Better Days

By Jaxous84

1.5K 182 88

2 years after the events in Egypt, Jotaro sits in a padded cell, wrapped in a straight jacket and suffering f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

98 14 9
By Jaxous84

Noriaki stood in front of the Speedwagon hospital for about 20 minutes before finally walking in and standing before the reception desk.

"Hello, sir. How can I help you?"

"I umm...I'm Noriaki Kakyoin and I' for a procedure..."

"Alright, Mr. Kakyoin. Let me look you up in our system."

Noriaki nodded, "Thank you."

"Alright. I have your information pulled up. We can't do the procedure until 7am. Your doctor has already gone home for the night."

Noriaki's eyes widened, "No. I have to do it now. It's imperative that it happen NOW! Call the doctor. Tell him I'm here!"

"Calm down sir. I'll contact the doctor on call."

With another nod, Noriaki took a seat and waited.

It was over an hour before a nurse came out, "Mr. Kakyoin? We're ready for you."

Noriaki took a deep breath as he stood, letting it out slowly as he walked towards the nurse, "Thank you. I'm ready."

She smiled at him, "Right this way."

He gave her a small smile in return and followed her deeper into the hospital.


Jotaro gave a deep sigh as he woke up the next morning with a smile on his face. He reached across the bed to pull his love into his arms but found the bed empty. With a soft whimper, he huddled under the blanket, waiting for Noriaki to return.

The night before had been a bit rough but ended in them making love for most of the night and redeclaring their love for each other.

Jotaro couldn't be happier. He had his Nori back. Everything was perfect.

At least it would be if his beautiful boyfriend would come back to bed...

After about 30 minutes, Jotaro grew impatient and went looking for his boyfriend.

The apartment was empty.

Making a face, Jotaro did one more sweep through the apartment before finding a piece of paper on the kitchen table.

He picked up the paper and read, slipping into one of the kitchen chairs as he read...

"Dearest Jotaro,

I'm sorry. I guess I lied, or at least allowed you to believe outside my true intentions.

I've gone to get the memory transfer.

If I'm lucky, it will be done by the time you find this.

Please know that I love you. I always have.

I just can't continue on as I am. I don't feel whole. I've thought a lot about it over the last week while we were apart and I think I need this. I think you will be happier with Kakyoin.

If we're lucky, I won't forget.

I pray for that outcome. I don't want to forget but I believe he deserves a second chance at life and who am I to stand in his way?

I'm sorry, Jojo. I know this will hurt you but I feel very strongly about this. It's what I want. Please understand.

I love you. I will always love you.

Yours forever,


Jotaro read the letter twice before dropping it on the table and rushing out of the apartment, heading straight for the Speedwagon hospital.


Jotaro rushed into the hospital and up to the reception desk, "Noriaki Kakyoin! Where is he?!"

"I'm sorry sir. Visiting hours don't start until 8am..." the nurse began.

"I'm Jotaro Kujo, you WILL tell me where he is!"

Her eyes widened and she quickly typed his name into the computer, "Mr. Kakyoin just left recovery. His room number is 385."

"FUCK!" Jotaro screamed as he headed to the elevator. He paced the small area as the elevator slowly rises, cursing and feeling the cold creeping fear crawl over his skin. His Nori could be lost forever. Nori had lied to him, went behind his back and had the transfer. He didn't know how to feel about that but at the moment, it didn't matter.

The elevator opened and Jotaro rushed out, pausing just long enough to figure out which way to go before taking off in a run down the hall. Seconds later, he slid to a stop outside of room 385. He stared at the door for a long moment before taking a deep breath and opening the door quietly, just enough to look inside.

Noriaki lay in the bed, eyes closed, still sound asleep.

Jotaro just watched him, wondering who he would be when he woke. He lost track of time as he stood there watching the slow rise and fall of his boyfriend's chest as his mind raced with all the possibilities of what could happen next.


Jotaro's eyes snapped up to meet Noriaki's, "Nori? Or is it Kakyoin now?"

Noriaki smiled, "Both? I guess. It worked. I remember everything now."


"Everything. I...I'm sorry I lied to you..."

Jotaro shook his head and moved to sit on the bed next to Noriaki, all his anger forgotten, "It was a stupid thing to do, Nori. We could have lost everything..."

"I love you, Jojo. I always have. Even before, in Egypt, I fell in love with everything about you."

Jotaro let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. He reached out and took Noriaki's hands and kissed them, "I love you too, Nori. But you didn't have to do this. Not for me."

"It wasn't just for you, Jojo. I needed to do this for myself as well. I hope you can forgive me..."

"There is nothing to forgive. I'm just glad you're still you, well, mostly you."

Noriaki reached up and pulled Jotaro close, kissing him softly, "I'm still me and I still love you. I'll always love you. In fact, could you hand me my bag?"
A little confused, Jotaro retrieved the bag and sat back next to Noriaki, watching as he dug through the bag.

Noriaki found what he was looking for and kept his hands hidden in the bag as he looked up at Jotaro, "I have something for you. It's a bit of a late anniversary present. This isn't exactly how I wanted to give this to you, but it feels like the right time."

Jotaro narrowed his eyes, even more confused, "What is it, Nori?"

Noriaki blushed a bit as he raised his hands out of the bag and opened the black ring box, "Jotaro Kujo, I love you more than anyone or anything. Would you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

Jotaro's eyes widened in shock as he took in the scene before him, "Nori...I...are you sure?"

Noriaki laughed, "I wouldn't be asking you if I weren't sure, Jojo. I want to spend my life with you. I'm even more sure of that now than I was before all of this started. I'll ask again, Jotaro, will you marry me?"

Jotaro nodded, "Yes. I'll marry you, Noriaki. I love you." He said, pulling the redhead into his arms, "God, yes! I love you so much."


Later that morning, Joseph opened up his phone to find a picture message from his grandson. It was a selfie of Jotaro and Noriaki, both grinning wildly. In the picture, Jotaro was holding up his left hand, showing off his new accessory.

"OH MY GOD!!!!"


And that's the end!!

I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as i have enjoyed writing it!

Comments and questions are welcome and appreciated!!

Much love to you all!!

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