Life As I Know It

By lilmama881106

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Xavier Medina and three of his best friends are retired Army mechanics, have been for four years, finally bei... More

CHapter 1: Not the Start But Still a Beginning
Chapter 2: The First Date, & Ellie's Confession
Chapter 4: Ryders Story & Answered Prayers
Chapter 5: Jayden's Tale, & Sleep Over
A picnic &Moving In 6
Chapter 7: Slowly Moving Forward
Chapter 8: The Medinas, Enzo Story, & Moving In
Chapter 9: Quitting & The Aldermans
Chapter 10: Tre's Warning & Lugnuts
Chapter 11: She's Gone, & We Just Want To Talk To Her.
Chapter 12: It's Different Right
Chapter 13: The Rings, The Plan
Chapter 14: The End

Chapter 3: Dark Past Confessions.

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By lilmama881106

            The rest of the weekend went by quick Rosie, Lola, Tre' and Tess day went by quick. "Hey I have to run to the bank and go pay some bills you good for lunch on your own?" Tre' asked. "I actually promised Keith I would go to lunch with him as the girls are eating lunch in the office today. I'll catch them tomorrow. I'm sure Ellie will be on the phone with her new boyfriend anyway." Tess teased. "Yeah it's always the quiet ones, that mean your next." Tre' said as winked and went out the door.

She walked across the street to meet up with Keith who was standing out side it was about five minutes to noon. "I was hoping you wouldn't forget me he said with a sweet soft smile. "No, I would never." She teased keeping distance from him. Keith was a nice guy but there was just something holding herself back form him this whole time. She couldn't figure out what it could be so she figured that the friendship was the only thing she would be willing to offer him. No reason they couldn't get along knowing every now and than they had to work together. It was smart to have strong work relationships especially when they would have to share charts and transfer patient over.

"So there is a nice steak place just down the way here." He said. "Oh uh ok sure. DO you think we can be in and out in time though?" "Oh yeah of course they have a table set aside for us already I thought ahead I wouldn't want us to be late. First day back is always a little nuts, right?" Keith said rubbing the back of his head with a chuckle but she couldn't agree more. "can we walk there, I think it's only ten minutes down right?" "Yeah that sounds nice." Keith said smiling deeply it was a nice day out, it would start getting hot soon seeing as it was late April.

"So how was your weekend? Did you get the information you wanted?" Tess asked trying to spark small talk. "It wasn't what I thought it would be you know, I was hoping for I don't know just a little more. Travis got a quick out of it though. There were a couple of times where you were left just thinking I could be doing something so much better than this. So that's got to tell ya something right?" He said making her laugh. "That sounds bad, I'm glad Corban doesn't make us go, I don't know if I could have made it trough that one. Don't get me wrong I do go every now and than but it takes something that really just sticks out to grab my attention to drag my fat ass down to them things." She said making them laugh again.

"Maybe next time I'll have Corban drag all you along. Least than it maybe some parts won't suck so bad. You know maybe the whole misery and company thing." "You wouldn't dare. Corban would never betray me I'm his favorite or at least that what he tells everyone else." She said with a shrug and a shake of her head. "Yeah he told us too. We were thinking of maybe hiring a new nurse or two. Starting joking around with some of the others about taking there's Corban said we could pick anyone he had, but if we took you he'd break our legs." HE said with a shiver. "I feel so special." She said in a mocking tone making him smirk if only you really knew he thought to himself.

Opening the door for her she noticed it was a little pricey and a little more upscale than she would of hoped it would be especially when she was in her Disney villain scrubs. The hostess looking Keith up and down and trying to hold back the glare to Tess was so happy to see him. "Dr. Morgan it's so nice to see you today. I have few tables open anywhere special you would like to sit?" She purred out. "No." He said not even looking at her. "Ok, than please follow me, is it just you two?" She asked in a tight smiled tone. "Yes, please." Tess said in a little kinder tone than Keith did. "Right this way." She said walking in heels that were probably a little to high but to each their own she thought.

