Bittersweet Revenge (FINISHED)

By theanxiousk

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She is out to make the person who made her father suffer pay and she's not alone in making that person suffer. More

Bittersweet Revenge
The Visitor (Chapter 1)
Franc Sebastian (Chapter 2)
The Heartbreaking News (Chapter 3)
The Master Plan (Chapter 4)
Three Years of Waiting (Chapter 5 part 1)
Drunk and Violent (Chapter 5 part 2)
"New" Friendship (Chapter 6)
Workaholic (Chapter 7)
Casanova (Chapter 8)
Emptiness (Chapter 9)
Turned Down (Chapter 10)
Revelation (Chapter 11)
Wrath (Chapter 12)
Taking Care of Her (Chapter 13)
Out of Town (Chapter 14)
Silence (Chapter 15)
The Big Reveal (Chapter 16)
The Painful Truth (Chapter 17)
A Day Together (Chapter 18)
The End of the Deal (Chapter 19)
The Wedding Proposal (Chapter 20)
Meeting Again (Chapter 21)
Taking the Bullet (Chapter 22)
Unforgettable Visits (Chapter 23)
Painful Revelations (Chapter 24)
Blame (Chapter 25)
The Last Kiss (Chapter 27)
The True Meaning of Happiness (Chapter 28)

The Confession (Chapter 26)

262 3 0
By theanxiousk

“Henry, can you please pack my things already for tomorrow before you go birthday party you are going to?” Venus said over the phone as she was on her way to Euphoria, one of the company’s hotels.

“That’s tomorrow already?” Henry said.

“Yes Henry. I’m quite busy so please do it for me.”

“Sure Ms. Venus. But I am afraid that you will travel alone. Also, I don’t feel that good about the treatment Dr. Quillamor is suggesting for you to try this time.”

“Henry, I will be okay. What do I always tell you?”

“Don’t worry.”

“Okay Henry. I have to go. I have just arrived here in Euphoria. I will just go around and check on things.”

“Okay Ms. Venus. Take care.”

“You too Henry.”

Venus gets out of her car and goes inside Euphoria.

“Good morning Ma’am. What can I do to help you?” A receptionist said.

“Will it be possible if I tour the whole hotel?” Venus said.

“Are you a guest of this hotel?”


“Then it will not be possible.”

“Even just for awhile? I would just like to see the hotel inside since outside it is just so beautiful.”

“Sorry ma’am. But I can’t tour you around.”

The manager of the hotel then noticed what was happening so he approached them.

“What’s the matter here?” The manager said.

“This lady wants to tour the hotel Sir but she’s not a guest of this hotel.” The receptionist said.

The manager then looked closely the lady the receptionist was talking about. He was surprised that it was Ms. Venus Steel, the owner of the hotel.

“Nice to see you again Carl.” Venus said.

“Ms. Steel! What are you doing here?” Carl, the manager said.

“Ms. Steel?” The receptionist said.

“What are you doing Mary? This is Ms. Venus Steel. She owns this hotel.” Carl said.

“Ms. Steel, I am really sorry. I didn’t know.” Mary, the receptionist said.

“We’ll talk in the office later.” Carl said to Mary.

“Don’t be too hard on her Carl. It’s part of the rules of the hotel right? She’s just doing her job. I was just testing her.” Venus said.

“Okay Ms. Steel. Go take care of the other guests Mary. I’ll be the one to take care of Ms. Steel here.” Carl said.

“I’m really sorry Ms. Steel.” Mary said.

“It’s okay Mary.” Venus said.

Mary then leaves.

“What are you doing here Ms. Steel?” Carl said.

“I just want to go around and check on the hotel, to see how things are going.” Venus said.

“But Ms, no offense, there are monthly reports on that that you can read so that you will no longer be tired in checking the hotel by yourself.” Carl said.

“Carl, I want to see things for myself. Reports are different from the actual thing. And I want make sure our guests are getting what they deserve based on how much they are paying. Money may not be a problem for me but whenever I go stay at a hotel or eat in a restaurant, I want everything to be worth my money. Quality is very important to me.”

“Of course Ms. Steel. I agree with you. Let me tour you around if that's what you want.”


As Carl and Venus are going around, Venus suddenly saw a group of people dressed as Disney princes and princesses performing for the kids.

“Ms. Steel, this our hotel’s treat for our guests’ children. We do it every Friday of this month. And it’s been a success for the children really like it.” Carl said.

