A Little Worse. (Bruce Banner...

By iluvlu2

6.1K 99 6

My name is Y/n Goldblood ,and I'm like every teenage girl in this world, trying to find someone to understand... More

Your info/intro
Part one|Uncle Brucie
Part two|A lil green bean
Part three|Getting a snack
Part five| Lost again
Part six|On a mission
Part seven|Lost or found
Part eight| Safe house
Part nine|The End
Sequel or nah
Bonus chapter

Part four|Mini-me

430 7 0
By iluvlu2

Please vote and comment😁

Your POV:

I wake up with a massive headache. I look at the window it's still dark. I get up and slowly walk to the bathroom, and look in the mirror. I didn't have a black eye anymore, I suspected it to be bloodshot but it wasn't it was just a little swollen but I see properly, and it was still bruised. I wash my face and put on my (f/c) shirt and some jeans. "Jarvis?" I say, hopping around, putting on my socks and shoes. "Yes, miss?" Where's my uncle." I said while twisting my foot to get my shoe on.

"Dr. Banner is in the lab, would you like me to take you there?" Jarvis said, I was putting on my shades "Yes, please." I said walking towards the elevator. And the button on the bottom floor lit up and quickly went down. I got off feeling a little dizzy because it was so quick. "Just down the hall miss" "Thank you," I said walking down the hallway "My pleasure miss". There are so many adults here, it kinda reminds me of when I was younger.

I stopped when I saw a sign by a door that said 'Lab' and I opened it, to see Uncle Bruce going back and forth between computers. I knock on the door, which he heard. "Yes" "Uncle Bruce, it's me."
"Oh hey y/n, what are you doing here so early." He said still working, and adjusting his glasses as I walked closer to him. His desk was surrounded by coffee cups. "I wanted to help you."

" But the real question is how long have you been awake," I said pointing at empty cups of coffee. "A day and a few hours ." He said writing something down.

small Time skip~

"Hey, guys." Mr. Stark said. "What are you guys doing." He said as he looked at me. "Well to put it in "English" we're made something that will alert us before or if we change," I said showing him the diagram on the screen, which looks like a thin watch. "Aww banner she's a little you," Tony said walking over to me. "Yeah, I guess." He said laughing a little.

As Mr. Stark Walked closer and turn my back towards Uncle Bruce, so I'm facing him. "Lemme see." He whispered gesturing to my eye. I turn my head to see if Uncle Bruce is looking and turn back. And take off my shades. And look at Mr.Stark. He touches my eye ." It's healing fast. " I put my shades back on "We're gonna have to tell him." He said putting his hand in his pocket. "I know," I said

"Bruce," Tony said. And my uncle finally look up from his work. And he arched his eyebrows. "Why are you wearing sunglasses inside?" He said ' We worked for hours and now he notices 'I rolled my eyes. "That's part of the story." Mr.Stark said. "What story." "Well, when I went out to go corner store and I was attacked by some men-." "What!?!" He said. "Did they hurt you, why didn't you just call me." "I didn't think it was a good idea to have two of us in the same place." "YOU HULKED OUT!!?" "Yes, but I didn't hurt them too bad mainly because of the tranquilizers. " I said

"THEY SHOT YOU !?!" He grabbed his hair "But if it helps I lead them away from any cameras and building." "I guess that helps a little. " He said sitting down on his chair. "I'm scared to ask but where do the sunglasses come in." "One of them punched my eye, but I don't have a black eye anymore." He stood up and walked over to me. "They know." "Yes, but I don't know how." "Can I see?" He pointed to my shades.

I looked at Mr. Stark, and he nodded. And I took them off. And I could've sworn I saw his eyes flash green. " How did you get home." He said, " She called and ask me to come and pick her up since she didn't wanna bother you." Mr. Stark said. "Thanks, Tony." He said. "No problem." Mr. Stark said "So what do you need" "Oh we're done we're just waiting." Uncle Bruce said.

" Oh, well you guys want lunch." I looked at Uncle Bruce, and he just nodded. He got up and followed Tony to the elevator. "You're not coming?" "Nah I wanna be here when the bands are done." "Ok, do you want anything?" "A big muffin," I said which them smile a little. "You're sure you wanna stay here." Uncle Bruce said walking closer to me. "Yeah, Imma take a nap after the bands are done. " I said sitting down in his chair "Ok, text me when they're done, ok?" ", ok" Later green bean." Mr. Stark said "Bye Mr. Stark . "

I got out my phone and played music, and watched a few YouTube videos. A googled my uncle Bruce. It turns out he's kinda famous. And before I knew it the bands were done. I sent a picture to Uncle Bruce.

