
De Medianoki

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(Imperium Saga, Book 2) Naomi Morris lives an average, boring teenage life. That is up until a strange old ma... Mais

Chapter 1: Rift in the Clouds
Chapter 2: No Man's Land
Chapter 3: What Lies Beyond
Chapter 4: Shifting Forces
Chapter 5: Emissaries
Chapter 6: Live Today
Chapter 7: The City of Thieves
Chapter 8: Innocence
Chapter 9: Outside the Walls
Chapter 10: Rat
Chapter 11: The Fragment
Chapter 12: Narvadin
Chapter 13: No One is Innocent
Chapter 14: The Heart
Chapter 16: Calm Waters
Chapter 17: Nobility in Spirit
Chapter 18: Small Piece of a Big Game
Chapter 19: Worth Fighting For
Chapter 20: Memories
Chapter 21: Was it Worth it?
Chapter 22: Side Quest
Chapter 23: Invitation
Chapter 24: Sowing the Seed
Chapter 25: Fallible
Chapter 26: The Warrior's Test
Chapter 27: Restoring Honor
Chapter 28: Trial of Courage
Chapter 29: Trial of Aptitude
Chapter 30: Trial of Honor
Chapter 31: Teeth and Blood
Chapter 32: Cursed With a Blessing
Chapter 33: Waves and Sand
Chapter 34: Die Tomorrow
Chapter 35: The White Wolf
Chapter 36: Prophet
Chapter 37: See You Soon

Chapter 15: Kept in the Dark

37 4 0
De Medianoki

Amazing cover image made by Shreya_VA <3


Feeling the sun shining down against her closed eyelids which leave her feeling more than slight irritation that the morning had the nerve to intrude on her content slumber, Nesosa grumbles as she rolls over on her side. As she moves, her legs stretch out and remind her of the curse put on her by the mysterious Tus'Felnis who attacked them. The itching resurfaces, making today a day where she wakes up wanting nothing more than to kill the next thing to disrupt her sleep.

"Morning, Nes! How's your arse?"

The centaur growls and squints her eyes open against the morning light to glare at the elf wearing a snarky grin across his face. Lavern is perched atop a low branch of the tree they were tied to with his bow on his back.

Looking around, Nesosa sees that there are two more bedrolls laid out and Naomi is passed out in one, while Malachi is sitting in the other with his notebook in his hands and his eyes glued to the page as his pen dances across the paper, writing down some new entry and acting like he doesn't look like a bubbly teenager writing in his diary. Only instead of a bubbly teenager, he's more like a stone-faced alcoholic sitting in a bar.

Lavern leaps off the branch and approaches Nesosa, standing over her with his arms crossed. She grumbles as she pushes off her bedroll to sit up and rub her eyes, letting out a big yawn.

"What the hell happened, Lav? Please tell me ye didn't go lookin' fur them last night." Nesosa crosses her legs and uncomfortably shifts, scratching at her backside and tugging at her pants.

Lavern shakes his head and chuckles. "Don't worry, Nes. I was here the whole time. They found their way back to us last night," he says.

Malachi glances over at the elf, his eyes trailing over his features. His white hair and golden eyes. Thinking about it now, it should've made sense that he was Expiryvus all along. Granted, white hair is the most common hair color among Adaliaens, so that didn't seem out of the ordinary.

However, golden eyes are a very rare trait, especially for someone who doesn't possess magic. Some myths about the White Wolf state that the beasts' eyes are real gold, but that's probably nothing more than a way to up the demand for hunting them down.

Malachi had been fascinated by the Expiryvus as a boy. He's always wanted to find the White Wolf, not to take its pelt and get a mountain of numis, but because he wanted to confirm the legend. He wanted to believe the stories that he learned from his friend. Knowing that Expiryvus is real, even if the beast resides within an annoying Cle boy, it brings him a small amount of contentment.

"Really?" Nesosa raises a brow. "How the bugger did a weak teenager 'n' a feeble auldjin manage tae rammy their way out o' that mess?"

Lavern shrugs and sits down in the dirt beside her bedroll. "Not sure exactly. However, I think they mentioned a bear attacking the camp or something. I suppose in the chaos the cats didn't notice as they slipped away."

Nesosa huffs and flops back in her furs, too tired and annoyed to give a damn about what happened or how they got back. "Sae what now, then?"

