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When I first arrived at Kie's house her parent's weren't home, and I could tell because her dad's car wasn't here just hers. When I walked in I yelled for Kie.

"Kiara, it's me Ash sorry I was out for so long."

I could hear her rushing down the stairs.

"Ash there you are," she said as she pulled me in for a hug, "I was worried because you never came back."

I laughed it off and told her, "well I have your moms car, sooner or later I would have to come back. I was just so tired I didn't feel like driving back and fell asleep, I would have told you but I don't have your number anymore."

"Yeah, well who's fault is that?"

We both laughed at her joke and then she remembered something.

"Oh dude, me JJ and Pope all need your help with something."

I was then really confused, "what, why?"

"We don't really think John B and Sarah are dead, we think they went to the Bahamas."

"What how, I saw the news they found the boat flipped no where near anywhere."

"Yeah but no bodies."

"They probably floated away."

God that sentence coming out of my mouth felt disgusting.

"No no, Pope checked for any boats passing through that area and there was one that was headed towards the Bahama's which is where the gold is at."

"So you think they got saved, is what your saying."


I took a deep breathe in and thought for a moment about what I could do about it, then it hit me. They need my help getting there.

"You wanna go find them don't you."

"Yes, I know it's a lot to ask but they won't contact us because they're probably scared of getting caught here and we know where in the Bahama's they're headed so if they're not there after a few days we'll come back."

I had no second thoughts about it, if Sarah was still alive then I knew we needed to go see them. I only have two weeks till I have to go back and I have to do what I can in those two weeks to get Sarah back if she really is still alive.

"Okay, I'll get the four of us tickets for tomorrow morning and when were there we'll figure out when we'll come back."

"Okay I'll tell the others."

Kie was about to turn around to go call JJ and Pope but I grabbed her right before she was out of reach.

"Oh Kie, out of curiosity do you have Rafe's cell number?"

She looked at me slightly angry and astonished at my question.

"I know Kie, I know but please I don't know how long were gonna be away and if my time is cut short I'm gonna end up leaving straight from the Bahamas back to LA if we're there for that long."

She sighed and said, "ask Topper I don't have it."

"Okay, thanks," I said to her and smiled and she smiled back and went to call the others.

I texted Top and just like Kie said he had it. I texted Rafe and told him it was me and asked if he was busy.

Rafe: No, I'm at Barry's waiting for him. Why?

Ash: Oh ok, is anyone else there?

Rafe: No...why?

Ash: Ok, I'll be over there soon.

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