The Unseen (A Supernatural MP...

By AstringentlySweet

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Prince Boun Guntachai of the Celestial Realm saved a dying Prem with his immortal kiss. Now the young man's l... More

Chapter 2: What Happens Now?
Chapter 3: Q & A
Chapter 4: Meet The Family & Reunited
Chapter 5: Lies Revealed
Chapter 6: Nune's Wrath & Boun's Love
Chapter 7: A Walk With Gun
Chapter 8: Boun's Rage
Chapter 9: Prem's Calm
Chapter 10: Cruelty

Chapter 1: The Plea of a Dying Man

1.6K 70 92
By AstringentlySweet

Who Are The Unseen?

For many millenniums they've been called demi-gods, angels, deities, jinns...

But they simply call themselves The Unseen.

They possess the ability to hide in plain sight, while observing humans, and only make their presence known if they desire. They have been known to grant the desires of man or save the lives of the dying...ones they deem worthy.

All you must do is call the surname of The Unseen, and if they desire to help you, they will appear.

500 Years Ago...

Paitoon Chawalitrujiwong was dying of a mysterious illness. He visited the best shamans, revered holy healers, and the most respected doctors. All had been unsuccessful. He was the shadow of his former self and knew death was coming.

Paitoon Chawalitrujiwong

Throughout his delirium from drifting in and out of consciousness he remembered the legends his great grandfather used to tell him. Stories of beings not of their world with the ability to heal the incurable, bring wealth to the poor, and luck to the unfortunate.

The Unseen.

His great grandfather once wrote the surname that must never be spoken unless you were in desperate need. Summoning The Unseen did not come without risks. Just like humans, not all were benevolent; some were evil to the core.

But Paitoon was desperate. If he died now, this would be the end of his family's bloodline. He was unwed, the only child, and his parents were deceased.

"Guntachai," He weakly muttered.

For a moment all seemed still, and Paitoon cursed himself for listening to the ramblings of his mad elder. But seconds later a doom-shaped, blinding light appeared inside the small confines of his dwelling.

Paitoon couldn't believe his eyes, as someone stepped out of the dazzling glow.

His heart was hammering with shock and fear, at the beautiful man who stood before him.

King Guntachai

The moment The Being's eyes met Paitoon's, a look of sympathy flashed across his immaculate face.

"Chawalitrujiwong, is this what your bloodline has been reduced to...suffering in the human realm for so long?" Though his voice was soft, compelling, and alluring there was a deep sadness in his tone.

"Do you know me? Who are you?" Paitoon croaked weakly.

"I'm King Guntachai of the Celestial Realm." He revealed, venturing closer towards the ailing man. "Many centuries ago, a single member of your clan committed what was deemed 'a treacherous sin'. When his family refused to turn him over to face retribution, the former king stripped the entire clan of their powers, and casted them out of the Celestial Realm."

Paitoon couldn't believe what this man was telling him. If he was a descendant of The Unseen, why was he dying?

"You're...lying." He wheezed weakly.

"I only speak the truth." King Guntachai frowned grimly. "This illness of yours happens after centuries of breeding with humans. Though we look alike, our innerworkings are vastly different, reproducing with humans slowly poisons our bodies, until we are left like this." He gestured towards the dying man.

King Guntachai's heart broke for the ailing human, to see that this was the last of one of the most powerful clans that ever existed next to his own. But he was still in awe of him. With a sentence of 1000 years in the human realm; he believed that all remnants of the Chawalitrujiwong Clan were long dead.

"Please take me back to the Celestial Realm." Paitoon begged the king. "Save me."

King Guntachai would have given anything to take the dying man back, but it could not be done. Not today.

"My deepest apologies, but your exile sentence will not end for another 500 years, though the former King handed down the punishment, I cannot grant you clemency."

It was a cruel reality, the former King rendered punishments that were impossible to serve before one perished.

But the new King was quite different. He was kind and loved by all. He was just a child when the sentence was delivered, and had to watch in horror, as his dearest companion was ripped from his arms. An innocent child who faced punishment for merely being a part of the Chawalitrujiwong Clan.

King Guntachai was unable to save his friend, but he could help his descendant.

"I can heal you temporarily, so that you will not be the last of your bloodline."

"Temporarily?" Paitoon repeated with disappointment.

"Celestials powers are not at full capacity while in the human realm, it prevents us from becoming all powerful, a failsafe to ensure no one of my sort can enslave mankind."

Paitoon remained silent as he processed the information given to him. Being healed even if only for a few years would give him enough time to marry and have children. He could die peacefully knowing all was not lost for his bloodline.

"How long will I have?" He finally asked.

