't help but give a small, sad sigh as she heard that. A sigh that was covered up by Leah's scoff of disgust.

Or at least, that's what Mal assumed based off of Maleficent's rants and plots. Mal barely heard Aurora's name mentioned.

"That hardly means anything!" Leah exclaimed.

"Did your mother have to be here?" Phillip Sr. muttered to Aurora.

Mal sighed; she wished she could make sense of it.

"Well dear you were five," Fairy Godmother said in her typical gentle tone.

Lord Hades didn't act like adults on the Isle normally acted. He made it so kids had some way of getting food and made it so it was good food. He had come to her aid when Frollo had her cornered in that alleyway.

"Well I mean dad's more of an anti-hero anyway," Mal shrugged. "Hey! Kinda like Beastie!"

"Excuse me?!" Beast exclaimed.

"Kidnapping and holding a woman prisoner are considered heroic traits now?" Mal asked, raising an eyebrow. "And let's not forget about the fact that you set up the Isle where you brought people back from the dead because...what was the reason again dad?"

"Death was too good for villains," Hades stated with a glare.

"Ah right," Mal nodded, crossing her arms over her chest.

Chip chuckled. "It's going to be interesting, having her in Auradon," he muttered to Ben.

So why would he treat her like an idiot and lie about how he knew her middle name? There were only three people on the Isle who would know that anyway. Mal obviously, Maleficent and...her father.

"By Jove, I think she's got it!" Chip said with a grin.

"You're the reason why Emir and Akiho are they way that they are, aren't you?" Ben asked.

"Considering you've only known your friends since you were four and you've known me much longer than that, what do you think Benji?"

There's no way Lord Hades is my father.

"Never say never Mali," Hades chuckled.

He would have mentioned that when he set up the alliance or Maleficent would have boasted it to the heavens. She may hate him but the dragon is so power-hungry that having a daughter who's half god would guarantee her control of the Isle. Not to mention her little rivalry with the Evil Queen would be over; there's no way Queenie or her daughter could top that.

Evie sighed softly. Mal had a point there, her mother would likely be furious if she ever found out that Maleficent had a child with Hades.

"Maleficent and the Evil Queen are rivals?" Ben asked.

"Oh yeah," Mal nodded. "About every two years or so, Queenie tries to do a power grab from the Dragon. It doesn't end well for her."

"Okay," Ben nodded. "Well it's nice you and Evie can be friends despite the—."

Mal burst out into laughter, cutting Ben off mid sentence.

"I have a feeling they're not friends Benji," Chip said, shaking his head at Mal's laughter.

"You got that right," Uma nodded.

Ben nodded slowly. Mal's not going to like it when she finds out who her roommate is then, he thought.

Still, why else would Lord Hades know her middle name? Why would he care about a bruise on her arm? Why would he make sure she slowed down and didn't hurt herself when she was rushing through her food?

"The last two could be excused by the alliance but the middle name one is hard to explain away," Jay nodded.

I need to talk to Uma, Mal thought and turned on her heel to Ursula's Fish and Chips. She knew Uma would be working but hopefully she'd just be on dish duty right now. Entering the restaurant that always stunk of fish and seaweed, Mal looked for her friend and ally; scanning the restaurant for a glimpse of that familiar bright blue hair.

"Her father's Poseidon, God of the Sea, and she runs a restaurant that" Neal asked.

"Food is food," Uma shrugged, not noticing the frown on Ariel, Elle, and Melody's face as well as the one on Poseidon's.

"Hey dragon breath," Uma's voice sounded from behind her and Mal had to work to not jump.

"I knew I startled you!" Uma said with a smirk.

"What are you doing here? Thought you spent most of your time at Lord Hades' place now?"

"I need to talk to you," Mal said, turning around to look at the other girl who had her arms filled with dirty dishes. "That is unless you're busy, octo-girl?"

She's five...there's no childhood in working in a restaurant, Snow thought with a frown. She should be out running around with her friends.

Uma chuckled. "Come on, I need to put these dishes in the back. We can talk there. Mama's in the back office but the door's shut. As long as a customer doesn't start a fight, she never comes out."

"That's no way to run a business," Audrey sniffed.

"I'm ignoring her," Uma muttered to Mal. "Otherwise we'll never leave and something tells me if we're here for much longer, Freddy'll make a move on our territory."

"Henry and the others won't let him," Mal shook her head.

Mal nodded and the two girls made their way back into the kitchen, where Uma put the handful of dirty plates she had been holding into the sink. Said sink was already overflowing with dishes but no one seemed to mind considering Mal and Uma were the only two people back there.

"You know it just occurred to me," Mal said, turning to Uma. "There's no running water on the Isle. How'd you clean those dishes?"

"Went out back and washed them in the Cove of course," Uma grinned.