Lavern grabs his backpack and shuffles through it, making sure everything is accounted for. "Now, we head for Arkala. Let's wake Naomi so we can start walking," he cracks a grin,"at least you don't have to carry us for the time being. So there's a plus to having this curse."

The centaur scoffs and sits back up, grabbing her bag as well.

Malachi closes his notebook and clips his pen onto the side of the leather cover before tucking it away in his pocket and turning towards Naomi where she's sleeping. He gently grabs her shoulder and shakes her back and forth until she starts to stir but stubbornly keeps her eyes closed and her pillow hugged tightly to her chest.

"Just gimme five more minutes..." she murmurs and buries her face in the pillow.

Malachi sighs and lets go of her shoulder. "We're heading out soon. We should make it to Arkala just as the sun's going down if we leave now and keep a good pace," he says and grumbles when she doesn't move.

"Translation: get your ass up now or we won't have time to stop for food when we get there." The old man gets off his bedroll and packs it into his bag.

As Naomi is forcing herself to wake up, Nesosa starts packing her things as well. She rummages through her bag and pulls out a pair of shorts as she's aware the weather in Arkala is bound to be hot, and with the bullshit rules that when you have a human lower half, you can't walk around without pants, she figures shorts are a not-so-happy medium.

But as she takes them out, a shiny gem falls out and lands on the ground in front of her. She eyes it curiously and picks it up. It's the Schism Fragment.

She throws a quizzical glance at Lavern, but he doesn't notice as he has his back turned to her while packing up his things and retrieving his knives, admiring his new orcish dagger.

Nesosa opens her mouth to ask him why he put it in her bag, but she stops herself. She feels the energy radiating from within the crystal as it rests in her palm.

Without a word, she simply tucks the fragment back into her bag and clasps it shut, throwing the straps over her shoulders and standing up.

She motions to the forest with her thumb. "I'm off tae chaynge. Finish waking up the lassie sae we kin get the bugger out o' 'ere already. I'm holdin' ye tae yer promise o' food 'n' dram once we get tae Arkala, auldjin." She turns and walks off past the tree line with her change of clothes.

Naomi groans as she sits up, sleepily rubbing her eyes. "Do we really have to walk today...?" she yawns, "I'm so sore from all the walking we've done already..." she complains and rubs at her ankles.

Malachi sighs with a nod. "Yes. We must get to Arkala as soon as possible else we risk getting caught by more spies. At least now we know that we have someone to worry about hunting us down, so we know to be more cautious," he states.

Lavern finishes packing up and pulls his backpack over his shoulders. "I'm all set. Just say when it's time to go," he says and looks at Malachi with a small smile. "And... thanks for not saying anything to Nesosa about what I am. I appreciate you not actively wanting me dead," he chuckles nervously.

Malachi gives him a firm nod with no added comment. The three finish getting ready to go just as Nesosa makes her way back to them on the road, her black trousers replaced by a pair of dark brown shorts. Along the side of her entire left leg is a slightly glowing black and purple rune that is recognized as a mark left by Tus'Felnis magic.

Lavern eyes the mark. "Damn, I guess we were right about the curse," he says.

Nesosa grumbles and rubs at the mark. "Yeah... let's just hurry 'n' get tae th' city sae we kin fin' someone tae get rid o' it. Ah can't stand this form." She begins powering down the road, sparing no glance at Naomi or Malachi as she pushes past them.

The crashing waves rock the faerie lightly as the vessel carries the squad across the small canal of the Orinas Sea that surrounds the island of Arkala. On the boat are all types of people, but mainly the white-haired Adaliaens who are natives of the city. Children running around the deck playing and laughing and adults sitting and talking on benches, and some standing or sitting alone with books or scrolls, bags of potions and other magical items that await delivery to various Mar, mages, of Arkala.

In the near distance, they can see the island fast approaching. No walls surround the city, only shining silver gates with spiraling vines weaving their way in and out the bars. The city itself is made up of two layers, the lower one has all the taverns, market stalls, humble houses made from stone and wood, narrow streams flowing alongside the cobblestone roads. Then the upper level has massive houses of pearly white stone and silver in rows with subliminal gardens, willow trees weeping with their leaves brushing delicately against the surface of crystal-clear ponds, dotted with vibrant pink and white lotuses. Behind the rows of houses is a gleaming white palace that towers over the city with moss and vines blanketing the marble walls with an elegant green lush.

