gross [bnha reader insert]

By quitxz

2.1M 102K 150K

A germaphode with an extremely powerful quirk refuses to be a hero, which results in a family friend who work... More

34 (updated)
52 (special~!)
58 (special part 2)
59 (200K special) Tsubaka x (y/n) <3
64 (700 special part 3)
Omg its the 69th chapter ๐Ÿ˜ฉ


14.5K 776 843
By quitxz

(I got my vaccine today and OMFG my nurse was so niceee we literally just talked about anime for like 15 minutes LOL


Yeah I hope this helped!

"So how have been lately?" Shinso asked as the two sat down in his dining table, opening up their food to start eating.

"It's been alright, its a bit tiring tho." (Y/n) sighed, taking a seat.

"Yeah it is." Shinso chuckled, taking a bit of food. "I hope you haven't gotten hurt lately."

"Wellll..." (y/n) rubbed the back of her neck nervously."

Shinso facepalmed, "seriously.... you had one job."

"I mean... it was mostly my quirk drawbacks." (Y/n) said, taking off her mask, revealing the bottom half of her face.

"Still." Shinso sternly said, "you need to take care of yourself."

"Hai hai~" she said, taking a bite of food.

"I'm guessing Shiketsu is treating you well."

(Y/n) shrugged, "yeah the people are nice." Taking another bite of food. "But no one can replace you."

"As you should." Shinso chuckled. "Hey (y/n)?"

"Hm?" She turned her head to look at him, about to take another bite.

(I just choose ramen cause it was the easiest to draw LOL)

Shinso gulped nervously, fibbing with his chopsticks in his hand. "I..."

She gulped, "what is it?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"I..." he pursed his lips, "I just.... " he closed his eyes and sighed the imagine of her with the other two Shiketsu students playing in his head, "you mean a lot to me alright? Just promise me you'll take care of yourself."

(Y/n) tilted her head, "yeah of course, and you mean a lot to me too." She gave him a small smile, "you're my best friend."

"Yeah.." Shinso lowly chuckled, 'friend...' he thought to himself bitterly as he stared down at his bowl of food, sighing.

Hey are you still down to meet Eri today? I really wanted to see her so I asked my uncle if I could stop by a little later, you're free to come if you like.

(Y/n) picked up her phone, scanning through the message. Her eyes grew wide as she quickly responded, grabbing a black hoodie from her closet and quickly putting a mask on her face.

"Mom I'm gonna meet up with a friend, I'll be back in a bit." (Y/n) yelled out, quickly running down the stairs and through the front door.

"Okay sweetie just be careful!" She heard her mom call out as her feet rushed down the street into the city. The cold night air bit at her cheeks as she breath heavily. Once she was near the area, she saw a familiar tuft of dark bluish gray hair.

"Oh (y/n)!" Hotaro waved towards the (h/c) haired girl who slowly down her pace and stopped in front of him, placing a hand over her beating heart.

"I'm.... here..." she breath out, placing her hands on her knees and looking up to see his surprises gaze.

He chuckled, "you didn't have to run here you know, I just got here as well."

"Still.." she gulped. "I didn't want to waste any time." She said.

"Don't worry we have about an hour with her, so we should be fine." He said, knocking on the metal door. "Don't worry, my uncle can be a bit scary, but that's just how he is.." the door opened, revealing Chisaki, but instead of a black mask, it was replaced with a bird beak. He sighed at the sight of the two students.

"Come in." He said, opening the door wide enough for the two teens to enter.

"Thanks for letting us in uncle." Hotaro said.

"Thank you..." (y/n) said, slightly bowing as she entered through the door, tugging up her medical gloves.

Chisaki quirked an eyebrow at her motion, "I guess you don't like getting dirty either?"

"Yeah..." (y/n) nervously gulped, still keeping her stoic face on, "I'm not the biggest fan of germs, so I always keep a bottle of disinfectant with me." She said, pulling out a bottle from her hoodie pocket.

"I see." He then turned his head to look forward, "we'll get along just fine then."

(Y/n) mentally punched the air, 'yes! Gaining his trust is step number one!' She thought to herself as she nodded in response.

The three of them walked down a hallway, passing a few rooms until they came across one particular door. Chisaki placed a hand on the door knob and opened it. "You have exactly an hour, try not to make her cry." He said, rolling his eyes as the two teens walked past him into the room, he shut the door.

(Y/n) scanned the room, until her eyes landed on a tuft of white hair. She quickly went up to her, Eri's back was facing her as she tapped her shoulder. Eri visibly flinched, until (y/n) opened her mouth to speak.

"Hey... Eri it's me..." the said girl turned around, fear swelling up in her eyes, only for them to widen in happiness as she saw the familiar head of (h/c).

"It's you!" She exclaimed, hugging (y/n)'s neck.

"Yeah its me." (Y/n) chuckled, placing a hand on the back of her head, patting it gently to calm her down, "Do you remember me?"

"Yeah!" Eri backed away a bit to face her, "You called me pretty! I can't believe you kept your promise to see me again!" Then her eyes quickly looked up to the other person in the room. "Who's that?" She asked, pointing at Hotaro.

