INFERNO HEARTS •lydia martin

By Hazza3000

85.7K 2.2K 696

Isabella McCall is Scott's twin sister and the person who has stolen Lydia Martin's heart without realising i... More

1. || extended prologue
2. || the trio
3. || completely healed
4. || orange eyes
5. || finding my twin
6. || shifted
7. || intimidating hale
8. || half a girl
9. || all of this for lacrosse
10. || killer dream
11. || man down
12. || faking
14. || guardians insinct
15. || the twin outing
16. || injured hale

13. || jealousy

5.5K 162 92
By Hazza3000

So, here is a sentence I never thought would come out of my mouth, but I am currently over at Allison Argents house you know werewolf hunter's daughter and we are choosing her outfit as she wants to look good for my brother.

Allison is searching through her closet whilst me and Lydia are sat on the bed. I'm paying more attention on throwing the football in the air which she gave me saying she found it in one of her boxes either way it keeps me happy, as I've been here since dinner time. I was only planning on coming here for half an hour, but I ended up staying a lot longer.

Lydia on the other hand has had her eyes trained on my shoulders, or when my shirt rides up just an inch she drinks in the skin, Allison clears her throat effectively getting the girls attention.

"Mmm, pass" Lydia says her eyes hardening, Allison pulls out another top which I look up at.

"No, way. Pass" I say before Lydia even gets the chance which shocks both girls. "What? I may not be into fashion and all that, but I have a fashion sense and that my friend is not it."

"Pass" Lydia says to the next top she holds up, Allison lets out a sigh. "Let me see." Lydia gets up off the bed and struts over to the closet swaying her hips a little more giving me a good view which I do not complain about.

"Pass. Pass. Pass on all of it. God, Allison, respect for your taste is dwindling by the second." Lydia laughs but cuts her own laugh off when she spots a certain top. "Hmm. What about this Bella."

I lift my head up at my name being mentioned, I look over the top my eyes scan it taking it in, before looking at the girl. I nod in agreement; Allison takes it from Lydia and holds it up to her body as she looks in the mirror and not gonna lie my jaw drops slightly.

"Yeah, you definitely look hot in that. Kinda makes me regret Scott got in there first, definitely wear that" I say causing the brunette to blush as she continues looking in the mirror, Lydia has to stop herself from tearing the top to shreds and pouncing on the girl in the bed not wanting her to say that about anyone but her.

Lydia uses all her restraint as well to bite back a comment of not liking it at all and changing her mind, god why didn't she pick a different top?! But thankfully before Allison gets over her flustered ness and has a chance to reply her dad walks in breaking the mood.

"Dad, hello." Allison says surprised and irritated at the fact her dad didn't even knock.

"Right. I'm sorry. I completely forgot to knock" the Hunter says looking at me and Lydia briefly I bite back my growl and the need to pull Lydia into my side, hiding her away from the danger.

"Hey, Mr. Argent" Lydia says flopping down on the bed close to me her head is practically in my lap, I can also see right down her top from this angle, and I try my best to be a respective person and not look but common she's a hot girl and I'm a hormonal teenager.

I decide to pay attention to the Hunter forcing myself to nod at him in acknowledgement usually I would be politer, but this is not the case.

"Dad, do you need something?" Allison asks not wanting her dad to ruin this rare girl's moment between all three girls which might not happen again even though she wants it too.

"I wanted to tell you that you'll be staying in tonight" Chris says causing my face the falter slightly knowing how disappointed Scott would be and the thought of a double date is not happening, not in a million years, but Allison's face falls completely a frown taking over her once light and happy features.

"What? I'm going out with my friends tonight" Allison says aggravated at her dad's tone and attitude towards this.

"Not when some animal out there is attacking people" Chris snaps back, Lydia looks at me awkwardly and I share the same look, so I pick up the football and go back to throwing it whilst Lydia goes back to staring at me.

"Dad, dad..." Allison tries to argue but he cuts her off immediately authority leaking into his tone.

"It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past 9:30 p.m." Chris says to Allison calmly but leaving no room for discussion, Allison throws the top onto the bed it hits Lydia in the face, I bite back my laugh remembering this is not the time.

