Fake Love *A BTS Reverse Hare...

By AdoredbyMinAgustD

72.7K 4.8K 2.9K

This is the sequel to "With The First Kiss * A BTS Reverse Harem" I recommend to read that one first. But yo... More

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By AdoredbyMinAgustD

"Shall we go?" I ask looking at Yoongi. He takes my hand and opens the door. The car is waiting for us and we get in. The car drives away, and I look out of the window snuggled into Yoongi's side. 'Are you sure you're okay? I'm sorry he's such an ass.' Yoongi enters my mind and I look at him and nod, give him a kiss and then hug him to me. 'Yes. Don't worry. I'll be back to my old self soon. It's just so fresh it hurts too much to think about it. And talking, I'm not ready yet, sorry.' He kisses my head, and tightens his arms. 

The rest of the ride is in silence, but I still feel comforted by Yoongi and I'm glad he's mine. We get out after arriving at the company and say goodbye in the elevator as he gets off on the third floor. I ride to the top. Mr. Lee's secretary lets me into the office and to my surprise Mr. Lee is sitting behind his desk. "Good morning," I say as I bow. "Y/n! Come in, come in. How are you?" He gets up and takes my hands in his, and leads me to the lounges. "I'm good. How about you?" I ask. He waves it away. "I'm glad your doing good after the whole kidnapping ordeal, and I see you got another soulmate." He says as he takes the seat next to me. 

"Yes. You knew, right?" And he chuckles, "of course I knew." He beams at me, and I start to wonder. He knows I've got seven, and I bet he knows who it is. Should I ask? And I mull it over. No I don't think I will. I like the mystery. "But I detect I flicker in the orchid," he tells me, looking concerned. And my heart speeds up, "will it disappear now he made his choice?" I ask in a small voice. He shakes his head, "no, he can't change fate. He is and always will be your soulmate. What choice do you mean?" He asks me as he scratches his chin. 

I twirl my fingers, and swallow the tears threatening to spill. "Uhh, he and his gemstone are official now." And I can't stop the one tear rolling down my face. I wipe it away. He looks sad at me, "I'm sorry," he says, as he takes my hand and squeezes it softly. "I was afraid this would happen now." And I look at him curiously, "what do you mean by that? Why did you expect it?" He looks pained, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. I can't tell you more. It's not my place. All I can tell you is, he's in a very difficult situation."

He stays quiet, and looks sad at me. I huff a breath and wipe the hair out of my face. I let it drop, he's not going to tell me anything. And I don't want to think about him. Or him with her, but still my brain is a evil torture device. Supplying the image of them in a kiss, over and over. "I'm assuming you haven't found anything with the girls?" He asks, changing the topic. I shake my head, "Sapphire did tell me she lied. But not why." I tell him. 

"Well I won't keep you. If there's anything you ever want to talk about, my door is always open. No matter the time."  He gets up and I know I'm dismissed. I don't mind, I need to get ready anyway. We say goodbye and I take the elevator down. In the hallway I run into Chun-Hei wrapped in Hwan's arms. It looks like he's eating her face, and I giggle. They hear me and jump apart, but relax when they see me. I walk closer and there is something new on Chun-Hei.

"What's that?" And I point at the ring on her finger. Chun-Hei doesn't wear rings. At least I've never seen her with any. She flushes red, but smiles big. I peek at Hwan, and he positively radiates happiness. Is it what I think it is? "Hwan asked me yesterday to marry him. And I said yes." I clap my hands and grab both in a tight hug, "congratulations. I'm so happy for you. Let me see the mark?" And I step back. Hwan looks at me in shock, and Chun-Hei chuckles at his face, as do I. 

"Well," and he shifts on his feet, and looks a little embarrassed. I chuckle, "can't show me huh? That intimate?" And I laugh at his face. "Still not used to me?" I ask next, and I enjoy seeing him flounder. He mumbles something, gives Chun-Hei a kiss, and leaves us alone. She takes my arm and pulls me into a bathroom. After checking the stalls are empty, she locks the door. She opens her pants, and just above her left hip bone is the mark. I'm surprised, I didn't expect a beehive with two small bees, and their flight path is shown too, with a very thin, but dark black dotted line. It's a heart. "It's beautiful," I say, and look up at her. 

