Chapter 10

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"No, I love being your personal doorman, really! Could you idiots taken any longer? Richie yells while circling us on his bicycle.

"All right, shut up, Richie." Eddie says but stan chimes in.

"Yeah ,shut up , Richie. "

"Oh, ok, trash the trashmouth , I get it. Hey , I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor and imagining that her sink went all Eddie's mom's vagin on Halloween. "Richie says.

"Sshe didn't imagine it. I... I sssaw something too." Bill says.

"You saw blood to?" Stan asks.

"Not blood. I saw ggggeorigie. It seems so real. I mean , it seemed like him, but there was this ..."Eddie interrupts.

"The clown. Yeah ,I saw him, too.

Ben nods his head , Stan looks at you with fear in his eyes then looks a bill and nods. You look up at bill and mumble" Yeah."

"Wait can only virgin's see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit? Richie says to break the silence.

Oh, shit that's Belch Huggin's car . We should probably get out of here." Eddie says trembling over his words.

"Yeah." Richie says.

"Wait, isn't that the homeschooled kids bike? "Bill asks.

"Yeah that's Mike's." Eddie says.

"We have to help him." Beverly says looking back at everyone.

"We should?" Richie asks.

"YES!" You and Beverly say at the same time dropping your bikes in the road.

You run to the side of the road and wait for stan but he is standing his bike up. He runs over and goes down the hill. You almost fall into stan but you catch yourself. You get to the creek and see Henry about to hit Mike in the head with a rock. You pick up a rock and throw it and hit Henry.

"Nice throw." Stan says out of breath.

"Thanks." You reply.

You all bend down to pick up rocks while Mike crawls across the creek.

"You losers are trying to hard. They do You Expressional my sister. You just have to ask nicely like I asked Beverly. " Henry says from the other side of the creek. Ben let's out some sort of battle cry witch intern scared the shit out of stan making him fall back on you .

"You ok ?" You whisper.

"Yeah I'm good". Stan whispers back.

Ben sits up and throws a rock at Henry.

"What the fuck ?" Belch says catching Henry.

Beverly throws another rock causing henry and his goons to throw rocks back.

"ROCK WAR!" Richie yells getting hit in the head with a rock. You all start throwing rocks . Eddie jumps in the water to get a better shot.


Belch yells at you when you throw a rock at him. Fuck you losers is the last think you hear out of victors mouth as him and belch run into the woods, leaving Henry laying on the ground. Everyone start going back up the hill to the road but you and Richie stay behind.

"Hey henry the next time you want to fuck with my friends come ask...nicely!" You say trying to impersonate him.

You start walking away but you hear Richie yell.

"Go blow your dad you mullet whereing asshole !" While flipping him off.

You all get back to the road and start picking your bikes up.

"Hey I have to show you guys something. " ben says.

"Ok maybe that's what we can do next?" You say looking around at everyone.

"Sure let's go." Stan says.

"Why the fuck not let's go." Richie says.

"Ben lead the way." Bill says.

You guys ride your bikes to the train track.

"Ok hide your bikes in the bushes so no one will steal them . "Ben says.

You all put your bikes in the Bushes and start walking under the bridge into a field that leads into the woods.

"Thanks, guys, but you shouldn't have done that. They'll be after you guys , too, now." Mike says.

"Oh, no, no, no. Bowers? He's always after us ." Eddie says.

"I live with at thing , Im just his little hamster when he comes home and he did get to bull you guys." You say.

" Yeah Eddie I guess that's one ttthing we all have in common." Bill says totally ignoring what you just said.

"Yeah, Homeschool. Welcome to the losers Club." Richie yells.

You all get to the middle of the woods and ben grabs a rope and pulls it up and there's a hatch.

"Are you guys coming? " ben asks while he goes down in. Beverly goes in first then stan then it's your turn , you look at the latter.

"Move bitch!" You hear Richie say from behind you.(please get the reference)
You slowly go down the latter to see a nice bunker. Before you know it everyone is down inside.

"What the dick is this?how did you build this?" Richie asks.

"When did you build this?" Bill asks.

"Here and there, I guess. It was already dug up from something, so I just had to reinforce the walls and get some wood for the roof door, and that's pretty much it. " Ben answers

"Pretty good for my first time, huh?" Ben says putting his hand on a pillar and part of the roof falls in.

"Now, that's a cool feature. What happens when you put your hand on the other pillar , professor? Richie asks ben. You laugh under your breath.

"Ok, you see , this is exactly why there are safety codes, why we have perments. This place is a death trap . Do you understand that?" Eddie says getting in Ben's face.

"Well it's a work In progress. Ok, Eddie?" Ben try's to explain.

"Just so you know,I get hurt, your a liable. " Eddie says walking away. You walk over to ben and lean on a pillar and whisper in his ear "just ignore him you did great."

"And , also, what is this? The switch of an iron maiden?" Eddie says. "That's a flash light." Ben says. What is that , a horse hitch? When do you have horses down... Oh this is cool . "Eddie says binding over to get a paddle ball.

"That was like ,three dollars, so be careful with that, please ." Ben says.

"I have one of these. Hey, stan can you see this?" Eddie says bouncing the ball in stans face.

"Yeah, ok, can you maybe not?" Stan says moving his head so he doesn't get hit.

"Maybe not what? Yeah,yeah, hold on. Maybe not what? Be awesome and have fun and celebrate the magic of the paddle-ball? "Eddie yells . Wow. Oh, good going, fucknut. You broke his thing. Eddie yells.

"I broke it?"

"Yeah, you broke it with your face."

"What?" Stan says looking down at the ball.

"I'm not putting my fucking hand down there." Eddie yells.

"Ok , ok, this is cool but why don't we go to the parade ?" You ask.

"Yea let's gggo." Bill says .


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