"Hey, no more arguing." And with that Chris leaves, Allison sighs unhappily and as soon as the bedroom door shuts, I burst into laughter whilst a less than impressed Lydia removes the item of clothing from her face, but she can't help the smile that makes its way into her face.

I end up rolling off the bed with a thud causing Lydia to now stifle her laugh as she playfully throws the top at me, I stand up brushing the non-existent dust off my clothes smirking at the strawberry blonde before facing Allison with a sympathetic look on my face.

"Well, he's a bit, umm... full on? Protective" I say questioning how to explain a murderous hunter.

"Someone's daddy's little girl" Lydia chimes in getting off the bed and standing next to me.

"Sometimes. But not tonight." Allison says putting on her beanie and opening her curtains, that was the answer I was hoping to hear. Allison opens her window and climbs onto her porch I raise an eyebrow at Lydia before following her to the window.

"What are you doing?" Lydia asks but Allison doesn't reply instead she decides to show the girl what she's doing. Allison does a perfect front flip and lands on her feet.

"Sick" I say smiling like a kid at the fun fair, no I definitely changed my mind. I love this Argent girl.

"Eight years of gymnastics. Are you coming?" Allison asks looking up at us innocently I nod my head as if I'm in some sort of trance.

"Hell, yeah" I say climbing out the window and onto the porch. "But I have to one up you." I do a back flip of the porch causing Lydia to gasp loudly whilst Allison stares in awe as she questions her sexuality.

"Gymnastics?" Allison questions whilst Lydia just gapes like a goldfish for once being left speechless.

"Nah, just really athletic. Plus, when my dad was around, he bought me and Scott and trampoline and we loved it, I spent most of my time out there" I say with a smile, Allison nods wanting to ask more questions like 'what happened with your dad?' But knows not to push the subject.

Instead, she places a comforting hand on my shoulder it's hesitant at first like she doesn't want to ruin any progress or cross any lines but once she feels a larger hand on top of it squeeze slightly, she feels relieved that she did the right thing.

Both of our attentions though fall on Lydia when we notice the strawberry blonde hasn't moved an inch, she just watched the interaction from the safety of Allison's bedroom window.

"I'll take the stairs" Lydia squeaks taking one look at the distance down.

We're all at the bowling alley now Lydia, Jackson, Rebecca, and I are lacing our bowling shoes whilst Scott and Allison are looking for bowling balls or more, so Allison is looking, and Scott is staring looking confused and out of place.

"You really look like you know what you're doing" Scott says nervously realising how is lie is going to backfire.

"Used to bowl with my dad. When was the last time you bowled?" Allison asks an innocent question but it's enough to make Scott sweat.

"Uh, at a birthday party" Scott says nervously scratching his neck, Allison nods chuckling at his cuteness before grabbing her ball and walking over to us.

"At our eighth birthday party, which ended in a hospital trip" I say with a smile, Rebecca chuckles causing Lydia to look over. Scott goes to smack the back of my head, but I move quickly and stand up threateningly, Jackson bites back his laugh.

"That's what I thought baby brother."

I put Scott in a head lock ruffling his hair up causing everyone to laugh whilst he flushed red. It's my job as his older sister to embarrass him. Rebecca is first up she walks over hesitantly; I take one look at her nervous stance before deciding to help her. That's what a good date would do... right?

She doesn't notice me, so I wrap my arms around her causing her to gasp slightly, I chuckle standing behind her and explaining to her what she needs to do. I help her throw the ball down the alley she knocks all but two pins.

Her face brightens as she jumps into my arms with a little squeal, she placed a dramatically long kiss to my cheek before holding my hand as she skips back. Lydia glares, her eyes full of jealously. This girl is already getting on her final nerve!

Lydia goes to bowl and Jackson goes to help just like I did, she fights the urge to roll her eyes she wanted her future girlfriends help not her current boyfriends! And because of his 'help' she only hits one fucking pin, she'd have been better off on her own!

"I'm so bad at this" Lydia says with a huff as she walks back over to sit down, edging slightly closer to me. Allison's go is next and of course the huntress gets a strike, Scott smiles whilst I put my fingers in my mouth letting out a loud wolf whistle. "Somebody brought their A game."

