Henrik Mikaelson Just for Tod...

By HenrikHalliwell224

13.6K 228 124

Henrik Mikaelson the youngest Mikaelson sibling turns up at his family's door out of blue. In flesh and blood... More

The Characters.
A Ghost for the Mikaelson Compound.
Finn & Henrik.
Elijah & Henrik.
Klaus & Henrik.
Kol & Henrik.
Rebekah & Henrik.
Mikael & Henrik.
Klaus & Henrik 2
Esther & Henrik.
Always & Forever.


1.8K 26 41
By HenrikHalliwell224

"Brother. You're crushing me." Henrik complained, his older brother had clearly grown stronger. Finn was quick to release Henrik. It was common knowledge that Henrik was the weakest of the Mikaelson siblings. Kol often teased the youngest joking that he could get into a fight with a fly and still lose. 

"It's really you." Finn replied.

"Yes, I'm real. But how am I here like this? How am I alive?" Henrik asked.

"It doesn't matter the point it is that you are," Finn answered with a smile.

"I think this is the first time, I've ever seen you pull a facial expression. That isn't a frown." Henrik commented. Finn let out a small chuckle.

"Perhaps it is."

"Where are the others?" Henrik asked, he didn't want this to come across as rude to Finn. Of, course he was happy to see his eldest brother. But he had to know where the others are.

"They will be back soon little one. Are you hungry? Thirsty?" Finn said. Henrik didn't know how to respond, he couldn't remember what it felt like to be hungry or thirsty.

"I...I'm not sure." Henrik replied embarrassed so much so. He blushed.

"We should be able to find something in the kitchen," Finn said before he led Henrik to the kitchen. The Original made sure to hold onto one of Henrik's hands. He didn't want to risk Henrik vanishing. 

Henrik never bothered to spy on people in their kitchens. Kitchens didn't sound particularly interesting. So why should he have wasted his time there? He couldn't deny that everything had evolved since he's been alive. Finn walked over to a fridge and opened it and took out a bottle of milk and a chocolate bar.

"What's that?" Henrik asked as he pointed at the fridge.

"It's a fridge it keeps food and drinks fresh for long periods of time," Finn explained he placed the milk and the chocolate bar on a counter. Before fetching a glass. He filled the glass with milk then gives the glass to Henrik. Who accepts it. He downs it but finds himself having no strong opinion on the milk. He didn't bother to ask about the chocolate, he had watched people in the past eat it. He takes a tiny bite of the chocolate finds he likes it. He takes a bigger bite than a bigger one. Before he downs the rest of the bar.

"Mama never made food as nice as this. Is there more?" Henrik asked before he started to lick melted chocolate off his fingers. Finn shook his head. "Finn, please."

"Sorry little one, one chocolate bar a day is enough. You can have more milk though." Finn told Henrik. Finn then heard footsteps from outside the kitchen. "Come with me." Finn then led Henrik out of the kitchen. Back to the main downstairs area where the other five Originals and Esther stood.

They were the opposite to Finn, who had ran to his brother.  They had remained frozen in their place just staring. He had dreamed of being reunited with them for a thousand years and not once did he imagine them being frozen in place. 

"Mama." Henrik yelled as he ran to her and wrapped his arms around her. Esther wanted to react. But she couldn't the shock wouldn't let her. How she longed to be with her youngest again. To hug him to plant kisses on his forehead. To talk to him and hold him.

"H...Henrik." Esther stuttered as she looked down the boy was still hugging her. He was really back. "My baby boy."

Henrik had a headache the first one in a thousand years. Why do you ask? Well, it turned out that his family got worse at communicating over the years. At first, their voices were distinct but the more they interrupted each other. The less distinct the voices became until there was nothing Henrik could do to tell which voice belonged to who. He sat down on a couch and tried to wait for their bickering to end.

"This is clearly a trick of a witch." Henrik felt hurt hearing Klaus' sentence, he was the one the boy most wanted to be reunited with just so he could tell Klaus, he didn't blame him.

"Klaus, haven't you learned don't look a gift horse in the mouth," Rebekah responded, rather harshly.

"We have had enemies deceive us in the past. By using tricks to mess with our minds." Klaus pointed out.

"We've all heard Henrik's heartbeat and checked to see he has a pulse which he has. Mother and Rebekah have used their craft to confirm this is Henrik." Finn reminded the hybrid.

"The question is how he got here? If he wasn't on the Other Side, he had to be somewhere else." Kol spoke-up.

"That is not what matters right now boy." Mikael snapped.

"He's mortal for the better term, has eaten or drank anything?" Rebekah asked.

"He can eat when he leaves New Orleans," Mikael replied.

"He's not leaving New Orleans, he's staying with his family," Elijah said.

"That is not your decision to make Elijah. I am his father it is I who decides where he goes and doesn't go." Mikael responded.

"And I am his mother, Mikael!" Esther told Mikael, sometimes she wondered what she ever saw in Mikael.

"If you must come along then fine, every boy needs a mother and a father." Mikael huffed.

"You're delusional father. If you think we'll just allow you to take him out of the city." Finn said as he showed his fangs.

"ENOUGH!" Henrik shouted drawing his siblings and parents' attention to him. He got off the couch and walked over to them.

"Henrik, I think it's best that you go upstairs until we've handled this business," Elijah said his tone of voice back to its usual tone.

"No, Elijah. I don't mean to disrespect you, but for the past two hours. All I've heard is Nicklaus continually deny my return. Or the rest of you fighting to make decisions about me and not taking my feelings into consideration." Henrik ranted.

"Calm down brother, the circumstances are complicated," Rebekah told the boy as she walked closer to him.

"I don't care about the circumstances being complicated to all of you. I see things pretty straight forward." Henrik responded he didn't get a say in anything in the past. He doubted things would change in the present. 

"What do you suggest brother?" Rebekah asked.

"I am not leaving New Orleans. I have been given some crazy miracle to be alive and with you all. But as it stands we don't know if it's permeant I am asking you all to put aside any and all resentment towards one another and just give me today. Just one day where I get to spend time with you all make new memories. This might be our only chance." Henrik answered, if this couldn't sway them, he didn't know what could. The older Mikaelsons look at each other, Henrik thought they could be having some kind of wordless conversation.

"Your terms are fair," Mikael said.

"Nicky, what about you? Can you put your paranoia aside for one day?" Henrik asked looking directly into the hybrid's eyes.

"I suppose, after all, what could an eleven-year-old do to the all-powerful Original Hybrid," Klaus replied.

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