Spark ( Book 3: Stronger Seri...

By dyunno

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HER: I knew there would be consequences for what I did. I knew this would be hard. But it's so much harder th... More

1. Break
2. Soothe
3. Horizon
4. Play
5. Worthless
6. Ludacris
7. Hangover
8. Holly
9. Dark Memories
10. Red
11. Push
12. Cupcake
13. Routine
14. Remember
15. Traitor
16. Thankful
17. Ready
18. Bait
19. Return
20. Chains
21. Unwelcome Home
22. Shrink
23. Waiting
24. Change
25. Trust
26. Mistaken Intentions
27. Every Single Inch
28. Snow
29. Surprise
30. A Gift
31. Plans
32. Christmas Eve
33. Admission
35. Guard Dog
36. Light Heart
37. Deals
38. Idiot
39. Trouble
40. Rage
41. Regret
42. Forgiveness
43. Out
44. Lights
45. A Game
46. Meet the Family
47. A Little Entertainment
48. Standstill
49. Grateful
50. Hate
51. Last Resort
52. Broken
53. Gone
54. Comeback
55. Strike

34. Christmas Morning

25 2 0
By dyunno

I woke up with a burst, my blood rushing through my veins and my breathing becoming uneven. And then I suddenly became very aware of the pleasure occurring between my legs. The soft wet strokes of Darren's tongue lapping at my clit waking me up was one hell of an alarm clock. I went to pull my arms down, my hands intent on finding something to grasp, but I realized I couldn't move them from above my head.

I was about to panic until Darren sucked my clit into his mouth, and I couldn't help but moan, arching my back and tugging even harder against my restraints. In a matter of seconds, my orgasm took over, shattering my resolve and awakening my body to the fullest.

When it was over, and my body calmed from the high, I felt Darren trail kisses up my abdomen and between my breasts before he exposed that dazzling shark grin of his. "Merry Christmas," he said, that smile awakening the morning butterflies in my stomach.

"Merry Christmas," I replied with a heavy breath.

Just then, a knock on the door came, and I felt myself tug against my restraints again.

"Don't move," he said with a smirk, bopping my nose before getting up from the bed and heading into the bathroom. I heard the water run for a few seconds before he came out with a pair of sweatpants on and answered the door.

Drawing my legs up to cover myself just in case, I continued to tug at my restraints, hoping they might give just a little, but they never did. It felt like my cuffs were attached to something stringyrope maybe?

Darren came over to my side of the bed, bringing with him the scent of bacon and cinnamon. He had a silver tray in his hands and set it down on the end table next to us.

"Open your legs, Jaden," he said, but the tone of his voice, though gentle, left no room for argument. Noticing he'd picked up a napkin, I'd hoped he planned to clean up the mess he'd recently made of me. Biting my lip, I complied, slowing spread my knees and allowing him to clean up his saliva as well as my cum. I gasped from the rough texture of the napkin but felt much better knowing the stickiness was gone, and I was clean. I was still a bit sore from the night before, but I'd forgot it all thanks to the masterful talents of Darren's tongue.

Once I was clean, Darren disposed of the napkin and turned his attention back to the tray.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Well, I just had my breakfast," he said with a smirk. "It's time you had yours."

"Breakfast in bed, huh?"

"That's right."

Lifting the lid, my mouth instantly watered at the sight of scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, French toast, and a small bowl of raspberries. There was also a cup of green tea and a glass of orange juice. Darren speared a few scrambled eggs with the fork and brought it over to my mouth.

"Open," he said.

"Oh, come on! You don't have to force feed me. I'll eat, I promise," I whined.

"Open. Your. Mouth," he reiterated, that glare quickly becoming uncompromising.

I sighed and finally opened my mouth to accept the eggs. I chewed quickly so I could speak again.

"Do I have to be restrained to eat my breakfast?"

"I don't know, do you?" Darren asked as he brought the fork speared with a small cutout of French toast to my lips. I took it between my lips without hesitation.

"I don't think so," I answered, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"If you can get through half of it, I'll let you up."

I sighed in defeat. It was the best I was going to get. So I opened my mouth to accept the next several delicious bites without complaint. It didn't take long before I could feel myself getting full, but I wanted the fuck out of these bonds like now.

"Okay, I'm satisfied for now," Darren declared and pulled his phone out of his pocket to unlock my cuffs.