"Yeah, never knew you were this good Allison" I say with a genuine smile, no smirk just a smile. Allison returns it but a lot wider, it feels especially good to get praise from me as she isn't used to it.

"Good job" Scott says high fiving her.

Jackson's go is next, and he gets a strike, I nod over to him, it's the first civil thing I do all night he smiles slightly a rare sight and nods back in acknowledgement. On my go I get up and score a strike, even without my newfound abilities I've always been good at bowling, something I did with my dad, but this is one thing I didn't let that man ruin and me and mom still come here sometimes.

"Whoo! Yes!" Lydia cheers with a wide smile a little extra and a lot more than she did for Jackson I miss Rebecca's glare as I'm too focused on sending the strawberry blonde a sweet smile and a playful wink.

"You're really good at this Bella" Rebecca says flirtatiously, a sweet smile.

"Thanks, love" I say leaning back against the seat, she takes this as an opportunity to rest into my side, I don't bother to complain as it doesn't really bother me, but it bothers Lydia a lot.

"You're up, McCall" Jackson says smugly after the last 3 people got a strike.

"You can do it, Scott" Allison says not understanding how awful he actually is, Scott picks up a ball and misses all the pins completely it ends up in the gutter causing Jackson to let out a loud and obnoxious laugh.

"Jackson? Mind shutting up?"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just flashing back to the words; I'm a great bowler" Jackson says in between laughs.

"Maybe he just needs a little warm-up" Allison says continuing to stick up for Scott, I bite back any response letting the brunette do it.

"Yeah, maybe he just needs the kiddy bumpers" Jackson says causing Lydia to join in on the laughing, really.

I glare at her, looking at her in disgust she immediately stops laughing but Jackson doesn't seem to notice my expression, but he soon will my wolf thinks. Damn I'm so angry even my wolf is coming out.

"Just... Just aim for the middle" Allison says trying to ignore the arrogant and privileged jock.

"How about you aim for anything except for the gutter?" Jackson says I bite my lip so hard it starts to bleed, Lydia notices and all she wants to do is comfort me, but she can't and that's on nobody but her... soon though she thinks.

"Let him concentrate" Allison barks out, this causes a smile to form on my face now this is why I like Allison the most.

"Come on, just one pin, please" Scott begs the ball goes down the alley about to hit the line but ends up missing and going in the gutter.

"Oh!" Jackson says laughing his ass off. "Oh, great job, McCall. Man, you are a pro."

"That's it! Jackson, you have about 5 seconds to shut the fuck up before I shut that over-sized, spoilt, and arrogant mouth of yours permanently. And trust me you'll be surprised about how many weapons one could use to do that in a bowling alley" I say not being able to bite back the growl, but no one notices not with that threat in the air.

Jackson immediately stops laughing and turns pale, Scott can't even smile at his sister protecting him as he's worried about me shifting. Rebecca grabs my hand lacing our fingers together in an attempt to calm me down, it doesn't work as well as Lydia, but the gentle touch slowly distracts me rather than calming me.

"Just ignore him and Lydia, Bella" Bex says sweetly kissing my temple softly before cuddling closer into me and this time I embrace it wrapping my arm around the girl.

This causes Lydia to let out a growl of her own in a fit of rage, how dare she suggest Isabella ignore her! That's wrong and it won't happen, not again! She won't let it, not for the likes of a stuck-up blonde bitch that's for sure.

"Don't worry. We only just started" Allison on the other hand is comforting Scott, who again looks like a kicked puppy.

Soon enough Scott's go is up again and there is no surprise to the fact he is nervous to bowl, Allison being the lovely person she is gets up and whispers some words of encouragement in his ear.

And by the way Scott's virgin eyes light up I do not want to know what she said, but whatever it was she did say worked as he got a strike, that, and his new abilities.

I cheer my twin on a bright smile on my face, Allison laughs out of pure joy proud of her boyfriend whilst Jackson is looking way too shocked to even be jealous.

"What did you say to him?" Lydia asks completely confused to his sudden change, even though he got the strike and technically cheated his way into getting it, it still counts. Plus, it's always nice to shut Jackson up every once in a while.

"I just gave him something to think about" Allison says the smirk evident in her voice and it's already too much information for me.

