Life As I Know It

By lilmama881106

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Xavier Medina and three of his best friends are retired Army mechanics, have been for four years, finally bei... More

CHapter 1: Not the Start But Still a Beginning
Chapter 2: The First Date, & Ellie's Confession
Chapter 3: Dark Past Confessions.
Chapter 5: Jayden's Tale, & Sleep Over
A picnic &Moving In 6
Chapter 7: Slowly Moving Forward
Chapter 8: The Medinas, Enzo Story, & Moving In
Chapter 9: Quitting & The Aldermans
Chapter 10: Tre's Warning & Lugnuts
Chapter 11: She's Gone, & We Just Want To Talk To Her.
Chapter 12: It's Different Right
Chapter 13: The Rings, The Plan
Chapter 14: The End

Chapter 4: Ryders Story & Answered Prayers

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By lilmama881106

"I had a great time Ryder thank you for dinner." Aria said not wanting him to leave. "This is one of the best night's I have had in awhile. Is it wrong for me to tell you I don't want it to end?" Ryder asked her. "Well would you like to come in maybe chill for a bit?" She asked hopefully. "That sounds great you don't mind?" "No, come on in. I'll get us something to drink soda, water?" She asked him. "Soda please." Aria's phone started to light up with a call form Travis. "Your phone ringing Ari." Ryder said. "Will you answer it and tell them I'll call them back tomorrow. Who the hell would call this late who isn't one of the girls, or crazy ass Tre'.' She said. giggling to herself. Smiling to himself he might enjoy this he thought to himself.

"Hello thank you for calling Pizza hut where no one out pizzas the hut how can I help you." "Oh, huh sorry wrong number. Travis hung up quickly, making Ryder laugh at himself. Until the phone rang again. "Aria Brooks phone Ryder speaking." HE said in a tone where anyone could feel his smile through the speaker. "Damn it King, it was you who answered the first time too wasn't it?" He snapped at him bitterly. "Nope that might have been Patrick." Ryder said in another smile. "Really Ryder SpongeBob references and your how old man?" Travis asked in a mocking tone. "Judge me all you want man, but than you just judging yourself because your just as sad as I am for knowing that reference in fact belonged to SpongeBob in the first place." He said in mocking tone right back. The phone went silent for a minute or two, which Ryder counted that as a win on his end. "Look I don't know what you want but Aria told me to tell you she'll call you back or something tomorrow. So take it easy Stone." Ryder said as he hung up than put her phone on silent.

"I'm glad you stayed for a little longer I really like spending time with you Ry." She said handing him his drink which he put on a coaster. "I really like spending time with you. Can I tell you something without you judging me too badly." He asked playing with his hand side to side. "You can tell me anything Ry you know this." She said taking a drink and placing it on the coffee table. "You are actually the first couple dates I have had since I enlisted and even since I been back." He said looking her dead in the eye. "How can that be your practically sex on legs." She said before she could stop the words from just falling out of her mouth making her blush deeply.

"Well not going to lie but that is going to go on one of my favorite compliments ever received." He said making her blush harder. "To answer your question is a pretty tripped out story, and I feel like I got to tell you because Aria I want to take this to the next step but I want you to know something about me too. I really want to make you officially mine, but I just feel like you should know one small thing first." "OK." She said giving him her undivided attention. You see we all enlisted once we turned eighteen, I was dating this girl and you know I really liked her. We did almost everything together. One day she came up to me and said she was pregnant. At first I was blown away because we were careful, and we haven't been together physically that much in that short period of time. I told her that's ok, I was there for her. We can do this you know every encouraging thing I could think of. I was in no way ready for a kid hell I was still one myself." HE took a deep breath

"I just figured that it was something you could research and learn as you go. I never thought for one second of any of the other options other than raising that baby. I thought she was happy hearing that I would be there for here. Than she told me she need me to go down to the planned parenthood with here, because I could be the father or two other guys and she wasn't going to have the other guy tested just us two. I was blown away I had no idea she was even cheating on me. My heart was just shattered. SO anyway I get down to that clinic and found out she was actually twenty-one she just had a young face, and body. This was her third pregnancy, and she has had one miscarriage and one abortion. The other guy in that room was just as lost as I was. We were awkward and didn't know what expect but after hearing what she said about not being ready to raise some kid and put her life on hold, after the doctor was going over options with us." Ryder shook as he took another breath.

