Fake Love *A BTS Reverse Hare...

By AdoredbyMinAgustD

73K 4.8K 2.9K

This is the sequel to "With The First Kiss * A BTS Reverse Harem" I recommend to read that one first. But yo... More

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978 68 46
By AdoredbyMinAgustD

"I thought we can save some water if I join you. Do you mind?" I shake my head and make space for him, "of course not. I'm almost done anyway." I rinse my hair with the half spray I get and step out of the shower. When I'm almost out, he grabs my arm and my back crashes against his chest. "Let's have some fun?" He whispers in my ear, his lips graze the shell. A shiver travels over me. He 's hard against me, and I shift on my feet. He feels so good. A quickie? Should I? I want too, I can't resist him. Any of them. Why is that? I wonder again. 

"Yoongi is waiting for me, " I say instead. He chuckles, "he can wait. But if you want I can be very quick too." And he snaps his hips into me. My brain short circuits, and I moan. And his hands explore me. My moan acts as a catalyst, and I give in. I knew it the moment he asked if he could join. I turn in his arms, and look up at him. 

His eyes eat me up and he bites those gorgeous lips. I grab his cock, and squeeze. He groans, and moves his hips. He leans down, and just before our lips meet, I see him smile in victory. Fine, he won. I suck his lower lip into my mouth and suckle, and he moans. His fingers dig into my waist, and then he moves them to my ass. He squeezes, and I moan into his mouth. He lifts my leg and puts it around his waist. His hand finds my core, and rubs. I gasp, his touch electrifying my blood and it pounds through my body. Fueling the anticipation of feeling him slide in and out of me. 

I guide him into me, and we both groan, and when he's fully inside, I put my arms around his shoulders. My face in his neck, and I cling to him and he moves. Slowly, so slow, and I feel every vein and ridge drag against my soft walls. His hand still holds my leg around his waist, and the other is on the small of my back and he pushes me flush up against him. He slowly pulls out and I sigh, and then chuckle. He raises an eyebrow at me. "I thought you could be quick too?" I moan, he just pushed in a little faster. 

"Okay, you asked for it." And the promise in his voice makes me gasp. He speeds up and the pleasure multiplies, and fills my entire body with white hot flames. His teeth scrape my neck down, leaving red marks. He licks them after and I hold his head to me. The spring low in my belly winds tighter and tighter. His cock rubs and hits my g-spot repeatedly and every touch adds to the coil. I gasp in the air and moan his name, and he grunts as he finds my clit and circles it. 

Every touch sends tingles down my limbs. "Come for me," he moans against the soft flesh of a breast. His hips never stop and I drown in the pleasure he pulls from my body, I release, and clench around him, and he moans, as he feels how tight I get. His lips kiss my breasts, and he moves to the marks, and when he sees Taehyung's mark, he stops completely. He puts my leg down and turns me around, pulling out of me. He bends his knees, and pushes into me again from behind. 

He stops when he bottoms out. His hands travel to my throat, and he curls a hand around it and squeezes firmly, but not painful. Just very forceful holding me, and I can't move, but I don't want to. I'm perfectly fine where I am. His lips graze my ear as he whisper-growls, "you bonded with another?" Do I detect a little anger? Why is he angry? He can still fuck me. He emphasizes by thrusting hard and fast. I gasp, and surrender. I'm his and he can do to me what he wants. I will love it. 

He's relentless, and his stamina is incredible. The pleasure is mind-blowing, and I want more of it. My hands scratch and scrape his arms and he groans. He squeezes my throat, and my vision is a little blurry, but I don't need to see at the moment. Only feel, and what he does to me is indescribable. I moan long and his free hand caresses me down to my pussy. As his fingers come into play too, I fly away to pleasure Island. 

When he feels me shake and shudder in orgasm,  he chases his own. He stops after a few erratic thrusts and grows harder in his release, and fills me up, and I feel so full. I slowly come back down and his hand leaves my throat. My vision returns, he pulls out of me and turns me around. His lips crash to mine, and I gasp in surprise. His tongue is in my mouth right away, and he steals the little air I have left. His arms tighten, and I imagine that a corset must feel like this. Barely able to breathe, but I don't care. If it means I can stay in his arms I will endure it. 