"And that's enough information, whatever you told my sex-craved, virgin and let's not forgot hormonal twin I do not want to know. Not now, not ever" I say cussing the girls to laugh shaking their heads at my response whilst Scott flushes in embarrassment.

Jackson on the other hand must have shoved a stick up his arse because whilst we're joking around, he is sat their looking sour as he changes the score.

We've already played loads and we're still somehow here. It's Scott's go again and what a surprise he got another strike, Allison has the brightest smile on her face. Scott is second best though considering I got strikes from the start, so suck it little brother.

"That is seriously amazing. Jackson, how many strikes is that?" Allison asks wanting to rub it in the jocks face even more, like he would've have done to Scott. This makes me like the girl so much more, it's such a shame she's a hunter's daughter because if she wasn't I think I would already trust her.

"It's six. In a row" Jackson says his voice full of irritation and the same sour expression is clouding his not so handsome face.

"Something just clicked, I guess" Scott says with a shrug not wanting to sound too smug but still wanting to rub it in jackass's face.

"Maybe it's natural talent, or maybe it runs in the family because Bella you're amazing at this" Allison says, causing a light smile of fondness to fall onto my face.

"Why thank you Argent you're not too bad yourself" I say with a smirk this causes Scott's smile to widen because I don't get along with anyone and the fact that I'm getting along with Allison makes him so happy.

"I could use a little natural talent. You mind helping me out this time, Bella" Lydia asks using this as her opportunity, I want to say yes but one look at Rebecca's face which has completely fallen causes me to shake my head.

"No, you're good. Just aim for a middle and you'll do perfectly" I say, I hear Rebecca's not so quiet sigh of relief, she leans in closer again. Lydia states at the blonde for a second before speaking up.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence" Lydia says storming of to get a bowling ball.

"Hey, I'll help" Jackson says making a move to help but Lydia immediately shrugs him off.

"How about I just try this one on my own? Bella has given me some advice and I wanna try it" Lydia says shutting jackass down, he sits down moodily. Lydia walks up to the alley scoring a strike effortlessly, my jaw drops to the ground like seriously I'm still picking it up. "I think I'm getting the hang of it."

"That was amazing, Lydia" I say with a smirk on my face the girl blushes as she sits back down but before she can say anything the hunter is speaking up.

"What it was, was perfect form" Allison corrects her tone is harsh and she's practically glaring at the girl, I raise an eyebrow.

"Was it?" Lydia says twirling her hair around her finger looking at us innocently.

"Maybe you should stop pretending to suck just for his benefit" Allison snarks, clearly angry at the girl but I have no idea why.

"Trust me, I do plenty of sucking just for his benefit" Lydia says with a smug smile, Allison looks stunned not knowing what to say. Lydia looks me up and down, oh I see she's trying to make me jealous. I don't know why she would think I would be but two can play at that game Mrs.

"Please, jackass's dick is so small it would be like sucking on a lollipop it isn't that hard" I say with a smirk, Jackson goes to interrupt but doesn't say anything. Rebecca chooses the perfect moment though to start rubbing my knuckles, practically holding my hand because Lydia looks down at the connected hands. Her jaw is now clenched, huh easier than I thought.

"Come on, Bex. I'll drive you home."

"Actually, Connor is next door with his friends in the diner. He's leaving now anyway so it makes sense to catch a ride with him" the blonde says with a smirk on her lips, I nod my head in acknowledgement. She takes one look at Lydia before leaning in and kissing my lips before I could protest, she is already walking away as if nothing happened.

Lydia's face is practically red, she is so angry she could kill her. Jealousy is running through her veins, how dare she. It was one thing for the little stunts she's been pulling this whole night but this... THIS was something different.

Allison sits there her jaw hitting the floor, knowing how much her best friend likes the girl next to her, correction loves the girl next to her.

"I thought you said she was just a friend" Allison asks softly not wanting to be told to mind her own business or anything else but she feels like she has earned the raven-haired girls trust so she is going to ask.

"She is" I say completely confused, my face is completely puzzled and for once I actually look like my brother. You know his whole confused puppy face.

"Then why did she kiss you?" Lydia asks trying to hide her anger but failing completely, it falters though when she's the expression of complete confusion on the girl in front of hers face.