"I just I was scared. I was a scared eighteen year old kid who was all but willing all but ready to get on my hands and knees and beg this little harlot not to get rid of my baby, this was my kid right there. I mean everyone who crawls in bed with someone else anytime you have sex with anyone you always have that one shot in hell you could make a baby out of that. If she wasn't ready for all that and she's been through this before you would think she'd take better care of herself or just get fucking fixed you know. I just couldn't handle the thought of my baby going through that process. This was going to be apart of me. I felt like I almost couldn't breath, like my heart was in my throat. The brother next to me was in the same damn condition I was in."

"So they did the ultra sound we saw the baby, we heard the heart beat. It was so incredible. Than he measured the baby size there was no why in hell that kid was mine that kid was about six weeks along. We were only almost four weeks. MY heart let up a little bit still a little sad though you know. I turned to the guy next to me his eyes was watering the kid was his she even said so. He was such a proud dad in that moment, and he was just in awe at the amazing thing that was in front of him, she informed us that she needed a moment with the doctor. So we gave it to her. Few minutes later the doctor came out with the ultra sound picture and a long sad face and told a nurse to get a certain room ready the guy was twenty. Looking down happy at his baby we both looked at each other and the doctor it was at hat point we both knew." Ryder said with a little tear in his eye.

"He went straight through that door as she had just changed into a special gown. She looked up and said she couldn't risk her boyfriend for this baby. Apparently the other guy was her sugar daddy and she wasn't ready to give up her life style for some kid, with some guy she was only fooling around with anyway. So he was crying and begging for her not to do it. To please just have the baby and give it to him, she would never have to see either of them again. He was ugly crying on his hands and needs and doing anything and saying anything her could, but you know her body her choice. The men never get a say in that kind of thing even though it fucking guts most of us. I held that man while his whole heart and world shattered on my shoulders. I realized that could be me I could be having my baby just being murdered on the inside of the building. That could be my baby never being able to breath his or her first breath, or walk first step. Nothing. All I could do was just cry with him. The guy later went into severe depression failed a suicide attempt and met the love his life in therapy and now has two kids."

"She has since than reached out randomly to me still with her sugar daddy, but I can't see her as nothing but a cold hearted, ruthless bitch who murdered a poor mans baby and would have done the same to me. I haven't been the same since I haven't been able to trust another woman since I got betrayed in the worse way. Than I meet you and your just fucking amazing. I can't get enough of wanting to know more about you. Your sweet, humble, kind, outspoken, you don't take no crap, you are fun, and funny. You're beautiful inside and out. I just want nothing more than to be with you Aria no one else just you. You make my heart feel like theirs is something more, you make it feel like it's beating again. Aria will you officially be mine and only mine?" Ryder asked with a silent tear going down his face.

"Ryder I would love to be yours but if this chick ever pops up between us I need you to know I may have to hurt some feelings and some faces. The worse thing that happened to me was my boyfriend was cheating on me with his brothers best friend who was also a guy. I'm sorry you went through that. That couldn't be easy. It is sadly something that happens all the time everyday. Most guys don't even get the chance to know." She said sadly. "So it's getting late. Maybe I should hit the road." He said standing up. SH stood up with him and he pulled her into a hug and put his lips to hers, getting lost in and caught up in the moment. HE lifted her up by the thighs, and wrapped her legs around his waist, still caught up in the moment.

"Or you could stay?" She purred. "Yeah let's do that. Where's the bedroom?" HE asked as she laughed and pointed to it. Ryder had shown her eight times just how special she truly was. The next morning he was rubbing his eyes and slipped into his jeans, she was wearing his shirt from the night before. HE never seen a more sexy woman. Getting up to make something to drink he was going to wait for her to wake up and see if she wanted to catch breakfast before she had to go to work. Mondays sucked he thought to himself. Until her heard her moving around he also heard a knock at the door. Walking over not thinking much about it his detailed washboard abs on display as he opened the door to a smiling Travis. "Morning Stone." Ryder said leaning into the door frame crossing his arms.

