Fake Love *A BTS Reverse Hare...

Par AdoredbyMinAgustD

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This is the sequel to "With The First Kiss * A BTS Reverse Harem" I recommend to read that one first. But yo... Plus

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Par AdoredbyMinAgustD

"Fuck, that hurt," I groan rubbing the back of my head. Jin rushes to me and pulls me to my feet, and without another word pulls me from my room. I get curious, as he is very anxious. "Jin, wh-," but my voice gets stuck in my throat when I see why I'm here. Tears roll over my cheeks and I don't understand how it could happen. I take a step closer but Yoongi stops me, and then I see it. The gun. My heart beats faster and then Luke steps from behind her. 

He smiles evilly at me, "I told you, you would be mine. Now come with me or she dies." He does something with the gun and I know it's ready to fire. "You won't hurt them if I go with you?" I ask,  and surprisingly, my voice is steady and firm. I can't trust him, no matter how he answers. But I have to do something. If any of them got hurt, I wouldn't forgive myself. It's because of me. And as everyone is here, they're all in danger. 

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this." I tell everyone, but look at Yoongi. And I see the understanding come over him, and he shakes his head at me, but doesn't say anything. 'Get her to the hospital please?' He nods and tears leave his eyes, and I kiss him quickly. He grabs me and doesn't let go. "Please Yoongi? I need to do this. You understand right?" And he slowly nods, but doesn't relent his hold. I pry his arms off me, and he lets them fall limply beside him. His head is down and seeing him this hurt, hurts me. I swallow the tears away and walk to the door. 

"They will take care of you. I'm so sorry you got mixed up in this." I smile sadly at her. She takes my hand and squeezes. I grab her and push her into Jungkook's arms as he is the closest. Luke grabs my arm and points the gun at me. I look over my shoulder as he tugs me away. Yoongi and Taehyung are in the front.

'Don't worry. He won't hurt me. He needs me. He wants my money. Cancel my credit cards please. I love you both. Please tell Taehyung. ' I send as a last goodbye. And then I send all my love to Taehyung. I look at Luke, and watch his every move. He isn't solely focused on me, but more on where he's taking me, which is a black car. He pushes me in after opening the door. He comes in after me, still pointing the gun on me. Funnily I'm not afraid, not yet. At the moment he seems stable. 

"So tell me? Where did you find her?" I ask, as the car drives away, and I realize he isn't alone. Who is driving? But I don't see anything that could tell me who it is. He has a hoodie on, so I see nothing, except a hooded figure. Luke chuckles, "wouldn't you like to know?" 

"Well yes. That's why I asked." I tell him. God, how could I have forgotten how annoying it is to deal with him. He sighs like I'm a child who asks to much. "I saw her at the airport when the police dropped me off after our last party." And he grins big, "it took me a while, but once I remembered who she was, I knew she was my way to you. So I took her, had my fun, and now you're here." Fun? What fun? Please no. Not the same fun he had with me? Please, please no. The tears flow again, "you raped her?" And he looks shocked. Am I wrong?

"What? No of course not. We had sex. She wanted it." He tells me smugly. So yes, he raped her. I'm almost out of my seat, but he lifts the gun and I slowly sit back. He chuckles, "I should have used a gun sooner. This is much easier than that stupid plan." What plan? What is he talking about? He doesn't make any sense. "What do you want with me?" I ask, maybe I'll get somewhere with this topic. Besides talking more about her doesn't help me. The boys will take care that she gets the treatment she needs. 

"I want your money. And if I have you, fuck you. But now with a little more spice. Drugging you last time wasn't the best idea, but he wanted it." He? Who's he? He chuckles, as he remembers something. "Can't I just give you some, and you leave me alone?" I ask, maybe this will work. He's stupid, so I'm mixing the questions, maybe I can catch him off guard and he reveals something significant. "Oh no, babygirl. It's a whole package kind of deal for me." And he leers at me, and I shudder. 

The car stops, and he motions for me to open the door with the gun. I do, stalling doesn't help me now. He pushes me harshly, and I stumble, and he keeps pushing. Through a door, down a hallway, into a small room, with a mattress on the floor, caked in blood. And the tears come again, as I think about what she has gone through, all because of me. He gives one last shove and I fall on my hands and knees. The door closes and I'm alone. I crawl to a corner and hug my knees to my chest. Fuck how do I get out of here? What will he do next? Will he feed me? Or starve? Dehydration? 