"I don't know, she agreed to come here as just friends nothing more" I say rubbing my face in my hands, girls confuse me way too much, this is why I don't mess with feelings. "I'm going home does anyone want a lift, if so, say now or forever hold your peace."

"Actually, could you drop me home" Lydia asks I look up slightly surprised, so the strawberry blonde decides to justify her reasoning. "Jacksons supposed to be helping his dad and my house is a little out of his way."

"Sure, Allison could you tell the boys that we have left. Unless you want to stay bye" I question looking down at Lydia she shakes her head before getting up walking out together, both ignoring Scott and Jackson's confused faces knowing Allison will explain it.

The ride to Lydia's house was filled with her staring at me but trying her best to be subtle, her debating on whether she should speak or not. When she realised that I noticed her staring the all too familiar blush coats her cheeks and for once that flushed look of embarrassment doesn't sicken me.

I see girls swoon over me all the time, always staring or practically eye fucking me, then when I catch them, they blush and do the 'innocent' hair twirl as if to say I'm not looking.

But when Lydia does it and when I catch her and she blushes, it gives me this unfamiliar feeling in my stomach, and I don't know what to do with that.

I get back the same time as Scott even though Allison's house is closer, I drive 10x faster than the younger boy. But when we walk in, we can hear yelling which we soon identify as mom and Stiles. We walk upstairs wanting to know what's going on.

"What?" Mom whispers but stops mid-sentence when she notices her twins stood in the doorway turning on the light. "Can you please tell your friend to use the front door?"

"But we lock the front door" Scott says confused as he looks at mom, and that's the puppy look I am talking about!

"He wouldn't be able to get in" I add on deciding for the fun of it to pull the same face as Scott.

"Yeah, exactly. And, by the way, do any of you care that there's a police-enforced curfew?" Mom asks sounding exasperated.

"No" we all say in unison, shrugging our shoulders for emphasis.

"No. All right then. Well, you know what? That's about enough parenting for me for one night, so good night" Mom says throwing the bat on the end next to Stiles.

"Night mom" I say giving her a hug she hugs back happily before leaving as Scott says.

"Good night" Scott says weirdly cheerfully clearly finding the Stiles situation amusing but the look soon falls of his face when Stiles sighs. "What?" Scott sits down on the desk chair wanting to know what's going on.

"What's up with you, you look more agitated then usual" I say causing Stiles to let out another sigh, the boy is sat their fidgeting like crazy I know he doesn't like to sit still but dang boy.

"My dad left for the hospital 15 minutes ago. It's the bus driver. They said he succumbed to his wounds" Stiles says causing my face to fall I turn to comfort my twin, but he doesn't look that sad.

"Succumbed?" Scott asks not understanding, I let out a sigh deciding to be the one to say it.

"Scotty, he's dead" I say in the softest voice I can muster, but it doesn't work as he is out of the window as soon as those words leave my mouth. He was already starting to shift as he left, I let out another sigh just wanting to get in bed but no I have to save his life now, I walk over to the window.

"You gonna go after him" Stiles' asks his voice full of concern, my features soften again not looking so firm as they usually do.

"Yeah, but he needs to get this out of his system all this hatred for Derek is unnecessary and it isn't helping anyone considering Derek has the answer to a lot of our questions. The only reason I'm going up their is because Derek is a lot stronger than him and way more experienced and even though Scott deserves to get a bit of an ass kicking for all the things he has accused him off, the way he has treated you recently and this whole change of attitude he is still my brother and I don't want him to get seriously hurt or worse... killed" I say the last word feeling a shiver crawl up my spine not liking the idea of that at all.

"Be careful, Bella" Stiles says softly pulling me into a hug, he loves the girl in front of him like an older sister and he also loves the fact she thinks of everyone— well everyone she cares about but nobody's perfect.

"Please, I'll be fine. I know how to fight anyone, plus I'm actually learning to rely on my wolf instincts unlike Scott who can't fight for shit and is blocking out his wolf instincts" I say ruffling up his hair and placing a kiss to his temple before jumping out the window.

As soon as I arrive at the Hale house, I can hear the fighting from outside along with the loud snarls and growls that go along with it. I follow the voices into the house, not knowing what to expect.

