Spark ( Book 3: Stronger Seri...

By dyunno

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HER: I knew there would be consequences for what I did. I knew this would be hard. But it's so much harder th... More

1. Break
2. Soothe
3. Horizon
4. Play
5. Worthless
6. Ludacris
7. Hangover
8. Holly
9. Dark Memories
10. Red
11. Push
12. Cupcake
13. Routine
14. Remember
15. Traitor
16. Thankful
17. Ready
18. Bait
19. Return
20. Chains
21. Unwelcome Home
22. Shrink
23. Waiting
24. Change
26. Mistaken Intentions
27. Every Single Inch
28. Snow
29. Surprise
30. A Gift
31. Plans
32. Christmas Eve
33. Admission
34. Christmas Morning
35. Guard Dog
36. Light Heart
37. Deals
38. Idiot
39. Trouble
40. Rage
41. Regret
42. Forgiveness
43. Out
44. Lights
45. A Game
46. Meet the Family
47. A Little Entertainment
48. Standstill
49. Grateful
50. Hate
51. Last Resort
52. Broken
53. Gone
54. Comeback
55. Strike

25. Trust

17 1 0
By dyunno

That night, I gave Darren back his watch, and he presented me with one of my own. A white gold diamond encrusted Rolex to match my cuffs as if they were part of a set. Half the size of Darren's and much lighter, the face was Mother of Pearl, and even the hands had diamonds on them. It was fucking gorgeous, but I'd easily tarnish it within a week.

I was not allowed outside today, but if I could demonstrate my ability to tell time and switch my "activities" every hour, then I'd be granted access to the woods tomorrow, and Darren would accompany me this one time so he could determine if he was comfortable with me being out there alone. I swear it was as if I was a fragile child in his eyes. A helpless child who could shoot guns, ride superbikes at high speeds, and beat the shit out of his guards. Yep, helpless child right here. I rolled my eyes at the thought but didn't argue with him. If it meant a moment away from the chaos that was my life, then I would compromise.

It was beyond difficult and annoying trying to find something new to do every hour. I ate, worked out, showered, and made myself look pretty, played pool, had lunch, watched half a movie, read, painted (begrudgingly), and then went back to my room to build myself a house of cards until dinner.

I was bored out of my fucking skull, yet at times, I just wanted to sit on my chaise or balcony to simply watch the world go by. I had a feeling one of the reasons Darren didn't want me sitting around was so I wouldn't be afforded the opportunity to sulk and drift back into negative thinking. In a way, he was right, but I would be plotting more than sulking.

Observation was my strong suit; attention to detail was crucial as a legal assistant, but I'd perfected it long ago when I was still training for my black belt. And now, trapped here, I'd use it to my advantage. I'd study the rotation of the guards, their shifts, the German Shepherds who followed certain guards on leashes, and the assault rifles they used. The FN SCAR was becoming increasingly popular among the military for an assault rifle, yet Darren's men seemed to have plenty to go around; some were even equipped with damn grenade launchers. It was like they were all prepared to go to war on the estate at any time. I wondered who was supplying Darren with such high-quality firearms, if he had a deal with someone or if he simply manufactured them himself.

Building the house of cards on my little white desk gave me the opportunity to appear focused on something as mundane as stacking cards on top of each other, but I was really building something else entirelyassumptions.

Assuming Darren relied on others to supply his kingdom with weapons, there was a chance that supply could run dry should the right connection become severed. He'd no longer have access to such steel protection, at least not illegally. And I also assumed his supply of ammunition ran the same way, potentially by the same supplier.

I assumed that every jar Darren had his fingers in required a connection, a business arrangement, a contract, and a person. Those persons needed to become targets, misrepresented targets. I needed to figure out a way to collect as much intel on Darren's people as possible, find out their connections, and eliminate their resources. Whether they were financial, social, or even political, every last thread that tied Darren to his resources needed to be severed. I just didn't know how the fuck I was going to accomplish that, considering how discreet Darren was around me.

The only thing that didn't require an assumption was Darren's obsession over me. I didn't get it. I thought I was more trouble than I was worth, but he was obviously confident in his ability to break me in and ensure my obedience. In a way, it was working because I needed him to trust me again. I needed to get him to let down his guard, but I knew that would take years to accomplish, and I didn't know if I had years in me.

Sitting back in my chair to admire my masterpiece, I took a good look at the triple decker card castle, reflecting on each card and how they all held a purpose. They all leaned on each other, and without one, the rest would fall. I somehow doubted Darren's empire resembled the same fragileness of a card house, but like any structure, if the foundation cracked, the whole thing would crumble. A simple flick of the bottom middle card and the entire house fell to a scattered mess in the blink of an eye. I hoped it would be that quick.

