Lost (TommyInnit Fanfiction...

Par GalaxyCat_88

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It's an ordinary day for Tommy until he is kidnapped on the way home from school. After the news is broken t... Plus

Chapter 1: Cold Floor
Quick Update: New Chapters Soon
Chapter 2: Missing
Chapter 3: Rage
Chapter 4: Stay Strong
Chapter 5: Silence
Chapter 7: Warm Hugs (Part 1)
Chapter 8: Warm Hugs (Part 2)
Chapter 9: A Message To You

Chapter 6: Escape

508 26 5
Par GalaxyCat_88

A/N: So sorry for the long wait, I had a final school deadline and tons of work to do so had no time to focus on anything else! But now that's over I am able to come back to this, hope you enjoy :) (also warning- includes violence/blood/swearing)

Tubbo stared at the Minecraft server screen intensely. His heart hammered in his chest and he tried to take a deep breath to calm himself as his eyes rested on one particular server. The Dream SMP. His mouse slowly moved to hover over it, before he sharply threw himself back into his chair and brought his hands up to his head in frustration. Why was he doing this, he couldn't bring himself to go back on there. It was too painful. Tubbo was scared, scared of how empty it would be. It would slap it right in his face with the fact Tommy was gone, and that he could be gone forever. He had been in a constant struggle with his mind over the past few days, clinging onto last strands of hope and convincing himself they would find him. Yet the other negative thoughts would slowly creep in, and begin to take over. He didn't want to lose that hope. 

He was then reminded of when he face timed Will the other day. He had always been so supportive and encouraging to him, Phil too. But on that call, Will had looked so drained, he had heavy bags under his eyes and his skin was pale. Tubbo was sure he hadn't slept properly in a while, and the corners of his eyes were always tinted red from tears. It really hurt to see his friends like that, and it was really scary. Because they were all slipping...

Tubbo took a shaky breath and peered back at his screen with some new found resolve. He wanted to fight these fears, to go against them no matter how many times he felt like giving up. Maybe he could give the others some strength back too. 

Leaning back towards his computer, he readjusted his mouse and after a tense pause, clicked join world. 

As the Dream SMP loaded around him, he found his in game character beside the destroyed L'manberg. Swiveling his character to look around nervously he quietly took his surroundings in again. Despite everything, it did feel nice to be on again, and he began to mindlessly wander through the server. He was surprised to find that for once his mind was clear, it was like coming on was a huge release of stress, and he felt calm. Something deep inside still felt off though, it was almost a numb feeling, like his brain was blocking all thoughts and emotions out.

Some time passed of him aimlessly hopping and jumping around, letting himself zone out. His character's head was directed downwards as he moved so he wasn't sure where he exactly was now. Eventually, he came to a fork in the path and veered left but then stopped very abruptly. Something about this path felt very familiar. Moving his character's head back up he was met with none other than Tommy's house, and to the other side, the bench looking out onto the server. Had he just subconsciously traveled over to it without realising? 

 It was nothing like any of the other houses, some would even argue calling it a house, considering it was mostly just a hole dug into a hill and was made from patches of dirt and cobble. But that small pile of dirt and cobble was a very special place, filled with countless moments he had spent with his friend together. That's when the numbness faded and tears began to prick at his eyes as everything sunk in. He slowly approached the house and opened the doors, imagining Tommy logging on to meet him like things were normal again. He longed for that so much. He took another shaky sigh, and sat and thought to himself for a while before he suddenly had an idea. 

Rummaging in the chests, he found a book and turned it into a book and quill, he then placed a chest down in the center of the room with a sign that simply read 'For Tommy.'

