Could It Be Real?

By sheshawt0_0

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This Story Is About A Girl *( Im'Unique )* Who Moved With Her Cousin For A While Because She Was Going Throug... More

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The end?

• Part ; 5

54 1 0
By sheshawt0_0

*Three Weeks Later *

*Roc's P.O.V*

Every since that night I haven't heard from Nique. I've been calling and texting her but I guess she doesn't want to talk to me. Maybe she really don't like me. Maybe she was drunk and that kiss was a mistake. I'm just gone forget about her and move on apparently she doesn't like me or even think of me in that kind of way. Oh well. So Prod was taking me some where today. I guess to get something to eat. I don't know why though. He says that I haven't been acting the same since that night. But I don't pay him no attention. I got ready and waited for Prod. He pulled up 5 minutes later. I went and got in the car.

Roc: You don't always have to pick me up. I do have a car of my own.

Prod: Just sit back and relax.

Roc: Where are you taking me?

Prod: To get something to eat.

Roc: I could of stayed home and ate something.

Prod: I'm just being a good friend. You needed to get out the house.

We pulled up at apple bees. It wasn't many people there so we got a table fast. After 20 minutes more people started to come. It was cool being out just chilling. I was really having a good time. Prod's phone started ringing so he answered it. It was a quick phone call. Then he got up and said he would be back so I said okay. I called for the waitress so I could get something to drink. 2 minutes later I saw Prod walking back to our table and then I saw Leah and Nique walking behind him. Wow I can't believe they here. I didn't want to see them. Well Leah she's fine but every where she was going she always brought Nique with her. She never let Nique leave her side. This is going to be awkward.

*Nique's P.O.V*

Omg I can't believe he's here. Leah totally lied to me. I thought it was just going to be me her and Prod. I didn't even want to come. Now I really want to leave. As we was walking to the table I wasn't trying to make any eye contact with him. We got to the table and sat down.

Leah: Hey Roc. *Smiles*

Roc: *Looks at her* Hi Lele. *Looks away*

Leah: Did you guys order yet?

Prod: No we were waiting on y'all.

The waitress came to the table and started to take our orders. When she was taking Leah's order I could feel him looking at me. When I would look up at him he would turn his head. Prod ordered his food then it was my turn. I only ordered a salad. Roc didn't order anything. The waitress said she was going to get us something to drink and she would be right back.

Leah: *Looks at Roc* Why didn't you get anything.

Roc: I'm not hungry. *Stomach growls*

Leah: You sure do sound like it.

Roc: Look I'm fine okay.

Leah: Fine.

Roc got up and started walking towards the door.

Prod: Bro where you going?

Roc: *Turns around* Outside.

Prod: You want me to take you home?

Roc: I'm cool. You can eat first.

Prod: Alright.

Roc continued walking out the door. Wow something is really wrong with him. He must not like me and don't want to be around me.

*Roc's P.O.V*

God I'm so ready to leave. He could of at least told me they were coming and I could of just stayed home. Hopefully he don't take a long time. I knew I should of drove my own car. I should call me a ride. But I'm gone wait 20 minutes and if he ain't ready then I will. I really need to get over this girl. I'm really trying though it's just I got to get used to her being around. Well I need something to do. I guess I'll walk up to the mall and buy me some stuff. I started walking and I turned on some music. Suddenly I get a text message. I wasn't gone read it at first but it was from a number I didn't recognize so I read it..

*Text Message*

???: Hey Its Nique. Are You Okay?

I just looked at it for a minute and decided not to reply. I finally got to the mall. The first store I went to was Finish Line I needed some shoes.

*Leah's P.O.V*

Leah: What's up with Roc?

Prod: I don't know. The past three weeks he hasn't been the same.

Leah: You need to talk to him.

Prod: I've tried so many times but every time he just says that he's fine.

Leah: Maybe I should talk to him.

Prod: I'm sure it wont work.

Leah: *Looks at Nique* Did you talk to Roc lately?

Nique: Not since the last time he was at the house.

Leah: You know what's wrong with him?

Nique: No clue.

We finished our food and just sat at the table for a minute. We paid for our food and got up and walked outside. We didn't see Roc out there. We started calling his name but we didn't get no response. So Prod called him.

*Prod's P.O.V*

I called Roc three times and didn't get no answer. Leah and Nique tried calling and he still didn't answer. We was kinda getting worried. 5 minutes he called me back.

*Phone cal*

Roc: Was sup?

Prod: Bro where you at?

Roc: I walked up to the mall.

