Finn & Henrik.

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Henrik was actually surprised. That he got both his parents and siblings to agree on something. That had to be some form of achievement one that should go down in history. He wasn't sure who he wanted to spend time with first. Should he draw straws or roll a dice? Should he go in order of who needed this most? But how could he rank one over the other? He guessed the best bet could be to go from oldest sibling to youngest then finish off with his parents.

Henrik found Finn in the study. He wasn't surprised to see his family split ways. Finn always seemed distant from his siblings. Maybe it was something to do with losing their older sister Freya before Elijah was born. Perhaps it scared him and made him not want to get close to his future younger siblings. 

"Brother," Henrik announced his presence. Finn turned his gaze to Henrik's direction.

"Decided to get the dull one out of the way first then I see," Finn said as he put aside a book.

"Elijah's busy with some wolf. So, the dull one will have to wait." Henrik replied. He then walked over to his brother. 

"Don't let Elijah hear that. He would be hurt." 

"This family has a knack of hurting each other more than most," Henrik commented.

"True." Finn said.

"Finn, what was Freya like?" Henrik asked. While fiddling with his fingers. Finn got out of his seat.

"I don't think it's an appropriate question," Finn replied.

"Maybe not. But sometimes difficult questions need to be asked." Henrik told Finn.

"It is best if you were to go to one of the others and return later. When you desire to talk about something else." Finn responded.

"You know. I'm too stubborn for that. Was she pretty?" Henrik asked.

"Of, course, she was pretty. No more questions." Finn answered, sometimes his brother could be too pushy and that never ended well for people.

"She loved you that's obvious it must have been..." Henrik started. 

"HENRIK MIKAELSON ENOUGH!" Finn shouted. Henrik flinched at Finn shouting at him.

"Hard to see your only friend get sick and die so young. Maybe, hurt you so much that it made you scared to ever try and grow close to another sibling because you didn't want to be hurt again." Henrik replied not raising his voice. That never got people anywhere if anything it made it harder for two people to talk.

"So what. There nothing that can be done. She's gone and I'll never see her again." Finn snapped, as angry as he was. He would never reveal the truth about Freya's 'death' that would break both his father and Henrik's heart. Sometimes the youngest was blind to his parents' faults or chose to ignore them.

"Maybe, you won't see her again. But you can honour her memory. Would she want you to be alone for a thousand years? Even more. Or would she want you to at least try and be close to the only family you have left?" Henrik asked. "I wouldn't."

"You and Freya are very different," Finn responded. 

"Perhaps. But I can't prove my point until. You try." Henrik said.

"I already tried but it was always Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah against the world."

"Brother every day for seven-hundred-years, after I figured out how to visit and watch over you all. I spent hours next to your coffin. Waiting for Nicklaus to take that dagger out of your chest. Sometimes we have to wait longer than we want to. But in the end, if you succeed. Having to wait was worth it." Henrik told Finn.

"No, one wants to be close to the dull one," Finn responded.

"You were never the dull one to me. Distant a lot of the times yes. But dull never you had your own charms. I honestly liked the challenge." Henrik confessed.

"Challenge." Finn frowned. Henrik nodded.

"Yeah, you were always a challenge for a mama's boy," Henrik said.

"Pot kettle little brother." Finn replied.

"Why be one parent's favourite when you can be both? Although being mama's favourite did have its downsides. Like the time when me and Kol sneaked out to another village. Who was having a party." Henrik recalled.

"If my memory serves me right you were in the naughty corner from morning to night for three days." Finn reminded Henrik.

"Yep, but you all had it easier back then. Mama never had you bound to that one spot by a boundary spell. Unlike me, with you as warden." Henrik told Finn.

"She couldn't risk her little prodigy of a witch Kol from setting you free." Finn said. Kol was either causing mischief by himself all those years ago. Or had Henrik as his little sidekick. 

"I guess maybe if I took up witchcraft back then. I could have broken myself out."

"That I highly doubt. You would have been lucky to move a rock." Finn teased.

"Always love to hear that a sibling has little faith in you." Henrik responded. 

"Just an honest statement on your abilities." 

"You were more patient with me than Elijah back then. Elijah all but gave up trying to teach me how to write. You never gave up." Henrik reminded Finn.

"You were always a bit slow." Finn teased again Henrik chuckled. Henrik grabbed a cushion from a couch near him and threw it at Finn who caught it with ease.

"Just think about what I said brother." Henrik said before he left the study.

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