I break the kiss, I don't want to pass out. I rinse off, as he made a mess of me again. After he turns the shower off. So much for saving water. That didn't really work. We dry in silence, and when I want to leave, he halts me, "who?" It's all he asks and he peers at me, eyes still dark. Should I tell him? What if Taehyung wants to keep it secret? We haven't talked about it. "What does it matter who it is?" I ask instead. He regards me in silence and I wait. "You're right it doesn't. But this changes nothing." He passes me out of the bathroom and leaves me standing there. I didn't expect it to change. 

I walk to Yoongi's room, and enter. He looks up from his notebook, a sly smile on his face. "That was a long shower?" And I shrug, "I got a visitor." I climb into bed and lie down. He puts the notebook away and lies down next to me, and gathers me in his arms. He kisses my face all over, all very soft and sweet. I sigh as I hug him to me and my fingers play with the hair in the nape of his neck. Finally he kisses me, I moan, and part my lips. He slides in slowly and I shiver. The love I feel is heavy, and I revel in it. He pushes against me and I fall on my back. He hovers over me, never breaking the kiss. He scoots on top of me and he makes himself comfortable between my legs. 

His hands caress my skin softly, and mine are still in his hair, and I tug a little. He moans, and rocks his hips slowly into me and he presses against my clit and the pleasure builds again. I need air, and I wrench my face off him. "Yoongiiii," I moan, he chuckles at my needy tone, "make love to me?" And hearing my question, he moans. "With pleasure. I'll show you how much I love you." 

He slowly glides down my body, until his face is between my legs. He doesn't wait, and loves me with his tongue and lips. He licks slowly and sucks my clit and the tingles shoot through my body. He moans at the taste, and I moan at the feeling, and my hands fly into his hair, and when he wants to move away from my nub begging for attention, I grab his hair and hold him where he is. He chuckles and the vibrations add to the fuel, that's needed to come undone. 

Instead of moving he stays and focuses on my clit. He pushes two fingers into me, and I moan long, and squeeze them. He pulls them out, curling. My hips buck up at the intense pleasure that sings over my skin. His fingers speed up, and the spring releases and the room gets filled with moans. Yoongi crawls up my body and licks his way up. 'Love me good, as I love you' my vocal chords have seized up, so back to thoughts and I'm so happy I can do that with him. 

He slides into me in one move, and I pull him against me, and when he moves, I move too, and we meet halfway. The build up is gradually, everything thrown into the mix. Lips, tongue, teeth, hands, feet. It all adds to the inferno burning me, and it feels like my body is brimming over with pleasure. He rests his forehead against mine, and we stare at each other. I see in his eyes what I feel, need, lust, raw desire, and when his tongue licks mine, my second orgasm flows through me. Yoongi follows me right away, the repeatedly clenching down around him is his undoing. He fills me up, and pants above me. Our breathing returns slowly, and he rolls off me. 

He molds me to his side, and I sigh. My muscles feel heavy, and I sink into oblivion. I don't feel him kiss me goodnight, I don't hear him saying I love you, out loud or in thought.

It's a dreamless night, but I wake up, refreshed and happy. Yoongi is still sleeping and I quietly get up, put one of his shirts on, and leave the room. I make my way to the kitchen and make breakfast for my sleeping man. Jin enters, "good morning Aqua. You're looking happy." He tells me, and I beam at him humming. "I'm very happy. And you? Why are you up so early?"  I ask as I slice my fruit, and put yogurt in a bowl. Yoongi's breakfast is waiting on a tray. 

"I've got a solo shoot today. The others finished already. I'm the last before we leave." He tells me as he fills his cup with coffee. My mood dips a little, but I steer my thoughts away from the depressing topic of the guys departure. I'll deal with it when it's time for it. "And you. Why are you up so early?" He asks me as he stops beside me and bumps his shoulder into mine. I chuckle, "I had a meeting with Mr. Lee yesterday, but it didn't happen, so I'm going back today. And this afternoon something with the Gemstones. Want to cook together today?" I ask him. Let's try again to break his mind open. 

In two days time, I can't try because they'll be away. So let's try today and tomorrow. Maybe I'll get lucky. Not sure what we'll cook, but there's enough to choose from. "Yes please. I enjoyed it last time, even if we were interrupted." And he winks at me. I clean everything away, pick up the tray, wink at Jin and leave for Yoongi's room. 