"What can I do for you officer?" He asked looking Travis who was in uniform up and down. "What the hell are you doing here King?" Travis asked getting instantly pissed. "Well I thought it would be nice to stay with my new girlfriend last night so here I am. What brings you by this early?" HE asked raising his eyebrow getting mad this little prick was here just before the crack of dawn to get a hold of his woman. Travis and Ryder just stared at each other before Ryder yelled. "Hey baby someone's at the door for you." He hollered. "Ok, she didn't even think about it as she was in some shorts and his long t-shirt. Ryder was loving the view a little mad Travis was sharing it.

"Travis? Good morning. What uh, what are you doing here?" She said looking at the time. A little nervous of why or how he's here so early." "I wanted to see if maybe you wanted to have breakfast with me this morning I called to ask you last night but apparently Ryder has a sense of humor." Travis said a little bitterly. "Honey you know this man of the badge is so childish he was catching quotes off SpongeBob and he going to say I have a sense of humor." Ryder dramatically acted offended making her smile deeper. "Travis that was a lovely thought but actually Ryder and I are going to have a little breakfast date this morning. How. How did you know this is where I lived?" She asked a little nervously. Catching Ryders attention and putting him on alert.

"Travis held up her wallet. Someone gave it to Ms. Ellie who gave it to me so after checking the I.D, I wanted to make sure you got this back." HE said smiling to her. "Oh my god thank you so much that's the weirdest thing, I didn't even noticed it was gone. I didn't even take it out last night. Travis thank you so much, you're such a great friend." She said giving him quick hug. "Baby I'm going to get in my scrubs and than we can head to your so you can change and we can go eat. Seriously thank you so much Travis." She said as she took off to her room.

"So that just happened to pop up somewhere magically huh?" Ryder said. "Yup. Apparently." Travis said with a smirk and a shrug. "Funny she hasn't had her I.D. in that wallet in weeks. Curious how it found its way out of her cell phone wallet case into a wallet she hasn't used in about four weeks." Ryder said rubbing the back of his head. "How would you know what she uses you freak?" Travis. "That's easy I bought her the cell phone wallet case when she thought she lost hat wallet which we found yesterday morning in my truck from the couple of times she went dancing with me down at the bar. Huh guess we'll never know life's little mysteries right Stone. Thanks again for being so good to your badge protecting my girl's assets, I think I got it from here." Ryder said as he practically slammed the door in his face. "You ready baby?" She asked happily. "You bet that sweet ass baby girl." He said leaning in to kiss her. "Do you think you could spend another night with me please?" Ryder asked. "Ok." She purred. There was something he couldn't explain but something in him just screamed not to leave her alone.

*BANG* *SLAM* *GLASS SHATTERING* All he could hear were the loud noises and sound effects coming off the Hummer as it made it's way to the same spot he relives. Looking around seeing the some of the guys bodies or what's left of them made his heart ache a little. Looking up unstrapping he belt falling to the hood of the Hummer which now was on top of him. Taking a deep breath before the need to climb out came over him. HE noticed the guys, the grunts of the wounded soldiers, the bodies that were just around him were gone. He looked up to the left side of him, there she was. His angel in her white flowy dress.

"Xavier. I need you to get up. Get up Xavier." She said reaching for his hand. Gladly taking it into his own. He was surprised to see her looking around for and dangers or threats but when he turned the Hummer was gone, they were just standing there, with the tree, and the all the sand. "What are you doing here Tess? Are you hurt baby?" He asked looking her over for any injuries. "I'm here for you Xavier. Don't you know that? Don't you see that yet love?" She asked cupping his cheek. HE took both his hands on her face putting his forehead to rest with his.

"You're not suppose to be here though baby. This is not where you should be." He said with his eyes close. Making him look at her looking deep into his eyes. "Neither are you Xav. You are not suppose to be here anymore either." She said sweetly. "You're not real are you?" He asked sadly standing up straight. "No, baby I am real. Just as real as this once was for you. I am here for you. Xavier you have prayed hard, you have wished deep for so much for so long, but do you remember what you were wishing and praying for the last time you were here?" She asked looking around them.

Xavier looked around he never thought about it. Maybe there was a reason he kept coming back to one of the worse moments in his life, the most pain he's ever physically gone through. What was he missing. "You know what baby I can't really remember it gets a little clouded I guess." HE said scratching the back of his head. "It was right here Xavier. It was right here when you prayed and wished for everything you thought you wouldn't be able to have. Thinking you weren't going to get out of this alive. Do you remember now?" She asked as he shook his head no."

