James Phelps love story

By SpencerRiedfan24

13.6K 120 31

Based off my love for James Phelps and a dream I had. Wish he could be mine. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 34

126 2 0
By SpencerRiedfan24

(James POV)
I woke up the next morning to my wives alarm going off and smile looking over at her as she groans waking up and shut her alarm off. "Morning my love." I say kissing her head gently and get up. "I hate mornings." She says sitting up slowly and stretches rubbing her stomach feeling our baby daughter kick. "Ooo baby girl its to early in the morning for this." She says getting up and heads to the bathroom. I smile and go get my one year old daughter up and get her dressed for the day. "Good morning princess. Want to help daddy get ready for the day?" I ask her as she yawns tiredly and stretches nodding her head. Autumn helps me pick a shirt and a pair of shorts for me as my wife comes out of the bathroom changed. "Okay love go get changed I got this little monkey butt." She says setting autumn on the bed letting me change which I do. After I finish changing I head out and see my wife getting everything that we need for the day for Autumn and then head downstairs to eat breakfast before we all head to the parks. I set autumn down on my lap and feed her some food while I eat and smile seeing my parents come in and eat as we disscuss the plan for the day and then head back to the room and get our stuff then head to the parks. Once we arrive I find a place to park and then get out helping my wife get the stroller out then put our daughter in as my wife puts the dipper bag underneath. "Ready to go guys?" I ask everyone locking the car once my wife grabbed her bag. "Yep." Everyone says smiling as we head towards security to go into the parks. Once we were in the parks we make our way to Hogsmead and talk. My wife walks pushing autumn's stroller and focuses on navigating the crowds. I walk with them and help her get through the crowds as we arrive at the entrance of Hogsmead. "Welcome to Hogsmead guys." I say to my parents as we walk in. My parents look around and enjoy it as I explain everything in detail and what props we used in the movies. Autumn sits in her stroller and looks around trying to take everything in while my wife walks pushing the stroller. "Love you wanna take a seat while I show my parents a shop?" I ask her as we stop. "Yeah." She says nodding as she sits down in the shade. "We will be back. Stay here and rest with our daughter. We will be back." I say kissing her head gently then head inside a store with my parents. After I show them around inside the shop and talk to them as we walk out and over to my wife. I start heading to my wife slowly but quickly rush to them seeing some drunk coming onto her as my wife was trying to get away with our daughter. "Oi mate mind leaving my wife and daughter alone." I say grabbing the guy and turn him to me. "Your wife? No she's far to young for you." He slurs. My parents get my wife and daughter out of the way while I let the guy go. "Okay. Sir come on." I hear an officer say taking the guy away.

Once he was gone I rush to my wife and daughter and see my wife rocking the stroller back and fourth trying to calm her down but fails because she's worked up herself and seemed to be having some sort of attack but I didn't pay close attention to it. "Love you okay? Did he touch you at all?" I ask getting her. "I'm fine James. No he didn't touch me." She says looking up at me and tries to calm our daughter and herself down. Autumn continues to cry scared and upset. "Awwww shhhh princess. It's okay. Daddy's here." I coo softly and pick her up and rock her gently calming her down. Autumn holds onto me tightly and cries. "Shhhh baby girl. Daddy is here. Your okay. I got you. Daddy's got you." I say gently and rock her. Autumn holds me and calms down slowly gripping my shirt tightly. "Dadda." She says in tears. "It's okay baby I'm here. Your safe." I say rocking her as I walk around calming her down and kiss her head gently leaving my wife with my mother to try and relax. After a few moments away from lots of people autumn calms down fully and holds me. "See your okay. Daddy's got you." I say holding her and look at her. "Dadda." She says looking at me with wet cheeks and a runny nose. "I know princess. How bout we go back to mommy and grandma and grandpa and blow your nose?" I say holding her and look at her with a gentle smile. Autumn nods and holds me while sniffling.