'Yoongi?' I try, and wait. The drive wasn't that long, so I'm probably really close to Seoul. 'Y/n? Are you okay?' And the worry is so thick, I'm a little overwhelmed. 'Relax, I'm fine. As I said he wants my money so he needs me. Did you get her to the hospital?' I wait, and the nerves multiply as I think about all the injuries she might have. 'Namjoon and Jin took her. She will be fine. How can I help? Where are you? Can I send the police somewhere?' I chuckle, always wanting to be my hero, but he already is just as he is. 

'I'm sorry. I don't know where I am. I'm in a small room. That's it. A door, a hallway and this room.' Suddenly I hear voices and I look up. There's a vent and it connects to the room next door. And I hear people talking and they get louder. I hear Luke, and then a second voice, and I recognize it, and it doesn't surprise me. The third voice however does. Really? I hold my breath as I listen. But it tells me nothing. But, then after 5 minutes of nonsense, finally. 

"So did you get her credit cards? I want to go shopping." The second voice says. Typical. I get kidnapped because she wants to go shopping. She could have asked me, but no, right to the kidnapping. "We're not going shopping. We need the money for other things. No clothes." The third voice says. The second whines, but then I hear Luke, "I get the money. I wanted it first." 

And they start bickering. All just children, and they managed to kidnap me. How ridiculous. Finally it falls silent, and moments later, Luke comes in, gun in hand, pointing it at me. "Credit cards please?" I sigh, I'm not really dressed and did he really think I have them on me. He so stupid, "does it look like I have them with me?" I ask. He looks me up and down, and then gets angry. Now it gets dangerous, and I slowly stand up. I'm not going to die sitting down. He steps closer and grabs my arm in a vice. It hurts but trying to pull free will hurt more, and probably anger him more. I let him pull me to the car and he gets in, after pushing me. He sends a text, and moments later a hooded figure gets in and starts the car. 

Okay where are we going. I patiently wait and let him fume. 'Yoongi? I believe we're on our way back. He wants my credit cards. Get the police, or body guards.' I send him. It stays silent, he's probably arranging it right away. I hope I'm right. And I hope I'm not too late telling him. What if I am? The car slows down and he gets out and pulls me with him, the gun still pointed at me. 

He bangs on the door with the gun, and it is open in seconds. Yoongi is standing, holding the door. Glaring at Luke. It's like he doesn't see me at all. I see the others, all grouped together. Luke pushes me in with the gun digging in my back as he holds my arm with the other. He's left handed so the gun is aimed directly at my heart. Better do as he says. I lead him to my room, and give him the cards. If I'm correct, Yoongi canceled them. He pushes me back to the door, and still no police or anything. 

And then I'm through the door and leave them behind a second time. Tears leave slowly, and drip of my chin. I'm not scared for myself, but for them, and what they are going through. I know it's not my fault directly, but still. If he didn't want my money, then this wouldn't happen. We get in the car again, and the drive is in silence, but Luke had a big smile on his face. I give him the pincode, when he asks. They are blocked anyway, so it doesn't matter. I'll deal with his wrath when it comes. Another shove through the door and hallway, into the small room. He leaves me alone and I hear the lock click. Shit, he didn't forget. 

'Yoongi? Are you guys okay? Are Namjoon and Jin back yet?' I ask and wait. When he answers he feels a little more calm. 'We're fine. Don't worry about us. Just help us find you? I love you, and I don't want to lose you. I'd die.' I don't want to lose him either. Then Luke can just kill me and steal my money that way. No Yoongi, no life. But what about Taehyung. And Jimin, or Jungkook. Namjoon, and Hoseok. And Jin. I can't lose any one of them, and I won't. I'll get out of here, I just don't know how yet. 

After hours, I don't know how many. I need to pee. The last I drank is finally ready to leave my body. I get up and bang on the door, and keep banging. When my hand is red I switch, and finally Luke opens the door looking angry. "I need to use the bathroom." I tell him and he steps aside and points to the door with the gun. Maybe when I wake him he'll forget it and I can escape. I use the toilet and flush and wash my hands, and drink, I don't know if he will give me any. I get back out and he is waiting for me and the only way is back into the little room. I sit down in my corner and lean my head back. This will get boring. I'm hoping to fall asleep at some point. I'm not using the mattress. No way. 

Hours later I awake and I'm stiff so I get up and walk around. The blood starts flowing again, and it tingles. Let's wake Luke. I bang on the door till he opens, grumbling. But to my dismay, he has it with him. I use the bathroom again, and drink some more. And the time flies, and I have no clue how long I'm trapped in this room. I asked Yoongi not to tell me. Knowing how many days I'm captured, will make it feel ten times worse. This way I don't know exactly. I know it's been days. 