He opened the book, staring at the blank page and the flashing dash waiting for him to type. He let out a frustrated yell and rubbed his hands against his temples. This is stupid. Your childish. You think this will magically make him come back? You're just writing a message to him to try and pretend you think he will come back. You know he wont. He'll never see this. Stop trying to believe it will be normal again. You're helpless. This is just you giving yourself closure, acceptance that he's-

"No! No, you're wrong" Tubbo sobbed to himself as he spoke against his thoughts, "I'm not pretending! He will find it, he will come home! You're...you're wrong"


Tommy groaned in pain and mumbled to himself. He slowly opened his eyes but at first everything was pitch black, until slowly his eyes adjusted to the darkness. A faint cold light was filtering in from a small window that had iron bars across it, it was just enough to outline the edges of the room which was also small and empty. He was struggling to process anything, thoughts slow and muggy. So for a moment he was just lying still on the hard ground. Wait, why was he on the ground? Why was he in this room? Where was this? Slowly he was beginning to realise things weren't right, and other sensations began to flow back. He felt the icy concrete floor sharply seep into him and make his arms numb. He was just wearing a T-shirt and shivered uncontrollably. Glancing at his arms he noticed they were covered in nasty bruises; purple, black and yellow blotches. There were other scrapes and cuts over his body and under tears in his clothing, and dried blood over the back of his head. The strongest pain was the throbbing in his head and ribs. He tried shifting into a more comfortable position but immediately regretted it when his sides sent a piercing stabbing pain through him. That's when he also noticed his hands were also bound tightly with thick rope. Oh. That's right he'd been kidnapped. Flashes of the attack came back to his mind as he remembers being beaten and dragged back into that van. He also vaguely remembers being bumped and thrown around in the back of it, and the next morning waking up for a moment as they dragged him somewhere else. 

Holy shit, this was actually happening. He felt the panic begin to kick in and his breathing became erratic. What was going to happen to him? How long had he been unconscious, how long had he been here for? Hundreds of thoughts filled his head as he tried to piece things together, but he had basically nothing. He was also really worried about his friends and family, what if they thought he was dead? Seeing himself in his current situation and state, that could very well become true...

Tommy tried for a few minutes to calm his breathing and adjust to his situation, knowing that he could not afford to wait to see what his kidnappers had planned to do. Tommy knew that with most kidnappings, the victim was usually killed in the first 12hrs, so it was somehow more unnerving that they hadn't seemed to have done anything yet. He had to escape, but how? There were no noticeable exits except the single door he could make out at the end of the room, and he doubted he was in much of a state to run. But if he had no choice he was going to fight with every ounce of strength he had until the end. He lay his head back down, vision still blurring slightly. He felt weak and his stomach grumbled uncomfortably with hunger, but he still felt a strong surge of determination. 

Tommy had no concept of time being stuck in this dark room, he became lost in his thoughts planning out potential ways he could escape but as time dragged on his situation grew increasingly desperate. Eventually, Tommy's exhaustion began to overtake and he felt his eyes drooping again. But suddenly there was a loud bang shocking him back to his senses, followed by muffled but loud yelling. Whatever they were arguing about, they sounded very angry and Tommy's heart began to pound faster. A few minutes past as he strained to try make out what they were saying but to no use. The yelling died down and fell into eerie silence before he then heard heavy footsteps. Footsteps that were growing louder and louder towards the door. In panic Tommy shuffled up against the wall, remembering how terrifying it was when they last attacked him. Wide eyes glued to the door, he waited for them to arrive and soon enough it was swung aggressively open, slamming against the wall. A tall man stood in the doorway, face hidden and wearing black clothes. Tommy whimpered and pressed himself closer to the wall, quivering all over and wishing he could just disappear. 

"So the brat is finally awake, you were so weak a few beatings knocked you out for days, you got lucky, it's no fun if you're not awake for it" The man scoffed. 

Tommy fixed him with a fierce glare filled with hatred, but his raspy voice failed to hide how scared he really was "Is that what..you're going to do to me now? Where am I?" 

The man began to stride towards him, whilst a second man came down the stairs and into the room as well, although more cautiously. 

The first man let out a short laugh, "Yeah I wish, but we came to move you" He pointed at the second man glaring at him and spoke his next words in a snarl "because this idiot messed up." 

Tommy figured that whatever he had messed up was the source of the yelling. But wait, if he was being moved because of it did that mean the police could have gotten some lead? Maybe they were on there way right now to get him...