Damn she's so beautiful he thought to himself basically glowing. "It was right here you wished and prayed you had someone to love you and call you their own. You wanted to love and be with someone who you could laugh, smile, and cry with it. Be your best friend. Stay up late baking in the kitchen dancing around in your underwear to your favorite music. To have someone you could make a family with have kids running around going to their Christmas plays, graduations, proms, weddings. Growing old with someone who gave you the world, and you never even had to leave the front porch. It was here you praying you had someone to fight for." She said as the memory hit him like a slap in the face. She was right.

This is where I was finally not ok with dying because he felt incomplete in his life. He knew he was always missing something bigger, but he just couldn't be with anyone while being here doing what he was doing it wouldn't have been fair to either of them, lucky he got out. "So do you see now Xav? I am here for you. You have been calling and praying and wishing so hard, you have been through and gave so much. Here I am baby, Just for you. I am far from the perfect woman you were hoping for, I have so many emotional issues I will go through along the way, but together we will pull each other out of this, out of here." She said as they looked around and saw the Hummer and the scene that was around them moments before. "Together where we belong, we'll get there. We are each day little by little. You just have to do a couple things for me Xavier." She said looking at him cupping his cheek again.

"There is nothing I wouldn't do for you angel." He growled sweetly. "You have to never give up on you, me, or us. You need to have that faith in us as strong as you are. Lastly, you just have to love me, and let me love you the way we both deserve." She said kissing his neck. "Alright baby. I promise." "You need to get up now Xav." "I'm not ready to leave you yet." HE said kissing her deeply." "You have to get up now Xav." She said as she faded away.

"Angel wait." Xavier shouted out as he woke up on the couch with Arlo sitting by him starring with his head tilted. "Dude you finally awake you been in a weird ass dream for awhile." Enzo said going through his cabinets. "Why did you wake me up?" HE asked looking at his phone that was on the charger. "Tried, so did Arlo. Figured it was something you just needed to ride out man. You know how we get." Enzo said looking inn the pantry. "What are you looking for?" Xavier looking at his best friend going through everything he got. "We all need to hit the grocery store soon just making sure you don't have what I need before we do. You know mental check list. Don't get it if I can just steal it from you." Enzo said. Making Xavier just shake his head at him. "Feel the love man thanks."

Xavier's phone starting ringing. Looking down he answered quickly. "Hey mama." He said with his husky voice. "Hey baby. How you doing?" "I'm fine mama watching Enzo raid my kitchen as he makes his grocery list." "HI MAMA! LOVE YOU." Enzo said as he was cleaning out his best friend's fridge. "I love you too baby!" She hollered loudly. Making everybody smile. "What's new with you guys?" She asked happily. "Nothing really mama." HE said. "OHHH MAMA HE LIED TO YOU! GET THE BELT!" Enzo yelled walking up to him to steal the phone. "What's he talking about Xavier?" His mother asked in a warning tone.

Enzo finally got the phone. "Mama he went and got a girlfriend. Like a real one." Enzo said running through the house pushing Xavier back. Arlo just standing there watching them. "WHAT! Are you just pulling my leg? THEO! Get your ass in here you got to hear this." His mama yelled. His dad came walking in getting next to her. "Cami why the hell you yelling this damn early? Who you talking to, that damn hen clucking pen this early?" HE asked laughing deeply. Xavier got the phone back from Enzo. "Hate you so much right now man." Xavier told him. "No couple of our kids and Enzo says your boy got a girlfriend."

Xavier felt the silence through the phone praying his dad wouldn't say the one thing to make it worse. "IS it the same girl he seeing for the last about three months, you know the one he been dancing with and stuff?" HE asked scratching the back of his head. Yup I'm dead, thanks dad he said to himself. YOU KNEW he was seeing someone and you didn't think to tell me?!"She snapped at her husband. "I thought he told you. Hell honey you haven't noticed he been happier last couple months. Why you yelling at me for he the one out there keeping secrets you need to take all that attitude and toss back that a way." His dad complained back to his loving wife.

