
By MizzBarber07

2.4K 13 7

Stanley uris x reader More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19

Chapter 8

141 1 0
By MizzBarber07

You see stan's house ahead so you start to slow down and park your bike in the grass. You walk to the door and ring to door bell .

"Hi Y/n!  Come in" Stan says.

He grabs you by the hand and drags you inside.

"You can sit anywhere you want." Stan says showing you his big living room.  "I'll be right back. "Stan says running to his room. You sit down on the couch facing the tv you sit in silence for a moment then you remember that you brought your Rubik's cube. You unzip your backpack and grab your rubik's cube and start to mess with it .

"Oh , I love those things." Stan says .


"Sorry ." Stan says in s sad tone.

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped like that . "

"It's ok Y/n."

"Sooo here's your clothes. "You say handing him your backpack.

"Thanks ." Stan says.


You took y/ns backpack to the Landry room and dumped your landry out of the backpack into the washing machine  you look down in the washing machine before closing it and see a pen a pencil and a unopened tampon.



"Can you come here a minute !" You yell.

"Yeah! "


"What."you say coming in the door way of the Landry room .

"Um I turned your backpack upside down and a uh uh thing fell out." Stan says kinda disgusted. You put your head inside the washing machine to see a pen a pencil and a unopened tampon . You stick your hand in and grab the stuff.

"Really Stanley ." You say in a joking voice.

"Wwwhat." He says nervously.

"Nothing." You say putting you stuff back in your backpack. You and stan walk to the living room and sit down on the couch.

"Soo um do you want to go to the park early? "Stan asks.

"Sure . You say with no hesitation.

"Ok let me go get somethings." Stan says getting up and walking to his room .

Stan walks out of his room holding a blanket and a book . "Can we put this in your backpack? "Stan asks. "Yeah, go ahead. " you say turning around for him to put the things in your backpack. You walk outside and jump on your bikes and ride to the park .


"What is that bird is that?" You ask putting your head on stans shoulder .

"Um, it looks like a goldfinch. " Stan says flipping pages in his bird book . You sit in silence for a moment the stan says.

"Y/n I have a question. "

"What is it ." You say sitting up.

"Will you um be my girlfriend. "

"Yea of course I will dork ." You say pushing his shoulder .  You stare into each other's eyes and smash your lips together it seemed like the kissed lasted forever until...

"HEY YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!!" Henry yells from across the street.  Causing you and stan to pull apart.

"Stan get on your bike and ride until you can't anymore , I will deal with him." You say.

"I can't just leave you here. "Stan says.

"Yes you can."you peck stan on the lips and say "go." Stan runs and picks up his bike and pedals away fast.

"HEY FUCK NUT!" You yell to Henry.

"What did I tell you about hanging out less alone dating that piece of shit!" Henry yells  getting in your face

"Oh, I heard you but I don't give a damn about what think so stay away from me and STAN ! You yell .



Henry slams your body to the ground and starts punching you .


"HEY ASSHOLE! Richie yells droping his bike behind you.

Henry looks up and stops punching y/n .

"Bill you got the bag of glasses bottles? " you ask.

"Yyyep right here. "He says handing you the bag

You unzip the bag and pull out three glasses bottles you handed one to bill and Richie and ben.  "Let's go you yell !"

Richie runs over and hits Henry so hard in the head that he falls over and breaks the bottle.  Bill hits him across the face and he falls back . Ben Hits his back and he is laying on the ground. "Stan get y/n!" Richie shouted. You run over to y/n. "Y/n wake up, Y/n wake up!" You say . "Fuck it." You say picking up y/n and jumping on your bike luckily you have a banana seat on your bike . "Let's take her to my house!" You yell pedaling off fast.



You wake up in a bed with covered up with a  comforter  and you have band-aids random places on your face with something sleeping next to you. You roll over to see Stan sound asleep next to you. You roll back over.

"Y/n you awake? "Stan asks with a groggy voice.

"Yea I'm up what time is it i have to get home.?" You say trying to get up.

"Hey hey its 4:21 in the morning just stay I can take you home tomorrow. "Stan says stoping you from getting up.

"What about your parents? "

"They are gone for the weekend, so you can stay for a while. "Stan says.

"Ok ."you say crawling back in bed.

You scoot closer to Stan almost to were your foreheads are touching. You close your what feels like a thousand pounds eyelids. You feel a hand creep up your face and push your hair behind your hair you open your eyes and kiss stan . You roll on top of stan letting go of you lips for so air .

"I love you Stanley Uris. " you say sitting on top of him.

"I love your Y/n Bowers. "He says sitting up and kissing you.

You feel hands start to creep up your stomach unbuttoning your dress . You take your dress of like a robe in  attempt not to let go of each other's lips.
You move your hands down stans back to the bottom of his shirt you wrap your fingers around the bottom of his shirt and pull up . You pull your lips apart  gasping for air while taking his shirt off  . You lock your lips together again hoping this moment would last forever.

So um I am so sorry I didn't have this published sooner.  Sorry this chapter was kinda cringey, but Idc i will update soon.😋👌

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