Galactic Savior | Avengersโœ”๏ธ

By totsbreaux12

564K 19.2K 4.7K

Marlene. No last name. No backstory. Nothing. She falls from the sky, landing straight into the lives of the... More

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t h a n k s

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5.2K 152 9
By totsbreaux12


WHEN everyone left besides the Maximoffs and Vision, Marlene had grabbed Wanda's hand to pull her aside. The witch in front of her eyed her oddly, not knowing why the sudden change in behavior, but Marlene did not know how to speak without sounding crazy.

"Have you heard any voices?" she asked Wanda hesitantly.

"Voices?" Wanda asked skeptically before smiling slightly as if it was a joke. "Marlene, I hear voices all the time."

"Agnes," Marlene spat out. "Does that ring a bell?"

Wanda shook her head. "I've never met an Agnes." She touched Marlene's forehead. "You're beginning to burn up."

"That's impossible," Marlene said, pushing her hand off. "I met Agnes when I escaped from Sokovia. When Pietro helped me escape, I met the woman. And, just this afternoon, I heard her talking about you and me."

Wanda furrowed her eyebrows. "What about me?"

"She wants us. She said her time was running out. What does that mean, Wanda?"

Wanda shook her head. "No. I've spent years fighting. I don't want to fight anymore." She turned to walk off. Marlene grabbed her arm. "What?"

"What if we have no choice? What if people like us never get peace?" Marlene snarled out. "What then? If this woman is looking for the pair of us, why don't we go see what she wants?"

Wanda paused, biting her lip in thought. "Where did you meet her?"

"Westview, New Jersey."

Wanda let out a laugh.


"That's where Vis and I want to move," she said coincidentally.

Marlene shook her head. "There's got to be a connection there. I'm tired of fighting Wanda, but what if Agnes threatens our families? What do we do then?"

Wanda tilted her head to the side. "So, what? We find her and take her out? That does not seem your style, Marlene."

"No," Marlene stated quickly. "No. We talk to her. Find out what she wants."

Marlene watched Wanda move her arm from her grip. She turned her head as Vision came into view with a questioning look on his face. Wanda turned back to Marlene. "We'll go tomorrow."

Marlene nodded, knowing they had no choice in the matter. If there was another threat to their families, it had to be eliminated.

Marlene stood by the wall after Vision, Wanda, and Pietro left. Her thoughts were on overdrive as she tried to find Agnes, but it was like Agnes did not exist. She did not realize she had been standing there for so long when Bucky's face came into view.

She blinked rapidly, forcing a smile to her face as he gave her a look. "What?"

Bucky shook his head. "What are you planning?"

"Nothing," she said too quickly. He gave her another look. "Buck, I'm fine. Everything's fine. Did you talk to Sam?"

Bucky rolled his eyes before nodding. "Flag Smashers. People who rather how it was during the Blip. I head out tomorrow to meet him."

"Is Steve going?" she asked him.

Bucky shrugged. "He said he might. Was waiting for your opinion. I don't think he wants to," he said.

"How do you mean?"

"He offered Sam the shield during the party. Well... both of us the shield. Said we'd do more with it than he would. I think he's done," Bucky revealed.

Marlene felt her chest tighten. He was ready to be done, and she felt another fight looming over them. She had to be honest with them. As she opened her mouth, Bucky said, "Nat's coming with us. She's done, too, but she wants to assess the threat. She's the head of the table now for the Avengers since Tony and Steve aren't there. It suits her."

"It does," Marlene agreed, her words dying in her throat.

"Just be careful," Bucky said after a moment. "Wherever you're going."

Marlene watched Harry hug his godfather tightly the next day, for they did not know when Bucky would return. Steve noticed Marlene was quiet as she picked up the dishes from the morning's breakfast. He made sure Harry was watching television while he walked inside the kitchen and crossed his arms over his chest.

Marlene turned, wiping her hands on a towel with a smile. Steve could see right through it.

"Wanda and I are going out today, okay?"

Steve knew something was coming just by the way she spoke.

"Where to?" Steve asked nonchalantly, leaning on the cabinets behind her.

"She wants me to take a look at a plot of land for their home—Wanda and Vision. You know, it's rather sweet that they're going to live together," Marlene said, deflecting the conversation.

Steve sighed. "Marlene," he began.

Marlene stepped forward, smiling innocently. "I just need to check something out," she admitted. "It'll help my nerves. I know I have mo trust for people anymore, but this is different. I think this woman isn't who she said she was. You know I can shut my eyes and find anyone. Why can't I find her?"

"Agnes?" Steve asked to be sure he knew who she was talking about. Marlene nodded. "I could come with you."

"Buck told me what you did. I saw him leaving with the shield. You're ready to be done, honey, and so am I. I just have to make sure this woman isn't a threat. After, I promise, I'll stop," Marlene said as she wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head on his chest. She listened to his heart beating, breaths entering and leaving his lungs. It was so calming. She knew it was only because he was Steve. Her Steve. She had been smitten with him since their first meeting, and unknowingly, so had Steve.

Steve sighed. "I don't like you going off on your own."

"I won't be alone. I'll have Wanda. We're the two most powerful witches in the world," she said with a cheeky grin as she looked up at his tall frame.

Steve frowned when she kissed his cheek—getting on her tippy toes to do so. "Please, be careful."

"I love you, Rogers," she said softly. "Thank you."

Steve smiled, rolling his eyes playfully. "Yeah, I know I can't stop you. Most powerful being and all that." He kissed her once. "I love you, Marlene."

Marlene grinned at his words.

Wanda pulled up in a car a few hours later much to Marlene's delight. She did not mind Vision coming with them as he sat in the front seat. She briefly wondered where Pietro was, but by glancing in his head, she noticed he was in the Compound.

"What did the old man say?" Wanda teased, accent strong.

"Surprisingly," she began, "nothing bad. We should go before he runs out here taking it all back."

Vision smiled softly. "It is only to show his deep care and affection for you, Marlene."

Marlene buckled in as Wanda peeled off down the road toward Westview, New Jersey. She took a shaky breath, not knowing what was coming but hoping for the best.

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