Shapes in My Palm

Od Linnea563

1.3K 19 6

Kai, a warrior from the kingdom of Rathen, is assigned to assist Princess Lillian to a secluded castle in Nor... Více

Authors note :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 2

89 3 0
Od Linnea563

The birds were chirping as if this day wasn't any different, as if Kai wasn't about to be tasked with murder. She punished herself for being too emotional about the whole mission, she could do it. She would do it. The mission was nothing, take the princess to the new castle and kill her, then flee before anyone caught on. Easy.

Kai rolled out of bed and pulled on brown pants and a white blouse. She laced her black combat boots and pulled her dark brown hair into a high pony. She checked her list, making sure she had everything, including the photo of her and her father she had talked to that night, and headed towards her bedroom door. She turned around one last time, a few months she told herself, she would be back in a few months. She finally closed the door and started down the hall, headed towards the living room. She saw her mother sitting on their worn down blue couch next to the fireplace, with a mug in her shaking hand. Kai quickly walked towards her mother and sat down next to her mother for comfort.

"Mom," Kai started, keeping her voice calm, "I am going to be fine, I promise."

"I know you are, but you are still my little girl." Kai's mother whispered. She turned to the side, so she was facing Kai. Her eyes were puffing and dark, she hadn't slept much that night.

Kai wrapped her hands around her mothers, trying to slow them down and help her mother relax. "I will write to you guys every day, at least I will try to," She promised with a laugh.

Her mother looked at her for a moment before finally speaking, "I just want you to be safe. I love you so much and I can't lose you." Her eyes began to water more.

"You won't lose me, I am going to be the same person I am now, I love you too and I want you to know I will be okay and safe. I have trained for this, I am ready." Kai smiled. She felt like she was reassuring herself more than her mother, but she ignored that thought.

A smile slowly crept up onto Kai's mother's face, she brought her mug up to her mouth and took a slow sip. When she finished, she smiled and said, "Don't forget that I am always here for you, no matter what. And if you get lonely write to me and your sister, she will be dying to hear about everything."

"Don't worry, I will." Kai smiled again, "plus, I won't get lonely, I am bringing the photo of dad and me, so I can talk to him and he can keep me company." Kai let out a small laugh.

Her mother shared in the laugh before saying, "He would be so proud of you right now." Her voice let out a small crack as she spoke. A small tear ran down her cheek.

"I know," Kai sighed before pulling her mom into a long hug.

She could see the tears filling her mother's eyes like rain-covered windows. She pulled her mother into another hug and she felt her loosen up and the tension disappears. Kia's eyes started to fill up with tears but she forced them away. She was a warrior, she did not cry. Kai finally let go and stood up. Kai walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee and a piece of toast. She and her mother continued to talk and talk until the sun started to rise and soon it was time for Kia's goodbyes.

The time was bittersweet, and Kai was filled with mixed emotions. She loved her family and was partly worried about their safety while she was gone. But another part of her was excited and intrigued by this new adventure. They finally gave her an assignment and she was proud to show them she could do it.

Kai slowly walked into her sister's room, careful not to wake her if she was still asleep.

"Ki?" a small voice questioned from the dark.

"I'm here," Kai responded walking towards her sister, who was still lying in her bed. Ivory's room was smaller, but that didn't mean it was any less fun. It was painted like the other rooms, but had a pink carpet and curtains, with a white and blue bed in the corner. Toys and school supplies scattered everywhere, and Kai struggled to walk towards the voice.

"Are you leaving already?" Ivory whined, rubbing her eyes. She threw her stuffed dog to the side and reached out for Kai.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry Ry, I will be home as soon as possible," Kai responded, pulling her sister into a hug as if it was her last. She could feel her sister's shoulder shaking and the few sniffles from tears. Kai just squeezed harder. But she needed to leave so she slowly let go and started her sister in the eyes.

"I love you," Kai said so quietly it was almost a whisper. Saying those three words hurt and she never muttered them except on special occasions to special people, like this moment. "Be brave and help mom around the house, okay?"

Ivory nodded, tears still running down her eyes. She tried to put on a brave face but Kai knew she was torn apart on the inside.

"That means, cleaning your room, doing dishes, and-" Kai began. She leaned forward tickling her sister suddenly in the stomach, causing Livory to fall over laughing. She couldn't help but laugh as well. "-and your homework. I will be back home soon, maybe even for your birthday. I might even bring you something special."

Ivory stood very still for a moment and smiled, leaning forward and whispering, "really?"

"Really, now behave and take care of mom," Kai whispered back. She gave Ivory another hug, squeezing her tight, before standing up.

Kai stood and exited her sister's room, heading for her mother by the door. She needed to leave so her goodbye to her mother was short but just as meaningful. A few quick words of advice: another hug, the third one today. Kai pulled on her dark brown cloak and grabbed her bag. Kai really hated saying goodbye. She stepped out the door and headed for the base.

* * *

Once Kai arrived at the base, she was transported to a secluded part of the woods in between the two kingdoms. This is where they were to meet the princess and begin their journey. They, Kai and General Hoax, had arrived twenty minutes ago and were finishing going over the plan. Act as a guard. Take her to the castle. Kill her. General Hoax repeated and repeated until it seemed to glue to Kia's brain.

She had been given a large brown bag of the things they would need. Including tents, rope, matches, and non-perishable food. The bag was heavier than she had expected, but she had trained and was strong enough to handle it. She needed to prove herself. That meant Kai had two bags to carry, she knew this was going to be a challenge.

Just then they heard a rustle from across the clearing. Two people walked out of the trees and bushes and paused for a second speaking back and forth, almost arguing, then they continued walking when they realized they were being watched by General Hoax and Kai.

The pair continued until they were only feet away. One of them was an older man, with graying hair and a growing beard, the other was a blonde girl with her hair in curls and the greenest eyes Kai had ever seen. The mystery girl was wearing a light pink dress with thin straps and a bottom that brushed against the grass, on top she had a black cloak covering her shoulder. Kai assumed she was the princess and already had a dislike for her, the way she stood, walked, and looked bothered Kai. The silence in the field was ginormous and filled the air. Kai looked towards the princess and she did the same, eye contact had been made.

The world seemed to come to halt. Kai felt as if the princess was reading her, trying to know every inch of her. Kai was infuriated, how dare this princess come and try to take charge. Something in Kai's stomach dropped but she didn't know what. Fear? Excitement? This feeling was unfamiliar, but Kai pushed it away and looked toward General Hoax, breaking eye contact.

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