The following day, Darren worked from home, and since I was successful at my hourly activities schedule, he assured me we would walk through the woods together after my lunch. I was a little reluctant, afraid he might find some reason to keep me from the trees, or that he would be looking for a reason. I had to express the importance of this to him; that if he wanted me mentally healthy, I needed a moment of fucking peace.

After my lunch, I paced in front of the back door as I waited for Darren. Dressed in my pink Nikes, white skort, and black tank top, I was beginning to think I'd wear my shoes out before he got here. I kept checking my new watch, watching the seconds tick by agonizingly slow. This was bullshit.

"Ugh, where is he?" I whined to my shadows, throwing my arms out dramatically.

"He'll be here soon, Miss Jaden," Owen replied. "He's handling something right now."

I wanted to break something. I loved how if I was three minutes late for something, I got an ass beating over his knee, but he could take his sweet ass time with whatever the fuck he wanted. I guess that was the highlight of being the boss. Stupid fucker.

An hour and a half later, Darren finally emerged, dressed in dark jeans and a dark maroon button-down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He didn't usually dress that casual, but when he did, fuck, it was sexy, especially when I could see his tattoos.

"Ready?" he asked me.

Snapping the book I had been reading closed, I rose from the couch, nonchalantly shoved the book in Clive's arms, and headed over to Darren. I tried hard not to glare at him for making me wait so long, but it was difficult to placate my foul attitude. Taking my hand in his, Darren led me outside, leaving Clive and Owen to watch from the windows.

The sun was bright and warm as we walked through the grass, but I couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. I'd hoped this would go well; otherwise, I didn't know what I was going to do with my life.

Even though he kept me waiting, Darren's demeanor seemed light and carefree, though I knew his guard was still up. My hand still clutched in his, we walked past the hammock and stream, and I released a deep breath.

"Why are you so nervous?" he finally asked me, a smirk hiding in the corners of his mouth.


I huffed again. "I'm afraid you'll find some bullshit reason to take this away from me."

"Mouth," he warned, tightening his grip on my hand. "And I will do whatever is necessary to make sure you're safe."

I scoffed. "This isn't about my safety. This is about your obsessive need to control everything concerning me, including the damn environment."

"And why do you think I need that control?" he asked me.

Good question.

I shrugged. "You tell me."

"Because it's safer that way, Jaden," he replied, halting us so he could stare down at me. "The more I can control, the more likely you will be safe."

"I thought we agreed that sheltering me was a bad idea."

"We never agreed to that. You will be prepared for any type of situation, but I will shelter you from any such potentially harmful situation as best I can." His tone was getting angry, and I didn't need that right now.

"Whatever. I don't want to argue. Just keep in mind this is important to me."

"That's a first," he replied snidely.

I rolled my eyes and suddenly found my arm yanked, my body following while Darren's palm struck my ass with a quick hard slap.

"I saw that," he admonished.

I wanted to roll my eyes again but thought better of it.

"What is it that you do out here?" Darren asked me a few minutes later as we kept on the trail.

"Find ways to make peace with my life," I replied darkly.

"Oh? By doing what?"

"By enjoying what little freedoms I have been granted, however long they may last."

Darren sighed. "You're really expecting me to take this away from you."

"I have learned to always expect the worse with you... so yes."

"You only have yourself to blame for that. If you'd listened to me months ago and settled, you'd be in a much happier state of mind."

"I disagree, but then again what do I know? I'm just a worthless whore with a tight hole to fuck."

Darren yanked me toward him, locking me against his chest and nearly snarling down at me.

"The man who uttered those words to you is dead because of them. So what makes you think I will tolerate them when they leave your mouth?"

"Because he was right," I snapped bitterly. "The only thing that validates my life is you, and I hate you for it! I fucking hate—"

Before I could finish my rant, Darren tugged me closer and kissed me with such force, I nearly lost my breath. His mouth was soft against mine yet firm in its mission to distract me. Darren's hands gripped my hips, not giving me an inch to move while my hands remained planted on his wide chest, my blood rushing through my veins while my stomach knotted with demonic little butterflies.

Releasing me from his kiss, his forehead lingered against mine while I fought to find my breath.

"You can hate me all you want; it won't change anything. But you are not ever to hate yourself. You are worth more to me than my own fucking life, so don't pretend for a second that the opinion of a dead foot soldier measures your worth. He was wrong."