"What can I get you to start off to drink." Only looking at Keith. "Coke please." Tess said again a little more nice than maybe she should have seeing anything coming out of her mouth just irritated the hostess anyways. "Same." He said quickly to dismiss her, still not sparing her a glance. "It will be right out." Tess looked around and noticed there were quiet a few ladies here who were eyeing them up and down. Maybe they saw more in him than what she was able to, but her did have great qualities he was tall dark and handsome, he had a nice and healthy built to him, he was funny, smart and kind. He had a good job. She could see the appeal of him, just couldn't get with the appeal like the others were.

"You sir have quiet the fan club, I am amazed you're still single, or get to walk around with security." She giggled out making fun of him. "That's just mean." He said with a pointed look and a chuckle. "Well you got your pick of the liter here. I could totally be your wing man right now, we could have a how I met your mother and play haavvee you met Keith?" She said in a playful way. "I wouldn't talk to any of these women if you paid me. They only looking for someone who can maintain them, or worse yet a sugar daddy like guy. That is not up my alley. Any ways why don't you tell me something about you instead?" He said leaning closer on the table arms crossed giving her all his attention. When the waiter came.

"Here are your drinks are you ready to order?" "Yeah I'll take the T-bone medium with the veggies. Tess?" He asked. "I'd like half of the turkey club and some fries." She said. He gave her a tilted look. "I'm not that hungry and if I eat a bigger meal I'll probably start drifting to sleep while taking vitals." She shrugged. He put his hands up in surrender. "Can't have that now." He said with a laugh. "So seriously, tell me something about you I don't already know." "Like what?" She asked. "Anything, what's something you like to do if you have time to yourself?" HE asked taking a drink. "OK well I like to sleep, read, and every now and than I like to go for a jog. I like going out and relaxing with the girls. I like the crazy movie nights Tre' every now and than. That's about it." "That Tre is a trip. What's the story there with you too anyway?"

HE asked as their food came, and they thanked the waiter. "Well one day in grade school he came walking in the middle of he school year sat down next to me, asked me do ships have cargo, but cars have shipments, and we've been besties ever since." She said with a chuckle. Keith shaking his head eating his meal. "SO you guys never dated or anything after all this time?" "Oh HELL NO!" She said in busted up laughter. "That man is my brother from another mother, there's never been anything like that between us. Just never." She said. They talked for a little bit and she enjoyed herself when the waiter came to bring the check she asked for her to be separate despite his protest.

She was getting her stuff together as they both stood up. When he heard he phone going off with the picture of Xavier kissing her on the cheek. She didn't have the courage to show her real her screen saver of the first picture the took looking happily at the camera. Keith looking down at the picture trying to hide his jealousy. "Hello." She asked with a wide smile. "Hey baby girl how you doing?" He said in that voice that made her heart skip. "I'm actually getting ready to walk back to work from lunch." She said. "Oh yeah where did you go?" "Keith and I went down to the steak house down the way form the office." She said. "That sounds nice. Hey I don't really want to keep I was just wanted to ask you something real quick. The park is having a movie night where they pull out that big projector and have the food vendors and stuff Saturday night I was wondering if you wanted to honor me with a third date?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, that sounds fun. If that tri-tip sandwich guy is back, I might act up a little I love those damn things." She said making him laugh. "Well alright I'll let you get make to hanging with Keith I just wanted to ask you that. Talk to you later." He said as he waited for her to say goodbye and hang up the phone. "So you ready?" Keith asked with a smile. "Yeah let's go." She smiled at him. She couldn't help but smile the whole back since she hung up the phone. Keith was torn between wondering if it was because the good time they had or the date Xavier made.

"So I was hoping to ask you a favor. I got a couple of friends coming to celebrate one of their new job offers, you know a handful of doctors and nurses I was hoping I could go with me." "Me, really why?" "Well you know Travis has plans already and I have fun with you, you said we're friends right? Well these friends minus the one we're celebrating of course are a bunch of my horse is better than your horse friends and if I don't you there to keep my manners and boredom in check I might just hurt someone." He said looking at her with pleading eyes. "Please, we can even leave early but don't make me go meet these people alone." He whined. "Fine. I will go I can't leave a friend hanging like that. I know what that's like. Man thank god for Tre' sometimes." She said in a give up sigh.