 A rough hand gripped around his bruised arm and yanked him harshly upwards. He let out a gasp of pain and was pushed forwards, almost tripping back onto his face as he stumbled with the sudden movement and pain. The man gripped his tied hands and basically dragged him towards the door where the other man stepped aside. Tommy attempted to kick at the floor and fight against the mans grip. "What are you going to do with me!? Where are you taking me?!"

"Shut up!" The man yelled, giving him a sharp punch to the face. Tommy cried out and he then gripped the boys hair to pull his head back up. Tommy was panting for breath, with a blackened eye and bleeding nose, but he fixed his gaze sternly with his attacker. The man's face curled up into a furious expression "You think you're so tough huh?" He gave another punch to the side of Tommy's face, then another and another before pausing. Blood dripped from his mouth and for a few second he lolled to one side, eyes slightly glazed. "Now get up and start moving, you do as we say and you don't ask questions" He said harshly, and continued taking Tommy up the stairs.

"Lets go" He called to his partner, who nodded and went on ahead, carrying some bags over one shoulder. Tommy's vision blurred as he was taken up, and he struggled to walk properly. Everything seemed to sway so much with each step. No, he couldn't pass out. They were about to take him somewhere, and if they succeeded any hope of him being found could be lost forever. He focused on forcing himself through the pain and worked on stabilising himself until his steps were finally less shaky. They reached the top of the stairs and came into a large building that resembled some kind of run down warehouse. They continued walking through in silence, Tommy taking the time to study the too men more closely. He still couldn't make out their faces, and he couldn't see any guns on them...but they had knives. It wasn't long before they emerged from the building, it was completely surrounded by forest and it was quite gloomy outside, the sun slowly sinking behind them. Tommy guessed it must be even less than an hour before dark. There was also a single dirt track lane leading away and the van was parked to the side hidden under the trees. 

The fear building up in him seemed to escalate ten fold at the sight of the van. Somehow in that moment as he was pushed and shoved towards it, his mind told him that if he were to get in that van for the second time, he was not going to see anyone again. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as he approached the van, tears came to his eyes as he thought of his friends and family. He had to do something, like he had said before, he would fight till the very end if he had to. Shit, was he really going to have to do this now? He'd basically had no time to prepare and plan, and he'd never expected this to happen. He was honestly terrified to do anything knowing how well it went last time he had struggled against them. But he wasn't about to give up and let them take him either. Glancing around at his surroundings, freedom felt closer than ever. He was already outside, all he had to do was lose them in the forest...

Letting out a piercing yell Tommy began thrashing around in his holders grip. His panic of his situation fully took over and adrenaline rushed through in his desperation to escape, and he ignored the searing pain of his injuries through gritted teeth. The man grunted in annoyance and tried tightening his grip, but Tommy continued to kick and squirm. The man quickly snapped and brought up his fist to slam down on Tommy's back, but Tommy managed to duck to one side and dodge. He knew he only had seconds to make this successful before the two of them were on him. He had to think fast. The man swung his fist again this time landing and hitting Tommy's side. He gasped in shock and doubled over but forced himself to retain it and keep fighting. He rammed into the man, trying to knock him off balance and continued to yell despite his hoarse throat.

"Dammit! You little shit!" The man screamed, and Tommy's eyes widened as he caught the second person turning to help. "Stop fighting, it's useless! Do you want us to knock you out again?" The second man spat, before launching at Tommy. This wasn't good he thought, he needed to get free of the first mans grip before the second got to him. Tommy stamped down on the first mans foot will full force and he yelled curses, removing his hold on Tommy as he stumbled, and Tommy shoved into him to make him fall. Before he could move anymore, the second man was on him, but with this new found strength, Tommy ducked and dodged, clawed and kicked, fighting for his life. The kidnapper got a few kicks in too and then suddenly wrapped one arm around his neck in a choke hold. The first man who had fallen, was getting up, and he drew his knife. His eyes glinting with an evil malice. Tommy whimpered in fear and continued to struggle as the grip around him squeezed more, he felt his strength rapidly fading. A memory suddenly came to his mind, of Tubbo and him paddle boarding. Why of all things was that coming to him, such good memories...He would miss him so much. Wilbur, Phil, Jack, Techno...everyone. He didn't want to lose them...His vision was growing black spots. Was it going to be over? Was this how he was going to die? He didn't feel the pain anymore, he just saw the memories of his friends, and felt sadness.

