Chapter 6

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                 " WHAT THE FUCK! "

You pull away from stan to see Richie frozen with shock. 

"Don't tell anyone got it." You say.

Richie nods.

"What is it rich?" Eddie asks.

"Oh I just was surprised that um Stan and y/n were here first. "

"Ok ." Eddie says.


"So easy. " Eddie says.

"Poor tree." Stan says .

"O my god so easy. I won." Richie says.

"You won?" You ask.


"Did you see my loogie it went further than yours." You say .

"Wait when did it start being distance? Its always been mass. Eddie jumps in.

"Wha what is mass.?" Richie says.

"Who cares how far it goes? It matters how cool it looks, like it's green or its white or juicy and fat." Eddie says.

" All right who's first?" Bill asks while we are standing there in our underwear.(YOU HAVE A BRA ON OF COURSE)

" I'll go."Beverly yells while trying to unbutton her dress.

"Wait you mean we'll go." You say running towards bev.

You and Beverly grab hands and start running towards the edge of the cliff and right when you jump you say.


"What the fuck!"

Is the last thing I here before hitting the water. You feel the cold water touch your face . You let go of Beverly's hand and start to swim up.

"Oh, holy shit! We just got showed up bye girls ." Richie yelled from the top of the cliff.

"Do we have to do that now? "You hear Stan ask Richie.

You here Eddie say yes. Beverly yells come on. You were first joined bye bill then ben ,Eddie, Stan ,then Richie. You all splash around for a couple minutes then Richie calls "CHICKEN FIGHT!" Richie climbs on ben shoulders bev climbs on Bill's  and you climb on stans. Bye the time your are on stans shoulders Richie all ready had bev pushed of bill.

"Oh your going down Tozier! "You yell as Stan squeezes your legs tighter.

"Stan starts to run towards ben and Richie. You put your hands up and start shoving Richie starts to fall off so he takes one hand and try's to push himself back on bens shoulders,but mean while you take your free hand and start to tickle Richie. Richie falls and splashed into the water.  Stan starts to kneel down into the water so you can get off his shoulders. Richie pops out of the water and says.


" No it's not ."stan says .

"Eds your the referee tell him!" You say kinda irritated .

"Well they did get you down without hitting ben in the nuts sooo I guess stan and Y/n wins." Eddie says.

"DAMMIT !" Richie yelled.

You look over to see that bev bill and ben where on a rock so you start st swim over.


"News flash ben. Schools out for summa!" Richie says while we are listening to Bust a Move on the boombox that ben brought.

"Oh, that? That's not school stuff. " Ben says while Richie digs through ben backpack.

"Who sent you this ?" Richie asks.

"No one give it..." ben says snatching a post card out of Richie's hand.

"What's with the history project? "

"Oh well when I first moved here ,I didn't have anyone to hang out with ,so I just started spending time in the library."  Ben says when Richie is passing around a green folder.

"You went to the library, on purpose." Richie said confused.

"Oh ,I wanna see." Beverly says standing up and sitting next to bill.

"What's the black spot?" you ask looking at Stan.

"The black spot was a nightclub that was burned down years ago by that racist cult.  Eddie says.

Stan leans over and whispers in your ear ."Someone listened in history class ." You giggle a little bit.  You jump back in the conversation.

"The what?" You ask.

"Don't you watch Geraldo?" Eddie says.

"No I don't. " you say as you start to pay attention to bill talking  about  Beverly's hair.

"Y/N!" Eddie yells.

"What? You ask.

"You need to watch it ."

"Ok I will ." You say as you start to listen to ben.

"Derry's not like any town I've been in before. They did a study once,and it turns out people die or disappear six times the national average." Ben states.

"You read that ?" Beverly asks.

"And that's just grownups. Kids are way worse, way worse.   I've got more stuff if you wanna see it. Ben asks .

"No, no " Eddie said under his breath.

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