Prod: I'm on my way be outside.

Roc: Alright. I'm at the food court doors.

Prod: Okay.

*End of phone call*

Prod: That was Roc he was at the mall.

Leah: Okay well were going to leave.

Prod: *Hugs them* Bye.

Nique&Leah: Bye.

We all left and I went to get Roc. After I got him I took him home and went back to my house to chill.

*Roc's P.O.V*

My legs are killing me from walking in the mall. But it was worth it. I got everything off my mind and enjoyed myself. I guess now I will just chill and watch a movie. It's only like 9:00 maybe Prod and the boys would want to go out or something. I went and got in the shower and when I got out I saw that I had two missed calls. They were from Nique I didn't call her back. Then I got a text from. It said " We need to talk". I called just to see what she wanted.

*Phone Converstation*

Nique: Hello?

Roc: You called me?

Nique: Can I come over?

Roc: Why?

Nique: We need to talk.

Roc: About what?

Nique: What happened between us a couple weeks ago.

Roc: Fine.

Nique: I'll be there in 5 minutes.

*End Of Conversation*

I didn't really want to talk to her. It shouldn't take you a whole three weeks to finally want to talk to me. There's really nothing we need to discus what happened between us just happened. She mad it seem like she didn't care so I got over it. I just sat there thinking. Maybe I should tell her not to come. But I do wanna see what she's going to say. I heard a car pulling up in my driveway. I walked over to the window and saw her walking towards the door. I walked down the stairs while she was knocking. Then I opened the door.

Nique: *Wow*

Roc: Come in.

She walked in and went in the living room and sat on the couch. I closed and locked the door and went in the living room and sat at the other end of the couch. It was silence. She was looking down at the floor. I could tell she had a lot on her mind.

Roc: You wanted to talk. So say something.

Nique: *Rolls eyes* Okay so that night I started falling for. But I din't think it could be real. I tried not talking to you for a while to see if I really did like you and it turns out that I do. All I could think about was you the past three weeks non stop. I never had the chance to tell you because I was afraid of what you would say or think. But after today seeing how you looked down and acted as if you didn't want to be near me. I just thought I should get this off my chest.

Roc: I like you. That's why I was flirting with you that night. When you kissed me I started to get the feeling that you did like me. But once we stopped talking I figured I was just imaging things and I should just leave you alone. I thought about you so much it was hard hearing your name or even seeing you. That's why I didn'y stay and eat with y'all. I was trying to get over you. But it's hard. I never felt this way about anyone that I just met. Your just perfect in every way. Your beautiful funny and have a gorgeous smile.

Nique: I felt the same away. I didn't think it could be real if I started liking you the same day I met you. And when I kissed you that night I had to stop myself. I didn't want to seem like I was some type of hoe that kisses a guy she just met.

Roc: I wouldn't think of you in that kind of way. Your to beautiful to even be called that. I wanted to talk to you after that happened. But how you acted you made it seem like it was a mistake and you regreted ever doing that. But I was feeling miserable ever since then. I've really been wanting to talk to you. But I tried to give you some space.

Nique: *Smiles* Thanks. I'm really sorry for making you feel that way. I haven't been acting the same since then either. Leah has been trying to get me to talk to you but I wouldn't listen to her. But I had a lot going on and I didn't want to stress my self so I came to get all this off my chest.

Roc: Prod was doing the same thing. But I'm glad we talked. I think we should just start all over.

Nique: Yeah that would be good.

Roc: *Smiles and hugs her*

Nique: *Smiles and hugs back* You have a nice place.

Roc: Thanks.

Nique: It's big. You don't have no pets or anything?

Roc: *Laughs* No. But I was planning on getting a dog soon.

Nique: Cool. *Looks at phone* Well I guess I'll leave. It's getting pretty late.

Roc: Okay.

Nique: *Gets up and walks to the door*

Roc: *Walks to door* You want me to walk you to your car?

Nique: Yeah it's really dark.

I went and put on some Nike sandals. I walked her to the car and opened the door for her. She smiled and said thank you. She is so beautiful. She gave me a hug so I hugged back. When we let go of each other I kissed her. We had a whole make out session in the driveway. It was great.

*Nique"s P.O.V*

Our conversation was great. I'm happy we was able to talk. When we started kissing it was amazing. It started to get more and more passionate. He picked me up and I wrapped my arms around him. I was getting so much into it I had to stop myself. I forgot we was outside. I stopped and just looked at him. He looked concerned.

Roc: What's wrong? Are we going to far?