"Thank you so much." He said holding back from tackling her in a hug. She walked back into her office. "Hey you know if you and the girls are free, the guys and I are going out to this new little club over in Clover maybe if you guys are free you could hit it up with us?" Keith said before she walked in the door. "Well as fun as that sounds we actually have dates Friday but thank you so much for thinking of us and the offer. Take care Keith I'll meet you here about 530 Sunday." She said as she walked in the office. The day was long Tess was counted down the days until Friday.

Friday finally came and it was lunch time everyone decided to stay in the office Gabby grabbed her purse and was heading over to the café for a caffeine. Until she stopped in the parking lot looking up to see Jayden standing in front of her with a bouquet with multicolored roses. "Uh hey." He said turning a little red starting to lose the nerve he had when he got the idea to come do this, swallowing deeply." "Hey Jayden. What's up?" Gabby said tiliting her head a little at him as he looked really cute and scared.

"Well you know we actually got off a little early today and I was missing you, thinking about you so I thought I'd swing by to see if I could take you to lunch. This are for you." He said turning a little red. "Thank you so much they are beautiful. So you came all the way down here just to eat with me, because you look like you got something on your mind Jay." Gabby said looking at him, she was able to read him well. Wondering why he was acting up and looking scared.

"Well yeah, I do. I didn't think this would be this hard, but I mean I'm scared I'm about to ruin everything you know but I don't want to wait any longer on this you know?" "Got to say need a little more information here Jay." She said looking confused. "Jay it's me what can you not tell me?" She asked rubbing his arm. "I really like you, I always think about you like you are just stuck in my brain. I liked you for awhile and all this talking and seeing each other hasn't helped at all. I want to know if you can just be my girlfriend." Jayden rushed out almost in a whole long sentence word thing. Taking a deep breath. Looking scared and beat red and worried he just ruined everything.

They were just staring at each other for a minute when Tony popped. "Hey Gabs how you doing. Torres." He said bitterly. "Newman." Jayden said with the same tone. "Hey Gabby if your free you want to grab lunch?" Tony said hopeful smile. "Actually Tony I can't do that I'm going to lunch with my boyfriend. You ready honey?" She asked Jayden coming up to kiss his cheek and grab his arm. Making him smile deeply. "Hell yeah. Ugh yeah let's go." He said wrapping his hand around his waist walking her down the way to the taco shop. Tony in shock, and holding back his anger.

Later on the evening after the guys came to pick up the girls. Tre was started texting them. The guys went to grab them all some snacks and food and drinks. "Huh, hey y'all listen to this Tre' wants to know why Keith and his friends are trying so hard to get him to hang out with them. He's not sure what's up but they've been bugging him all day, to go out." Tess said looking around the girls who looked confused and just shrugged at her. "I don't know what's up with them, maybe they want a little bit of crazy too and wants to see how it's done?" Aria said as they all laughed. "Did Travis and the other's asked you guys if we all wanted to chill this weekend too?" Ellie asked curiously.

"Travis asked me to lunch earlier but had to shut that down since my boyfriend was waiting on me." Gabby said happily with a little bounce. Each girl was putting on their shoes after they picked out their balls. "I have to run out and get some new scrubs you guys want to go with Sunday? Maybe afterwards head to mine and chill?" Aria asked the girls. "That sounds fun, I'm in. "Gabby said nodding along handing Jayden a napkin. "I need some new ones my thighs rubbing out of the ones I got now." Ellie said laughing. "I can go get to the scrubs but I promise Keith I would do him a favor and go with him to his friends dinner thing. Travis normally goes with him but he's busy and so the rest of the guys he pulled the friend favor guilt card I felt trapt into saying yes, I'm hoping something comes up and I can back out." Tess said sadly.