I head back and see my wife and my mother gone and my dad sitting with the stroller. "Hey where did mom and Hadaza go?" I ask grabbing a tissue and clean autumns nose then dry her eyes. "Your mother took Hadaza to the bathroom because Hadaza starting having an attack." My father said. "An attack? What attack? Panic or asthma or anxiety?" I say calmly trying to not get my daughter stressed out again. "She said anxiety or an allergy attack." He said looking at me. I hold my daughter and dry her eyes and sigh wanting to go after my wife but know I have to stay with my daughter right now. After a few minutes my mother and my wife come back as I am busy putting our daughter in her stroller to sleep. "Hi love you okay?" I ask going to her and gently hold her arms. "I'm fine." She says shaking a bit. I rub her arms gently and see the rashes on her arms from the allergy attack. "Who's hungry?" My mother asks taking over the stroller and starts walking with my father. "Sure." I say walking with my against me and hold her hand kissing her head gently. My wife lets me and walks itching her arm. "Stop it love you are okay. Focus on my hand. When we stop you can sit down and take your medication okay?" I say walking with her and hold her hands. She walks and nods focusing on my hands as we arrive at a place to eat and take a seat then order. Once we sat down and ordered our food I get my wife to drink and take an allergy pill so her allergies will not flare up and cause her to go into shock. "Talk to me love. You okay?" I ask gently and kiss her head. "I'm not okay. What ever that man had on him caused me to have a reaction which caused me to have an anxiety attack. I mean look at my hands they are still shaking." She says showing me her hands as they shake. I take her and pull her into my arms gently and rock her trying to calm her down and wait till her allergy pill kicks in.

A few minutes later her medication kicks in and she stops shaking and just lays against me. I hold her and look her over seeing her in an awful state. "I think after lunch we should head back to the hotel and cool off a bit then head back into the park. Sound good to you guys?" My mother asks. "That sounds perfect mom. Don't you agree love?" I ask looking at my wife. She just nods and drinks her water slowly as our food comes. I smile and move some hair out of her face and feel how hot she is. "Love your burning up. You feeling okay?" I ask getting concerned now with her health and well-being and the well-being of our daughter. "I'm fine. Just a bit sun deprived." She says drinking her water. "Honey your not okay. Look at you. Your cheeks are flushed, your burning up. Your not okay and if your not okayed then our baby isn't okay." I say getting some ice and putting it on the back of her neck. "I'm just a little hot. That's all. I just need to cool down. Also you try having some drunk guy come up to you and start to feel you all over. It's not fun. It's scary, disgusting, and plain out wrong." She says looking at me tiredly and dehydrated. "I don't know what it feels like. However I do know it was bad for you. You shouldn't have to go through this when your not feeling your best." I say keeping the ice against her neck. "I was fine this morning now it's just all hitting me at once. Excuse me." She says taking my hand off her neck and starts to make her way to the bathroom. I watch her and sigh feeling bad for not knowing that she was ill. "I'll go check on her." My mom says standing up. "No mom lots fine. Let her have some space to herself." I say stopping her. She stops and sits down nodding and starts talking about other things while eating our food. A few moments later I see my wife come back looking slightly better but still pretty ill. "Hi honey." I say looking at her as she walks to us. "Hi." She says sitting down again slowly. I help her sit and look at her making sure she wasn't going to pass out. She sits and drinks her water as I grab another ice cube and put it on her neck again cooling her body down more. "Eat something love." I say giving her a bite of my food. She eats it weakly without another word. I continue to eat and feed her seeing her slowly come back to normal but still looking not herself. My wife eats and drinks her water trying to cool herself down. I continue with the ice on her neck and feeding her as my daughter wakes up from her nap and stretches. "Hi princess. You want some snacks?" My mother asks our daughter who smiles tiredly as she hands her some baby puffs. Autumn smiles and takes them eating them happily and looks at us seeing her mother looking down. "Mamma?" She asks looking at her and holds her hands out. "Momma's fine baby girl." She says looking at her with a weak smile. I finish eating and look at my parents. "Alright lets head back to the car." My mother said standing up with all of us and pushes the stroller heading back to the front of the park. I walk holding my wife and try and keep her in the shade as much as I can to keep her cool. Halfway towards the entrance of the park my wife trips causing me to catch her. "Hey mom, dad take the keys and head to the car. I'll join you guys soon." I say giving my dad the keys. He takes them and nods heading with my mother and my daughter.