"He calls me his little honey bee. The first time he said it I knew fate made the right choice for me. He said it before we bonded, so it's not because of the mark." She dresses again. She shines with happiness and my eyes turn watery. She looks at me with concern, "those tears don't look like happy ones. What's wrong?" She asks me as she rubs my arm. Should I tell her? In the end I decide to tell her. She will stay silent. I smile sadly at her and lift my shirt, and show Taehyung’s mark. She gasps, "another?" And I nod. "Who?" She asks curiously. I chuckle at her, "Taehyung."  

She takes a step back in shock, "I never expected him. So you kissed those two? It's a beautiful mark, but why are you crying? Isn't it great?" The tears leave my eyes in rapid succession. "No it is. That's not the problem. And I kissed all of them." Her hand covers her mouth as she looks at me. It takes her a little, but eventually she lowers her hand, "all seven?" She whispers like it's some big secret, and I laugh through my tears. "Yoongi and Taehyung got the mark when we first kissed, but another gave me the mark and now he chose his fake soulmate." 

She hugs me tight, and I squeeze her to me, and let it all go. After a few minutes I reel it in and release her. "Who is it?" She asks me, curiosity all over her face. I suspect her of wanting to know so she can tell him off. "Not going to say. I don't want you to treat him differently." Besides she will find out herself. I doubt she is going to keep quiet about it. "We need to go. Hwan is probably already waiting for us with the girls. She unlocks the door and we leave for the basement level. 

Chun-Hei is right, Hwan is waiting next to the van and the girls are sitting in it. And all look at me. I get in and greet all. Only Sapphire answers, and I smile at her. I hope I look like myself, and not the blubbering mess I was just now. Hwan starts the car and drives away. I believe it's the second shoot for the cosmetica company. Great, if it's the same as last time, and the girls are the backdrop again, they are going to be difficult. 

The drive takes two hours, and I quietly chat with Sapphire. And I can see she wants to know what's wrong. But I'm not telling, this stays with me. Arriving at the venue it's straight into hair and makeup. After comes the wardrobe, and I was right. Mine are totally different than the girls. A tantrum follows, but it's not as heated as last time. Looks like they are finally learning their lesson. I die a couple of times, and I ignore them. The shoot unfortunately takes just as long. Pearl and Opal just don't listen and insist on doing their own thing. They finally listen after a very stern telling off by Chun-Hei. 

On the drive back I take a nap. This took so long I won't be able to cook with Jin. Bummer, I want them to remember, but my plans keep getting derailed. I'm the last to be dropped off, and Hwan wakes me as we're parked in front of the house. I congratulate him again and say goodbye. I enter the house, and I hear the boys in the living room. I take my shoes off and walk to the living room. The nerves come what if he's there? Or will he give me space? 

I look around the door, and I don't see him so I step inside. 'Love! You're back. How was today?' Yoongi looks at me, and Taehyung smiles softly. He can feel how I am, and he understands. It must be really confusing, I can't seem to block these. 'Today was fine. And yours?' I sit down on the only available space, next to Namjoon. 'Mine was good, and now it's great. You're home.' I smile at him. "Hi guys. What's going on?" It looks like they are fighting. Jungkook, Hoseok, and Taehyung all hold the remote. 

"They are fighting over who gets to pick the movie. Here, eat this. I saved you some." Jin says as he hands me a plate full with hot steaming food. It must be some Korean dish. I don't recognize it. It smells delicious though. "Thanks Jin, and I'm sorry I'm so late. I know we had a date." He waves his arm, and winks, "we'll do it tomorrow." And he sits down. 

"How about Aqua picks the movie?" Namjoon asks the the boys. They grumble but hand me the remote. I scroll through the list of movies until one title piques my interest. I've already watched it with them, but I'm not in the mood to pay attention, and they all forgot they watched it anyway. I start the movie and eat my food. When I'm finished, Namjoon takes my hand and strokes the top softly with his thumb. I let my head rest on his shoulder. 

Halfway through the movie Namjoon starts to fidget, and I angle my head and whisper into his ear. "Are you okay?" He shakes his head and I lift my head to really look at him, and he looks back, pain all over his face. When I want to ask what's wrong, he stands up and pulls me with him to his room. In the hallway we run into Sexy who just walks through the front door. His face is like stone, and I look away quickly. I just can't, and I prefer his tennis game over this stoney indifference. Namjoon doesn't pay him any attention and practically yanks my arm out of my socket with how hard he pulls. I speed up to relief the strain on my arm. 