Nique: Um nothing and no. Let's go in the house.

Roc: *Smiles and grabs her hand*

Nique: *Locks the Car doors and follows Roc in the house*

When we Got In the house I dropped all my stuff and jumped on him and started kissing him. We were teasing each other at first and playing around. He took off my tank top and then my shorts. He started looking me up and down and started smiling.

Nique: Why you smiling so hard?

Roc: That ass is looking right.

Nique: *Laughs* I'm straight packing.

Roc: *Laughs*

He picked me up and took me up stairs to his room. He layed me on the bed and started kissing my neck. I flipped him over and got on top of him. I started kissing him on his chest. Then I stopped and took off my bra. He got on top of me and took his boxers off and then my panties. He leaned over and grabbed a condom out his night stand. He put it on and grabbed a cover and put it over us. He inserted me very slow and I moaned. He went slow and was gentle. Then he started going faster and getting harder. I moaned even more. The faster he would go the more I would moan and scratch his back. Once he started slowing down he nutted and then I got on top. I started riding him. I started off really fast. It was just so good and I couldn't get enough. I could hear him letting out little moans. He covered his mouth trying to hide them. I knew he liked the way I ride it. I started going even faster and then I finally came. I kissed him and then layed next to him. He looked at me and smiled.

Roc: I didn't know you had all that in you.

Nique: *Laughs* I can be a freak sometimes.

Roc: *Laughs* Well you was amazing.

Nique: You were to. We might have to do this more often.

Roc: Yeah we do.

My phone started ringing so I put on my bra and panties and went down stairs to find it. I couldn't find my purse at first. Then I saw that it was under the table. I saw I had a missed call from Leah. I called her back and went in the kitchen to get something to drink.

*Phone Conversation*

Nique: Hello?

Leah: Where you at?

Nique: I'm at Roc's house.

Leah: Did y'all talk?

Nique: Yeah. Were cool now.

*Roc comes down stairs and see's me in the kitchen drinking a pop leaning on the counter. He comes behind me and grab my waist.*

Leah: Finally. I thought I was gone go crazy if y'all didn't work it out.

Nique: *laughs* Roc stop.

Leah: What are y'all doing?

Nique: Nothing just chilling. *Roc kisses her neck and bites her ear. She quietly moans*

Leah: Sure doesn't sound like it.

Nique: *Laughs* Roc stop it. Not now.

Leah: Omg did you to ... You know?

Nique: Um ... Well yeah.

Leah: Omg you have to tell me everything that happened.

Nique: I'll tell you later.

Leah: Okay. But I nee you to come home I'm locked out and my key is in the house.

Nique: Wow your so smart. He I come.

Leah: I know very and okay hurry.

*End Of Phone Call*

I put my phone on the counter and looked at Roc an kissed him.

Roc: Who was that?

Nique: Leah.

Roc: What did she wont?

Nique: Your so noisy. *Laughs*

Roc: *Laughs* I just like knowing things.

Nique: Well if you must know .. She locked herself out the house so I have to go.

Roc: She's very smart.

Nique: I know. * Goes in the living room and puts her clothes on and her sandals. Fixes her hair and grabs her purse and phone*

Roc: Call me when you make it home.

Nique: Okay. * Kisses him then leaves*

*Leah's P.O.V*

What is taking this girl so long. I been standing out here for 10 minutes and it's dark as hell. She finally pulls up. We went in the house and I went to my room. Nique went an got in the shower and washed her hair. Once she got out I got in and washed my hair. After I got out I went down stairs and made me some cookies. Nique smelled the cookies baking so she came down stairs. She had made me and her a strawberry and banana smoothie. When it was one we went in the living until the cookies was done.

Leah: So what happened?

Nique: With what?

Leah: You and Roc dummy.

Nique: *Laughs* Oh yeah.

Nique told me what happened and put in every detail with it. Omg I can't believe her and my best friend did this. They are crazy. They were only suppose to talk not turn it into a make out session and then have sex. Oh well I'm just happy everything is back to normal. It need to stay this way. After we were done talking me & Nique ate some cookies and drank our smoothies while watching a movie. After the movie she went to her room and was on ooVoo with Roc. I called Prod and we talked for a while and then got on face-time. We had an amazing conversation until he tapped on me. He look so cute when he sleep so I took a picture of him. I got bored afterwards and went in Nique's room. She was still on ooVoo with Roc. I started taking random pictures of Nique and Roc and putting them on instagram. We had fun talking and being weird.

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