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Rafe's POV:

Me and Barry were just in his room sniffing some coke when all of a sudden we hear the door slam open. We both look over at each other wide eyed thinking that it was the cops and that they had busted Barry for what he has going on over here. Then we heard a girl tell everyone to get out of her house, that instant we both knew who it was. I couldn't believe it, I froze as the thought of seeing Ashton face to face again. My family likes to keep up with her music career in L.A so I see her face all the time but, talking to her, seeing her, I don't know what she'd think of the person I've become. 

I had a million things I would like to ask her, but I also had a million questions about her being here. She was calling for Barry so he stood up to go see what she wanted and I stood up too because I needed to see her, I needed her to see me. I needed her. Barry stopped me and told me, "let me see what she wants first okay, she won't be honest with me if she see's you."

I looked down a little disappointed but said, "okay." 

Since the walls at Barry's house are super thin I could hear the conversation clearly, the first thing Barry said to her was, "hey sissy, how's the L.A life treating the druggie from Outer Banks." I swear I could almost see the anger in her face when he said that, I know she hated it when he called her sissy and a druggie, let alone both in the same sentence.

I heard Ashton say next, "Oh cut the shit Barry, I'm only here to ask you two questions and two questions only. I need to know who shot the Sheriff and when will be the next time Rafe comes around?" I was in shock that she wanted to know when I'd be around, I figured it was because she wanted to see me and I smiled a little. As I heard Barry say, "awe, sis missed her boy or something," I stood up to step out assuming she wanted to see me. Then I heard her say, "Very funny, no. I don't want to see him okay, I can't see him and he can't know I'm in town?" This made me fall to the floor with my back to the door, I didn't think hearing her say something like that would hurt, especially considering I haven't even spoken to her in over a year.

And when she left she left without warning, she ended things with me the day before she left. I understand why she didn't want to tell me, I would have made a big deal of it  and I know why she wanted to leave. I would never fully understand how she was living, she told me a lot about it but to me it just seemed she had it a little hard. But I could never really put myself in her shoes, recently I've been living with Barry though and I can see why she'd leave everything behind for a better life.

Ending my train of thought I heard Barry say, "well-," and I knew he was gonna tell his sister I was in his room as they spoke, but she cut him off.

"No, no well, you won't tell him and he won't know okay? okay. Now who shot the sheriff and when will Rafe be around next." I could hear the aggravation in her voice, it reminded me of when she used to get mad at me for doing something stupid. Hearing just her voice made me remember everything about her in a split second, after I did so much to forget about her she's still imprinted in my brain like she never left. Suddenly I heard what sounded like crying but the direction of her voice fell to the floor and I heard her choking up.

"Listen Barry, I need you to tell me who shot the sheriff because Kie told me it was Rafe and I- I just can't believe that's true. He's not like that, that's just not the kind of person he is. So I just need you to tell me if it's true or not." I couldn't believe she was crying because of me, part of me was in a way relieved that she still cared, but the other part me was in so much pain. My eyes starting watering and I begged that Barry wouldn't tell her what happened, I don't know what she'll think of me if he does. I think it'll break me more than anything if she hears of all the terrible things I've done not from me, but from Barry.

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