When I open the door, I see he's still asleep so I place the tray on the bedside table, and crawl back into bed. I hug him and lay my head on his chest. His arms go around me and he pulls me tight. "Good morning Love. Where were you?"  He gives my forehead a kiss and I snuggle closer to him. "I made us breakfast," and I point at the tray. His whole face lights up when he sees it. He sits up, and places the tray on his legs. I sit up too  and grab my part of the breakfast. 

We eat in silence, and when I sneak a peek at him, he smiles softly while he eats. After he places it back on the bedside table. He turns to me and takes my face in his hands and gives me a sweet kiss. "Thank you. I enjoyed this very much, but unfortunately we have to get up now. I need to go to the company." I crawl over him, off the bed. "We can go together. Mr. Lee requested my presence." I say as I walk to the door. "See you at the front door?" I ask. He nods, and I wave before I leave through the door. 

Reaching the ground floor I run into Hoseok. "Hi. How did it go?" I ask, very curious. He chuckles, "hello Aqua." He sighs, and rubs his face, "that good, huh?" I say and he chuckles again. "I don't know to be honest. First it took me almost ten minutes to get her to stop hugging me. And after I said what I wanted to say, she became angry." I take his hand and take him to my room, and make him sit on my bed. "She didn't say anything, she just looked at me with anger radiating off her. In the end I left her alone, and when I was about to walk away she grabs my hand. She wanted to know if you were the reason. I told her you weren't, because you aren't." 

He smiles apologetically at me but I know I'm not the reason. He's unhappy with her, so of course he will be happier without her. He looks at me and sighs again, "not that I don't want you." And I chuckle, and he joins me. "Well at least she now knows. And maybe, who knows, she will see it too. I'm sorry to cut this short but I need to go." I say, and kiss him quickly and get up and grab clean clothes. I leave my room and he comes with me, "see you later," and he winks. He walks away, and I watch him go. 

I knock on the door, and open it, not getting anything. I close it right away, after having the vision imprinted on my brain. My blood freezes, and I turn around and dash for my room, the tears rolling over my cheeks. I don't understand what I just saw, but he was definitely kissing her. Why? I thought he wasn't happy with her as well. And why her? I sink down on the bed, but miss it and sit down on the floor. 

Suddenly my door opens and I look up at Taehyung, and I knew he would be the one to come find me now. The emotions are too overwhelming, so of course he feels it. He closes the door, comes to me, pulls me up into his arms and hugs me tight, all without saying anything. I squeeze him to me, and let the tears go as he comforts me. I know I don't have a claim on him, but it just hurts seeing him with her. She is the reason. If it would be someone else, would I still feel this pain? 

Taehyung is very patient and just hugs me as he strokes my back and head. The tears slow down eventually. When I pull back, my door opens again and Yoongi comes in, a smile on his face, "oh playing?" He asks and then he sees my face as I look at him and give him a small smile. The one on his face disappears, and he rushes forwards. He grabs my face and inspects me thoroughly. "What's wrong?" And he looks from Taehyung to me and back. 

Taehyung shakes his head, so Yoongi looks at me. "I'll be okay. I just saw something, I wish I hadn't seen." They look confused, and I don't blame them. What I said is very cryptic. "We can leave after I can use the bathroom. It's occupied." They still don't understand, "what did you see, love?" But I shake my head. I can't tell him, the tears will come again. And he turns around and is out of my room, and I scramble after him, followed by Taehyung. 

When we arrive in the hallway, the bathroom door opens and they come out. She looks smugly at me when she sees us, "oh, hi guys." Sexy says. His arm is over her shoulders, and I swallow the tears and push past them into the bathroom. Just before I can close the door I hear Taehyung ask, "so you two are a thing now?" And as I'm curious, even when I know it will hurt, wait without fully closing the door. "Yes we are," I hear her say. He stays silent. I close the door and let the tears fall and turn the shower on. The temperature hotter than I normally would start with. 

I cry under the water and when the tear bags are empty I wash myself. Turning the shower off, I get out and dry myself. Followed by the rest of my morning routine. Dressing in blue ripped jeans and a hoodie. I leave the bathroom, grab my stuff from my room, and join Yoongi at the door. I smile at him and he hugs me close. He doesn't say anything and after a few moments I pull away and put my shoes on. 

"Shall we go?" 


Sexy makes an appearance again.
Fancy a guess?
Leave it in the comments.
Have a happy life ❤

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