I blinked. It was the only thing I could do to respond to what he had just said. The intensity of his eyes told me how serious he was and that I should probably shut up about it.

"Now, I never want to hear you say shit like that again. Do you understand me?"

I pursed my lips in rebellion. "Yes."

"Yes, what?" he snapped.

"Yes, Darren."

"Good. Come on."

The argument and kiss long forgotten, Darren strolled the woods with me. I showed him the clearing where I practiced yoga and meditation. I even showed him the tree where I'd forgotten his watch. Throughout the entire tour, I prayed like hell my little fox family wouldn't make themselves known. I knew that would probably be the end of them. I kept my eyes peeled for anything gray in hopes I could distract Darren into looking the opposite way, but it was difficult with how observant he was.

His eyes scanned every direction, every rodent that moved, every bird that flew by, and every branch that swung in my direction. I kept catching his eyes glancing up for several seconds at the trees as we passed themprobably wondering where he could hide the security cameras he was probably going to install so he could watch me from afar.

"This can't be all you do out here," he suddenly said, sounding irritated. "Even I would find myself bored after a while."

He was looking for a reason! Goddamn snoop!

"Not when you're only allowed an hour," I retorted. "It goes by faster than you think."

"No," he said, shaking his head. "There's something missing. Something you're not sharing."

"I don't know what you're talking about. We've circled the entire area."

"Your eyes keep whipping in every direction like you're waiting for something to show up and you don't want me to see it. You also keep purposely avoiding a certain area. I want to know why."

Shit, he was good. I was avoiding the fox den like the plague, slowly directing him away from it as best I could and hoping to God one of those fuzzy little fuckers didn't show their face right now. I was afraid that if I showed him, he'd see them as a threat and exterminate them. Maybe I could distract him with another argument?

"And your eyes keep wandering to every damn tree like you're wondering if it's a good place to hide a camera," I retorted.

"Jaden, you'd better show me what you're hiding right now, or you won't be coming back out here. End of story," he threatened.

My lips tightened in frustration before I finally sighed in defeat.

"All right, fine, but I'm trusting you not to ruin this. It makes me happy to see them."

"Them?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Come on," I said, this time being the one to tug him along.

I led Darren toward the den, hoping the foxes wouldn't be out, but of course, I could hear the little yaps and growling of the kits. When we were about ten feet from the tree I normally hid behind, I slowed our pace.

"You have to be really quiet, or you'll scare them," I said, looking up at Darren with a pleading look. He returned a very unsettled suspicious one. "Don't be mad," I pressed, emphasizing my puppy dog eyes.

Taking his hand, I pulled him into a crouching position behind a nearby bush and pointed toward the den. The kits were playing all over the place, jumping on broken tree stumps, clawing and snapping at each other while the mother finished snacking on the remains of another dead rabbit. "See? Aren't they cute?" I said softly, hoping like fuck he thought the same thing.

"Son of a bitch," Darren whispered under his breath, his agitation becoming clear as he rose to get a better look.

I immediately latched on to his forearm to pull him back down. "Darren, please. I'm trusting you, remember?" I whispered a little too loudly. The scowl that he returned was enough to make me withdraw my hands as if I was backing away from a snarling animal. I sat back in the bushes in a huff, knowing it was over and he was going to ruin everything. Again. Glancing up, Darren's face contorted in anger as he watched the little foxes play. After a few moments, he released a heavy breath and sat down next to me.

"You've never tried to interact with them, have you? You don't touch them?" he asked, that anger still fresh in his voice.

"No, Darren. I just sit here and watch them for a while."

"Jaden, do not fuck with me on this," he growled.

"I swear!" I replied, getting a little too defensive now.

Darren sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as his mouth creased into a thin line. When he seemed to calm down, he stood, grabbing my arm and taking me with him.

"Come on, let's go. I've seen enough," he said, pulling me along through the woods.

"Darren, I'm sorry. Look, I won't go near them, just—"

"Do you have any idea how dangerous that could have been for you?" he said sharply.

I scoffed. "I think I can handle a couple of little foxes, Darren. I don't really view them as that dangerous."

"Hence why you don't get to make any decisions regarding your safety. They could have attacked you. They could have had rabies, for fuck's sake."

"They're just foxes."

"They're wild animals. And wild animals will not hesitate to protect their young. You will stay out of the woods until I can figure out what to do with them. End of discussion."

I groaned aloud, not caring if he heard me or not. I recognized the tone in his voice—the one that told me to shut up and deal or find myself over his lap.