"You will die an old man, but the same illness will come back centuries later and ravish the bloodline of your clan once again." King Guntachai placed a hand on the man's feeble arm, "Share this story with your children, and your grandchildren. Mandate that they pass this narrative of our brief moment together along to the next generation, so that when this illness returns..."

The moment King Guntachai touched Paitoon he felt the illness leaving his body. He felt better than he ever had. Younger even. That same blinding light filled the room and in a matter of seconds, Paitoon was able to move his legs after months of paralysis.

"...myself or my kin will return, and we will make your clan whole again."

And just like King Guntachai was gone.

Present Day

Prem's Point of View

By the crest fallen expression on Dr. MD Natthapong Phibunthanakiet's face, it was painfully clear to me, that his experimental treatment hadn't worked.

Dr. MD Natthapong Phibunthanakiet

"I'm so sorry Prem." He exhaled frustratedly, removing his glasses.

I could see the tears forming in my favorite doctor's eyes.

"Please don't cry Dr. P."

Though I was the one dying, I felt so bad for him.

I knew this crusade was personal. It was Dr. P's father who once frantically searched for the cure that was killing the members of my family one by one. He had been optimistic with my grandfather's treatment at one point, but eventually he died also.

I was seven at the time. Seeing so much death, at such a young age wasn't natural.

"This is not your fault; you're doing the best you can." I said weakly.

"But my best is not good enough!" He exclaimed with anguish.

I knew how desperate Dr. P was. He felt it was up to him to find the cure his father could not.

"I don't understand, the same experimental treatments my father used to prolong your grandfather and dad's life are ineffective with you."

And I was deteriorating much faster than them.

My grandfather had not started exhibiting signs until he was in his sixties, the same sickness destroyed my father before his fortieth birthday.

Now it had come for me.

I hadn't even celebrated my twenty-fifth birthday and I was already resigned to my fate, that I would not leave this hospital alive.

At one point I was optimistic. Dr. P recruited the best of the best to form his medical team. These brilliant minds of medicine were unwavering when it came to curing me. But here I was, one foot closer to the grave.

I didn't want to die, even though I didn't have much to live for, since my entire family was dead.

The last time I saw my mom, I was five. After she divorced my dad, she signed over her custodial rights to him, and never looked back. After dad died, I was turned over to the state and lived in foster care for the next three years, until I turned eighteen.

It wasn't until a year ago when I started falling ill that I sought out Dr. P's father, only to be disappointed by the news that he died. That's when I met Dr. P's son, and he offered to help. He had been reviewing my grandfather and father's medical cases for years and was eager to find the prognosis that his father couldn't.

The symptoms alone would make one wish they were dead already. Weight loss, weakness in your limbs, excess sweating, hemoptysis (coughing up blood), followed by paralysis, and then death.

I was in the hemoptysis stage. I was only coughing up blood every now and then, but it was frightening to say the least.

Dr. P seemed contemplative for a moment before he spoke again.

"My father once told me, a story that your grandfather heard when he was a child. He said before your family migrated to America, an illness similar to the one you have, almost wiped out your entire bloodline, and the only cure was to call out a surname—,"

I shook my head and laughed cynically.

"I'm familiar with the story, it's bullshit." I interrupted dubiously. "It's a little too Bloody Mary for me."

Bloody Mary is a legend of a ghost, phantom, or spirit conjured to reveal the future. She is said to appear in a mirror when her name is chanted repeatedly.

"Yeah," Dr. P smiled sadly, "Your grandfather refused to believe such an outlandish tale also, it defies the laws of physics. Portals opening and gods appearing out of nowhere."

"It sure does." I agreed with a murmur.

"But what's the worst that could happen if you called out the surname?"

"That's not even a little funny." I whispered miserably fighting back tears.

"I'm deeply sorry, Prem." He sincerely apologized as he stood up, "I don't know why I even suggested it, perhaps these long hours are affecting my judgement as a healthcare professional." He added looking down at his clipboard and then back up at me sympathetically, "I need to make my rounds, but I will come and check on you later."

Dr. P gave my hand an encouraging squeeze before exiting my room.

~*~ The Unseen ~*~

I jolted from my sleep after a frightful nightmare, only to awaken to an even more dreadful reality.

The feeling in my legs were gone.

I felt cold all over, my heart was hammering with fear.

"Dr. P!" I yelled while frantically hitting the nurse's buzzer.

Moments later Dr. P's team came rushing in.

"The paralysis has set in!" I wailed helplessly.

This was the final stage.

I would die soon.

"Please calm down Mr. Chawalitrujiwong." Dr. Suwanmethanont the other leading attendant of Dr. P's team tried to placate me, just as, Dr. P entered my room.

Dr. Suwanmethanont

"Dr. P, I can't feel my legs!" I told him anxiously.

Many members of the staff stared at me incredulously.