The guys looked around at each other, Xavier was glaring hard trying to keep his anger in check. "If you don't want to go just tell you don't want to go." Enzo said like it was simple. "It's hard you know we've been friends with Keith and them for a few years. We need to keep a civil relationship with Travis, and Keith I mean we all work together do you have any idea how uncomfortable that would be to make things awkward?" Tess said. "I would have said yes to help him." Aria said. "Yeah, me to it's like if Tre' needed help." Gabby said. "Of course we would, because we're good people and good friends. It's not like it would ever be a date." Ellie said the girls all laughed making the guys look around curiously. "So none of you would ever go on a date with them?" Ryder asked.

"Oh god now, did you hear Tess. We would never do anything with them that could ever make things uncomfortable in the future every now and than we need to be able to work with them things should professional, yet a little friendship there so the trust in each other to be able to do our jobs better and easier is possible." Aria said as the girls all nodded along. Making the guys smirk and blush deeply.

"Well what about say for example Hunter and Tony?" "Well we work with them sometimes too, so that would be a no. Besides they um.. the four together are kind of." Ellie had to stop because she couldn't find a nice way to say it. "I got this one sweetie." Gabby said nicely, than added. "Them four men are too high maintenance for our fat ass. They all the time doing things or showing off or bragging it's like good for you, I feel sorry for your retirement account though bro." Gabby said. "It always feels awkward when they try to get us to go to the fancy places with them to because it's like we don't like all that crap." Aria said. "It's nice every now and than maybe if it's for a special cause or event, but we like food. Not those little platters where we got to stop like at In and Out on the way home because we hungry." Ellie said laughing.

"They don't really listen to what you have to say it's like they hear you and space out." "Well what if you just told Keith you have to cancel because you already have other plans or something came up?" Xavier asked. "It's just one dinner I plan on leaving early anyway." Tess said. "Will you call me when you get home?" Xavier asked. "Yes. Are we still on for tomorrow?" Tess asked. "Of course." He said leaning in to give her a kiss as he took his turn to bowl they played a couple of games they started as Xavier, Enzo Tess and Ellie. Than the other lane was Jayden, Ryder, Gabby, and Ari. Than they ended up just staying girls versus guys. The girls luckily won by four strikes. Only because the guys got more caught up in messing up each others shots making everyone laugh.

As they were caught up taking a bunch of couple and group selfies in the parking lot before they were shocked when they saw a huge dark figure running across the parking lot. "Tre?" Enzo asked. He popped up looking around. "OH THANK GOD! You have no idea how glad I am to see you. Tess call my cousin and have him come get me at the ice cream parlor in fifteen minutes." "Tre' what the hell is wrong with you? Are you ok? Is this another crazy chick?" Tess asked. "No it's your guy's DAMN FAN CLUB!" Tre' snapped at them. "What do you mean their damn fan club." Xavier asked as he and the rest of the guys pulled the girls closer to them.

"What do I mean?! I mean Keith Morgan, Travis Stone, Hunter Hall, and fucking Antonio damn Newman hunting my ass down dragging my sorry ass all over the last couple towns on the claims of trying to chill together but with non stop questions and stories, I need a damn break I finally faked an emergency call and bounce the hell out of all that noise. Ran into a couple of the crazy's I went out with by the way lazy eye Susan, six finger Lani, and Jodi all say hi and send their love and recommended these movies for you Ari." Tre' said handing her a list of movies still catching his breath. "Awe we miss them." Tess said looking over the list with the other girls and Jayden and Ryder. "Oh, shit you didn't see me." Tre' said as he stared running.

"It's still barely light outside and the guy as dark as a fucking shadow how he think he goes unnoticed." Ryder asked making everyone laugh hard. Looking up they saw the guys driving by smiling and waving at the girls, glaring at he guys. "I texted Drake. He'll meet Tre." Tess said shaking her head. "OK well it is getting late I still got laundry to get done." Ari said. "Yeah, me too." Tess said. "Well thank you gals for a lovely evening." Jayden said as he opened the door for Gabby to get in the car. They all left.

