The Green Shape

By NotMicahBell

154 2 0

Halloween night little izuku midorya finds himself doing a disturbing and unthinkable act... he spent 10 year... More

Halloween Night


46 0 0
By NotMicahBell

We see a girl with purple hair walk out of a house holding books and dressed in a school uniform. Behind her a man walks out in a suit with messy blonde hair and a sunken face.

Dad: dont forget to drop the key off at the midoryas house honey... I got a family coming by later.

Jirou: I wont!

As jirou walks down the street a little boy Is seen in the distance running towards her.

Tommy: Jirou!

Jirou: hey Tommy.

Tommy: you coming over tonight?

Jirou: obviously.

Tommy: are we gonna make popcorn?

Jirou: sure.

Tommy: watch monster movies?

Jirou: sure.

Tommy: you gonna bring a jack o lantern?

Jirou: sure, sure, sure (giggle)

Jirou stops in front of a old house to drop off a key.

Just before jirou walks up Tommy grabs her arm.

Tommy: your not supposed to go in there...

Jirou: yes I am.

Tommy: johnny says that's a haunted house he said awful things happened there.

Jirou: johnny isnt gonna get out of the 5th grade.

Jirou opens the gate and walks to the front of the house putting the key in the mail slot. Jirou turns around to walk back failing to notice a figure in the doorway breathing heavily and looking at her as she walks back to tommy.

Jirou gets back to the sidewalk and continues walking with Tommy.

Tommy: look I gotta go I'll see you tonight.

Jirou: okay bye.

Tommy: bye.

Tommy runs off to another sidewalk as jirou continues walking and yet again failing to notice a figure looming behind her watching her walk away

Jirou: I wish I had you all alone... just the two of us....

*Heavy Breathing*

(Timeskip to aldera)

Teacher: and the book ends... what was needed and used by the character to combat the evi-

Jirou decides to nod off and look out the window of the classroom.... jirous eyes widen abit as she sees a figure standing behind a station wagon with a pale mask on but just before she can take a closer look-

Teacher: jirou.

Jirou: mam?

Teacher: Answer the question.

Jirou: oh, I believe the character used there inner strength to combat the evil and end fate.

Teacher: that's right....... fate.

(After school)

Mina and jirou are seen walking out of the school onto the sidewalk towards there homes.

Mina: its crazy we have 3 new cheers to learn the game is Friday I ahve to get my hair done at 8 and the dance will be at 7! I'll be totally worn out!

Jirou: sounds like a you problem mina... I fail to realize why you joined the cheer squad.. other than to give kirishima show off course.

Mina: hey-

Momo runs out of the school catching up to the girls.

Momo: Hey Mina... Jirou! How come you didnt wait up for me.

Jirou: we did you just didnt show.

Mina: totally.

The girls continue there walk down the street

Mina: as I was saying kirishima pulled me into the boys locker room-

Momo: exploring uncharted territories are we?

Mina: totally charted.

Jirou: what happened to todoroki momo?

Momo: the jerk got caught by the cops egging bakugos home. His parents grounded him.

Momo: I cant have anything in place anymore I've become swamped with work. Whether its math, history, science-

Jirou: shit.

The three girls stop in place as jirou looks back at the now distant school

Momo: I have a place for that jirou.

Jirou: I forgot my chemistry book.

Mina: so what? I forget everything my math, history and all the others, you know you and momo are like robots when it comes to school.. always worrying about your books and shit.

Momo: dont talk to me, jirou worries the most about it.

Mina: we need to get you a shopping cart for all those books you carry.

Jirou: oh knock it off-

Jirou looks to see the same station wagon riding down the street they are on at a slow pace with the driver looking at them but the girls cant see him.

Mina: hey isnt that mirio?

Jirou: I dont think so....

As the girls stare at the car the car speeds up going down the street at a fast pace.


The car comes at a jolting halt and stays still before continuing driving down the road.

Jirou: *sigh* you know momo someday your gonna get us all in big trouble.

The girls continue walking down the street

Mina: so what are you two doing tonight? Wanna come over to my place?

Momo: oh I couldnt... I wouldn't want to get you in big trouble mina.

Mina: (giggle)

Jirou: oh come on you know I didnt mean it.

Momo: besides... I gotta babysit Lindsey wallace.

Jirou: I'm babysitting Tommy we'll be right across the street from eachother.

Momo: oh terrific I have a whole night of either talking to you, watching Lindsey sleep, or listen to mina and kirishima.... great.

Mina: least I'm gonna get it on tonight... unlike you virgins.

Jirou: oh shut up.

Mina: alright this is my stop... I'll see you girls later.

Momo and jirou: bye.

As mina leaks up to her household jirou and momo continue walking down the street until jirou sees a figure staring at her from tall hedges

Jirou: look momo look.

The figure steps to the side hiding in the hedges

Momo: look where?

Jirou: behind those bushes... it's that guy you yelled at earlier.

Momo stops for a second before speed walking towards the hedge

Momo: subtle isnt he?


Momo looks to see that there is noone behind or near the hedges.

Momo smirks abit as she calls over to jirou.

Momo: jirou dear... he wants to talk to you... he says he wants to take you out tonight.

Jirou walks over to momos position and looks down the hedge herself yo see noone there.

Jirou: he was standing right here.

Momo: oh jirou.... scared another one away.

Jirou and momo continue walking alittle farther down the sidewalk

Momo: alright here's my house... I'll pick you up later.

Jirou: bye.

Momo walks into her house as jirou stares at the edge behind her as she continues walking bumping into a figure

Jirou: AH-

Chief Yaoyorozo: excuse me jirou.

Jirou: oh mister yaoyorozo I'm sorry mister yaoyorozo.

Chief Yaoyorozo: I'm sorry, i didnt mesn to startle ya.. you know its Halloween... everyone's entitled to one good scare.

Jirou: I'm sorry... bye now.

Jirou continues walking as momo dad goes into his house.


Jirou stumbles into her room closing the door and collapses on her bed.

Jirou: *sighhhhhhh* today was so tiring.


Jirou gets up from her bed going towards her phone an picking it up

Jirou: hello?


Jirou: hellooo?



jirou hangs up immediately as the phone starts ringing again.

Jirou answers it

Momo: why did you hang up in me?

Jirou: MOMO? Is that you?

Momo: yeah.

Jirou: say something next time you scared me half to death...

Momo: I was eating, couldnt you hear me chewing?

Jirou: no I didn-

Outside of jirou house a figure is seen standing in the clothes rack staring at the open upstairs window.

Jirou: bye.


Jirou walks away from her desk and towards her window looking out of it to see.... the figure....

Jirou backs away from her window not taking her eyes off the figure just before her window shuts itself and the figure is  no longer seen in her backyard.

Jirou: jesus christ....

Jirou feels her heart with her jack and decides to take a nap just before momo picks her up.


Jirou pops up from her bed and heads downstairs towards her front door.

Jirou: yes?

Mina rushes in the hosur shutting the door.

Mina: You know that guy we saw in the car at school?

Jirou: yeah.. what about him?

Jirou takes a seat on a sofa as mina joins.

Mina: I swear ive seen the car following me on the way over here!

Jirou: really?

Jirou gets up and goes to the window as mina joins.

Mina: It disappeared as i turned on your street... I was gonna wait for kirishima to pick me up in your house but I think I'm gonna run back to mines.

Jirou: okay... be safe.

Mina nods as she goes back out of the front door running back down the street.

Jirou locks the door and looks out the window again before heading back upstairs and taking a nap.

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