"Hi." Hotaro said, crouching down behind (y/n) to face to girl, "I'm Hotaro Naoki, your cousin."

"What's a cousin?" Eri asked tilting her head in confusion.

"Ah..." Hotaro rubbed the back of his neck, trying to find the words. "I'm... I'm your family."

"Family?" Eri's eyes lit up, "like an older brother?"

"Yeah kind of." Hotaro softly chuckled, patting her head, "aren't you a cute one."

"Then onee-san are you dating my older brother?"

"Ha-"(y/n) breath out, "what no, we're just friends Eri-"

"I-" Hotaro's face grew bright red as if he has li out a fuse, he covered his face with the back of his hand as he watched the (h/c) haired girl try to reassure Eri that they were not dating and that they were just friends.

Hotaro would be lying if he said that he didn't feel some type of attraction towards the girl. Ever since elementary he has always found her mesmerizing, and there was just something that drew him towards her. Maybe it was her lack of care, or maybe it was how confident she was in her actions, or maybe it was the way she presented herself. So aloof, and not giving a shit about how people thought of her.

She did what she wanted and what she thought of right. And to him and many others, that was her most valuable quality. That she was this strong independent person that didn't give a care in the world, and helped those around her, not even caring about being a hero.

Hotaro looked over once more at (y/n) who was happily chatting with Eri, carrying her in her arms as they both chuckled and giggled together. He looked and saw her (e/c) colored eyes turning into crescents, indicating that she too was smiling under her mask.

'She would make a great wife-' he slapped both of his cheeks with his hands, shaking his head to get rid of that thought. 'What are you thinking?!?! Great wife?!? What the hell?!' He thought to himself as he pursed his lips.

He stole a glance once more, until he heard her softly laugh, and damn, did it sound like music to his ears.

Biting he inside of his cheek, he looked down and placed a hand over his beating heart, his face blew up in flames.

'God damn it..' he thought to himself.

"I'll see you tomorrow Eri." (Y/n) said, putting down the girl, ruffling her hair once more.

"Aww do you have to go?" Eri pouted, grabbing her pinky.

"Yeah we have to go but we'll come back in two days okay?" Hotaro said, patting her hair as her smile beamed.

"Okay! Promise you'll come!" Eri exclaimed, giving them a wide smile.

(Y/n) gave her a small smile under her mask, "yeah we will. We'll see you tomorrow Eri, bye." She said, waving her hand as she and Hotaro opened the door to leave.

"Bye!" Eri exclaimed as she waved back, the door closing behind them.

"She's so cute." Hotaro chuckled as they started to walk down the hall.

"Do you like her?" (Y/n) asked.

"Of course." Hotaro smiled, "I think I'd do anything for her..."

(Y/n) nodded, 'good, I might need you later...' she thought to her self, "anything?"

"Yeah anything,"

(Y/n) hummed in response. As the two teens walked in the hall, Chisaki walked towards them from the other end. "Oh good, I was about to come get you, you guys are free to go, I have a meeting right now so feel free to make your way to the exit." He said as she brushed past them.

"Thanks uncle." Hotaro said, as the two walked to the entrance, opening the door to see the street filled with people, "I could walk you hom-"

"No it's fine." (Y/n) said, looking to the other side of the street, seeing Chisaki walking with someone familiar, "I uh... I need to stop by somewhere."


"It's fine, I can take care of myself." (Y/n) looked up at him, "besides you live in the other side of town, It'll take you awhile to get home if you walk me home."

Hotaro frowned, he was hoping to get to talk to the girl at least, get to know her a bit more while he walked her home. But knowing her, when she wanted something she never went back. He sighed in defeat, "fine..... Just... get home safely alright?"

"Yeah yeah.." (y/n) said, not paying attention entirely as she kept her gaze on Chisaki's back, 'he's getting away, if I don't leave now I'll lose him.' She thought to herself. "I'll see you tomorrow then." She said as she quickly walked down the street opposite of Hotaro.

"Yeah I'll see you..." he reached out a hand, only to see her quickly walking away from him. "..tomorrow..."

(Y/n) followed Chisaki, down the streets, blending into the crowd with a bunch of people, until they were at an empty spot. She hid behind a run down car as she saw him and someone else walking to a warehouse. Squinting her eyes, to get a closer look, her eyes widened, recognizing the masked figure.

'It's the guy that was with the league of villains.' She thought to herself, biting the inside of her lip, as she watched the the masked figure opening the warehouse, as the two walked in.

' I need to get a closer look...' she thought to herself as she watched the door close. She quickly walked to the side of the building, removing her medical gloves as making two small orbs of energy in her palms, facing them towards the ground as she quietly lifted herself up to the veiling. She looked down through a small hole in the ceiling, quietly observing.

Hardening her gaze, she held her breath and she listened to their conversation.

"I'll crush hero society starting with its head" she heard shigaraki say.

"Do you have a plan?" Chisaki asked.

"A plan? You little shit..." shigaraki spoke "you came here to join us didnt you?"