Walking her up to her door. "I had a great time tonight you guys are so funny." She said stepping closer to him. "Ya it was a good night.." He said slowly pulling her in. "You won't forget to text me Sunday will you?" He asked in a cute face. "Yes, I will. Is there something wrong between you and Keith? You know this is nothing but a friendly helpful thing between to coworkers and other nurses and doctors right? This is in no way a romantical thing." "I understand that. I have nothing against Keith, we just don't personally care for each other too much." Xavier said. "Does this bother you?" Tess asked curiously. "No, no,. Little bit but it's my issue. I just don't like the idea of other guys taking you out." HE said looking down at her. "I guess maybe we may have some things to talk about tomorrow. Maybe? The last thing I want you to do is feel uncomfortable. Xavier I really like you. I hope you know that." She said as she put her hands around his neck.

He just pulled her in close to kiss her deeply. "I'll be here about five to pick you up tomorrow." He said as he kissed her deeply running his hands up her waist to her hair and jawline and neck. "Goodnight Xav." She said as she turned and locked the door behind her. As he got in the truck with a happy smile on his face, she was just left confused. She thought there was something great going between them, but when she told him she liked him, he kissed her and said nothing. I really hope this just wasn't all in my own stupid head.

The next day she got everything ready sheets, throw pillows, blankets and two of her pop cameo chairs. With a knock on the door he was surprised to see how beautiful she was in her little long sundress with her little tote bag. "You look great. Wow I only brought two blankets, but you got a way better handle on this than I do." Xavier said as he took the bag and her hand as she locked up her house. Lifting her into the truck and making the short the drive to the big park in town. It had a big turn out. He was a little impressed at all the happy kids running around playing with bubble wands and couples cuddled up on blankets they found a spot with great distance from everyone else. He was going to need it for what he had planned. There was still light as they had time for the sun to set.

He had a little cooler filled with fruit, some drinks. Tess came walking up with the tri-tip sanchwhiches she found walking up on the sidewalk. Happily taking one from her he couldn't help but smile. It amazed him how much they actual knew about each other there was no doubt in his mind how perfect they were for each other. It wasn't fair to hold back from her so before he could ask her for more he need to let her know of what could happen. "I think we should talk about a couple of things if that's ok." He said in that voice that drove her wild it was low and deep. "Alright." She said taking the drink from him.

"Tess I think about you daily, sometimes I swear you don't even leave my mind. I worry about you more than I do myself. It's like I am just simply existing until the next time I get to see or talk to you. All this time getting to know you has done nothing but made so wrapped around you damn finger it's crazy. I really like you on some level it goes more than that. It bugs me to think of any other man trying to touch you, or hold you the way I want hell the way I need to. I just don't want to hold nothing back from you. I want to know if you would be mine. IS that something you can ever see for us? Would you want to be officially mine?" Xavier asked being nervous as hell and somehow being able to keep calm.

"I would love to be yours Xav." She said smiling deeply. "Before you really answer that I need you to understand somethings about me that may change that answer. Tess I have seen and gone through a lot in my time served and sometimes I get small episodes when I sleep not violent or anything, but just some after effects of PTSD. The last four days of my time served. I went out with some soldiers and on the way back we got attacked my hummer tipped down this hill like place we got cornered but only three of us got out. The youngest on e I swear he was only nineteen he stepped on a trigger and I managed to spear his ass of the damn thing and that's what you see before you now. I was left with a fifteen percent chance, they managed to get everything out and infection never took so once in awhile in my sleep I still am rolling down the hill with soldiers who didn't make it and feeling all the pain of them taking all that metal out. It took them about eight hours with no pain relief to get it all out." Xavier said lifting his face and neck and loosening his shirt for her to look down to get a glimpse of some of the after effects which now weren't so bad.

