By hiitsmety

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By hiitsmety

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"What are you two doing so early in the morning? Where did you go ?!" My mother was angry, and the two of us just accepted with grace.

It's useless if we explain this time, it will definitely not be heard. Silence might be better, even if it has to look stupid. But silence will not solve the problem, it will worsen the situation. Then what should I do.

"You ?! Please stay away from my daughter. Let her be happy with her life. And you Sohyun, come inside !!", he ordered me.

It didn't take long, I immediately obeyed my mother's orders. I thought my mom would lecture Jungkook even more, but I heard footsteps behind me. It turned out that Mom just left Jungkook and followed my steps.

"Sohyun-ah, look at my eyes !! Do you still like him ?!"

"Mom ... this is not what you think. Why do you come here so early in the morning?", Trying to change the subject.

"I miss my son-in-law, can't I? I was with my friend who work in Seoul, so he goes to work and offers me, that's why I come early in the morning instead of having to ask between your Oppa!" instead complained about Kim Min Jae Oppa's attitude, who must have been very lazy if he had to go back and forth between Busan and Seoul.

DEG! *my heartbeat feels stopped

What if Mom finds out that her son-in-law has left the house already for one week, I could die! A mother's feelings are very sensitive, why Mom always came at the wrong time even though I really need her in times of vulnerability like this.

"You only miss Taehyung but not your own child ?? Tch"

"Just shut up. You have to explain to Mother about your behavior earlier. You owe me a story! I told you that you don't mess around", hitting my back many times.

"Arghh .. Arghhh .. it hurts Mom !", kept my body away in order to save my back from my mother's repeated blows.

"You brat !!", Mother stopped hitting but instead twisted my ear.

"Mom, please !!! Aishhhh .....", while holding my ear which felt like it would break.

When we had a fight in front of the entrance. It was then that a sensor sounded and the door suddenly opened. How shocked myself is when I see the man in front of me smiling at us.

"Taehyung-ah, my son-in-law, are our voices so noisy that it woke you up, son?", Approaching his beloved son-in-law with a happy smile.

"No Eomonim, I happened to be awake and heard voices. So I saw that the intercom was Eomonim and Sohyun", Taehyung embraced my mother with one hand and smiled briefly at me.

How heartbroken is this, when I still get a smile from my husband when I remember what I did last night.

"My son-in-law must be worried because Sohyun didn't come home last night. Don't worry ... Sohyun came to my house. Are you fighting? Arguing is a natural thing for husband and wife. Moreover, you've been married for a long time, right. You still remember the tips and tricks that Mother, tell me how to melt the hard heart of that one mother's daughter, right? "Mother whispered with Taehyung as if I didn't want to hear the conversation.

Taehyung smiled and nodded after hearing what my mother said "Eomonim take it easy, Sohyun and I are fine hehe", stroking my mother's back back warmly.

How funny are both of them doing, both covering up the truth with lies. They both lied to each other without them knowing it. Fate will laugh at what they do. It is quite concerning.

I glanced at them, and stepped my feet toward the room. My body feels tired, even though my heart is still wondering about Taehyung's current whereabouts.


"Oppa, are you okay?"

"Oppa, do you clean the house well?"

"Jungkook Oppa, is the supply of banana milk running out?"

"Jeon Jungkook ..... I miss you"

Those are the sentences that were thrown from her lips which still trembled when she said her husband's name.

Yoojung is still lamenting the photos that are still stored in his cellphone memory. It's been more than a week Yoojung left the house. It has been more than a week that Yoojung has not had any contact with her husband. Until this moment, she is still crying over her unfortunate fate. But can only surrender to fate, without doing anything.

What she believed, if Jungkook was destined for her then in the end they would reunite. However, considering what happened during this time, it made Yoojung a little aware that maybe her husband didn't really love her as much as she expected.

If there is still a piece of love, shouldn't Jungkook be looking for Yoojung's whereabouts. But in reality, it's not like that. That's what makes Yoojung even more hesitant to fight for her household. It would be even more painful, if she had to fend for himself because of the feeling that turned out to be only one-sided clapping all this time. That's the reason Yoojung stayed where she was.

"Oppa, I'm sorry"

Hugging her cellphone which still shows a picture of herself with her husband. Maybe this is just a memento that still deserves to be remembered. Crying uncontrollably, plunged into sadness who knows how long to find happiness. Maybe she was destined not to be happy.


I opened my eyes slowly. Take the cellphone over the nightstand in front of me.

"Eoh ?! 9 o'clock at night ?!", rounded my eyes and hurried out of bed.

Stepping out of the room and down the stairs calling out the name "Mom.... Mom ???", ruffling my hair while rubbing my eyes and yawning.

