By baddiestories

6.9K 122 13

"I can't Rafe, I'm sorry." "Why not," he yelled. "Because you aren't the same anymore, it's your face but it'... More



233 6 0
By baddiestories

As I was pulling up to Kie's parents restaurant I was working out in my head how I was going to tell all three of them that Rafe is coming. I feel like I'm walking into my own death trap.

I saw them sitting and I brought my laptop so we can work out the flight details together and where we're going to stay. They all waved over to me smiling and I ran over.

JJ grabbed my laptop out of my hands and lifted it up in the air and said, "holy shit dude, is this what you rich LA snobs use."

I yanked it out of his hands and said, "don't call me a rich LA snob please, I'm the one getting us over to the Bahamas remember?"

Pope said to JJ, "Yeah dude show some respect." Then he looked over at me and said, "but seriously how many figures are you making."

I just leaned back in my chair and laughed at both of them. Kie then said, "okay hurry, we need to make sure we get out as soon as we can."

As we looked at all the tickets we decided on a flight at 8 a.m the next morning and we were able to find an AirBNB with three bedrooms. They asked why we needed one with three bedrooms and I said just incase Sarah and John B stay with us, which was bullshit. As I placed the tickets I placed 5 and Kie said, "oh you accidently put 5."

I booked it and Pope then yelled, "dude you bought an extra ticket."

I sighed, leaned back in my chair and covered my face scared to see their reactions and blurted out, "Rafe is coming with us."

All of them yelled, "what?!" Which startled me more than it should have because my eyes were closed. Kie then removed my hands from my face and said, "dude, you know what he did right, he's gonna mess things up over there okay. Hell he might even be going just to get them arrested."

I yanked my hands from Kie's grip and told her, "no okay, he only knows I'm going to look for Sarah and he doesn't know anything else. He said he wants to fix things and change, but Kie, JJ, Pope I promise if he messes up or seems to be causing problems I'll send him back."

JJ sighed and looked at me seriously and said, "I don't know anything about you two Ashton, but from what I know about him he's beyond help, it just seems like a lost cause."

Pope agreed, "yeah, Ashton you haven't seen him in a year, do you seriously think he's still what you think he is. People change in a year."

Without hesitation I sat up and told all three of them, "yes, I truly believe he still is who I think he is and there is nothing you guys can do to change my mind."

They all looked shocked at what I said and Kie put her face in her hands and looked up and said, "okay, but if we think he's scheming he's coming back."

JJ and Pope looked at Kie angry and confused and JJ said, "dude seriously, it's Rafe, you know he caused all of this."

Kie was frustrated and in a raised voice, "yes JJ I know, but Rafe really was different with Ashton okay, believe it or not I don't care. Plus she's agreed to send him back if he fucks up so I don't see the issue."

JJ rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair.

Pope spoke up and said, "how are we going to get along with him, he's a dick every time he see's any of us."

Kie told him, "oh I promise, if Ash is here he's going to be on his best behavior."

I looked at her confused, "you're talking about him like he's a dog?"

JJ laughed to himself and then said, "well if you have him like that than the sex must be-," and before he could finish everyone yelled at him in unison.


He put both his hands up like he was surrendering and we all laughed at him and his stupid commentary.

I spoke to break the laughter and asked all of them, "Okay well while we're all here can I ask Rafe to come so we can break everything down all together."

JJ said with a tone, "woah woah there girl, he's not getting any gold okay?"

"Yeah, he's part of the reason we lost it," said Pope.

I told them, "I know guys okay, but we can't just take him there without letting him know why."

Kie looked at me with a straight face and said, "why not?"

I put my hands up in frustration, "because it wouldn't make any sense, why would Sarah go there for no good reason if they're both innocent."

JJ said, "because everyone thinks they're not."

I sighed and looked over at him, "yeah, but running makes them look worse, and Rafe isn't dumb and he knows Sarah is that dumb either."

Pope quielty said, "I disagree."

I looked over to him with a straight face and just looked at him.

He looked up at me and put his hands up and said, "sorry, couldn't help it."

Kie said, "okay call him over here then, I guess we'll tell him."

I sighed with relief and said, "thank you guys, seriously, it means a lot to me."

I ran outside to call him and tell him to head over to where we were. When he arrived we walked in and as soon as he saw them he turned around.

I walked back out and asked him, "what?"

He looked at me concerned and said, "I think we should talk somewhere else, the Pouges don't really like me."

I looked at him with no remorse and told him, "I know but I talked to them about everything already."

Then with a shocked expression he said, "wait what, they're coming."

Without looking at him I turned around and grabbed his wrist to go in and as we were walking in I said, "yes, we are going to explain all of it right now."

He groaned but followed me in and let me pull him, because if he wanted to he could have stopped me.

He pulled up a chair and didn't say anything and just sat down. I sat down next to him and when I sat down he pulled my chair closer to his and put his hand on my inner thigh. I shot him a glance, and he just shrugged like he didn't know what he did. I hated it when he played dumb, nice to see that hasn't changed at least.

Everyone was quiet and I said, "why are you all being so weird."

Pope whispered, "well he did beat me with a gulf club."

I pushed his hand off my leg and looked over at him and said, "you what?"

He put his hand back on my leg and looked at me and said, "I'm sorry."

I crossed my arms and said, "why are you saying sorry to me, you didn't beat me with a gulf club."

Rafe closed his eyes and took a deep breathe in and looked over at Pope and said, "I'm sorry I beat you with a gulf club over something stupid."

JJ looked astonished and looked over at me and said, "wow Ash he really is your dog."

Me and Rafe both looked over at him and I told him, "he's not my dog."

Rafe said, "yeah I'm not her dog," but then cockily said, "I'm her prince."

I looked over at him confused and said, "no, last I checked you're not."

Rafe shrugged it off and looked away and said, "I will be."

Kiara then started laughing and said, "god, you two never change."

I started laughing with Kie because her laugh is contagious and then Pope started explaining what was happening, "okay, well here's how it started."

Authors Note:

So in between here and the next chapter Pope explains the whole series basically and everything about the gold. Just wanted to let you guys know so you're not confused when the next chapter comes out. I don't know when that'll be, I have it written but just wanna see how the story keeps doing. Well see y'all soon!

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