Never Forget (Male Reader X M...

By La_Flame20

62.6K 1.3K 153

what do you do when those you trust let you down? what do you do when those you love get hurt because you did... More

It's Beautiful, Isn't It?
Bring It On, Fate, 'Cause I'm Ready
It's My Turn to Win
Trust Me, It's Not As Bad As It Looks
Not Today. Nice Try Though
And So It Begins
Sorry for the delay
I'm sorry, But I Have To Know.
She's Too Good At This
Yay, Dinner With The Enemy
That Was Easy
Not Strong Enough, Sweetie
Round 1, Start
All Good Things...
Reset to Status Quo
And So It Begins

Back To School

3.3K 81 24
By La_Flame20

True to his word, Dad was gone by the time I woke up. He left a note saying he would call later. But I didn't think too much about it. It wasn't the first time and would not be the last. Besides, I thought as I looked down at my hands, I didn't want him knowing about my powers just yet.
I spent most of the morning trying to figure out my powers. Trying to hold a ball of energy whilst eating, shooting electricity through my fingers, powering electronics with only a finger.

By the time I left the house, I had discovered that:

1, I could handle current from other sources but my own meaning my electricity could hurt me but others couldn't

2, I couldn't control the electricity that wasn't my own only absorb it.

3, when I did, it replenished how much energy I had. But if I took in too much at once, I would overload and release most of the energy in a powerful explosion. Lucky for me I tested in the bathroom so it was fine, mostly fine. On fire and needing a patch up but fine.

And 4, minor control of magnetic fields. I tested with a knife and almost lost a toe so now as I walked to school I flipped and spun a pocket knife around with my powers, increasing the control I had. A sudden buzz broke my concentration and the knife shot straight into the side of a building, mere inches from a passerby.

He yelled in surprise and took off sprinting before I could apologize. I checked my phone to see a text from Adrian, one of my best buddies, checking to see if I was coming to school today.

I had been avoiding the school and also my friends for some reason. I don't know why but I just have. Instead spending most of my time at my internships or at the gym or at the office, distracting myself anyway I could. Yet, Adrian called me or texted me at least twice a day and sometimes, when I went to visit juleka, Rose would also be there. We would chat a while and then go our separate ways.

But apart from them I hadn't seen any other friends. I thought about it then replied. He immediately texted back.

"Cool. I'm glad to hear that. It'll be great to see you again, Y/n."

"Yeah. I'll see you at school."

"Okay, see you then."

I put my phone away then grabbed the knife that was still stuck in the wall. The rest of the journey was pretty uneventful till I got to the school. I stopped for a moment to watch the kids moving around.

Chloe Bourgeois and her lackey/best friend, Sabrina were walking up the stairs, ignoring Marinette dupén Cheng's grumblings and complaints while pick up her books and bags off the floor. It was obvious what had happened. I was about to help her when Alya, best friend of Marinette and also owner of the ladybug blog beat me to it.

Of to the side, local pathological liar and snake Lila Rossi was silently cheering enjoying Marinette's misfortune. Her hatred for Marinette was often hidden except for rare moments. I sighed and shook my head.

"Y/n. There you are."

I turned to see Adrian waving excitedly at me through the window of his car. I smiled and waved. 'Just smile and wave, boys just smile and wave' l whispered to myself laughing at my own joke.

Adrian got out and with his backpack onestrapped began heading my way. An arm suddenly draped over my shoulders and I instantly knew who it was. Nino, another good friend of mine.

"Dude, where have you been? We haven't seen you in like forever, yo." He said as he nudged me with his elbow.

"Yeahh. Sorry about that." I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

"No worries bro. I get it, just needed some time to process. It hit us just as hard. But she'll be fine, dude."

Adrian stopped next to us and we all fist bumped. He smiled again before he said "We're here for you. Juleka would wake up soon."

I nodded slightly, beaming them a smile before we turned to walk up the stairs. Most of the other students had already gone in. We began catching up on each other's lives, making up for lost time. Adrian nudged me and indicated with his head to the girls on the platform above us where Marinette, Alya and Rose were talking. Then he placed a hand on Nino's shoulder and winked. I finally caught his meaning.

"So Nino?"

"What's up dude" he answered, unaware of our silent exchange.

"Anything I should know about?"

He scratched his head in confusion "no idea what you're talking about dude."