It wasn't my mother's voice that was heard, instead another familiar voice that sounded "Mother is already at her home Hyun"

As I can see that Taehyung was sitting at the dining table with a bottle of wine that partially fills his glass. I've never kept a drink like that, so I'm guessing Taehyung might buy it outside and drink his drink while I sleep.

Approaching my husband with a look that I can't explain "Are you drunk Tae?"

"This glass of wine won't make me drunk Hyun", while playing his tongue.

Glanced at me then drank his drink back "I have something to talk about Hyun"

Then I pulled one of the chairs to sit on. Being at the dining table with Taehyung, still has a little trauma in my memory. Still remember clearly the terrible moment that night. Will bad things happen again in the same place and in the same conditions.

"Where's my Mom?"

"Mother I took home this afternoon Hyun, I just arrived"

"What ?! You drove her to Busan ??"

Taehyung just nodded.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Mother already woke you up. You didn't move at all Hyun. You're so tired like what she said", looked at me deeply.

Didn't dare to accept his gaze, let alone return his gaze. Immediately I turned my gaze in another direction, while swallowing my saliva with difficulty.

"What do you want to talk about Tae?"

"How is your life during this week Hyun?", Without looking at me, now his gaze is directed to the glass that is being touched.

"As you can see, I'm all right, right?"

You can see that his right upper lip is slightly raised, like a grin, but on a very, very small scale.

"I brought what you wanted Hyun", thrusting a folder in front of me.

I looked at him slowly, before my hand touched and opened the contents of the folder he gave me. There are two sheets of paper. Two sheets that can make my eyeballs just enlarge.

"Did you already sign it ??"

Taehyung nodded "I'm doing this for you Hyun, for your happiness. Not because of me or for me. One thing you have to remember"

Gave me a pen with sad gaze "It's all up to you now Hyun"

I took the pen before I put my signature on a piece of paper that was in front of me, my eyes turned back to stare at him "You love one of them Tae? Please tell me honestly"

"Hyun, I only love you"

"Even until the last second you are still lying, Tae!"

Without thinking after hearing the answer. Immediately I etched my signature on the paper and immediately gave it back to him.

"Hyun, in what way should I prove it to you ??"

"There's not enough one woman in your life, you have to add two women. One bitch and one wife from my own boss? How great you are Model Kim!", I sneered.

"Your boss ?? or your ex-lover Hyun ?! Until when are you going to cover up that Director Joen Jungkook was your first love and it turns out that you are still in love with each other. Or can I say you are also playing behind me?!?"

When my body wanted to leave him immediately, my steps stopped because of his words just now. Turned in disbelief while I clenched my fist. I could not reply with words because I was so shocked that my husband Kim Taehyung finally found out the facts that I had been hiding from him. Yes, he was right about Joen Jungkook being my ex and my first love. But I am a little doubtful about his accusation that Jungkook and I are also playing behind. Taehyung didn't scapegoat me, did he.


"Why have you made my innocent hands sin on your face lately Tae ?! Should I throw you out a second time ??"

"Tell the truth Hyun. I'll go after I get the answer"

"What ??"

"Do you still love your Joen Jungkook?!?"

"What is clear I don't love you anymore Tae", my tears shed when I said it.

Even though this is not my true heart. I really can't afford to continue to fight Taehyung's accusations by continuing to reveal other lies.

Hearing my answer, Taehyung took a wine bottle and drank it straight from the bottle. Get up from his chair, come closer to me. Pulled my hand hard enough until my body jerked in front of him.

"You listen to me carefully Hyun, because I will never repeat these words again", he ordered me.

The aroma of wine that suddenly bursts forth, piercing my very sensitive sense of smell.

"Someone you call a bitch? Yes, you're right. She is a real bitch. The bitch who really controlled my life before I knew and married you Hyun! The bitch who kept my life locked up. Until finally I found you and married you. Thank you Hyun, you've done it. Released me from that high-ranking bitch. THANK YOU! "

My body started to rebel "GET OFF TAE. YOU'RE DRUNK !"

"NO. I AM NOT DRUNK !! Second, between me and Yoojung. Nothing ever happened in that MOTEL. We don't even have feelings like you and that damn Jungkook. You want to know what I did with Yoojung ???"

"TAE ... !! ENOUGH"

Taehyung pushed my body to the edge of the table, until my hips hit my back and made me scream a little in pain. His body pressed against mine.

"This is the only thing I accidentally did with Yoojung"

Leaning his face to me, bringing his lips closer to mine. Like doing a re-engineering. Taehyung was so detailed about doing it. I don't want to let it go. But I'm curious enough to know the truth that Taehyung and Yoojung did that night.

He pressed his lips against mine. And it only lasts a moment, maybe in a second.