“I remember approving this. I am glad it became successful.” Venus said.

“Next month Ms. Steel, there would be instead fashion shows every Friday night. We have teamed up with 4 designers and a magazine to make it happened.”

“Good. You’ve done a good job Carl. You can go back to work now. I’ll be leaving in a few hours so don’t worry.”

“Okay Ms. Steel. Thank you very much.”

Carl then leaves while Venus stayed looking at the children who are very happy watching the show.

“Which of the Disney princess do you like?” A voice from behind suddenly says.

When Venus turned around it was Martin.

“No one. I never liked princesses and fairytales for they give false hopes to kids. I never saw myself as the damsel in distress. I don’t need a prince to save me. I can save myself.” Venus said.

“I already have the inkling that you will say that. I have to meet a client here that’s why I am here. You?  What are you doing here?” Martin said.

“This is my hotel remember? So I am visiting my hotel. Sorry Mr. Herrera. But I have to go.”

“Wait Venus!”


“Can I invite you to dinner?”

“Sorry Mr. Herrera. I still have lots of things to do.”


“Mr. Herrera, quit calling me.”

“Please. Just a dinner. I.. I wanted to repay you for everything. I know it was all part of the deal but somewhat what you did for me helped me. Please Venus.”


“You can order anything. I will be the one paying.” Martin said to Venus.

“Can we just order food later?” Venus said.

“Sure.” Martin said.

Venus took a sip of her wine and said to Martin, “I met Angel the other day. She told me that you two broke up and it’s all because of me. She said you love me. ”

“She said that? What did say to her?”

“That even before our deal, I knew already that you loved me. But knowing that and knowing you and Angel broke up will not change anything. Love is not my priority. It is not important for me. I don’t have time for it. Just because you and Angel broke it does not mean I will jump to the opportunity of us being together. It’s not for me.”

Martin couldn’t say anything.

“And by the way, that’s not the only thing I knew. Henry said that I kissed you back when we went to the province. I don’t even remember it so forget about it already. It doesn’t mean anything. And even according to you, I was drunk so forget about it. So Martin, don’t expect for me to love you back or be with you now that you are single and available. For the nth time, I don’t have time for love. I don’t have time for this. I just wanted to say those things. That’s why I agreed to come with you. I’ll go ahead. ”

Venus stands up and started walking but immediately her arm was grabbed by Martin.

“Walking out is really one of your habits. And honestly, I am sick and tired of you doing that. Can’t you just hear me out? This is my first time saying this and I will say this once. I love you Venus. I really do. As much I tried to fight it, I just can’t. You’re intimidating, strict and frank but you’re brave, strong and persevering. I want to protect you Venus. I want to be there for you through your everyday battles and even cancer. I want to always stay by your side. I don’t and will never believe that that kiss was nothing. Do you want to know what you told me before you kissed me?  You told me that  I was kind, sweet, persevering, hardworking and even handsome. You even told me that if you live for a long time, you wish to find a guy like me. Why bother wish for a guy like me when you have me to love you?”

Venus breaks free from Martin’s grip and then started walking again. But again, Martin pulls her arm. Martin then kisses Venus on the lips even though Venus kept struggling. But Venus immediately pushed him away hard.

“Please. Don’t do this to me. I can’t deal with this right now.” Venus said then walks out of the restaurant.  


“Venus!” Martin said as he follows Venus out of the restaurant.

Venus just kept walking.

“Venus! Wait!” Martin said.

Suddenly, Venus felt a sharp pain in her chest.

“Ah!” Venus said as the pain in her chest just gets more painful.

Martin immediately approached Venus.

“Venus, are you okay?” Martin said.

“Do I freaking look like I’m okay?” Venus said catching her breath.

“I need to get you to the hospital.”

“No. Just take me home.”

Martin then carries Venus to his car and he drove as fast as he can to the house of Venus.

“Henry! Henry!” Martin said carrying Venus as they arrived in Venus’s house.

“He’s not here. He’s in a party. Don’t disturb him. Just call Doctor Quillamor please.” Venus said.

Doctor Quillamor arrived after a few minutes and took care of Venus.

“Doc? Is she okay already?” Martin said.

“Yes. She’s okay already. She’s just under a lot of stress that’s why this happened to her.” Dr. Quillamor said.

“Thank you very much Doctor. I really can't afford to lose her right now."

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