The closer they get to the city, the more they come to realize the magic that resides within. You don't need to be a Mar to feel the energy this island gives off. The mystical static fills the air, making it crisp and fresh. It makes one's heart beat stronger and their mind clear. No matter the worries that fill one's soul with doubts, the energy given off from Arkala is like a drug that briefly lets you forget about any and all troubles and simply enjoy the enchanting feeling it gives you.

The faerie docks at the polished stone port that juts out from the hill of the island and the crew lower the guard rail to allow everyone aboard to get off and for those waiting on the island to get on to head to the mainland once the boat is ready to set sail again.

Naomi dodges her way through the dispersing crowd and rushes towards the gates of Arkala, stopping and staring at the city in awe with her mouth agape and her eyes sparkling. When she got thrown into a magical fantasy world, this is about what she was expecting. But the feeling it brings is something she never could have anticipated. Everything about this place is simply perfect.

The others join her and Lavern taps her on her shoulder, but she just can't bring herself to tear her eyes off the sight.

The elf crosses his arms. "Well?" he asks.

Naomi feels the breath leave her lungs and she smiles brightly. "It's... beautiful."

Lavern shrugs and looks over the city as well. "I guess it is," he frowns. "On the outside." He sighs and chuckles.

"Anyway, as you know... I am from here. If you want... my offer still stands and I can show you around. From what I remember, there's a small lake a little west of the city that's pretty secluded. It'd be a great place for a nice picnic and maybe..." he trails off as he looks down at her again, only to see that she has rushed ahead through the gates and vanished from sight.

The elf sighs and slumps forward in defeat. Malachi rolls his eyes and walks through the gates.

Nesosa laughs and ruffles Lavern's hair as she walks by. "Never goin' tae happen," she snickers and follows behind Malachi. Lavern huffs and joins them.

Naomi runs through the streets that are illuminated with a soft orange glow from the light of the sun as it begins to set. She swiftly dodges past the Adaliaens and humans who walk by, but her eyes stay pointed forward. Her heart leaps each time she remembers the last time she saw Nisha, and how they promised to meet up in Arkala once Naomi and the others were done in Balmoral. She doesn't know why, but something about Nisha has just stuck with her, and she doubts it's going to go away anytime soon.

She's tired and her feet are sore from walking all day, but now that she's here, she's determined to use the adrenaline to push herself to end the day with seeing Nisha again, even if it's only brief.

Her eyes glance up upwards for a second and she has to do a doubletake as her attention is grabbed and she stops running. She had seen the white palace in the distance from the faerie earlier, but that was incomparable to standing this close to it and staring up at its beauty. She almost feels unworthy to have her eyes behold it and for a moment she has a strange feeling like she should bow to it, but instead, she opts to just take a picture and send it to Kitty later.

She reaches into her bag and pulls out her phone, glad to see that it still has a decent charge. She goes to hold it up and take a picture of the palace, but in her excitement and adrenaline, her shaking hands cause her to drop it and it skids across the road, stopping at the corner of a stone and wooden building that appears to be the tavern.

She sighs at her clumsiness and rushes over to retrieve her phone. She kneels and picks it up, but as she does, she hears a familiar voice speaking in hushed tones coming from around the corner of the tavern.

She peeks her head around the corner to peer down the alley and lets out a small gasp as she sees Nisha standing halfway down the path with her arms crossed and her back leaned against the stone wall.

Naomi goes to say something but stops herself as she sees that Nisha is talking to another Tus'Felnis, a man with shoulder-length blonde hair tied back in a bun and brown eyes and his cat tail and ears match the color of his hair. He looks only a few years older than Nisha by the looks of it.

He paces back and forth in front of her, his arms are crossed as well. He lets out a long sigh and stops directly in front of her with his head down.

"Hu'Nisha... you have been very secretive as of late, and as you know, that is something Val'Ceraan cannot allow. He has been keeping a close eye on you, and would not be bringing this up if your actions were not a cause for concern." He glares at her.

Nisha rolls her eyes and keeps her face directed away from him.

"You think I don't know that? Believe me, I do. It's annoying how you constantly act like you're in charge of me. Come on, Ceraan, cut me some slack. With Athemar and his magisters constantly breathing down my neck, it's kinda hard to find time away from it all. I'll take care of everything, don't worry. I just need a little more time," she says with a voice laced with irritation.

Val'Ceraan lowers his arms and deepens his glare on her. "You forget that Val'Ceraan is in fact in charge of you. He has been generous up to this point, but your recent behavior has forced his hand." He steps closer, making Nisha's ears fold back.