"It's like that if you want to know Hyun. Just accidentally doing it makes us both frustrated that in the end we decided to be honest with our respective partners. Even though we know it will be a high risk to the household of four of us. But we still did it, at least we were honest "

My eyes still keep crying after knowing truth after truth. But whatever, we both have written our signatures on a sheet of paper which will be our final decision.

"Hyun, look me in the eye. Tell me who do you love. Me or Jungkook?", Pleading with a look full of pity.

It breaks my heart when I hear her question. The tears that kept rolling down at my cheeks were staring deep into his beautiful bead.

"You, Kim Taehyung. I just love you. Even though separation may be the best way for us," I cried even more.

Taehyung smiled after hearing the answer from my tiny lips.

It didn't take long, he lifted my body to the table. My body accidentally hit the wine bottle which made it fall. The contents of the bottles that were scattered on the table and hit the white sheet that I signed earlier. As if he didn't realize what was happening, Taehyung continued to crush my lips with great ferocity.

A kiss that uses feelings, a kiss that describes his current feelings. A kiss that wasn't just out of lust.

"If parting is what you want. I will accept Hyun. At least give me a little love tonight. Hold me so that I am not so broken. One last request from me, Hyun", said with teary eyes.

I nodded my head, a sign of agreement before we really will part in the end.

Taehyung again crushed my lips. I felt her tears start to roll down her cheeks. When his cheek rubs against mine.

Taehyung's memories come back when delivering his mother-in-law to Busan.



"Taehyung-ah, I'll take the things to the neighbor's house for a bit, okay?"

Taehyung smiled as he nodded his head.

"Eomonim, where is Sohyunnie's room? I want to lay there for a while. Can I, Eomonim?"

"Of course"

Taehyung walked towards the room indicated by his mother-in-law.

"Kim Taehyung!"

"Eoh?? Hyung!"

"Where are you going?"

"Ah .. is this my Sohyun's room?"

"Yes, that's her room. So why?"

"It's okay Hyung, I heard my wife designed this room according to her old room before?"

"Yes, it's really strange. Even though this house has changed, she still wants her room to match the old room."

Taehyung opened the doorknob and walked in, followed by Kim Min Jae.

"She arranged herself just like her previous room in our old house. Where is she by the way ???"

"Sohyun was sleeping at our house. She's very tired"

"Hmmm she's such a workaholic. You have to order her to resign Taehyung-ah. Hurry up and give Mother a grandson, so that I can lighten my burden a little"

"Hyung, it's time to get married for you too"

"Ah! You're just same as Mother and Sohyun. I'll leave first, okay?"

"Okay Hyung"

Taehyung sat on the bed with a navy blue sheet. Observing the entire interior of the room, approached one of the desks and opened a drawer. Taehyung found a photo album. My childhood photos. A photo of my father, a figure Taehyung never met.

When he wanted to return it back, suddenly a photo fell. He took and examined a photo that looked a little worn. It made Taehyung's heart suddenly go awry when he saw him. Holding back his tears, made himself aware of something. Made his mind run wild at once. It turned out that what Taehyung had been afraid of and suspected had been true.

A photo that is still stored in my room. The room that he said would be my stopover during my visit here. The room that he said would always keep memories and fond memories of my life.



"Kim Yoojung, can you meet me at JJK COMPANY tonight?"


"Yes, I have to work late tonight. Sorry if I had to tell you to come here at night."

"It's okay Oppa, I'll be there. Wait for me"

Two hours later, Yoojung stepped into an office that was still her legally. Headed to her husband's room who must be waiting for her. There were only a few people left in the office at the moment. Yoojung tried as friendly as possible to keep greeting and bowed her head politely.

Yoojung opened the door to her husband's room, where Jungkook was seen staring out the window while leaning on his big chair.

"Please sit, Yoo"

Yoojung walked over with a smile. Her heart was very happy that she was finally able to see her husband's face again after nearly two weeks of separation.

"Sorry if you have to come all the way Yoo"

"It's okay Oppa"

Jungkook shifted a folder closer to his wife "Open it and read carefully Yoo"

Yoojung's hands hesitated again to open a large folder in front of him, still having trauma since the last incident about opening the folder which turned out to contain a photo of him and Taehyung.

Yoojung's guess was true when she pulled several sheets of paper out of the folder. Something Yoojung was afraid of finally happened tonight.

"I have signed it. Divorce certificate along with the certificate of transfer of inheritance rights and pre-marital property which I have also signed. Yoo, I'm sorry. Starting tomorrow I will leave Seoul. I have left everything to our lawyers who will take care of it. This JJK COMPANY company is back to you. I leave it to you, because it was yours from the start. Appa and Eomma were devastated, but I still keep trying to make them accept it well. Yoojung-ah ... live happily. Be happy Kim Yoojung "


Is this the end of their love story for the four of them?

In the end, only those who have a big heart will survive.

In the end there remains a regret and sadness.




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