Red Widow 🕸️ (rewriting)


781 18 1

Anastasiya Rogers. Daughter of two super soldiers and ex hydra captive or simply a young girl trying to get u... More

-cast of part 1-
0.02-Trading cards
0.03 - Thunder
0.04-Put down the scepter
0.05-Hulk smash
0.06- Aliens
0.07 just like budapest
0.08-Son of a gun

0.01-avengers initiative

97 4 0

Gym, Brooklyn

Anastasiya sits watching as Steve repeatedly punches the punch bag violently clearly having a flashback suddenly the bag goes pummelling across the room steve goes to grab a new one checking on anastasiya on his way before resuming his previous stance but a lot gentler as nick fury enters the room.

"Trouble sleeping?" fury questions, "I slept for seventy years, sir. I think I've had my fill" Steve tells him, "then you should be out, celebrating, seeing the world".

Steve stops punching and walks over to the bench anastasiya is sat on, unraveling the tape off his hands.

"I went under, the world was at war, I wake up, they say we won. They didn't say what we lost" steve explains, "we've made some mistakes along the way. Some very recently" fury admits, "you here with a mission, sir?" steve asks, "I am" fury confirms, "trying to get me back in the world?" steve questions, "trying to save it" fury corrects.

Fury hands Steve a file on the Tesseract, along with other files on HYDRA'S projects.

"Hydra's secret weapon" Steve says watching as anastasiya loses the light in her eyes at the mention of hydra, "Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you. He thought what we think, the Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy. That's something the world sorely needs" fury explains, "who took it from you?" steve asks, "he's called Loki. He's not from around here. There's a lot we'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. The world has gotten even stranger than you already know" fury reveals, "at this point, I doubt anything would surprise me. I have a kid that was the biggest surprise" steve says, "ten bucks says you're wrong. There's a debriefing package waiting for you both back at your apartment" fury says. Steve turns and picks up a punching bag. Fury starts walking out of the gym. "Is there anything you can tell us about the Tesseract that we ought to know now?" fury asks, "you should have left it in the ocean" steve declares.


Inside the Quinjet, Steve is sitting down with a tablet, watching the footage of the Hulk's attack on the Army at Culver University. Agent Coulson stands up from his seat and walks over to Steve.

"So, this Doctor Banner was trying to replicate the serum that was used on me?" Steve questions, "a lot of people were. You were the world's first superhero. Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula" Coulson tells him, "didn't really go his way, did it?" steve asks, "not so much. When he's not that thing though, guy's like a Stephen Hawking" coulson reveals, Steve looks confused. "He's like a smart person. I gotta say, it's an honor to meet you, officially" coulson explains, Steve smiles at Coulson. "I sort of met you, I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping" coulson reveals, Steve looks down. He stands up, closes his laptop and walks to the side with Coulson following. "I mean, I was... I was present while you were unconscious from the ice. You know, it's really, it's just a... just a huge honour to have you on board" coulson clarifies, "well, I hope I'm the man for the job" steve shrugs, "Oh, you are. Absolutely. Uh... we've made some modifications to the uniform, I had a little design input and agent Romanoff designed anastasiya a suit much like hers as soon as she started training her" coulson explains, "the uniform? Aren't the stars and stripes a little... old fashioned?" steve asks, "with everything that's happening, the things that are about to come to light, people might just need a little old fashioned" coulson explains, Steve takes in Coulson's sentiment.

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