"I am so sorry you went through that. I am so thankful you are here in front of me right now. Xavier you make my heart beat uncontrollably when ever I even think about you. I don't even feel like I am actually breathing until I get to be near you. Your past is not going to change my mind to hoping to be with you now and in the future. If were going to be honest about things that may change everything between us than I should tell you the truth about me too." She said looking down at her hands taking in a shaky breath. "I have been scared about telling you this, because I just didn't want to run you off." She choked out a little bit.

He reached out and took her hands in his just rubbing it with his thumb nodding at her. "I have PTSD too. When I sleep not violently though just maybe some shaking and stuff every now and than." Xavier looked at her like she told him she had magical powers that was not what he saw coming. "See when I was in my first year of college I went about a good hour away form home, so I got a dorm. I would receive all these notes, flowers, couple of silly little cute gifts, necklaces bracelets all kinds of things. It was all from a secret admirer it drove me nuts trying to figure out who it was until after about three months he came clean." Taking a deep breath.

"We went on a few dates we never became together because as wonderful as he was to me, there was always something about him that made me I don't know on alert I guess. So the more we hung out and stuff the more intense he became. I had a few male lab partners who got beat up badly because some guy who claimed to be my boyfriend thought they getting to close. Whenever I spoke to another guy who wasn't Tre' he tried to hide how it bothered him but than that same guy the next day something horrible would happen to them. The girls and I were getting scared. It was just to coincidental you know."

"So one day I noticed there was some pictures of me in places or doing things or being in places that in no way, he should have been able to get or have. So after I asked him about a couple of things he was fidgety and defensive. Turns out he was sneaking into my door room, and following me around in scary ways. He wasn't an admirer, he was a crazy stalker. After some more strange things I got a restraining order on him. That just pist him off, and he just found ways to up his game. One night he found his way in my dorm and managed to knock me out, he took me to his place and next thing I know he was losing his shit because I told him I told we couldn't be together. He ended up burning me with weird things and took his knife and made random cuts all over my ribs and under them. Before he could go any further from beating the crap out of me and my face, cops and Tre' came through the door. So sometimes I get flashbacks of the crazy things he's done." She said looking at him nervously.

Xavier looked at her sadly not with pity or sympathy but understanding of what that battle is like. "The only thing that has been helping me, and please don't please don't take this in a creepy is well you know that wolf we got last week." He nodded slowly. "Well it smells like you, and when I cuddle with it before smelling you on it, and I don't have any dreams. Everything is Lucas free. That was his name Lucas Williams. He went to jail and he even busted out. They caught him outside my new dorm room I wasn't there though and he shot two cops in the shoulder and they shot and killed him. He's been dead for a few years it's just sometimes I still can't get away from him. I have been getting better though thanks to the wolf. So before you decide that this is too much and get up to leave me which I won't blame you I just wan to thank you." She said looking down back into hands in her lap.

He lifted her chin to look at him her eyes trying hard to let a couple of tears fall. "I'm sorry you went through that. I wish some how I could have protected you from that no one deserves to go through anything like that. It wasn't your fault and he can never hurt you again. You were not the cause of anything that happen to you. I'm glad that our little wolf helps you. I've noticed on days I at least talk to you, I don't relapse either. I am not going to get up and walk away form this. I want you to be with Tess." He said looking down at her. Looking at him she let one tear fell. "I want to be with you Xav. I think after all the hell we've been through we deserve this don't you?" She asked as he wiped away a tear. "I don't know what I did to be able to have you here with me but I will do everything I can to not make you regret it. So this is it? This is real?" He asked.

"This is it." She said reaching up to kiss him. He picked her up and turned her around to be in between his legs leaning back on him as the movie started to play. They were mainly lost in the random make out sessions they would have. Getting lost in the calmness between them as they have finally let out the truth to the other. It was an amazing feeling wondering why they were so nervous when they knew deep down inside themselves that the other one wouldn't run so easy. The night went on to be one of the best one's they have ever had.