I set my wife down on a bench and kneel in front of her and look over her. "Are you okay? Do you want me to carry you?" I ask her and rub her knees gently. "I'm just very tired and weak and hot." She says looking at me sadly. "I know love. You are okay. Just take a break." I say looking at her and grab her hands. She nods and sighs looking down moving her hair out of the way. I stay in front of her and keep an eye on her. "Ready?" I ask her. "Yeah." She says nodding and stands up slowly with my help. I put her bag on my back and pick her up bridal style and carry her to the car not wanting her to walk or hurt herself any further. She lets me and holds onto me laying her head against my shoulder as we arrive at the car. I put her in the car and get in and head back to the hotel with my family in the car. Once we arrive I take my wife to our room and set her on the bed and start a cold bath for her then undress her and put her in it. "Holy shit its so cold James." She says grabbing onto my shirt as she sits down in the cold water. "I know love but it is going to help you cool your body temperature down." I say staying in the bathroom with her. "Where's Autumn?" She asks realizing that our daughter wasn't here. "Don't worry. She's with my parents. Just relax." I say laying her back in the tub and feel her head seeing her temperature drop down. She lays in the tub shivering and holds onto my shirt. "I so cold." She says shivering. "I know love. You can get out soon." I say checking her temperature and rub her stomach gently feeling our daughter move causing my wife to wince. "Easy baby girl." I say rubbing her stomach gently calming my daughter down. "She's mad because I didn't take care of myself." She says looking at me. "That but she is worried about her mommy." I say feeling her body temperature has dropped. "Alright lets get you out and changed." I say helping her stand up and dry her off while gently set her on her feet. "I am so cold and hungry and sleepy." She says rubbing her eyes and shiver. "Alright baby. Lets get you changed and into bed then I'll go and get you food." I say changing her into a pair of leggings and one of my hoodies then pick her up and lay her on the bed. She yawns and holds onto me as I lay her on the bed. "Get some rest love and while you are sleeping think of baby names while you are sleeping and I'll go get some food and check on Autumn." I say covering her with a the blankets and one of her own. "Okay. Hurry back though please." She says smiling tiredly. "I will love. Do you have any food in mind that you want?" I ask looking at her. "Not that I can think of at the moment." She says looking at me tiredly. "Okay if you do tell me." I say kissing her head. "Okay." She says slowly closing her eyes and nods. "Sleep love." I say letting her sleep. Once I knew she was asleep I slip out of the room quietly and check on my daughter and see her sound asleep then tell my parents I'm going to get food for Hadaza and that I just need someone to check on her once in awhile. My mother agrees to and tells me to go. I go and get some food for her and text her doctor telling her what happened then head back to our room. Once I arrive back at our room I smile gently seeing my wife sound asleep and snuggled under the covers. I set her food down on the table in our room and get it ready for her before walking over and waking her up. "Hey love I have food for you." I say gently rubbing her arm causing her to stir and wake up slowly. "Mmmmm. I'm up." She says yawning and stretches her body. "You look more like yourself love." I say helping her up slowly. "I feel better. I'm just hungry and tired." She says rubbing her eyes and gets out of bed. "I know. You can eat your food and if you want you can go back to sleep or we could attempt to go back to the park since it is a bit cooler outside now." I say giving her food. She takes it and eats it slowly as I go and get her a drink that has electrolytes in it that she needs at the moment. "Love your doctor wants you to face time her. She's worried about you." I say making her drink. "Okay." She says drinking and grabs her phone. I let her and sit next to her rubbing her back as she face times her doctor.

"Ahh Hadaza good. You got my message." Her doctor says. "Yeah James told me." She says looking at her doctor and leans against me. "Yes. He told me about what happened. How are you feeling now?" She asks her. "I'm very tired and hungry." She says to her doctor. "To be expected. You really need to make sure you are hydrating right now and not pushing yourself to hard. Rest as much as you can and keep in the shade." She says. "I know." She says sighing. "I'm serious Hadaza. You are four months pregnant and 29 years old with a history of preeclampsia, and a miscarriage. You need to take care of your body and make sure you are resting as much as possible. If this happens again when you come back I will put you on bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy." She says. "I'm trying to take care of myself. Its been a long two days with multiple hours of driving and taking care of a year and seven month year old." My wife says. "I know but you are more important right now in making sure you are taking care of yourself. Come on Hadaza your better then this." Her doctor says to her. "I know." My wife says feeling defeated and broken. I rub her back and kiss her head gently making sure she knows I'm there for her. "Keep me updated for the next two weeks. You need to keep yourself healthy Hadaza. Have a good rest of your evening guys." She says hanging up. My wife hangs up and breaks down in tears and cries into her hands. "Shhh its okay love. Shhh calm down." I coo gently and rock her gently. "Its not okay James. She's right I'm better then this. Today was bad I should've known that something was wrong." She says crying. I sigh and hold her turning her to me and rock her gently trying to calm her down. She cries and holds onto me. "I'm an awful person." She says sobbing and holds onto me. "No baby no. You are not an awful person. You just got to much going on and that's on me. I should've given you a full day of resting. I knew that traveling was rough on your body and you. Love I'm sorry." I say looking at her. "Its not your fault James. Its mine. I didn't stop myself from pushing myself to far and now I am paying the price for it. Its so hard trying to remember what I can and can't do and having to worry about autumn running around and getting into everything. I just forgot about myself and the baby." She says looking at me. "It's both our faults love." I say stroking her cheek with my thumbs as she calms down. "Okay." She says nodding gently. I smile and kiss her nose gently and look at her face. "How's baby girl doing?" I ask looking down at her baby bump. "I think baby is doing quiet alright and is happy because she got food." My wife say looking down and rubs her stomach gently. "Good. Did we think of a name for the little peanut?" I ask rubbing her stomach gently.

