The Switch {EarthMix}

By real__ia

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Earth is in a happy relationship with his boyfriend of six months, when he suddenly proposes something: What... More

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By real__ia

If there was ever a definition of: wrong people - wrong time, surely it had a picture of the current situation, that couldn't have been more problematic than anything Earth could come up with from his own imagination or all the shows he had ever seen.

After the way their breakup had gone over the stage yesterday, he really wasn't too keen on facing his now ex-boyfriend's face, especially not when his accusations met the thing they had probably seen a moment ago. A moment of weakness, when he just couldn't resist reaching out with his hand and patting Mix' head in the same way he did, just a day ago. Considering the closeness of Ming and Pan though, the other would probably misunderstand this whole thing and believe in the made accusation... And being bombarded like he was yesterday was something that he surely wanted to keep Mix from. It had been enough experiencing it himself, and considering how long the other two had been a couple and how important the relationship was to Mix... it would just end up in a huge disaster.

But maybe, just maybe, there was a chance to resolve this situation quietly, without having to wake up his friend who was still asleep... and should really get some more of it after earlier happenings.

"Can we talk outside...? "Earth whispered and stood up from the bed, trying to make sure that he was as quiet as possible.

"No. Wake him up now or I'll do it."

Ming's voice was much louder than anticipated by the other, startling him a little before he let out a soft sigh and walked back to the bed. Carefully, he placed his hand on Mix' shoulder, nudging the other softly to make him wake up.

"Mix... Mix..."

It took a couple of minutes until he squinted his eyes together and slowly sat up. He wasn't quite sure where exactly he was at first, what had happened or what was going on, but soon after getting accustomed to the brightness in the room Mix realised that him and Earth weren't alone anymore.

"Oh... , " he looked around the room a little disoriented and recognised that he was back in Earth's apartment. "How... you're here?"

"Yea I was just going back here with Ai'Pan and you know what I found? My boyfriend cheated on me , " Ming blew out angrily, crossing his arms and giving the two of them a look of disgust.

Even if he didn't want to, Earth got the bad feeling that this was going in the exact same direction as what had happened the night before... and was neither amused nor looking forward to something like this again. He could take the accusations because he knew the truth and just didn't care what those two thought anymore, but Mix was different. Him and Ming were still dating and had just made up... And after the other's panic attack from earlier Earth surely would try his best to diffuse the situation and make sure that Mix wouldn't get hurt... or he would at least try everything that was in his power.

"Please Calm down... I... I fainted earlier and since Earth didn't know where exactly my keys were, he brought me here instead. That's all there is."

" You know I was already unhappy when you called me last night and asked if you could stay over here because that bastard there wasn't feeling well... I just would have never guessed you are trash like this, Phi Mix. "

Mix' eyes widened in shock, him blankly staring at his boyfriend... unable to both process and come to terms with the words he had just heard. He knew that this must have looked a little weird, but still... wasn't that a bit too much? They hadn't caught Earth and him doing anything, no he was just laying here in the bed because he still felt a little drained and exhausted. Shouldn't his boyfriend believe him...?

Well Earth on the other hand couldn't help but let out an annoyed sigh, carefully reaching out to his phone and placing it on the nightstand, before looking back over to the two of them who had an expression of both anger and... satisfaction?

"I told Pan yesterday already that there is nothing going on between us, but I will repeat it again for you Nong Ming: We are just close friends. Friends. Nothing more. So stop talking like that and insulting someone who did nothing wrong , " Earth quickly stepped in and hardened his expression, staring at the two intruders.

"No one talked to you Phi, so why don't you just shut up and stop bitching in on other people's relationships?"

Ming almost spit the words in Earth's face, coming a little closer and staring right up to the man who was at least one head taller than him. If he was currently trying to look intimidating, he definitely didn't do a good job, looking a little like a dwarf who was trying to push around a grizzly bear. It was so ridiculous that Earth would have probably rolled on the ground crying from laughing so hard, if it wasn't for the background of this situation and how trashy the other was currently behaving.