The man let out a shrill scream and suddenly Tommy was dropped to the ground. Tommy's vision came back and he was gasping for breath and then he was hauling himself back up, it was like his body was moving by itself, he thought he had given up.

"You bit me!" The man yelled in horror, clutching his hand that was gushing with a lot of blood. Huh? Did I do that? Tommy's head was moving in and out of dizziness, sounds around him seemed fuzzy and distant and his ears were ringing. The man with the knife was then there in front of him "You're not going anywhere, I'm going to fucking kill you" He snarled, jumping at Tommy trying to pin him down and pointing the knife towards him. Tommy grabbed at the knife trying to force it away, his palm slicing against it as he put pressure against the blade. But the man had overwhelming power and eventually the knife was plunged down into Tommy's shoulder. With the last remains of his adrenaline, Tommy let out a furious cry and kicked with both legs dead center into the mans chest and he was sent tumbling back with the air knocked out of him, the other still clutching his hand. 

Not wasting a second, Tommy got back to his feet and sprinted for the forest. He had never run as fast as he did before. Everything was a blur of green and brown, twigs and leaves whipping and slapping at him as he rushed through. He felt like he was functioning through sheer terror and desperation, his breathing heavy and fast, his legs completely numb as they made impact with the hard, uneven ground. One trip on a root and he was done for, but he managed to keep going, knowing he couldn't stop until he was far enough from them to no longer hear him, so he could hide somewhere and reach safety. There was the distant yelling and rustling of foliage as the two men perused after him, from the sound of it they were a decent length behind but could still catch up very soon. He decides to duck into some overgrown holly bushes, hoping they would hide him well and slow his pursuers down. He eventually emerges on the other side of the wall of holly, and continues to run before suddenly he slips in mud and it sends him tumbling down a steep slope into the forest. His startled gasp is cut short as he rolls through the thick leaves, narrowly avoiding a tree before crashing into more bushes and coming to a stop under them. Tommy is in shock, and almost tries getting back up to run but he is shaking and the pain and tiredness from everything has hit him at once. His only chance left is to now lie still and pray they didn't know he had fallen down and that he was hidden...

About a minute passes before his chasers emerge from the holly and begin looking around, they are yelling at each other again, but Tommy is struggling to hear as he feels himself slipping from consciousness. Eventually, one retreats back the way they came whilst the second continues running forward along the top of the slope and in the opposite direction to Tommy. 20 minutes passed with him being terrified to even move a muscle, wide eyes fixed on the top of the slope for any sign of his pursuers, but there was no sign of them again. He found a sharp piece of flint and used it to slowly cut away at the rope, when it finally snapped he let out a sigh of relief, wincing at the red marks that stung his wrists and then rested his head back to the ground. He had actually done it. He'd won the fight. 

But, as time passed he grew increasingly worried. He was no longer able to move, his whole body stiff and overcome with fatigue. All the energy to escape had been sucked from him and he began to shiver violently in the cold. Even with the shelter of the bushes, the wind and damp still crept in, mixing with the warmer, dark blood that slowly oozed out of his shoulder and other wounds. He felt incredibly weak, his breathing becoming shallower. The darkness began to grow too as night drew nearer. He had never felt so alone and vulnerable before, never wished so badly to see one of his friends again and to be taken somewhere warm and safe. As he lay limply on the forest floor doubts continued to develop. Was he just going to die out here from his wounds, or just get found by his kidnappers the next morning? Were the police on there way, or was it something else entirely that caused them to try move him? Would anyone find him at all now?

Tommy slowly felt himself fading out of consciousness again, and couldn't do anything about it. He had struggled so much, but was it to be all for nothing?  Tears came back to his eyes as he began to fall into darkness, the wind howling viciously through the night...


That's the end of this chapter, again so sorry for the long wait! 

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