Darren led me out of the woods, his hand against my shoulder, pushing me along, and I tried hard not to let my agitation get the best of me. If he killed those foxes, I swore I'd take it out on his face.

When we reached the house, Darren left me with my guards and turned to leave, but I had to protect those foxes. I couldn't let him walk away just yet.

"Darren, wait," I pleaded, grabbing his forearm to stop him. "You're not going to kill them, are you?"

He stared down at me, the intense anger in his eyes enough to make me regret my decision. Instead of answering me, he turned to my guards. "Take her upstairs," he said to them and walked off, pulling away from my grip without a second glance.

I felt my mouth drop open in shock at his blatant dismissal as Clive and Owen each grabbed one of my arms and tugged me away from Darren and off toward the stairs.

"Darren, wait! Please don't!" I shouted at his back as I was carted away on his orders, but he never answered. Clive and Owen had to practically drag me toward the stairs by the time I stopped fighting them and finally broke free of their grip.

"Fuck off me," I snarled, shrugging them off as I huffed my way up the stairs and to my room. I slammed the door shut in their stupid faces.

Folding my arms across my chest, I paced my room. I was so fucking pissed I was ready to flip every piece of furniture over in my room. I knew he'd find a reason; I fucking knew it. I kept pacing until I decided I needed an outlet before I really did destroy something.

Changing into my workout clothes, I tightened up my Nikes and pulled the door open to find a very tall set of roadblocks. Clive and Owen were both standing in front of the door, their backs to me as they watched the hallway.

"Move. I'm going to work out," I announced, hoping they'd take the hint.

"You've already had your workout today," Clive replied without turning around.

"I don't care. It's what I want to do."

"You haven't been cleared access to go downstairs," added Owen.

"Then fucking get it!" I shouted, ready to bulldoze the two of them down. I didn't care how big or tall they were; I'd find a way around them.

Clive sighed as he said something into the Bluetooth that I couldn't hear while I waited, impatiently shifting from one foot to the other. After a few moments, he finally spoke again. "You've been granted one hour, but—"

That was all the confirmation I needed to easily slip between the two of them and hurry my way over to the stairs, my feet pounding against each step as I made my way toward the gym.

I didn't bother to grab my wraps; I just quickly slipped on my gloves, the same ones from the island, and immediately slammed my fist into the first bag I saw.

Clive and Owen watched from a distance, one hand over the other in front of them while I beat the shit out of the bag. The chains suspending the bag clanked against each other as I kicked and punched until my arms and legs ached from exhaustion.

Turning away from the bag, I paced in front of it as I tried to catch my breath. A thin sheet of sweat already covered my body as adrenaline rushed through my veins. I kept my hands at my hips, eyes on the bag like predator and prey, waiting for my heart rate to slow before I went at it again.

"You should calm yourself, Miss Jaden." Clive snickered. "We wouldn't want you to break a nail."

"I'm sorry, Clive, all I heard out of your mouth was you offering to trade places with my punching bag," I snapped.

A smirk formed on both their lips, and I wanted nothing more than to punch it off their faces. "It is unwise to taunt the men tasked with protecting you," Owen said smoothly.

I sneered back. "And it's even more unwise to taunt me, considering what I did to my last bodyguard, or did you guys not hear about that?"

"What happened to Benito was his own foolish fault. And that decision was carried out by Mr. Davis, not you," Clive defended.

"And who do you think reinforced that decision?" I replied coldly.

I could see them both becoming angry now. Good. I was glad to see I could get to them.

"If a flaw is discovered in a soldier of security, then it must be handled immediately. Whether you or Mr. Davis discovered that flaw makes no difference. It is an honor to protect that which matters most to our leader, a job that will be done with absolute perfection. To be anything less would directly validate a severe form of disciplinary action to reinforce and ensure the understanding that the subject must be well protected always no matter the cost," Clive said confidently.

I raised my brow. "No matter the cost?"

They both nodded.

"What if the cost was your own life?" I asked, wiping the dripping sweat from under my chin.

"Then we would gladly take the bullet," Owned replied.

"Really," I said, having a hard time believing them. "You both would die for me. You don't even know me."

"As I've stated before, it is an honor to protect that which matters most to our leader," Clive repeated.

I turned back to the bag. "Honor." I scoffed. "I didn't know there was honor in working for a man who sells women as sex slaves."

I took the rest of my heated rage out on the bag, slamming my fists and feet into it with everything I had. Inevitably, I was forced away from it and banished back to my room to prepare for dinner, which I ended up having alone. Shocker there.


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