"Ming... yes being jealous is understandable but as we both now told you, there is nothing between us. So I hope you can stop being like this , " Mix sighed and leaned back against the headrest, so that he was sitting upright. He mustered the two other's and couldn't help letting out a stressed sigh.

Why was the other overreacting so much? What exactly was his problem that he just completely ignored everything they were saying? It wasn't as if they had found Earth and him naked together here or kissing... he had been deep asleep and Earth probably just sat next to him... So where exactly was the big issue? Even if he thought back to their whole relationship, to the years they had somehow spent together, it was the first time that Mix saw Ming behaving like this. Almost as if he was jealous, but even after deciding to end their open relationship and for Ming to stop seeing other people... it just seemed really weird.

"Why don't you just admit P'Earth that you broke up with me because you like P'Mix?" This time it was Pan stepping in, pulling the other a little back and then standing a little in front of Ming, as if he was protecting the other.

"I will gladly repeat what I told you yesterday, Nong, because you don't seem to understand it. I am really sorry but I don't love you anymore. You don't make me feel happy anymore and there isn't even a relationship or anything that could be saved, even if we both wanted it. So please stop bringing unrelated people in the picture and just accept it... okay?"

Slowly, Earth was running out of patience. It wasn't the fact that he was exhausted from carrying Mix around earlier or because of the fight Pan and him had earlier... no what really was pulling on his strings were two people that were making false accusations and hurting a person precious to him with them - oh and definitely the fact how rude they were. Sure, this apartment still belonged to Pan too, but if that other guy wouldn't stop being such an asshole, Earth wouldn't mind just throwing him out. He'd do it in a heartbeat without regret.

"You know it was somehow clear that you would act this way, Phi Mix... I mean just look at what a piece of trash you are... It's so no wonder that your parents don't want anything to do with you and..."

"Don't you dare talk like this. "

Earth came closer to Ming, harshly crabbing his collar and tightening his grip, so that the other couldn't get away. He was making sure not to hurt him though, it would only backfire if he did, but he wouldn't tolerate such behaviour for another minute. And if he had to pick both Pan and Ming up with his own hands and place them outside the doorstep... Maybe he should really do that.

"Oh you probably don't know about that yet right Phi? You know this cute little fear of blood he has right, it's because his brother died because of him. He literally commited suicide because he couldn't stand having such a thing as his brother. And of course, their favourite son dying because of the piece of garbage they never wanted - I can really understand why they stopped any contact with Phi Mix and justa abandoned him. I would have done the exact same thing if my son was like this."

It took a moment for Earth to realise what the other had just said, his head slowly turning into Mix' direction and seeing something he never wanted to lay his eyes upon in his whole life. It was even worse than earlier, his hands clenching onto the bed sheet but them obviously trembling so hard, that he had troubles holding onto it. Tears running over his cheeks like a waterfall in march, when the snow would melt in the alps... A view that utterly broke Earth's heart and skyrocketed the anger in his heart, his fist clenching hard and him looking back to Ming, ready to punch him in the face if he would just say another word.

And that's when it happened, something that Earth, no matter how bad he had thought of Ming till now and despised him, hadn't seen coming at all.

Ming's face changed from anger and suddenly a very weird looking grin started finding its way on the younger's lips. Something one would have only seen in movies, when the mastermind who had lived silently in the hero's proximity stepped out of the dark, ready to show the whole world who they were and the whole reach of their evil doings. And even Pan's facial expression changed, though he looked a little less evil and more annoyed.

"Wah I am happy we can finally stop the act, it's been way too long and I am kinda sick of playing like this honey, " Pan let out with a sigh and quickly pulled Ming back, Earth's grip softening enough to let the other free due to the shock he was currently facing.

What the hell was happening right now??

"Man your face looks really stupid, you know Phi? I knew you weren't that intelligent but... well then again Mix didn't get a single clue for years so how would it be any different for you?"

"What... what the hell are you talking about?"

" Ai' Pan and I have been a couple for two years."

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