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When I woke up I had forgotten where I was for a second, and when I looked around the room Rafe wasn't anywhere. I don't know why but this made my heart sink even deeper into my chest, but I knew that when I left the Outer Banks again I would have to act like nothing happened again. But at the same time with the things Rafe had said to me last night I wasn't so sure if that was a good idea, cause he had a point, it was unfair for me to leave with no explanation. I feel like before I leave we need to talk about all that, but I don't know when.

As I sat in his bed and his clothes pondering my thoughts he walked in with iced coffee from my favorite local place here. God, it feels like its been so long since I've been home, but it's only been one year.

When he walked in he placed the coffee on his dresser and crawled back into bed to place his head on my lap and said, "awe, yay, you're up."

I looked down at his precious smile and couldn't help but be filled with an overpowering feeling of love for him.

"Yea, I just woke up like a minute or two ago."

"Then I guess I came back just in time," he said as he stood back up. "Now c'mon, we still have to go get Kie's parent's car and it's a little late."

"Wait really what time is it?"

"Four in the afternoon."

I jumped out of bed and yelled, "What, you let me sleep in so late, oh my god now I have to hurry, I bet Kie is so worried, and I don't even have her number, I feel so ba-"

He pulled me in from behind to hug me and as he rested his head on mine he said, "Oh my god, I'm just kidding, it's about to be noon."

I pulled myself out of his arms and turned around to face him, "Jeeze Rafe, you scared me."

He looked down at me and smiled as he said, "sorry."

I just shook my head and went to the bathroom to get decent. I brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth, then I changed into the same clothes I had on yesterday. I came out of the restroom and Rafe was just sitting on his bed on his phone, and he looked a bit stressed out.

"Hey is everything alright?" I asked him.

When he looked up at me he had the same look in his face but then he smiled at me and said, "yea everything's fine, I just have to go help my dad with some stuff that has to do with Sarah."

I then remembered why I came into town in the first  place, I looked down at my feet and then looked back up at him then hugged him. At first he didn't hug me back but after a moment he tightened his grip around me.

In his arms I said, "I'm sorry."

He pulled away and told me, "It's okay, it's not your fault but I'm glad you're here to see everyone."

When we got to what used to be the Bell Tower there was Kie's car where I had left it last night and I hopped out of Rafe's truck.

I didn't know what to say to him now that I was leaving because I feel like saying thank you would be to random and saying bye would feel sad. As I was going to thank him for letting me sleep at his house he blurted out, "can I see you again soon?"

I wanted to see him again but I know that the less I see him the better, but I do need to talk to him about me leaving again in two weeks.

"Yeah sure, I'll only be around for two more weeks though."

I figured saying it casually would be good so that he's aware I'm leaving so it doesn't feel really serious or upsetting.

"Oh really?" He said.

"Yeah," I said to him with a half forced smile.

He smiled at me and said, "well I'll have to make the most of it while you're trapped here then."

I laughed at his comment and told him, "okay well I'll see you later."

I closed the door and went over to Kie's car and started driving over to her house, I was kinda shocked I still remembered how to get there. I didn't know what lie I was going to pull out of my ass to Kie, because I didn't really wanna tell her I was with Rafe because then I feel she might get too excited about me maybe staying longer.

I hope these two weeks fly by so I can try and forget everyone here again before I get too attached.

Authors Note:

Hey guys, wow so sorry I didn't post anything for so long. I lost motivation and creativity but I do wanna finish this story because I think I could make it into something really good and I know how I want it to end so I'll try and stick it through. Thanks for reading hoping to post more soon !

Also sorry this chapter is short :3

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