"Who's Dr. P?" A nurse finally asked slightly confused.

Dr. S released an exasperated sigh and shook his head.

"He was the doctor on his grandfather's case, he died a long time ago." He revealed. "But his medical license had been stripped long before that, after the board discovered he was using unauthorized treatments on his patients."

What the fuck?!

"No!" I shook my head frenetically gawking at Dr. P who stared back at me with remorse and guilt. "Dr. P's son is right there!" I pointed directly at him. "He's the leading doctor overseeing my case!"

How could they say that Dr. P never had children when his son was a younger spitting image of him?

The medical staff seemed genuinely concerned for me as they exchanged looks with one another.

"Dr. P never had any children." Dr. S told me as tactfully as he could. "I am the only doctor overseeing your case. I'm terribly sorry to tell you this Mr. Chawalitrujiwong, but towards the end your father started having the same delusions."

"No, you're all lying!" I refused to believe them.

"Prem listen!" Dr. P started speaking frantically as he rushed towards me, "Not everything is what it seems."

Dr. S walked over to a drawer and opened it. He pulled out a vial and a syringe.

"Prem!" Dr. P yelled gaining my attention once more. "I tried to help your grandfather and your dad all those years ago! It was always me, I glamoured my appearance back then, this is my true form, but I do not possess the ability to heal."

I gaped back at Dr. P with complete astonishment and utter shock. I can't even tell what's real anymore and what isn't, perhaps I am going crazy!

"We do exist, the stories you were told as a child are true, all you have to do is—"

"Your father was deeply disturbed towards the end." Dr. S said very calmly interrupting the man who I thought was my doctor. "He was certain he was under the care of Dr. P also; it was always me overseeing his case."

I vaguely remembered seeing Dr. S back then, but it was Dr. P I spoke to on many occasions when my father was ill. Maybe I was even going crazy back then.

"Mr. Chawalitrujiwong, I'm going to give you a mild sedative. We will discuss the final stage of your prognosis once you awake."

Dr. S grabbed a hold of my arm forcing it to turn over.

"Prem once you lose consciousness, you will not wake up! I can't summon them for you, you must do it yourself!" Dr. P yelled anxiously at me as I fought Dr. S. "Your time is up. Only we can save you now!"

Who should I believe?

Far too weak to keep up the fight, Dr. S was able to overpower me, and with a prick in my arm I knew soon it would be too late.

"Prem please!" Dr. P pleaded.

I thought back to what Dr P said.

What's the worst that could happen if you called out the surname?

I was going to die either way.

Everything started to become hazy, as I murmured the name, I swore I would never say.


Time ceased.

Dr. S and his medical staff became as still as statues. Only Dr. P and I were able to move. Dr. P gently pulled the needle out of my arm. Just a quarter of the solution had been injected into me, but I still felt slightly dazed.

As if I couldn't be anymore shocked than I already was; a tunnel-like whirlpool of dazzling light, started to take form before my very eyes.

Suddenly someone emerged from the whirling bright vortex.

From his flawless looks to the clothes he wore, to his ethereal, captivating vibrations, I was completely drawn to him.

Dr. P dropped to his knees and bowed his head. "Prince Guntachai."

Everything happened so fast. Within a blink, this prince was in front of me, and I felt a magnetic pull towards him as his eyes penetrated mine.

A look of disbelief appeared on his face. What I saw...what I felt was his overpowering yearning for me seeping into my soul.

"Be mine." Finally, he spoke.

My heart went through a pounding so rapid that I could barely breathe.

"Yes." I managed to utter and as if my fate had been sealed, his lips smashed against mine.

With every second his lips became more insistent, his tongue sought access into my mouth. The moment I granted it; a tingling warmth of searing heat struck my six senses.

"Your Highness...enough!" Dr. P's voice sounded like strange far away echoes. "You're using far too much celestial energy!"

But he refused to break our kiss and I was certain I wouldn't let him anyway.

My illness was no more.

I felt stronger than I had ever felt in my entire life.

It was so damn thrilling.

A foreign cosmic energy pumped into my heart and traveled to my brain extending out to my shoulders, arms, and legs. My body wasn't just healing, it was changing.

Internally and externally.

I should have been afraid, but I wasn't. We continued kissing as if this action between us had been done a thousand times...for a thousand years.

Soon that comforting warmth grew hotter, so hot that it felt like my flesh was on fire. I was beginning to feel light-headed, everything started to blur. As if he knew I was feeling discomfort he abruptly broke our kiss, leaving me panting and shaken.

"Are you alright?" He asked with concern and worry in his eyes.

Before I could respond darkness pulled me under.

When I finally awoke, I knew I wasn't in Texas anymore.

What do you all think so far? Thanks for reading.

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