Sliding my arms down, I sat up, rolling my shoulders and stretching my arms forward until my spine cracked. Darren popped a raspberry in his mouth and then stood.

"I'm going to take a shower. When I get back, I expect everything to be gone," he ordered and then kissed me on top of the head before walking over toward the bathroom.

"Everything?" I reiterated loud enough so he could hear me. I still had a lot of work to do.

"Everything," he answered and then shut the bathroom door behind him.

"Fuck," I whispered under my breath.

I finished off the bowl of raspberries easily enough, chomped down the last strip of bacon, polished off the small portion of remaining scrambled eggs, but I was seriously hitting the wall trying to finish the last bit of hash browns and two small cut pieces of French toast. The stress of my captivity had been making my stomach shrink since the beginning, and my time on the island with a broken jaw didn't help much. Darren was obviously trying to rectify that.

When he finally emerged from the shower fifteen minutes later, I still had the French toast left. He walked over with a towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets still fresh as they dripped down his chest. He smelled impeccable. He'd shaved and combed his hair to the side so that it swept a little over his brow.


He took one look at my plates and shook his head, turning and heading for the walk-in closet. "Keep going," he ordered.

I groaned, took a big breath, and shoved one of the pieces of French toast in my mouth, chewing slowly and hoping I didn't chuck everything back up. When Darren came back out of the closet a few moments later, he was dressed in a thick black turtleneck sweater and dark jeans with black leather dress shoes. I hated how easy it was for him to look as sexy as he did all the time.

Darren came back around to where I was perched on the bed, my chin resting on my knee as I finished chewing, and regarded my tray again. He picked up the fork, speared the toast, and placed it in front of my lips. I groaned again.

"Come on," Darren prompted.

I parted my lips and took the final piece in my mouth, chewing as slowly as possible to keep everything down.

"Good girl," he said and set the fork down. "Go freshen up and meet me downstairs in fifteen minutes." He headed for the door before ultimately turning around for one last order. "Oh, and I want that orange juice gone, too," he said and then walked out the door.

I looked over at the orange juice and almost considered just pouring it down the drain in the bathroom, but like my bedroom, I was sure cameras were installed in here, too. I officially assumed now that no matter what I was doing or where I was, someone was always watching me.

Getting up from the bed, I took a sip of the orange juice and headed into the bathroom. I used the toilet, gave myself a better cleanup job after Darren's wake-up call this morning, washed my face, brushed my hair and teeth, and put my hair up in a high ponytail. With only fifteen minutes, I didn't have much time to style it. Heading over to the walk-in, I put on a bra, a dark purple sweater dress with long sleeves, and black fleece-lined leggings. I pulled on the comfy, warm slipper boots and then left the room. Romero and Alex were standing just outside my door, waiting for me.

"Merry Christmas," I said to them as they escorted me down the hall. They just gave me a curt nod. I narrowed my eyes. "Don't you guys have family to be with?" I asked them as we descended the stairs.

"No, ma'am," Romero replied, and that was the end of the conversation because Darren appeared around the corner.

Darren took my hand and led me into the great room, but I couldn't help but linger on the thought that the guards and probably many of the people Darren employed didn't likely get any time off from their duties, even for the holidays. But Clive and Owen weren't here, so maybe there was a rotation? I wondered if Darren would disclose.

He kept a good grip on my hand as we walked through the room and rounded the couch to sit down. That was when I noticed all the presents under the tree, wrapped by what looked like absolute professionals. They had hand-tied bows and ribbons, perfectly proportioned wrappings, all done in beautiful colors of red, green, gold, silver, and blue. Some boxes were bigger than others were, some rectangular, some square. I blanched when I realized they were likely all for me and looked up at Darren's smirking face for confirmation.

"That cannot all be for me," I said, as I plopped down on the couch.

"Oh, yes," he confirmed. "I finally get to spoil you."

You could spoil me with freedom...

"Spoil me? Are you serious?"

"Absolutely," he said as he bent down to lift a present from under the tree. He sat down on the floor next to the tree, his arm casually draped over his raised knee, and handed me the gift. Begrudgingly, I took the present and placed it in my lap, pursing my lips as I hesitated to open it. This just felt... off.

"What's wrong now?" Darren asked, his eyes dark as he watched me.

Fuck, I did not want to get into a fight now.