"Xavier Medina you better tell me why you lying ot me for the past couple months for real you going to hold this back form me for months after all the times of me whining to you to get yourself out there you couldn't have told you already did? Why you got to hut me like that I gave you life, I have loved you for barely twenty-eight years of your life and you go and hurt me so deeply What do you have to say for yourself?" "I'm sorry if you feel left out mama sometimes I just need to talk to dad until I'm ready to talk to you and sometimes I need to talk to you instead. I didn't want to tell you anything until I had something concrete to you. I didn't wan to tell you I was seeing someone if I wasn't officially with them because I just didn't want you to go getting attached or getting your hopes with your big open heart mama I mean what if she changed her mind and stopped seeing me?" Xavier asked sadly.

"So wait are you with this girl or not?" His dad asked on the loud speaker. "Yes I am , it's only been a couple days. I just want you to know though she's different. You know she's special. I also want you to know that it's been three months since we've been chilling together so it's not like were strangers rushing into anything her friends and her are all nurses and they are officially dating the rest of your darling boys. I also want you to know Enzo claimed a girlfriend a week before all of us and didn't tell you either. Here you go man phone for you." Xavier said tossing it back to him with Enzo's eyes popping wide open.

"Man times like this I miss just being a regular orphan." HE said shaking his head. "Hey mama." "Don't you hey mama me you little damn brat I heard what you just said boy I ought to get over there down to that shop and me you get me the greenest damn branch off them trees and switch your ass. I know you aint talking bad about your favorite mama." She said with a demon coming out of her spirit. "Hell you been my only mama. I'm sorry. "He sighed. The conversation went quickly and they hung up. Getting ready for work and walking back in the room as Enzo was walking out to go get his stuff. "At least you took us all down with your big ass." He said sarcastically. "Than next time shut your mouth snitch." Xavier said laughing even harder getting in his car to open the shop.

Tess was dragging herself in her door tired but happy to be home. Thinking about where she wanted to order out from because there was no way she was cooking. After a nice bath and the Chinese food getting there. Her phone rang. "Hey mama." She said happily. "Hey baby girl how you been?" "I'm ok how's you and dad." "We're doing good. Just curious on what your doing." I'm just thinking about getting ready for bed it's been long day and I just ate." She said with a sigh.

"So how have you been sleeping honey?" Her dad asked. "I've been sleeping great actually." "Really. Oh Honey did you finally get those pills the last shrink wanted you to take?" "No mama I took a different approach in fact it was just given to me, it's working great." "That's wonderful love bug. SO have you thought about our last conversation?" "Yes, I have." "Great so you thinking about getting yourself back out there, because honey I got this guy down at the office who would be great for you. I can talk to him and see if he's free this weekend." "No dad. That's not going to work. That guy I 've been dancing with kind of seeing for the last almost three months we've been on like three real dates and decided to give this a real go. I even told him about Lucas." She said sadly.

"Wow. Honey that's a big step to take are you ok?" "Yeah actually Xavier's the one who has helped me with the sleeping problem. His cologne was on this dog he won for me on our first date and when I cuddle up with and breath it in I don't have any episodes. So when he found that out he took a couple of his old shirts and a new bottle of his cologne and gave it to me to wear to sleep, because he thought it might help. It has too tremendously. Hell I even sprayed on the bed. I don't know if it's the smell or the because it reminds me of him but it works, better than anything we've ever tried I years." She said

" Well he sounds like a very sweet young man. How does he feel about all this?" Her mama asked her curiously. "Well he owns the mechanic Beast's Mechanics here in town he is actually a VET so he understands he has PTSD a little bit too but not in a violent way just in the nightmare way like me but he says on days where he gets to talk to me he doesn't have any issues either. I didn't get to talk to him too much yesterday though. So I should give him a ring and see how his day was soon." She said looking at the time. "Look honey if all this is too much too soon you know you don't have to step out into the dating world you just do what you need to do for you." Her mama rushed out.

"Mom, it's ok I really like Xavier, and you know dad's right. I need to start really living life. I can't hold back because I had something bad happen. I can't let it control me anymore than it already has. I deserve to find happiness. I deserve to be able to let myself try and find that crazy, romantic love I always joked about having. I need to let go fully and get back out there in the real world of life and stop hiding mom. Bad things happen to people everyday in some cases even worse, I just. I guess I just need t let myself learn to be able to breath again. To breath in life again. I need this mom. I honestly think right now I just need him. He get's it you know? He gets me." She said softly. "Well ok baby girl if your sure. I'm so proud of you call us later. It's getting late. We love you." Her dad said. "Love you too." She said as she hung up.