"A goal with no plan is called a delusion." Chisaki said.

'For a villain he's not wrong.' (Y/n) thought to herself, 'but then again, everything he does is wrong.' Her eyebrows furrowed, 'wait so does that mean Chisaki and the league of villains are joining together?' Placing a hand on her chin her gaze hardened 'that just makes an even bigger villain to defeat...'

She was cut off from her thoughts when she heard a voice yelling , "sorry yakuza boy, we didn't come together to be under someone!" She quickly turned her head to look down at the commotion. Her eyes widened when she saw a figure with dark burgundy hair, charging towards Chisaki with a giant weapon.

Her eyes flickered at Chisaki who's body was starting to light up, signaling that he was activating his quirk.

"I'm here because I don't want to be bound by anything!" The burgundy haired figure yelled out, as they got closer to Chisaki.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she saw, for a split second, Chisaki taking off his white glove. 'They're gonna get themselves killed!' She thought to herself as she watched the figure charming forward, lifting their weapon in the air.

And without her even knowing what she was doing, she formed a small ball of purple energy in her hands and flung it towards the burgundy haired figure, just as they were about to his Chisaki. But she wasn't quick enough as Chisaki ended up touching Magne's leg, having it burst, blood splattering up in the air.

"Magne!" The league of villains yelled out. The said figure screamed out in pain, holding onto their hip that one had a leg attached to it.

"You all made the first move..." Chisaki muttered getting up from his position. He was aiming to kill Magne off, but he just assumed that one of the villains had blocked his attack. "Argh... that's so filthy..." he said, rubbing his arm, "thats why I hate stuff like this.."

'What the..' Shigaraki thought to himself, about to look up, but quickly stopped, as he saw compress charging forward towards Chisaki. "Wait! Compress!"

"This guys trouble!" Compress yelled, jumping in the air, "I'll use my compress to seal him away!" Only to stop mid air when a bullet hit his arm. He tried to reach out a hand, only for his quirk to not work.

"Don't touch me!" Chisaki yelled, activating his quirk on Compress, but before he could a small orb of purple, hit his compress's arm, only allowing Chisaki's attack to hit Compress's hand, as blood splattered in the air.

Compress yelled out in pain as he held his wrist, stumbling backwards to the league.

'Shit, they're blocking my attacks." Chisaki, cursed, rubbing his arm that was starting to form bumps.

'What the hell!??!" Shigaraki yelled in his mind, first it was Magne and now it was compress. It wasn't any of the other members that were saving them, but it was an outside source, and he couldn't help but feel a bit of familiarity with the attack. But he wasn't about to admit that it wasn't one of them. He could use this as an advantage against Chisaki, to show that they weren't as weak as he thought they were. So for now, he was keeping his mouth shut.

Shigaraki jumped forward to attack, Chisaki looked, hoping that the bullet would hit him, only for it to miss and hit the cement ground. His eyes widened as he jumped back, dodging Shigaraki.

"Shield!" He yelled as another one of his members, jumped in front of him, covering him from Shigaraki. Only for him to get the attack as Shigaraki touched him, causing him to harden, and crumble in pieces.

"I see..." Shigaraki mumbled, jumping back away from Chisaki. "If you'd started with that." He yelled, seeing a group of Chisaki's followers bursting through the door. "It would've been a lot easier to understand what you wanted."

"That was close, overhaul." A big figure said, standing next to Chisaki.

"You're late." Chisaki said to a white hooded figure who jumped next to him.

"I missed a shot." He said. "But the effectiveness was efficient."

"Wait!" twice exclaimed, "we weren't being followed!"

"It was probably someone's quirk." Shigaraki said, standing next to Twice. 'And someone else too..' he thought to himself.

"It'll be hard to make objective decisions like this." Chisaki said, rubbing his jacket sleeve. "Right, but it's unproductive to cut down each other's forces, anyways."

"Tomura, I can cut him. I'm going to okay?" Toga said holing a knife in her hand.

"No." Shigaraki said, glaring at overhaul, who was walking away.

"It doesn't have to be right away, but the sooner the better." Chisaki said, having his back faced towards them. "Think carefully." He said, flicking a card towards them from top of the rumble. "About your own organization and stuff." And with that he left.

Shigaraki looked down at the card that landed in front of him, he waited until the rest of Chisaki and his followers left, then he quickly looked up to the ceiling, seeing a big hole. He furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at the night sky that was filled with stars.

"Tomura?" Toga asked, seeing the pale haired male just staring into the sky.

He clicked his tongue and looked at Compress and Magne who were groaning in pain, "come on, let's get you guys patched up." He muttered as they slowly started to gather together to leave.

(Y/n) placed a hand over her chest, as she let out a shaky breath that she had forgotten that she was holding. Her eyes were bloodshot as she stared into the moon, feeling exhaustion consume her entire body. She dryly gulped as she wiped the beads of sweat that were falling down her forehead to her chin.

'That was close.'

(I love Magne, and I just couldn't kill her like this :') i hope you understand why I changed it a little.)

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