"Okay," Uma said and turned to Mal. "What did you want to talk about?"

Mal took a breath to steady her nerves. "How did you know Facilier was your father?"

"Not even going to ease into it, are you Mali?" Harry chuckled.

Uma blinked, as if not expecting that question. "I asked mama," she said after a moment's pause.

"Just like that?" Mal asked. "You just asked your mom who your dad was?"

Ariel sighed. It honestly didn't seem like Ursula had changed all that much—she hoped it hadn't turned out poorly for Uma.

"Well no," Uma chuckled. "After I met dad, he acted weird. Always telling me to make sure I got my cut and to try to get friends on the other side. Plus Freddie always seemed to be looking out for me whenever I found myself on dad's turf. After about a few of weeks of that, I asked mama."

"And you're still alive?" Jay asked.

"I thought we didn't like Freddy?" Akiho asked before Uma could answer Jay's question.

"Freddie with an 'ie' is the one we like, she's Uma's sister," Harry stated. "Freddy with a 'y' is the spawn of Satan himself."

"And she told you?"

"Not in so many words," Uma said. "So I asked dad. You know the motto of the Isle: Villains always lie. But mama and dad don't really talk to each other much so it's not like they could match up their stories."

"Remember that saying Rick used to have?" Mal said with a sad smile as she thought about her former crew member.

"Oh yeah. 'If your best mate says they tolerate you, ask your other best mate to verify,'" Uma nodded.

Mal nodded. "So Facilier told you?" She asked to confirm what Uma had said.

"That's what she said!" Audrey said, rolling her eyes. "Keep up why don't you?"

"Audrey!" Aurora exclaimed. "That's two weekends now, you want to make it three?"

"Yep," Uma nodded and frowned. "Mal, why are you asking about fathers? You never ask about them."

Mal shrugged. "Just curious. You're one of the few kids on the Isle who knows who both your parents are," she said. It wasn't worth the risk of it getting back to Maleficent before Mal was ready to broach the subject.

"You know I wouldn't have said anything Mal," Uma told her.

"I know," Mal nodded. "But the wrong person listening by the door? It may have only been pirates but you know Maleficent tried to have spies wherever she could."

"Well do you want to be curious while you help me with the dishes?" Uma asked with a smirk.

Mal chuckled. "Sorry Um, but I got to get going. Maleficent won't be happy if I show up late."

"Honestly I think Maleficent wasn't happy to see me at all," Mal shrugged.

"Was the Dragon ever happy?" Jay countered.

"Good point Jay, good point."

Uma nodded and Mal left the kitchen, heading out of the restaurant. There wasn't anyone else she could talk to about their parents—Harry had known his mother but talking about Milah right now just made Harry mad. Mal was in a bind but she wasn't that desperate that she'd make her crew mate upset.

Harry shot Mal a small smile, a smile that Mal readily returned. She was just sorry that these scrolls seemed to constantly bring up Milah.

She wasn't that close to Jay that she could ask the older boy about his mom. Jacqueline, of Jack and the Beanstalk infamy,

"I thought Jack was a guy?"

"Don't always assume a guy's a guy," Lonnie said with a smile as she looked at her mom. "Sometimes they're a girl kicking all the guys' butts!"

"Are you actually praising a villain?!" Audrey exclaimed.

"It's not like Jacqueline did anything to any of us," Lonnie said with a slight shrug. "Unless you're secretly a giant, Audrey?"

had been one of the few good parents the Isle had. So of course, the Isle had to take her when Jay was four.

Snow gasped and her hands flew to her mouth, while tears prickled in the corners or Rapunzel's eyes.

And that's another reason why I didn't say anything negative, Lonnie thought, glancing over at Jay. She could see he had tensed up a little when they started talking about his mom and...villain or not you don't speak ill of the dead.

Unless it's the Matchmaker. Damn that woman.

Maleficent had already partnered with Jafar at that point so Mal had hazy memories of Jay walking around Maleficent's 'castle', holding back tears.

Gee, thanks Mal. I didn't know you noticed that, Jay thought, holding back a sigh as Harry rested a hand on his shoulder. If you noticed then it's probably likely dad noticed too.

Besides, Jay's a bit too dangerous of an option. He may be a thief but his dad's still in league with Maleficent, Mal thought. The odds of it getting back to Maleficent were too high if Mal talked to Jay.

"I think Mal's got issues trusting us," Jay tried to joke as he tried to shove down the feeling of 'hurt' that came upon hearing that Mal didn't trust him not to go to the Dragon.

"Nah, just you and Uma," Harry grinned.

There were only two options remaining to her, and the one Mal was considering was probably the most dangerous option she had. She'd have to talk to Maleficent about her father face to face. It was a lot safer than Maleficent finding out Mal was asking about her father around the Isle.