Uncle Brucie 😡💚

Are you guys coming back soon - me

"We'll be back in a little while, Are you okay -Uncle Brucie😡💚

"Yeah, kinda tired though- me

"Thought you said you were going to take a nap- Uncle Brucie😡💚

"I know, but I wanted to make sure the bands came out alright- me

"Don't put it on till we get there ok- Uncle Brucie 😡💚

"Ok, see you guys -me

"See you later- Uncle Brucie😡💚

I look at the bands and sighed. I put them in a box and walked to the elevator. I got in and pressed the floor I was staying on. But the elevator went to the first floor first. The doors opened and Ms. Pepper stepped inside "Hello". She smiled at me and pressed another button." hi, Ms. Pepper." "Oh just call me Pepper." Pepper said "Ok pepper." I said "So how was your day pepper." I said trying to make conversation "Oh it was busy as always, after everything that has happened my phone won't phone ringing." She said looking at her phone.

"How was your day Y/n." She asked, "It was alright, I got to work with Uncle Bruce that was cool." I said excitedly which made her smile a little "So he's all you've got." She said in a sad tone. "Yep, he's the last lil bit." The elevator stopped on my floor. "You know you're easy to talk to," I said walking off the elevator. "I've heard it a few times." She said smirking . "bye pepper." "Bye Y/n," she said as the elevator doors closed. I walked into my room, took off my shades and shoes and flopped on the foot of my bed face down, and quickly went to sleep.

"Miss y/n Dr. Banner would like to see you in the lab." "Ok," I stretched and quickly walked to the elevator. " Hey, Uncle Bruce." said rubbing my good eye. "Looks like you were having a good nap." He said giggling. "Mhm it's so long since I've been on a bed that soft, it's hard to wake up," I said smiling. He walked over to me and grabbed my wrist and put on the band.

"There you go." He said as gave me his "You mind" he said as I took it and he held out his wrist. "Perfect fit," I said in a British accent, bowing. "Thank you, m'lady," He said and we both burst out into laughter. My stomach growl. "Oh, almost forgot." He said as he walked over to "his" desk and grabbed a little brown bag. " Here, Tony got you (f/d) too," he said. Handing me the bag. " Did you get anything?" I said taking the muffin out of the bag." I had a sub or two." He said rubbing his stomach.

I sat down and took a big bite of my muffin. " Look I have a small house near the woods, and I want you to come to live with me, tomorrow ." He said "Really!!?" I stood up from the chair. "Yes, and it's far from here." He said excitedly. " I thought you were down here the whole time." I said, " Yeah, I went out a few times." He yawned. And walk towards the elevator with me following. "So what color is it." I asked " You'll find out tomorrow," He said

"Really," I said as I looked at him. "Ah, no puppy eyes." He said giggling as he was covering his eyes with one hand and pressed his floor and I pressed mine ."Well, I'll come and get you in the morning." He said as the elevator stopped at my floor. "Good night Uncle Bruce." "Night bean." He said as the elevator doors closed.

I walk to my room and closed the door. My side felt a little sore so I slowly walked to the bathroom to wash up.
Once I was done I changed into my PJs and went to sleep.

Next day~

I wake up hearing a knock at the door. I yawn and walk over to the door and open it to see "Uncle Bruce?" I said yawning and rubbing my eyes. He had a smile on his face.

"Y/n, pack your things!!" He said and my eyes widen as realized why. Quickly shut the door and I quickly change into more casual clothes, did a little victory dance, and opened the door. "Ready?!" He said as his smile got bigger. "Yeah," I said jumping a little from side to side.

"Ok let's g-" he said as I zoomed passed him into the elevator. "C'mon," I said clapping and giggling happily. He laughed and jogged to the elevator. "So how far is it ." "You'll see." "Oh c'mon please," I said pulling on his sleeve. He looked at my eyes ."Ugh, that face." He said "It's far enough," he said smirking as the elevator doors opened. "Really," I said he walked out of the elevator with me following him.

As we were walking I saw Happy talking to someone through his Bluetooth. He saw me and I gave him a big smile "Bye Mr. Happy" I said. And he smiled and waved, and Uncle Bruce gave him a small smile and a nod and happily did the same.

As we walk out the front door. "You're going to leave without saying 'goodbye'." Mr. Stark said.

