Beware The Haunted House

By sush01031994

180K 8.1K 1.3K

Katherine William's father has passed away. Her life has turned upside down without him. She along with her f... More

Gloomy Days
Lovely Villa
Midnight Horrors
The Mad Man
Unexpected Death
Nick Is A Nuisance
The Room
Big Day
Strange happenings
The Haunted House
Playing with minds
The Curtis
The key to success
The Diary
Curtis Again
Every Story Has A happy Ending!

Horror, Horror Everywhere!

5.7K 296 37
By sush01031994

I quickly rolled the rug. A small handle was attached to the middle of the floorboard. With curiosity, i pulled the handle. I saw a dark hole staring at me. Was this some sort of secret passage? I ran to my room to grab a torch. I switched it on and shone it down the hole. I noticed a rope ladder leading down to the underground room. I held the torch in my mouth and started climbing down the rope ladder. After few seconds, my feet touched the floor. 

I looked around-- a storage room. The smell of stale food was choking me. The air was damp  and hot. The room was unexplored for many years as dust had settled everywhere even though it was underground. I saw a huge piano in the corner of the room. It was in a bad condition- many keys were missing. There were broken chairs, china dishes, plates and cups. It looked more like a trash bin.

I froze when i saw something lying near the wall opposite to me. It was half covered with sheets. I got closer to have a better look. The thing was lying motionless as if it was dead! I was paralysed with fear and clasped my mouth shut.

It was Tommy! My eyes bulged and i screamed. My heartbeat raced. My legs were glued to the floor.  I was not able to move a bit. I stared at the dead body in silence and tears rolled down my eyes. I was speechless--- shocked!

How did he die? Was it even Tommy? Yes, he was Tom. the collar reading 'Tom' lay beside him. Then who was the one upstairs? 

My knees were trembling so hard that they were knocking together. I jumped when i heard the same scary music play close to me. I turned around and gasped when i saw the piano play on it's own!

'Aaaagh,' i screamed and quickly climbed up the ladder. My face was covered in beads of sweat. I was panting hard and headed to my room. I saw when i saw Tommy lying by the bedpost. I tried to toch him but my hand went right through his body. It's Tommy's ghost! I felt dizzy and lasped into unconsiousness.

I awokw with a start. I checked out the time. What happened? Then, i remembered the room- the piano- Tommy and his ghost! But he was no longer in my room.

'Where is Tommy?,' i asked mom.

She looked worried. Everyone stared at me in silence.

'Kat, Nick had left the door open and Tommy must have sneaked out of the house because he is nowhere to be found in the house,' said mom studying my face.

My face lit up. So the ghost left the house. My mom looked tensed. She expected me to be heartbroken. So, i wiped some fake tears and headed to my room. I wished he would never come back-Tommy's ghost!  I rolled myself into a ball and recalled all the recent happenings. So, there's something strange going on in this house. The music was played in that room and not by Nick! I shivered and pinched myself- no- i was not dreaming.

Next morning, i found Jason talking with Charlie. I pulled him aside and he was surprised from my behaviour.

'What's the matter?,' he asked.

'You know Tommy, right?,' i asked.

'Yeah, you birthday present,' he said.

'He's dead,' i whispered.

Jason had a poker face. i rolled my eyes. 'He has turned into a ghost,' i explained.

'WHAT?,' he yelled.

'Ssshhhhh,' i said placing a finger on my lips. I narrated him the whole incident. I told him about the underground room -- the scary music and it's source-- Tommy's dead body--Tommy's strange behaviour since last two days- how my hand passed right through him. 

'You see, ghosts exist,' i said.

Jason was in deep thought. 'A good story,' he said smiling.

'NO,NO Jason. I'm not joking,' i cried.

'OK, I believe you. So, is the house haunted?'

'I really don't know how he died. Maybe they- the ghosts killed him!'

Later, i overheard a brunette talking with someone. 'You know what's Bella going to do?'

'Yeah,i heard it that Bella and Eddie had a fight! If Bella completes the task of walking on the lake, Jason will be her BF. I won't miss this,' replied the someone.

This was a shocking news for me. I must stop Bella at once. I ran into Bella in the corridor.

'Bella, you must not walk---,' i started.

'Don't you want Jason to be my BF? He would look better next to me,' she said.

'Bella, don't be an ass. you might fall into it likke the man,' i cried.

'Shut up. I know you don't want me to win 'cause you like him too right?,' she whispered.

My face burned with rage. 'then go ahead. Fall into the lake,' i yelled. She stomped away.

I must not have said that. 'No, Bella. Wai!,' i called after her. She ignored me completely.

After school, i found Jason a the school entrance.

'Oh, look at you face. What a frown!,' he said.

'Jason, stop Bella. She's out of her mind. She will listen to you or else tell her the truth about Eddie. Just stop her from walking on the lake,' i said.

'Hey, breathe,' he said. He took my hands and patted them. 'Don't woory'

Everyone headed to the lake. No one was going to miss the SHOW! Bella was walking in the front- beaming with confidence.

The lake came into view. Jason went to stand beside Eddie. He put his arms around her. I felt my stomach tie ina knot even though he was faking it.

Bella put one leg across the railing and jumped in. Everyone cheered.She tried to walk on it slowly- without tripping. I gasped when she almose fell down. After walking a few distance, she turned and stuck out her tongue at Eddie. I didn't want her to win but i didn't want her to trip and fall too. I wished she would give up and come back. I went to stand near Jason.

'What if she won?,' i asked.

'Then i have only one option left to make her my girlfriend,' he said upset not at all liking it.

My eyes were glued on Bella- watching her carefully. She had only half a distance to go. i thought she would make it soon. But i was wrong. 

I heard a sound. CRACK! The ice on which Bella was standing gave away. She let out a scream and was plunged into water !!!


What will happen now? Is Bella going to die?

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