I close the door, and turn around. Namjoon sits on his bed and is crying. I didn't expect that so I rush to him and sit next to him. He doesn't look at me, and I grab his chin and turn his face so I can look him in the eyes. "What's wrong? Did something bad happen?" And he nods as the tears fall quicker. "With one of the members?" And he shakes his head. "You can tell me. I won't judge." I tell him sighing. He suddenly hugs me and buries his face in my neck, sobbing. "Will you ever forgive me?" He sobs in a small voice against my neck. 

I softly take his head in my hands and make him look at me, "I told you I'm not angry about the whole burrito fiasco." He looks confused for a second, and then shakes his head. "Not for that," he whispers. His lips tremble, and I seriously don't have a clue what he's talking about. "Forgive you for what?" I finally ask as it becomes clear to me he's not going to talk. He heaves a deep breath after wiping the tears away. He's almost back in control, a few stray years still roll down his face. 

I wipe them with my thumb and smile at him, hoping he will talk, and tell me. The curiosity is killing me. "I hated you," and my heart breaks and my hands leave his face. I get up and step away from him, the tears almost rolling down my cheeks. "No wait," and he grabs my wrist so I can't walk away. I don't turn around, I can't take another rejection on the same day as the first. I need to reel my emotions in, or Taehyung is going to burst through the door. The emotions somehow telling him where I am. I feel an underlying layer of worry, but I block it. 

"I don't know what I can do to make you forgive me. I understand if you never do." He tells me. I turn around, and cross my arms, after pulling my wrist from his grip. He reluctantly lets me go. "You better start telling me what's wrong, or I'm leaving." I say, and I wait. He fidgets, and somehow he looks funny, just like a small child caught doing something wrong. He rubs his face with both hands and the looks at me. "I know I'm not the reason for what happened, but I'm so sorry." He's still being cryptic, and he realizes it as the annoyance grows on my face. 

"Y/n. I- I don't kn-, "but I don't let him finish, my heart is racing a race car, all the way up into my throat. He used my name. My name. He remembers. And I jump on him, and he falls back. I smile at him just before I press my lips softly to his. He moans, his arms go around my waist, and I feel wetness on my cheeks. He's crying, or is it me?  I don't care and bite his lip, he gaps and then takes control and deepens the kiss. He rolls us over, so I'm on my back, and he hovers over me. He pulls back and looks at me, "you're not angry?" He asks with a small voice, and I shake my head. "No, not anymore. I understand it, and now you know what really happened. I've forgiven all of you a long time ago." I tell him, and he looks pained, "but," he starts, but I silence him by pressing my lips against his again. 

Suddenly the door opens and Namjoon jumps away from me like he got electrified. I laugh and look at the door, and Taehyung and Yoongi walk in. "You were sad, angry, and now deliriously happy. You want to tell us what is happening?" Taehyung asks me as he stands next to me and looks down, I takes his hand and sit up. Namjoon looks on in confusion, he never expected them to barge in. "Why don't you tell them what happened." I tell Namjoon and he looks scared at Taehyung. Ah he thinks Taehyung doesn't remember. 

I chuckle and show Namjoon my second mark. Taehyung now looks scared. 'He remembers?' Yoongi asks me in my head, and I smile at him as I nod. And Yoongi grabs Namjoon and hugs him tight, "Welcome back." Namjoon chuckles, and Taehyung catches on, and throws himself on the both of them. I watch as the the boys hug and sob. Suddenly Yoongi takes my wrist and pulls me into the hug. We hug for minutes and then Yoongi steps back, "we'll talk later," he tells Namjoon. "I'll see you tomorrow, Love. I love you and goodnight." He kisses me and then he leaves. 

Taehyung hugs me, and then another kiss, before he leaves us too. "Two soulmates?" Namjoom asks, and I nod. "And you really have forgiven me?" And he looks down. I step closer and take his hands. He looks at my face, "I have. Don't worry. I'm not angry. Want to cuddle?" I ask him, as I lie down on the bed, and he joins me. I'm in his arms and my head lies on his heart, and it's a little sped up, but steady. He hugs me tight, and strokes my arm. And that's how we lie in silence. Once in a while he kisses my head, and eventually I fall asleep. 


So Namjoon is back to himself. 
Anyone predict he was the next one?
Leave it in the comments. 
Have a happy life ❤

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