Where Have You Been?

By werealltrying

6.7K 149 33

An American girl who goes through a rough breakup and decides to move to Korea, her dream home. Specifically... More

Chapter 1: Goodbye USA
Chapter 2: Her New Home
Chapter 3: New Friends
Chapter 4: Nope, No Way
Chapter 5: It's Not Like That
Chapter 6: You're Not My Boyfriend!
Chapter 7: You Love Me?
Chapter 8: My Life Is A Mess
Chapter 9: Her Runaway Home
Chapter 10: Killing Han Seojun + Lee Suho
Chapter 12: I Need Therapy
Chapter 13: Awkward
Chapter 14: Chaos
Chapter 15: Your Insane
Chapter 16: What Happened?
Chapter 17: All Alone
Chapter 18: Surprise
Chapter 19: I Dont Want To See You
Chapter 20: I Don't Need An Apology
Chapter 21: What Now?
Chapter 22: Dark Secret
Chapter 23: How Long?
Chapter 24: Decision
Chapter 25: The End

Chapter 11: What The Hell?!?

202 3 0
By werealltrying

Everyone quickly looks towards Ambrosia and Suho.

Suho also jumps to Ambrosia's side to make himself noticed by the stranger at his front door.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ambrosia asks more scared than pissed.

Before she knew it everyone in Suho's house was by her side.

"Oooo." The man said drunkly while making it obvious to everyone as well. "I'm glad to see you have already made some new friends." He said not being able to stay balanced on his feet.

"Are you drunk?" She asked steering clear of his any sudden movements.

He just gave a dramatic head nod. "Ummmmm, can you come outside so we can talk in privacy." He said sounding slightly hostile.

"Not going to happen dude." Suho said instantly.

Ambrosia turned towards him and said, "It's fine just stay by the door and listen for any type of warning."

"No way, you look terrified." Ju-Kyung jumped in.

"Ill be fine. Just please listen closely." Ambrosia said turning around and walking outside before anyone can stop her.

"How did you find me?" She asked the drunk man standing in front of her.

"Im in the celebrity industry and so are you. I know how to pull some strings." He said somewhat slurring all of his words.

"Right. Well then what do you want?" She asks with caution.

"I came to get you back...I miss you and you can't just run off and hide from your life here in this shit hole." He said getting even more hostile.

"It's not a shit hole and I'm not hiding here. I'm making a new life for me here." She said getting pissed at him and the way he slammed Korea.

"What new life?" He asked inching closer to her.

"I can't talk about it right now. It'll risk it getting out and onto the news." She said going back to her scared stage.

"Come on Ambrosia. Don't kid yourself. You are nothing without me, so just admit that you miss me and come home to America." He said trapping her against the door and trying to kiss her.

Ambrosia hit the door as hard as she could multiple times yelling, "Get off of me!" as she tried to push him back.

She moved out of the way in just enough time for Suho and Seojun to run outside and knock the guy out cold.

They ushered Ambrosia back inside.

"Are you ok?" Ju-Kyung asked her while comforting her.

"Yea." Ambrosia just said.

"Who the hell was that guy? And how did he find you?" Seojun asked slightly pissed off.

"that's my ex boyfriend form America. NAd he found me because he is also a celebrity and I guess he pulled some strings to find out where I was." She said still scared. "What are we going to do with him?"

"I'll call the police to come pick him up and take him to the station." Suho said already on the phone.

Before she knew it the police had already take Liam to the police station and Ambrosia was sitting on the couch telling everyone about how when he gets drunk around her he hits and abuses her when he gets mad, and how she broke up with him only to quickly leave America the next day. She also told them how controlling he was and how he used the fans against her when she tried to leave him before.

"We need to call the police back and report this." Seojun said pulling out his phone as Ju-Kyung sat beside her to comfort her again.

"No, no. I just want him gone and out of my life permanently." She said sounding slightly scared still.


The next morning everyone was awake and eating breakfast at a cafe. Everyone decided to sleep at Suho's just incase the police officers let Liam go and he came back again.

Ju-Kyung had to leave early for work, but the other 3 sat quietly while eating their food and drinking their coffee.

Ambrosia wanted to break the silence and act like last night didn't happen.

"Thank you guys for last night. You really helped me a lot and made me feel safe, but can we please act like it didn't happen. I hate the awkward silence because you guys now know my damaged past. So please can we go back to normal?" She asked being a little funny and sticking her bottom lip out in a pouting motion.

The boys just laughed and nodded in agreement of her question.

"Oh, yeah Suho how did your meeting or whatever go yesterday?" Ambrosia asked catching his attention.

"It went good. Better than expected actually." He said growing a small smile.

"What was it about?" Seojun asked jumping into the conversation.

"Well, I'm not supposed to tell anyone this but since I trust you guys not to go spreading it around, I'll tell you." He said getting ready to lower his voice so others around us don't hear.

"I am taking over the company when my dad retires. Ever since me and him got close and he realized he wants to spend moor time with me, and if he continues to work for the company than he can't do that so he is passing it down to me so he can be with family more. And yesterday we did the signing of the company over to me." He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Wait so the company is yours?" Seojun asked surprised. And Suho just nodded. "Wait so when do you start?" He asked again.

"He just told me to come in with you guys, when you go in so he can train me slowly and teach me everything there is to know about running a company, and my start date is actually the same day you begin your sessions as a trainee, Ambrosia." He said throwing it in Ambrosia's that while he is running a big company she is stuck suffering in training.

"That is really cool. Congratulations!" Ambrosia and Seojun said at the same time.

"Well speaking of going in to the company, Ambrosia and I actually have another meeting right now that we are fixing to be late to." Seojun said as all three of them started standing up and getting ready to leave.


"What's this meeting about?" Ambrosia asked Seojun as they were heading towards the same meeting room for what felt like the thousandth time this week.

They had already departed ways with Suho as he went to wait in his dads office.

"I honestly have no idea. It was planned at the last minute this morning." Seojun said as they both started to enter the meeting room.

Suho's dad immediately stood up and welcomed them as the two bowed out of respect.

"Hello! I so glad you could make it! This meeting today is to introduce you to another American idol who I just signed onto the company! He says you two know each other Ambrosia! How wonderful is that?!?" He said really happy and cheery.

Ambrosia and Seojun exchanged glances and then looked to see who the new guy was.

He turned around in his chair and there sat Liam with a big smile on his face....

---------------------------------------------Authors Note

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

I know it's not as long as the weekend chapters usually are, but I have a lot of things I need to take care of today so I just wanted to quickly get something posted.

Please comment any ideas you have that I can put in the plot of the story. I would love to hear them all!

Anyways please comment and vote! And I will see you guys in the next chapter.<3


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