I turned around and quickly walked over to him and give him a quick hug. And to my surprise, he hugged me back. " Thanks for letting me stay here," I said

"No problem green bean," he said smiling as Uncle Bruce shook his hand. "Thanks, Tony. " He said and whispered something to Mr. Stark just smiled and nodded. "See you later buddy." They give each other a manly hug. And Uncle Bruce lead me to his car. As he got ready to drive off. I put my shades on and quickly let down the window. "Call me if you need me Stark," I said mocking him. He smiled " Will do green bean." He said as he gave me a small salute. Which I returned. And Uncle Bruce drove off.

Bruce's POV:

As we walk out the front door. "You're going to leave without saying 'goodbye'," Tony said.

Y/N smiled and turned around and sprinted to him and hug him. And he hugged back. "Thanks for letting me stay here." She said

"No problem green bean," he said smiling as I walked closer to him and shook his hand. "Thanks, Tony. " I said and whispered to him" Can you erase her from all the footage in the building?" Tony smiled and nodded. "See you later buddy." He said hugging me. And we walked to my car. When I started the car, y/n put on sunglasses, As if she was Tony, and let down the window. "Call me if you need me Stark." She said. He smirks " Will do green bean." He said as he saluted her and she did the same. And I drove off.

Your POV:

"What was that," he said confused. As we were coming up to a red light " What was what." I said. He stopped and took my glasses, and put them on "Called me if you need me Stark." He said trying to mock my voice by making his higher. "Oh, I was just acting like him." "Well, it was spot on." He said laughing. " Really?" I said, "Yeah, the way you put your sunglasses on, almost killed me." He said laughing harder, which made me laugh.

And he put on the shades again mocking Mr. Stark which made us laugh twice as hard. I was crying at this point. And the light turn green. He drove off still giggling a little. And he turn the radio and (f/s) on and I start singing my heart out, starting jumping and pointing at everything, pretending my phone was a mic.

I gave it to Uncle Bruce, he started singing. IT. WAS.TERRIBLE. We were singing and laughing then I guess I fell asleep. "Y/n wake up we're here." He said gently shaking me awake. I woke up, to see it was dark now. " I didn't even realize I fell asleep," I said getting out of the car. "I thought you said it was small," I said.

He smiled and walked up to his house and unlocked the door.
"You comin'." He smiled.

I grabbed my bag and ran to the door. And I followed him inside. "Let me show you your room." He walked up the stairs to the second floor. He walked to the third on the left and open the door and I walked in. "I LOVE IT," I said looking around the room.

"Thank you so much," I said hugging him and he hugged back. " I'll go cook and let you get unpacked." He said putting both his hands on my shoulders. "Ok," I said as he left and went downstairs. I grabbed my bag and started folding and placing my clothes in the closet drawers. I turn too quickly, and I fell on my knees holding my side. My band started beeping loudly. I started to take deep breaths and the beeping had stopped. "Y/n, you ok up there?" He said.

I could hear him messing with some pots and pans, probably to get dinner started or something. "Yeah, I just tripped," I said slowly getting up. "Do you need my help?" He said loudly "Nah, I got it." I said putting the rest of my clothes in the closet
I went back downstairs. "Uncle Bruce," I called for him. "In the kitchen." He said as I followed his voice. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw Bruce crying, but I quickly realized he was just cutting onions. He sniffed and wiped his eyes. He looked up at me. " I assume you don't cut onions often. " I said walking closer. "It's been a while," he said scooping the onions and putting them in the frying pan. "What'cha making," I said putting my elbows on the counter and resting my chin on my hands. "French onion chicken." He said as he placed the pan in the oven." done already?" He said, "Yeah I didn't have many clothes so it didn't take long." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Well we can go shopping tomorrow ." he said "Really!?," I said bouncing. "He laughs "Yeah, I need more clothes anyway." He said.

small Time skip~

We were eating and I was stuffing my mouth. "How was it." He said chuckling " De-le-shush. " I said smiling, trying to form a little sentence, and took another bite. "Thank you." He said laughing. "Do you want more?" He said as I was chowing. I swallowed as much food as I could. " no thank you, I'm full now. " I said rubbing my stomach "I was wondering when you'd be finished." He said handing me a napkin and point to the side of his mouth. I wiped my mouth laughing a little. He yawned which me yawn. "I guess it's time to go to sleep," I said yawning. " Yeah I guess so," he said getting up from his chair. Took his and my plate and washed them. "Can I ask you a question?" I said "Of course. " He said. "Is Nick Fury really that scary?" I said. He scoffed " Yes, but it depends on which side I'm on. " He said. He finished the dishes and walked to my room. "If you need anything my room is down the hallway," he said pointing at the door. "Ok, Goodnight." I said "Night bean." He rubbed my head and walked to his room. I got in my bed and went to sleep.

To be continued...😁

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