After locking everything up she crawled in her bed and picked up her phone. Looking at the clock strike nine. She went through her contacts and pushed send. "Hey baby how you doing?" She hear that voice that drove her heart nuts, music to her ears. "I just got in bed to lay down and be lazy. Started to miss you wanted to see how your day was." She said in a calm happy voice, she always felt so comfortable with him so relaxed, and safe. Maybe that's what made the smelling like him thing work. She felt and was safe with him. "It was long baby, and so tedious I had to explain to this twenty year old woman why you can't put 100% Wessons vegetable oil into her motor oil. Than she going to ask me oh do I use olive oil. It was so painful. Than I had another guy tell me his car smells like something is burning up and it's been rough to drive and getting hard to stop. Turned out his wife pushed down the emergency break pedal thinking it was his clutch because she's only use to the automatic and got scared when the pedal didn't come back up. So he forgot to release it and burned up all his breaks messed up some other stuff. This day needs to just end." HE said chuckling to himself.

"Not going to lie that's actually pretty funny I would have seriously paid to watch you talk to some of these people. You should have sold that other girl some blinker fluid." Tess said making them both laugh deeply. "It's really good to hear your voice it's just what I needed baby. Hug would be better but I can wait." HE said sweetly making her blush. "You red right now huh." HE said in a lustful tone. "Anyways, so maybe if your up to it we could do something Friday?" She said trying to change the subject. "Well actually Enzo want to go see the new scary movie that's out Friday he was hoping you girls would like to group date again. So he can go grab the tickets on his lunch tomorrow. You know and maybe go to dinner afterwards?" He said hopeful.

"That sounds fun those trailers look awesome. I'm going to be so heart broke though if those trailers were the best part. Won't be nothing good food can't fix." She answered back Making laugh again. "Alright, baby I'll tell him we in tomorrow. So are you free this weekend?" HE asked her. "Depends on what you have in mind?" She said playfully back. "I just wanted to see if maybe you wanted to come hangout at my place there is someone special I want you to meet." HE said with a chuckle. "Ok, well I would like to leave a good impression so would it be ok if I made dinner at your place?" She asked hopefully and a little nervous.

"You seriously want to cook dinner here?" He asked a little lost in thought. He never had a woman who wasn't family or a restaurant cook him a meal. "Well yeah. I love cooking, well I love baking but cooking is good to. I mean it would make feel better to cook you a nice home cooked meal. I know you can cook somethings but I would like to leave a good impression on this special person. The aint allergic to anything specific are they?" "NO, babe, he's not he loves everything don't worry. Well I know we got us a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Hey if your free for lunch why don't I meet you at your office and we can have lunch together. I really don't want to want another couple of days to see ya." He said in the cutest way. "I would love to have lunch with you. You never have to ask to see me Xav. I love spending any and everytime I can get with you." She said turning red. "Whoa." She mumbled into the phone as she saw a flash of light happen so quick.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked getting nervous. She jumped out of the bed and saw a car driving past the stop sign. "It's nothing I saw a quick flash of light and I guess it was just my imagination reliving old ghost. It turns out was just a neighbor leaving though. I'm sorry." She said sadly. "Don't ever apologize to me about your feelings ever. That is not something you control, you don't have to be ashamed of them and you never have to justify it to anyone especially me Tess, it's ok to feel and react the way you do. I just want you to know that I am always right here for you one phone call, or even just ten minutes away hell I could literally run to you." HE said making them both laugh. "Just know I go you if you ever feel nervous, just don't be ashamed of it. You sure you good?" Xavier asked her one last time.

"Yeah I'm just going to go to bed now though. Good night handsome I'll see your sexy ass tomorrow." She teased. "Good night angel, can't wait." He said as she hung up the phone. Cuddling into her bed with her wolf laying on her bed, wearing nothing but Xavier's old shirt and her underwear she drifted off happily breathing him in. After waiting for a few minutes, he stood up from behind her car, after taking a picture of the car with the license plate, make and model of her car. He stared at her window for a moment. Longing to be able to be curled up next to her, have her reaching out cuddling into him. Time. He thought, they both just needed more time. HE pulled his hood down even lower and quickly left before anyone could see or notice he was even there.

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