And I'm slowly driving Luke insane. I keep banging and banging. And then finally no gun, and he looks half asleep. This is it, but I'm weaker having had nothing to eat since I'm here. But I need to try, this is my best chance. I enter the bathroom. Use the toilet, wash my hands, drink a little water. Then I search for a weapon. Nothing in the drawer, or cupboard. Shit, hands and feet it is. I get back in the hallway and he's leaning against the wall, arms crossed. His head is drooped and he looks asleep. I tip toe closer, and when I can reach him for, I kick him as hard as I can right where it will hurt the most, and hopefully he will lose the urge to have sex, and stops forcing himself on more unwilling victims. 

He screams, and then passes out. Good that will make it easier. I search him for key, preferably for a car. I don't find any, and get up. I look around the other rooms and find a phone. And I call the police, and explain what happened. They can trace the call if I stay on the line. I keep looking and find some shoes and use the laces to tie him up. Should he wake, he won't be any problem. 

In the last room I find the gun, and now I really feel better. Now he won't hurt me anymore or try. I wait and finally I hear the sirens. They burst through the door, and I explain again. I show them Luke, and the mattress with the blood. They can match it to her. There's no proof of my own rape, but if she presses charges, and I believe she will. There's a whole mattress full of proof. They cuff him and drag him away, he's still unconscious. They drive me to a hospital. They give me medicine to speed up my recovery, but mostly I just need to eat. And I will, absolutely. 

After the hospital they drive me home. I knock on the door, and the sight is my undoing. There she is, banged up but otherwise whole. I hug her and cry. All the pent up emotions come rushing out. She chuckles and strokes my back. "Welcome back. I missed you. And I'm so glad you're okay. I hope you killed him for me?" I laugh through my tears as I look at her. I shake my head. "No. He hurt you more than me. So you kill him. The police have evidence." She smiles, and then kisses my cheek. I get pulled out of her arms, and look at a radiant Yoongi, and he hugs me close. 

Suddenly a body slams into us and I know Taehyung is hugging us. I send him everything. Love, happiness, gratefulness. And I get a wave of love crashing over me. Yoongi softly holds my face and then kisses me. Softly. It's all so soft. Like I'm made from glass. When he pulls back, Taehyung pulls him away, and takes his place. He isn't soft, but demanding. 

I pull away now, and link my arm with my friend. I pull her with me to my room and luckily they know I need this. We get comfortable on my bed and hug and I squeeze her tight. She does the same and we cry together. It takes us a long time to quiet down. By now we're really lying down, and eventually I fall asleep in her arms. 

When I awake, I'm alone in my bed. I get up and leave my room. Where did she go? And I find her at the dining table, with the others. I stop and watch. She looks happy, laughing. And I feel okay now. She will be okay. 'Are you going to watch the whole time? Come eat. You must be hungry, Love.' And he turns around. And how did he know I was here? I get to the table, "Hi," and they smile or laugh. I sit down and as soon as it's possible, there is a cup with steaming hot chicken broth. Jin takes a seat again and I smile at him. I eat slowly and my stomach is happy to finally get something. And I'm momentarily baffled I didn't raid the fridge yesterday. Too caught up in being back home and seeing everyone. I seriously need some cuddle time with all of them. "So how long was I gone?" I ask. I'm curious, I can't help it. I look around, and Yoongi looks positively livid. "Six days," he growls. 

Six days? It felt shorter, but what do I know. I'm glad it's over, and if the charges stick, he'll be locked up and can't come after me and my loved ones. I get up, and go and take a shower. Afterwards I dress in clean clothes and I'm almost back to myself. When I get back in the living room, Lindsy is standing there with a packed bag. And I know she is leaving. Going back to her life. We don't need to talk. Just being together is enough. She says goodbye to the guys and thanks them for their care. Next she tells them to take care of me, or she'll be back and kill them, even if they are idols. The guys laugh and then I follow her to the door. I hug her tightly, "I'm sorry." I say. I at least need to say it once, again. She shakes her head, "it's not your fault. I'll be okay, don't worry." She kisses my cheek and I kiss hers. And then I watch her get outside and into the taxi waiting for her. I close the door, and get hugged by Taehyung. "You okay?" He asks me and I nod, as I kiss his cheek. 

"So what's the plan for the evening?"

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