"Didn't you just say it was the more dangerous option?" Rose asked.

"And yet it was still safer than Maleficent finding out through gossip," Mal told her.

Oh Gods, please let her be in a good mood, Mal thought as she entered her home. Either that, or please make it so I can easily access the exits if needed. I don't think I could take another 'punishment' right now.

Hades glared at the scroll in Jay's hands. She lays a talon on my daughter, I'll make sure she doesn't live to see another day!

Mal knew where Maleficent was, it was the same place she always was. Her little throne room was where most of her plotting was done and where she met with her allies, like Jafar and Cruella. Mal didn't fully understand why her birth giver had paired up with Cruella over other magic users like Madam Mim. The hunters had their gang, why not make it so Maleficent's gang was only magic users?

"Please, I'd rather Cruella than Mim," Mal scoffed.

"Yeah, at least DeVil won't be another Maddy," Uma nodded.

Ben tilted his head. "Maddy?"

"Mad Maddy, Mim's granddaughter," Jay explained. "From what I've gathered from rants on the subject, she and Mal used to be friends."

"Until the little Caster thought it better to strike out on her own because she was tired of being in my 'shadow'," Mal growled.

"Ah," Ben nodded. Note to self, if I bring over Maddy, she and Mal should not room together, he thought.

Besides, Cruella's son was a wimp. Only three years old but cowered like a baby. It was almost pitiful. The Isle was going to swallow him whole if DeVil didn't toughen up.

"Gee thanks Mal," Carlos muttered under his breath. He knew he wasn't the toughest but did she have to phrase it like that?! He didn't need the Auradon kids' pity!

Thankfully, Maleficent was alone when Mal entered the room.

"Is that really something to be thankful for?" Elle asked.

"Mother?" Mal said, thankful she hadn't called Maleficent by her name again. Her arm may have healed but her ribs still smarted.

No one commented on the slight growls heard from the Olympus contingent though Estelle did pick up one of his heads and look over in confusion.

"What?" Maleficent snapped, turning toward Mal who had grown silent upon hearing Maleficent. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. "Spit it out."

"She's not the most patient is she?" Neal muttered to Emma.

"Why does Lord Hades know my middle name?" Mal asked, the question coming out of her mouth a bit faster than normal as to prevent losing her nerve.

"How should I know what that has-been God knows or doesn't know?" Maleficent scoffed.

"Huh, she must have been in a good mood," Hades noted. "That's tame for her."

Mal took a breath and looked at Maleficent. "It's just, mother, there's only three people on the Isle who would or should know my middle name. You, me...and my father."

Maleficent's eyes flashed and Mal backed up a tad, making sure the doorway was still right behind her in case she needed to make a quick getaway.

"Smart, know your exits," Jay nodded but he was tense. He didn't like the idea of Mal being alone in a room with Maleficent.

"I told you never to mention that weakling in my presence!" Maleficent growled, leaning forward in her chair.

Mal nodded. "Yes mother, you did. But when I have the Lord of the Underworld knowing information that only my father would know, I thought I would ask. Uma knows who her father is, don't I have the right to know who mine is too?"

"And now you run," Harry said. He knew perfectly well what words could trigger a 'punishment' and he didn't want to read about Mal getting one too.

Ben frowned as he heard that and reaffirmed his vow that he'd get more kids off the Isle. No matter what it took. Kids shouldn't have to fear getting information from their parents.

"You brought my name into that!" Uma exclaimed.

"I thought it might appeal to her sense of wanting to be better than everyone else," Mal shrugged.

Maleficent seemed to still and Mal wondered if she had stepped too far over the line. It was risky enough to talk about her father but to tell Maleficent that Mal had the right to know her father's identity?

Maybe Uma will say some nice words when the dragon kills me, Mal thought, nervously eyeing Maleficent.

"I would but I'd rather not considering you're not dying!" Uma exclaimed.

"The only thing you have the right to know is that your father was a weakling who walked out on the both of us," Maleficent told her, the tone of her voice dangerously low. "He didn't want you. If you want to be a weakling like him and believe whatever stupid fantasy you concocted in your head, have at it!"

"Amazing, everything she said couldn't have been more wrong," Phillip Sr. said, shaking his head.

"Fine, mother, I will!" Mal shouted, her own nerve startling her, and turned on her heel;

"You actually said that to Maleficent's face and lived?" Jay asked in amazement.

"Honestly I think she was too stunned to actually do anything," Mal shrugged.

surprised Maleficent hadn't decided Mal needed to learn another lesson in respect. Then again, there was always the chance Maleficent would teach her that lesson later.

"She even tries, she'll have to go through me," Hades vowed.

"Uh dad? Already happened," Mal pointed out. "And she didn't. I spent the night in the clubhouse, figured it'd be safer."