Adrian fake coughed 'Nino and Alya' and Nino became very flustered as I let out a long gasp of shock.

"Really? When did it happen?"

"A week ago but tt's no big deal. We're just dating." Nino said waving his hands in the air trying to get out of this situation but we wouldn't let him off easy. I still remembered when Juleka and I started dating and how they teased me.

Adrian and I nodded in silent agreement before we began to sing
"Nino and Alya sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." We laughed as he attempted to shut us up. He frantically looked around to see everyone staring at him. He  tilted his cap to cover his face and without another word run past us up the stairs leaving Adrian and I to fist bump. Alya groaned and shook her head before noticing me.

She waved to me as we walked up the stairs, ignoring Marinette's panicked attempts at acting natural around us. It was very obvious to everyone that she had a crush on Adrian, well except for Adrian himself. Because why not.

"Hey alya, good morning Rose, and good morning to you too, blue-haired tomato." I greeted them as Rose jumped on me for a hug. Marinette's face turned a deeper shade of red when I called her a tomato, covering her face with her hands. Alya laughed before turning to me.

"How have you been Y/n? We were worried about you. Thought you'd do something crazy like go on a rampage, so it's good to know you're handling it well." Rose nodded in agreement still holding onto me. Marinette squeaked out a welcome back from behind her hands.

"Thanks guys. It's feels nice to hear that." I smiled as I rubbed Rose's hair. "But actually alya there's something I want to check out with you."

"What is it?"
The bell began ringing.

"I'll tell you after school."

Alya nodded as the bell kept on ringing and every one hurried to class. I stopped Marinette as she tried to get past me. She looked up confused before looking away the blush returning. Adrian stopped by the door when he saw me still standing there.

"Y/n are you coming? Class is about to start."

"Yeah just give me a sec."

"Okay." he nodded and entered. Marinette was silent this whole time, but I could almost see the wheels in her head spinning. She jumped a little when I put a hand on her shoulder.

"What's the matter, Y/n? Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
I smiled to put her at ease before I answered. She just blushed even more and avoided eye contact. "You know, you can't keep it hidden anymore. I know you're secret."

"What do you mean" she tensed up as she looked at me suspiciously, taking a step back.

"I mean you and Adrian." *She visibly relaxed before realizing what I said then became even more flustered* "Have you ever tried to just walk up to him and say 'I Like you.' It might work."

She shook her head "I've tried many times but something always come in the way."

"Something like?"

"Oh. Nothing. don't worry about it. I'll tell him someday just not today."

I sighed in exhaustion. "Okay I'll help you out with this."

"Really?" Her eyes brightened before dulling slightly. "How? I've tried everything."

I held my chin in thought. "How about I give you until tomorrow to tell him or I will."

Her scream travelled all throughout the building. I rubbed my ears in pain. She had an apologetic look and mumbled out a sorry.

"Actually I can and trust me it'll be for the best." I said when the pain faded.

"No it won't. Why would you even do something like that?" She was slowly sinking into the pit of dispair, clutching her head.

"Listen closely. You Remember that Chloe likes him. So does Lila. And then there's Kagami." *She jumped up to interrupt but I continued* "and most of the girls in the city because guess what? He's a very, very handsome model. A perfect human specimen."

She deflated instantly and I made her look at me. "So if you waste anymore time, it would soon be too late. Do you understand?"

She nodded in fierce determination.
"Good then go in there and get your man." I ordered as she marched to the door. She looked to me for assurance and I gave her a thumbs up. She smiled and pushed the door open and walked in.
I peeked around to see her standing head held high staring at Adrian. I held my breath and I could see alya and Lila do the same. This is it. She going to do it we all had the same thought.

Adrian looked up at her and waved with a smile and Marinette instantly slumped and scurried to her seat. Everyone in the class let out a groan and Lila breathed a sigh of relief.
I wept outside before quickly making my way to my seat behind Adrian. My entrance called attention away from Marinette. I thanked my classmates for their concerns and our teacher began the first lesson.

Adrian turned to me and asked "What wrong with Marinette? She seems sad."

I sighed and shook my head, confused as to how he could be this oblivious to her feelings. Alya was trying to comfort Marinette while Lila was silently cheering.

"Oh you know. It's one of life's great mysteries. Just like you."

"What about me?"
I didn't answer and he turned back to the board with a confused look.

Honestly these two.

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