The Line of the Sol Empress

By wdhenning

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For over a millennia, the Line of the Sol Empress had reigned over the scattered planets of the Sol Commonwea... More

Part 1 - Phoenix Star
Chapter 1
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3.2
Chapter 3.3
Chapter 3.4
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.1
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 7.3
Chapter 7.4
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 7.6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.1
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 9.3
Chapter 9.4
Chapter 9.5
Chapter 9.6
Chapter 10
Chapter 11.1
Chapter 11.2
Chapter 12.1
Chapter 12.2
Chapter 12.3
Chapter 12.4
Chapter 13.1
Chapter 13.2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15.1
Chapter 15.2
Chapter 15.3
Chapter 15.4
Chapter 15.5
Chapter 15.6
Chapter 16.1
Chapter 16.2
Chapter 17.2
Part 2 - Firebird Rise
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20.1
Chapter 20.2
Chapter 20.3
Chapter 21.1
Chapter 21.2
Chapter 21.3
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25.1
Chapter 25.2
Chapter 25.3
Chapter 25.4
Chapter 25.5
Chapter 26.1
Chapter 26.2
Chapter 27.1
Chapter 27.2
Chapter 27.3
Chapter 28.1
Chapter 28.2
Chapter 28.3
Chapter 28.4
Chapter 29.1
Chapter 29.2
Chapter 29.3
Chapter 29.4
Chapter 29.5
Chapter 29.6
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33.1
Chapter 33.2
Chapter 33.3
Chapter 33.4
Chapter 33.5
Chapter 34.1
Chapter 34.2
Chapter 34.3
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38.1
Chapter 38.2
Chapter 38.3
Chapter 39
Chapter 40.1
Chapter 40.2
Chapter 40.3
Chapter 40.4
Chapter 41
Author's Note

Chapter 17.1

117 22 59
By wdhenning

Even paradise has storms.

- Writings of the Sol Empress, Words of Faith


Moon leaned back in the shallow pool within a clear trickling stream. Twin afternoon suns cast gentle light on the smooth dark stones beneath the water, warming the pool. It was perfect for the three little ones next to him, who fished for the stones in the shallow water, examining each like a geological find. They came here nearly every day, weather permitting.

This is a paradise!

The last two months had been idyllic on this young, terraformed world named Speterra. Ice covered half the planet at the poles, but the equatorial regions consisted of mostly temperate forests and shallow seas. From space the planet looked striped with a ring of deep greens and blues sandwiched between caps of bright white.

Mornings found Moon reviewing repairs made to the Phoenix Star, which sat hidden under a huge open-air dome at the spaceport. The damage had been greater than he initially believed. A small army of bots and mechanics swarmed over the ship, and soon it would be good as new, and in some ways even better.

The Confederacy offered the repairs at no charge, but he insisted on paying what he could by transferring his remaining cargo to the struggling colony. The favorite item among the people were two crates full of roasted coffee beans. Although never one to appreciate the bitter taste, he held back some beans and would brew pots of coffee for the mechanics every morning. Moon had discovered long ago the benefits of keeping those who fixed his ship on good terms.

Afternoons and evenings were reserved for the family. The children discovered an entire world to explore outside of the ship, and they took as much advantage as their parents would allow. Every pebble was a treasure, every leaf a marvel, every crawling creature a wonder, and every path an adventure. Now proficient in crawling and able to pull themselves up on their feet, the little ones became more difficult to corral, sometimes taking off in three directions at once. As a precaution, each child wore a small tracking anklet.

They stayed in a small charming cabin on the edge of New Milan, where a short walk would bring them either to the space port or the forest wilds. While being the largest city on this new world, it would be a small town on most other worlds. Moon and his family passed themselves off as Commonwealth refugees among the hospitable people of the town, something to which they could relate, since many here shared that label.