She frowns and looks up at him. "What are you talking about? Aside from the slow goings, I have done everything you've asked of me. What 'behavior' are you referring to?"

Val'Ceraan raises his hand with his palm facing her. She tenses as a white glow radiates from his hand and casts a light over her body.

She growls and looks down as he lowers his hand and the light goes away.

"You have used your magic recently without Val'Ceraan's permission. And no small amount of it, either. Tell this one, what did you use it for?" He crosses his arms again and his ears slightly lower, his tail swishing irritably in the dust.

"Does it matter? I'm allowed to use the magic I was born with. You don't see me telling you how to brush your own tail, do you?" She shrugs.

Val'Ceraan growls low and places his hand on the wall beside her, leaning closer to her face.

"Life Magic is only used when someone is injured or dead. You have been operating on your own, so what could possibly have required you to use such a large portion of your gift?" he asks with a threatening tone.

Nisha slightly shrinks in on herself but keeps her eyes locked on his.

"A friend was badly injured so I helped him. End of story," she states and lowers her arms, clenching her fists at her sides.

"A friend? This one does not recall permitting you to have friends. You need only him, and that is final," Val'Ceraan warns.

Nisha scoffs. "But—"

"Is that clear?" he growls. Nisha stops herself from snapping back and huffs, looking down in defeat.

"Yes... I understand," she says quietly.

"Who understands?" Val'Ceraan crosses his arms again, burning his glare down at her.

Nisha sighs and looks up at him. "...Hu'Nisha understands," she says through grit teeth.

Val'Ceraan nods and takes a step back. "Very good. Now go. There is much work ahead of us, so this one suggests you get to it. If Val'Ceraan discovers that you have used any more of your magic to help 'friends', then there will be consequences. Remember that. Subrit Uuth."

Nisha nods as well. "Subrit Uuth..." she mumbles.

She looks up at him again, only to see that he has already vanished from sight. She takes a deep breath to try to calm herself down before she ends up punching something or someone.

Naomi didn't mean to eavesdrop, but... okay she meant to. Regardless, something about that man, Val'Ceraan, makes her feel uneasy. She didn't think it was possible for someone to talk to Nisha like that and get away with it without either a bruised ego or broken bones. Who does he think he is?

She sets the thought aside and steps away from the alley as she hears Nisha's footsteps coming her way. The Tus'Felnis walks out into the street with her head down and she takes another deep breath. Since she didn't notice her, Naomi runs up and taps her on the shoulder, making her jump and spin around to face her.

The moment her eyes land on Naomi and realize who it is, her features soften and her body slightly relaxes. "Naomi!" She smiles, but it falters a little.

Naomi chuckles and scratches the back of her head. "Hey, Nisha! It's good to see you!" She pulls her into a hug and smiles over her shoulder.

Nisha returns the gesture, but her arms wrap around Naomi's back cautiously, as if doing so will end in the tip of an arrow. For either of them. Naomi lets her go and stares at her face. Her eyes are a bit dodgy and her ears occasionally twitch. "Is everything okay?" Naomi asks.

Nisha sighs and nods, taking a step back. "Yeah... I'm just tired is all... It's been a really long day." She takes another deep breath and throws on as convincing a smile as she can muster. "But anyway... it's great to see you too. It took you longer to get here than I thought it would," she says.

Naomi chuckles and nods. "Yeah... sorry about that."

Nisha waves her off. "I don't need an apology. But I am, however, expecting some interesting stories about how things went in Balmoral and what held you up. Visits to the city of thieves are seldom without excitement." She grins and throws a glance back at the tavern.

"We could talk over drinks if you want," she offers.

Naomi smiles brightly. "I'd love to. But I'll pass on a drink. All I need is a good meal and I'll be happy." She pats her stomach as it lets out a growl. She eyes Nisha's face again and sees the weariness in her eyes. "But... are you sure you want to? You seem kinda out of it," she asks.

Nisha nods with a sigh. "Yes. I'm sure. Honestly, I think a stiff drink or three is exactly what I need right now," she says with a small yawn. "And besides," she smirks,

"I believe I promised you a date the last time we talked." She winks.

Naomi watches her turn and start walking towards the tavern with her tail gracefully swaying, stirring up the dust from the cobblestone street.

As the Tus'Felnis reaches the door at the top of the smooth stone steps and holds it open while she waits, Naomi can't help but feel as a slight pink hue tints her cheeks as she rushes to join her.

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