"It's nothing," I said, making sure I made eye contact with him. I tried to give a small smile to assure nothing was wrong, but I knew he wouldn't buy it.

"Jaden," he warned. That was my cue to give him the answer he wanted.

I sniffled, looking down at the small square present in my hands. "I just didn't expect all this. I'm not sure how I feel about it." More gifts from him I didn't want to accept.

If there was one thing I could feel, it was anger steaming from Darren's body. After a few moments, he released a heavy breath and relaxed against the end of the couch.

"I actually went to a lot of trouble for all this. To try to make you happy. The least you could do is let me enjoy it just a little while I watch you open your Christmas presents."

Classic guilt trip.

I sighed, knowing I sounded like an ungrateful bitch, but I should have been sharing this special morning with Jason, with my actual family. Darren wouldn't understand that; instead, he'd just punish me for it.

Biting my lip, I tossed my grief out the window and tentatively began to tear away at the wrapping paper surrounding the box. I couldn't have missed the smile on Darren's face if I tried. He absentmindedly took the paper from me and crumpled it into a tiny ball and placed it in a trash bag nearby. The name Rolex appeared on the small square box in my hands, and my breath hitched when I opened it to find a sterling silver watch with a hot pink sparkly face. I almost laughed.

"You know; I'm beginning to think you're the one with the unhealthy obsession with pink," I said, a smartass smile on my face.

"What? I like you in pink," he dejected.

"Why? Because it's considered girly?"

"Yeah, so? It looks nice."

"Women are not defined by a single color, you know," I said as I set the box down on the coffee table in front of me.

"Yeah, yeah, stop arguing," he said as he reached over and handed me another gift.

I spent the next hour opening presents from him. He'd gotten me lots of jewelry, even though I probably wouldn't wear any of it unless requested. I didn't even know where I would wear half the shit he got me. He'd gotten me clothes I could take back to the estate—some new dresses, some fancy, some casual—but the best part were the little black, pink, and white spandex shorts for my workouts. Finally, something useful. I fucking hated those stupid-ass skorts. He also got me a new pair of Nikes, since mine were beginning to wear already, and the weight gloves he promised me a few weeks ago.

Darren surprised me when he said Scott had a gift for me. It was a colorful hacky sack, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Ha! Now, this brings back memories," I said with a genuine smile.

I used to play hacky sack with some guy friends during my undergraduate days while we waited for class to start. They were impressed I could kick the sack at weird angles they couldn't even comprehend. That was where I was able to improve my scorpion kick. I planned to spend a lot of time with this little gift.

When all was said and done, I thought all the presents were opened, but Darren still had one hiding in the branches of the tree. This present was tiny, just fitting in the palm of my hand. I pulled the wrapping away to find a small ring box, and I felt my stomach immediately rip apart.

Oh, God, no...

Like defusing a bomb, I pulled the lid to the box back and breathed a slight sigh of relief when I saw it was only my old Tiffany's infinity ring that Darren had given me months ago. I'd been wearing it when I'd escaped but woke up without it on the island. I hadn't even wondered what happened to it, too happy it was off my finger. And now, it was back.

I stared at the ring until Darren finally got up to sit next to me, pulled the ring out of the box, and placed it on my left hand. He then kissed me on the temple.

"Back where it belongs," he said, but there was no mistaking the warning in his tone. "Just like you."

I gulped back the sickness in my stomach. The joy was so real...

"I didn't get you anything," I said, hoping to change the subject.

"Oh, but you did," Darren said, that shark grin reappearing again. "And I'm going to love it."


"I'm sure you will," I said carefully.

"Now," he said, slapping my knee playfully and getting up. "There's just one gift left."

"Still?" I asked him as he walked out of the room and down one of the halls. I couldn't believe he still had more bullshit to give me. As if I didn't have enough.

A few moments later, he came back holding a large box that looked like a wrapped present in his arms and sat down on the couch, placing the box in front of me. I moved closer to examine the box when it suddenly moved on its own. I immediately pulled myself back.

"Why is it moving?" I asked, looking at Darren who seemed perfectly pleased with himself.

"Just open it," he urged.

Just then, I heard a muffled little yelp come from the box. Was that a bark? Gripping the lid of the box, I cautiously pulled it up and leaned forward to look inside. My heart instantly swelled, and my eyes grew wide with unabashed excitement and then immediate confusion.

"You got me a puppy?"


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