I keep following the sounds until I've been led into a room which looks like at one point would have been a living room. I'm listening to my wolf letting my instincts decide when to cut in, from wolf to hellhound. Derek did call me a protector after all.

Scott jumps on top of the crates panting and groaning clearly in a lot of pain, but he still continues letting out another growl and jumping down. He goes to attack Derek, but his attempt is futile, the older wolf gets in their first clawing Scott's chest and all that can be heard in that moment is Scott's bones crunching.

But the sound soon turns into Scott's groaning, he clutches onto his chest as he leans against the old couch that is covered in dust and ash.

Derek walks forward as if he is going to go in for more, now I know it's time for me to cut it, I step into the line of both the werewolves vision grabbing Derek's clawed hand as I shake my head.

"You've proven your point enough now" I say sternly flashing my eyes to show him how serious I am, it works Derek nods his head as if he is just coming around to himself, I let go of his hand trusting him to not do anymore.

Derek faces away from both of us shifting back to his human form whilst I help Scott sit up properly and place him on the older couch instead of just him leaning against it both boys are extremely sweaty and apart from the old ash smell in the room that's the other potent thing you can smell.

By the way Scott's sitting he is showing me he hasn't let his guard down yet but as long as he doesn't attack Derek then it's okay.

"I didn't kill him. None of us did. It's not your fault, it's not Bella's fault and it's not mine" Derek explains but all that seems to do is anger Scott.

"This? This is all your fault! Your ruined my life! And your ruined Bella's!" Scott says getting back into Derek's face as if he didn't learn the first time, I grab my twin's wrist shoving him back and flashing my eyes in warning

"Don't do anything stupid Scott, just listen to what he has to say and stop acting like an impulsive child" I say a growl coming out of my throat, I am tired, and I've had enough of this now.

"No, I didn't ruin your life" Derek decides to say having enough of the teenager blaming him for everything and again I don't blame him.

"You're the one who bit us!" Scott says causing me to let out a frustrated growl if he could listen to anything I say ever this wouldn't be happening right now.

"No, I'm not" Derek says frustrated but he says it the same time I'm growling out. "No, he's not."

"What?" Scott asks clearly not understanding anything, he looks at me with puppy dog eyes causing me to sigh.

"I'm not the one that bit you" Derek says taking the opportunity to get his point across, Scott looks taken back he looks down at his torn shirt the cute have already healed but the blood is still there.

"Listen Scotty" I say touching his shoulder that just so happens to have some of his blood on, then before I know it, I'm being thrown into a flashback as well.

We're walking towards the buses even though my vision is still a bit blurry we can still see the all too familiar bus. Next thing we know we're on the bus but instead of us attacking the driver it is someone else attacking Mr Meyers who is standing their screaming.

I subconsciously shove Scott a little behind me, he can still see but if anything happened, he would be protected by my body. The mysterious werewolf is holding onto Garrison Meyers looking at us suggestively but when I see Scott reaching for his hand, I shove him even further backwards.

I take one look at my compassionate twin's face and decide to grab the bus drives hand instead as soon as his hand is in my grip, there are clawed hands coming for my chest, Scott goes to move and help me but is still behind me and I don't let him get any closer, I end up letting go of Mr Meyers hands and resulting in a clawed chest just like Scott has now.

But the key thing that Scott takes no off here is Derek is not the werewolf that was there, that werewolf had red eyes like I said before whilst Derek has blue. Plus, his shift looks nothing like the other werewolf which was with us at the buses.

I stumble backwards losing my balance after being forced into a flashback, Derek steadies me before placing me on the couch next to my brother.

"Thank you" I say gratefully and for the second time today Scott sees a genuine smile on my face something he hasn't seen like that for years, well outside our home or with Stiles that is.

"There's another" Scott interrupts whatever was going on between the older beta and his sister.

"It's called an alpha and if you ever listened to anything I said you would already know this" I snap annoyed that we're only having this conversation now whilst I've been trying to pitch my ideas for days. Derek in the other hand looks taken back by my knowledge along with Scott.

"How did you know that?" Derek questions completely stunned; he wonders how one twin can lack so much knowledge whilst the other seems to have all of it.