"Sword offer is still available—."

"Phillip, enough!"

Heading back out to the Isle, Mal sighed. Maleficent had been a bust but what had Mal really expected? For the older fairy to sit Mal on her lap and tell her that, yes, the Lord of the Underworld had been her father?

Mal sighed. There was a tiny part of her back then that had longed for such an interaction. But that was Boreadon thinking. Such a thing would never happen on the Isle.

Honestly I think I might have run out of the room screaming if that had happened, Mal thought with a frown. Maleficent on a rampage, ranting in anger? That Mal could handle. But the thought of Maleficent being nice, even in her own head, was truly terrifying.

"Screaming? Seriously?" Audrey shook her head.

"No, no, Mal has a point," Phillip Jr. nodded.

There was only option left now if Mal wanted to know the truth. The problem was, she'd have to go to the man she had accused of lying to her.

Gods don't take insults well, Mal thought as she made her way along the path back to Lord Hades' restaurant. I mean, Athena turned Arachne into a spider because she claimed she was better at spinning and weaving than her. What would Hades do to me for calling him a liar?

"...consider it a compliment considering we're all trapped on an Isle filled with liars?" Hades proposed. "I mean, yeah sure, it's not the nicest thing but I'm sure I've been called far worse by people in this room."

As he finished his sentence, Hades shot a look to Zeus.

The only silver lining Mal could think of was the fact that there was no one in the restaurant at the time Mal had said that. No witnesses meant Lord Hades wouldn't be too rough with his revenge. Right?

"It's Hades," Poseidon pointed out. "He'd get his revenge upon death rather than take it out on the living."

Hades smirked. "This is very true brother."

Plus, the barrier meant there wasn't a chance of fireballs. Mal could easily escape if Hades tried to lay a hand on her but fireballs would allow Lord Hades the luxury of distance.

"I didn't realize he could still flame up," Mal stated as people started to look at her. "I was five."

Opening the door, Mal wasn't surprised to see the restaurant was dead inside. It had only been three hours since she dropped off the delivery. Despite the fact that it was called the lunch rush, there was never really much of a rush. Dinner was the more popular time, considering most villains hadn't eaten all day and were usually desperate.

Ben held back a wince at that, feeling once again as if he'd been punched in the gut. His parents were the ones who set up the Isle. Why hadn't they checked on things? Made sure the quality of the food going to the Isle was the same quality as the food they got?

"What can I get you?" Hades asked from the counter, his back to Mal.

"I'd settle for answers," Mal said softly and Hades turned around to face her.

"Mal?" Hades asked as if shocked to see her in the restaurant. "You already dropped the delivery off. You don't have to stop by here twice in one day."

"She might have been there for food," Emma pointed out.

Mal couldn't help but smirk a little at that before sobering back up. This was her one chance to find out the truth. She didn't want to blow it.

"Can I ask you a question?" Mal asked, walking closer to Lord Hades.

"You just did," Chip chuckled.

"Well you technically already did but you can ask another one," Hades told her, leaning on the counter. He smiled at her; he had been worried that he had blown his chance at building a relationship with her after the whole 'middle name' debacle four weeks ago.

"Hey, I think like Lord Hades!" Chip grinned.

"Oh Gods help us all," Poseidon chuckled and Hades shook his head at his little brother.

Mal bit her lip in thought, trying to figure out how to word her question in a way that wouldn't wind up with her being smote.

"I wouldn't smite you for asking a question," Hades shook his head, all the while vowing to find a way to smite Maleficent for putting the doubt in Mal's head.

"Mal, you can ask your question," Hades said with a small smile and Mal sighed. She gathered up her courage and asked the question that had been growing in her mind all day. She didn't even care if it gave Lord Hades something over her; at this point she just wanted an answer.

"Why would that give Lord Hades something over you?" Phillip Jr. asked.

"Exposes a weakness," Mal stated, her voice flat.

"Are you my father?"

"That's it," Jay said.

"Wait, that's where it ends?" Lucy exclaimed.

"Yep," Jay nodded. "You know, I think it's been a while since our last break. Does anyone—?"

"No! Almost all of the Auradon Kids exclaimed.

"Please Jay? Just one more scroll?" Dizzy asked.

Jay chuckled. "Well if someone else wants to read, I won't fight them."

"I'll read!" Lucy said instantly.

"They do know what happened already right? I mean I'm sitting right next to you and calling you 'dad'," Mal muttered to Hades.

"I think it's all the sun. Makes their brains soft," Hades muttered back to her.

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Once upon a time, in a kingdom known as Auradon, lived a young prince. He was one of the most kind and caring princes the kingdom ever had. He cared...
21.8K 489 12
When the future king decides to bring Maleficents daughter from the isle of the lost, he gets one more than he bargained for. Slightly more mature ta...