After a tearful parting, Claire left on a starship with Jayna Patel. Claire had impressed the Chancellor with her organizational abilities, and was hired on as an administrative assistant. This new start for Claire gave Moon a deep warm feeling, not only for the young woman but also as a hopeful sign for him and his family.

A line of dark clouds rolled across the sky, hiding the warm suns, and a sudden chilled breeze brought forth shivers. Late afternoon rain squalls were not uncommon here. With Nanny-bot's help, Moon gathered up the little ones and made way back to the cabin. After a day of exploration and with the soothing patter of rain on the roof, the babies took well to naps.

Later, the door swung open, letting in the sounds of wind and pounding rain. Celeste sloshed in, dripping water from her soaked hair and clothes.

Moon threw her a towel, saying with a sly grin, "We are going to have to get you out of those wet clothes."

She smirked. "I'm sure you would like that."

"Oh, yeah. So, how did it go?"

Celeste toweled her wet hair. "Good. The people were receptive to the teachings. The crowd was even bigger today."

Moon had been reluctant to allow Celeste out in the public eye to teach the Sol Way, the code of moral living passed down from every Sol Empress. But with the telltale marking on her neck, everyone knew she was a Sol Priestess, and this was what Priestess' did. It became one more way to repay the people of this world for their kindness.

Celeste wrapped the towel around her hair, kicked off her shoes, and ambled toward the bedroom. Her wet wrap skirt and long-sleeved shirt clung to her curves. As she passed him, he grasped her arm and slung her around into his arms, pressing her soggy clothing against himself.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she cooed. "You're going to get your clothes wet."

"Worth it." They kissed, gently at first, intensifying, becoming a promise of things to come. He savored her lips and the quickening of her breath.

Celeste pulled her head back, breathing deeply, her lips in a coy grin. "Sooo... how long ago did you put the children down for nap?"

He sighed. "Too long. They will be up soon."

"Later, then. You cannot kiss me like that and not follow up." She pouted, laying her head on his shoulder and molding herself into his body.

Moon wrinkled his forehead. "I was going to tell you something, but you distracted me."

"Oh? Something important?"

"Probably... Oh, yeah. Liam may have found a home for us. It is a colony far out on a newly terraformed world, and not on any Commonwealth database. They need someone like me who can work on starship drive systems and would welcome a Priestess. We would be safe there."

Celeste pulled out of his arms, turning away from him. "Would we, Moon? Would you and the children ever be safe with me?"

He clenched his fists and nearly growled. We had already talked about this!

Moon took a deep breath and let the anger evaporate. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, letting her lean back against him. "Are you having the nightmares again?"

She nodded, clamping her eyes shut.

Sometimes in the deep of night, Celeste would wake up shuddering with quickened breath. She put on a brave face, saying everything was okay, but he knew the nightmares terrified her. How could they not? They were like an unseen beast lurking in paradise.

He said, "They are just dreams. Fears maybe, but not prophecy."

She spun around in his arms. "But the fears are valid. They will never stop looking for me."

Nanny-bot emerged from the children's bedroom carrying Gabriel. Celeste smiled as she took the yawning little boy and cradled him against her chest. Soft whimpers came from the room as the other two woke.

Sai said through Nanny-bot, "If I may, sir, the Priestess is right. My simulations indicate that the risk of detection--"

Moon snapped, "Not now, Sai!"

Celeste changed out of her wet clothes while Moon and Nanny-bot began the feeding process in the kitchen, lining the little ones up in baby chairs with trays. Over the last month, simple finger foods had been incorporated into their diets along with the pureed fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Celeste took them one-by-one to nurse.

Moon's viewer dinged and he excused himself to take a message, handing a small spoon to Nanny-bot. "It's from the space control center," he muttered. As he read the message, his breath halted and gut twisted. Dread swept the joy from his heart.

Dropping down into a chair, Moon tossed his viewer on the table, drawing his lips tight and rubbing his head.

Celeste's eyes went wide. "What is it?"

Moon held her eyes. "They've found us."

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