The Dark Artifices- Lady Midn...

By TheShadowhunterBooks

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Can't wait for The Dark Artifices to come out? Read this! I don't own these characters or stories. More

Prologue: The Parabatai Ritual
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 9
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note
New FanFiction Details

Chapter 3

817 15 1
By TheShadowhunterBooks

I sprinted out of the training room, blood pounding in my ears. Another door slammed. The murderer was close. I turned a corner and saw Jules bleary eyed and confused.

"Hi Em-"

"Jules quick - my parent's murderer -here in the Institute!" I said, gasping for breath.

He didn't even stop to protest but nodded and ran after me.


We skidded down the hallways, following the sound of banging doors. From what I could hear, the murderer was only a hallway ahead of us, but everywhere we looked, there was no sign of any disturbance. A crash came from the library. I turned to look at Jules, and we both ran at full speed towards the room.

I slammed my foot against the door, and it swung open with a creak, revealing a dark cloaked figure rifling through the shelves of books. The figure ignored us, and continued its search. Details ran through my mind as I processed what I could see. The figure was around 7 feet tall and had a skeletal looking body. With every movement it made, it seemed to groan with effort. It must be of Shadowhunter origin, otherwise it wouldn't have been able to get in. I thought back to my history lessons, trying to remember how the Infernal Devices entered the London Institute. They used Shadowhunter blood.

I gestured for Jules to follow me, and he nodded. My breathing was hard but I tiptoed forward until was right behind the cloaked figure, and leaped.

I grabbed its neck and struggled with it to the floor. It clawed at my leg and I screamed in agony, Jules coming up behind me. He stabbed it with a seraph blade, but it powdered and fell to the floor. In a flash, he had a knife in his hand again as he stabbed, and the grip on my arm was released. I grabbed Cortana from my back and pointed it at the creature's neck.

"Who are you!" I screamed as its hood slipped back. I bit back a scream. It's face was bone with no skin or flesh. was a skeleton.

It didn't reply. "I said WHO ARE YOU!" I repeated.

"I serve Lord Sebastian in his quest to save mankind", its voice sounded like metal grinding on metal.

"What are you?" I whispered, terrified of the sound of that name.

"I serve Lord Sebastian in his quest to save mankind", it repeated.

"I GET THE DAMN POINT!", I screamed, suddenly furious "now answer my question", my voice now dangerously low. Jules seemed to sense this and tensed by my side. "What are you?"

"I serve Lord Seba-". I raised my sword and severed the head from the body, stabbing and slicing with unexpected strength. Jules picked me up and tugged me away from the skeleton. "Em. Em, EMMA! It's dead".

I was breathing hard and my eyes widened as the realisation of what had just happened sunk in.

"I think there are some people we should see, Em", Jules said. I nodded.


We stopped outside the New York Institute, which looked almost identical to the Los Angeles one. I pressed the doorbell and it echoed throughout the Institute. The door creaked open. A tall man with jet black hair and ice blue eyes stood at the door. He cocked his head to the side, inquiring. "Hello. Can I help you?". It was unmistakably Alec Lightwood, brother to Isabelle Lightwood and friend - very, very good friend - of the famous warlock Magnus Bane.

"Hi. I'm Emma Carstairs and this is my parabatai Jules". Alec looked confused when I mentioned his name, and I realised that I had accidentally said his nickname. "Oh! Sorry, I meant Julian. Julian Blackthorn. We've come from the Los Angeles Institute and we urgently need to speak to everybody that lives here, especially Clary Herondale". His eyes widened and he gestured inside.

"Erm...well ok then. I'll get everybody. Take a seat in the library, we'll be there in a minute".

I opened the door to the library and sat down in one of the armchairs, Jules lounged casually on the arm. Feeling ok? He traced on my arm. Sort of, I traced back. He flashed a smile at me. The door opened again and Alec came in, followed by Isabelle, Clary, Jace and Simon. I thought he was a mundane. Ascension, Jules traced and I nodded.

Isabelle Lightwood sashayed in wearing an unbelievably short leather skirt with zips down the side and demon stomping boots. Clary was wearing casual jeans, a jumper and fluffy slippers, whilst Jace and Simon were both in gear. Jace had honey blond hair and amber eyes with a mischevious glint to them. Simon had tousled brown hair and big geek glasses, which made him look like he was eighteen, though he was 21.

Clary rushed forward and embraced me in a big bear hug, smiling. "Emma, hun! Great to see you". Jace and Simon both said hi to Jules then sat down. Izzy kissed me on both cheeks then followed Clary to sit on the floor, as all the seats were taken up. "You guys should so offer your seats to the ladies" Clary said to the guys. They didn't move.

"So", Jace said, "what's the problem? I was just gonna eat some food."

"Hey, shut up! Don't be rude", Isabelle pinched him on the arm.

"Well, you won't be happy at all to hear what I'm going to say, and I came here because you all seem to be my best shot of getting anywhere", I said slowly. Everybody was silent at that and turned to me, frowning.

"Sebastian's back", I whispered.

Hi guys! I've written a long chapter to make up for the last one and I hope you like it :) This story is actually a joint effort... me and my friend are taking it in turns for chapters, so we would appreciate a lot if you could like, comment and vote <3 thx
- R

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