She got on a nice sundress that wasn't to dressed up or dress downed. Dreading going out to this thing, she called an uber, since she lent her car to Tre' so he could help his cousin move some things around. Waiting for Keith to show up he came running up looking nice in a black button down and dark jeans. "Tess hey, you look great." As he pulled her into a quick hug. "I was going to call you but I didn't have your number everybody cancelled out the guest of honor and my only reason for being there to begin with left the state this morning. I'm so sorry for taking up your evening, but hey you know what we are already out here can I just take you to dinner to apologize I mean you were doing such a nice thing coming out for me. Let me take you to a meal. Could still have a nice time between friends right?" "Ugh, yeah ok I guess that would be ok just for a little bit." She said. "Ok great I know this great place it's my favorite and I think you'll love it. Just right over here." He said showing her the way.

"Here let's make it fun I'll blind fold you until we sit down." He said. "Um ok. Sure I guess." She said as she took the sleeping mask from him and held his shoulder. Until he sat her down. She looked around and her heart stopped. It was a fresh sushi place. Her heart rate quickened. "Are you sure this is your favorite place?" She asked. "Yup best place in town I swear. Here you go." He gave her the menu. Looking at it was filled with raw seafood, making her stomach feel like it was tossing and turning. "So what can I get started for you guys tonight?" "I'd like the number four platter and a sweet tea." He said happily. "Can I just have a coke please." Xavier saw them in the window angrily came in the restaurant with the small bag still in his hand.

"You got to have more than a soda, Tess really anything you want is fine." He said. "No, Keith it's really not ,remember a couple months back." She got cut off by Xavier. "What the hell Keith. Baby get up let's go." Xavier said. "What the hell is your problem man, you can't just come in and tell her what to do." Keith stood up getting mad and confused. "You know what Morgan for a minute just for a minute I really thought you were here friend." He said getting mad. "I am her friend." He snapped back. "Than how the hell can you bring here man? You know damn well she's highly allergic to seafood, and shellfish. So I am taking my girlfriend out of her before you end making her have to go into the hospital for a fucking shot." Xavier growled at him.

"Oh, oh crap Tess I'm so sorry I forgot. I didn't mean to." "Keith it's ok, its fine I think I'm just going to head home it was thoughtful, but Xavier's right I really just want to leave. They got their way out the door. "So when did this become a real thing?" Keith asked pointing between the two, trying to hold back the cringe. "Yesterday, thought it was finally time, to swoop her up before I missed my chance." Xavier said pulling her close to him. "So what happened to the rest of your party back there Morgan?" "Turns out the guy had to leave earlier than he thought and since Keith didn't have my phone number he couldn't call me before hand. So since we were already down here thought to keep the meal friendly, took a bit of a left turn there though." She said in a joking turn.

"Well Keith thank you for an interesting evening but honestly I just want to go home." "Night Keith." Xavier said as he guided her to his truck, lifting her up and driving her home. Keith was trying to shake off the jealousy but he couldn't all he could think about is what he can do to make her see how much better he is for her, it was time to go home and rethink a new game plan."

Walking her to the door she noticed he had a bag in his hand. "What you got there?" she asked curiously. I remembered you said the wolf smelling like me helps you sleep. So I brought you some of my old t-shirts and some of the cologne I always wear thought maybe that could help to. I don't know I don't think I really thought this through now that I'm holding it in front of you." HE said scratching the back of his head. "This is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me. Thank you so much for this." She said looking at him in amazement.

"I just wanted to help you a little bit." He said. Kissing her sweetly. "Lock up tight baby I'll call you tomorrow." Waiting for the locks to turn he than went home and cuddled up to Arlo. "Got someone special you need to meet bud." HE said as they drifted off to sleep. Tess turned everything off, pulling on one of his shirts he had already sprayed to smell like him, breathing it in cuddling her wolf in her bed she dreamt of nothing but her sexy man and slept the best she has in years.

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General Fiction

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Everything seems perfect when Ebony meets Chresanto - but is falling in love around secrets even possible? ...
10K 205 37
August hates the word hope. Everytime he believes in hope. It causes him more pain and despair. But what happens when he finds out his whole life h...