"Well, I told you before that I never believed that you did anything wrong you said it yourself that it was because of my instincts that I believed that, so I decided to do some research and work things out for myself instead of having to rely on anyone. I went through loads of different websites, and I ended up finding out a lot of information about werewolves. So, I put two and two together this other wolf is the perfect description of an alpha" I explain shocking Scott into complete silence which trust me never happens.

"Impressive" Derek says looking at me with some sort of fondness in his eyes, never seeming to be surprised with just how much the older twin learns. "Do you know what an alpha does and what we are?"

"I know that it's the most dangerous of our kind. We are all betas, even though I'm a bit more complicated technically I am still a beta. I also know that the alpha is more powerful and more animalistic than any of us" I explain remembering what I read.

Scott's jaw officially falls off its hinges whilst Derek looks like he's trying his best to suppress a smile, it's now that he's realising if he can get both of us on side and defeat the alpha, he might have already found two pack mates so he won't worry about being an omega anymore and if he can't get both just getting me might be enough.

"That's right, my sister came here looking for him. Now, I'm trying to find him. But I don't think I can do it without either of you" Derek explains again finding himself surprised by the look of understanding on the teenage girls face in front of him.

"Why?" Scott asks finally speaking up after getting I've the initial shock of what just happened.

"Bella, do you know?" Derek asks genuinely intrigued to how far my knowledge of all of this actually goes.

"Well, I know that for one we're stronger in numbers. The alpha is a lot stronger than all of us so if we want to take him down it will take all three of us, but if I learn how to control my abilities, I could potentially take him down single handily. I could overpower him but if we did it all together, we would stand a better chance" I reply and that's when Derek realises, he really will get along with this girl, he didn't even need to ask the question as she has already answered it, we all need to work together.

"How do you... how do you know all of this?" Scott asks still in complete shock and feeling a little guilty for not listening to his twin earlier.

"I told you research. I wanted to know everything, and I didn't want to rely on someone else to supply that information for me. I wanted something done so I got it done, plus I was curious as to what the hell was going on, so instead of fainting over some girl I found out the information I wanted" I say bluntly, Scott would look slightly offended at his twin's words but knowing that it's the harsh reality, he opts against trying to find any pity.

"Is there any other information that you know and would be kind enough to share?" Derek asks wanting to get an idea about how much I already know.

"I know that because he's the one that bit us, we're a part of his pack whether we want to be or not. I do know a lot more, but a magician never reveals all his tricks so I'm gonna keep some of it to myself for now" I say with a smirk.

"But we didn't..." Scott mutters trying to make sense of it all, I get it though this is the first time he's hearing it, it's a lot to take in and a lot harder to understand.

"It's you two! Scott, Bella. You're the two he wants" Derek says but before he can say anything else I can feel my wolf scratching to the get into the surface. I listen in using my new intensified hearing, a rustling outside and a quiet growling follows along with it."Bella? Are you okay?"

"Do you hear that" I choose to ask instead of answering the question, I listen in again and I can still hear it.

"Hear what?" Scott asks but I'm already running out the door, Derek, and Scott hot on my tail. Just as we get outside, I see a flicker of red and then nothing. I go to continue following the werewolf, but Derek grabs my arm shaking his head.

"The alpha he was... here" I say pointing to the bushes where I spotted the werewolf in, Derek scents the air and sure enough he can smell that another werewolf had been there.

"And running after him would've been a suicide mission. We do this together Isabella not alone" Derek says sternly.

I nod my head in understanding seeing how impulsive my actions were. I look up at the older wolf apologetically before letting out a sigh, Derek's eventually let's go of my arm. I look over at my brother and it takes one look at his face to realise just how tired he really is.

"Come on, let's go home" I say Scott nods eagerly walking over to me knackered I wrap my arm around the smaller boys' shoulders.

"Thank you, Derek." I smile as I lead Scott into the passenger's side of the car, Derek smiles for once not bothering to hide it, he nods his head before walking back into the house.

(A/N - and just like that I am done with episode 3!!! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did, please vote, and thank you to everyone who is voting it means a lot!! Again, I haven't had enough time to proofread so sorry for any mistakes ~ Hazza)

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