"We did." She says looking up at me. "And what name are we going to call this baby?" I ask still rubbing her stomach gently and look at her. "Dahalia April Phelps." She says looking at me. "I like it. What made you go with dahalia?" I ask smiling. "Well I am from the Middle East and I love the hand lotion I use every day so I figured I wanted to go back to where my ancestors were born." She says rubbing her stomach gently. "I think it's perfect. Very beautiful and different. You like that name dahalia?" I say talking to her stomach gently and put my hand there. My daughter kicks three times excited about her name. "I'm taking this as a yes to you liking you name." I say smiling. My wife smiles and looks up at me keeping her hands on mine. "What?" I ask. "I love you." She says smiling. "I love you too. And dahalia and autumn." I say kissing her gently. She smiles and kisses back the same way. "We love you two." She say pulling away slightly. I smile and pull her closer to me and kiss her rubbing her stomach gently. She smiles and pulls away shortly after so she could go finish eating her food while I go and get my daughter. I walk into my parents room and smile seeing her eating her food but stops when she sees me. "Dadda." She says happily. "Hi princess. You enjoying your dinner?" I ask her and kiss her head. "Yah." She says smiling and eats. "How's Hadaza doing?" My mother asks. "Good. She's doing good. We thought of a name for the baby." I say smiling and stroke my daughters hair gently. "Oooo let's hear it." My mother says excitedly.

"We decided to name our baby Dahalia." I say looking down at autumn. "Dahalia. Beautiful name." My mother say smiling. "It really is. You and Hadaza always have good names for your babies. Have you guys figured out what you are going to do with autumn and the nursery?" She asks. "No. For the first few months Dahalia will be in our room but after those few months are over she's going to move into the nursery. I'm just wondering if we should move autumn into a big girl bed in another room or switch the nursery to another room." I say looking at my mother. "I would get autumn accustomed to a bed in her own room that she's in now. Then move the nursery into another room." My mother says. "Okay." I say nodding and clean my daughter face off and then clean up her empty plate. Autumn giggles and lets me then grabs my arm. "You wanna go see mommy?" I ask her and help her off the chair and hold her hand.

"Momma." She says happily and tries pulling me. "Okay sweetie lets go. Thank you for watching her mom and dad." I say starting to head to the door. "Anytime honey. Go enjoy time with your family. Your father and I are going to walk around town a bit and maybe go to the park." She says as I let my daughter pull me to the door. "Of course. Go guys have fun." I say walking with her too our room. "Momma." Autumn says seeing her mother sitting on the bed doing some work. "Hi princess." She says setting her laptop down and picks her up setting her on the bed. Autumn smile and sits next to her mother and lays her head down against her. "Did you have a fun time with grandma and grandpa?" She asks her. Autumn nods and lays against her and places her tiny hands against her mother stomach causing me to smile and sit. "You feel your baby sister Dahalia moving princess?" I ask her.

Autumn nods and smiles and keeps her hands there. My wife smiles and lets her and looks at me then at our daughter who was sound asleep. "Someone is a tired little one." I say picking her up gently and change her into pjs and look at the time seeing it was autumns bedtime which is seven in the evening. "Goodnight baby girl." I say kissing her head gently and bring her over to her mother so she can say goodnight. "Night princess." My wife says kissing her head and lets me lay her down in her pack and play. Once she was in her pack and play I crawl into bed next to my wife and hold her against me kissing her head softly and rub her stomach softly. "What was she doing when you went over?" She asks softly and goes on her laptop to save her work and turn it off. "She was eating her dinner and my parents are going to head back out to the park to look around more and enjoy themselves." I say putting her laptop on the other bed. "Good they need some time to themselves." She says slipping under the covers and lays her head on my chest. "They do. You comfy love?" I ask her and kiss her head before I get up and go and lock the door leading to the hallway and to the adjoined room. "I was till you moved." She says laying on her side. "I'm sorry love." I say crawling into bed next to her and placing her head on my chest. She smile and lays against me gently yawning. "Let's get some sleep. In the morning we can see what we want to do. Sound good to you?" I state looking down at my tired wife. "Mmmhhmmm." She mutters tiredly as she closes her eyes and falls asleep. I smile and turn off the lamp and kiss her head before laying down. "Goodnight my love. I love you and my daughters very much." I say and fall asleep holding my wife against me. The night is peaceful and relaxing. I couldn't ask for a better evening.

(Here's chapter 34. Hope you enjoy. Please if you can vote and comment on the story. Your feedback really helps me to improve the chapters. Love you guys.)

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